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Everything posted by pApA^LeGBa

  1. No i don´t even like UL in general. But i like the water system a lot more than what we have now. And i would gladly support any other system that any modder comes up with that is better. No matter if i like the rest of the mod or not. I don´t say it´s perfect i say it´s better. That´s an importnant difference. Also you act like building dew collectors and gathering the parts for it is the pinnacle of survival game play. It´s not. Again to be able to build dew collectors you have to do quests. At the already overpowered trader. The mechanic basically forces you to get OP quest rewards. Buying the filter isn´t really a challenge. Even buying a lot of them isn´t. Thx to the whole trader/quest system beeing so highly unbalanced. Is that really your idea of a good gameplay to force people using the trader? Look at 99% of all other survival games. Water isn´t an issue there. Not even in the really hard ones. If they want more and harder survival gameplay there is other things they should do. Anyways, trying to get on a kinda personal level in your argumentation tells me enough. Have a good one.
  2. @Jost Amman Well you used my quote where i said that collecting from a football field of dew collectors is no fun and said i enjoy running to sinks etc. So yes it looks like you compared early to mid/late game. And one well is OP? Really? It´s not like emptying dew collectors takes half a day or something. It´s just annoying af. One well is OP. Wow. Saying it´s OP when you need to do quests now to be able to afford water filters wich grant you OP rewards is really something. It´s a better system, it makes actually sense, it´s actually hard to get water as not every sink, toilet or hydrant gives you water, it doesn´t force you to use the OP trader.
  3. No. that´s just until you have a well wich you need to unlock. You compare early game with mid-late game there. Nice strawman. The well is what you need to compare with the dew collector. And you only need one well. I mean if you want to make a point, please take everything i said into consideration and not what you need to make a false counter argument
  4. @RolandAnd then they deceide to do what they wanted in one of the worst ways possible. It´s amazing. Not even half of the people complaining right now would be upset if there was a good solution. And not a device that makes no sense at all and forces you to use the immensly overpowered trader. Also it´s really just very early game where you have to deceide if you drink or make duct tape. That is over on day 3, with a bit of luck even on day 2. At least in SP unless you are someone who doesn´t loot trash, there is so much glue literally on the streets. (I ended up with looting 10 glue and 5 duct tape on the end of day one) And that´s the next problem with this solution. It hits very differently depending if you play MP or SP. There is nothing enjoyable about having to loot a football field of dew collectors for a party of 4 or 5. A solution like Undead Legacy for example would have satisfied propably most of the players that are now complaining. Water sources to fill up your jars and bottles are limited. Bodies of water like rivers, seas and ponds are to contaminated to simply make the water safe with boiling, you need sinks, toilets, hydrants and such wich aren´t all usable ofc. You need to progress to unlock a well to finally have a good source of water. That makes way more sense and doesn´t force a playstyle.
  5. Well i thought you are looking for a mod with buckets.
  6. How does one do that? In a game hosted on my PC i have the option to simply turn it off in the pause menu when in debug mode. That option doesn´t exist on the dedicated server. And yes i have all permissions as admin on that server.
  7. I am guessing they don´t restart the server at least once a day and if you have an overhaul mod or many smaller mods even two or three times per day. We played several playtroughs with 6-7 people with no problems.
  8. Wrong forum section. You either should join the discord for the Wasteland Mod or look for the topic for it in the Mod section. It´s a mod so nothing from the devs.
  9. https://7daystodiemods.com/bang-for-your-bucket-an-alternate-early-game-water-system/
  10. @RyanX Yeah well, the offical supported number of players is 8. Always was and always will be. PvP is only there due to popular demand. Playing with more than 8 you are on your own. They did already go out of their way and worked on the netcode for MP for bigger servers. I wouldn´t expect any more than that besides bugfixes. That´s more than most other devs would do. Usually the answer to such problems is simply "Game doesn´t support more than 8 players, deal with it" I mean you don´t buy a car for 5 persons max and then complain that 10 people have a rough time in that car.
  11. I am gonna say it again here, that´s propably because this whole change along with the magazines smells a lot like "We want to the players to do our POI´s and use the trader a lot." The whole reasoning simply doesn´t add up for the glass jars. And the magazines. Well, that´s another story, not even going to bother, just waiting for a mod for that as i don´t wanna play a bookshelf and mailbox looting simulator with hints of cupboard looting. And tbh instead of trying to make water an issue they should maybe focus more on weather, temperature and food. I mean even in hard survival games water is often a non issue like Subsistence, let alone in a genre mix like for example conan exiles. I can´t remember how it was in Green Hell, but i don´t think thirst was really an issue there aswell. And the fact that SP is still an all you can drink and only MP got hit hard, makes this even worse.
  12. @Ramethzer0 I mean what do you expect people to do if they really don´t like something? And on steam, wich i think you are talking about as the last topic on here is from November, it´s not the only the same people over and over that keep that topic going with new posts until today (merging is happening pretty fast there). Also a lot on steam are on the same page as me wich is we don´t necessarily want the jars back but we don´t want this system wich forces the trader and heavy looting. I think not even the A17 death penalty had such a negative feedback.
  13. Did you even read the answer to your own question that is linked above? With the version this game uses it´s not that easy appearantly. Game isn´t that GPU intense anyways. You can play this on a GTX1060 on mostly high settings.
  14. I mean MM claiming that people could craft unlimited quantities of items isn´t even true with the old system. While bones aren´t hard to get, you never could craft unlimited quanitities or even large quantities easily in early game. That took quite a while until you got enough bones for that. And water still isn´t a survival issue. That "reason" is so pathetic seeing how they throw food at us left, right and center and how easy water is if you play a certain way.
  15. And if they do enable it, they should take at least take care of something like that wich obviously is a big problem in PvP? If they won´t even fix something like that, why even bother at all if it is only a few? Wich i doubt btw. The few times i look at servers there is always some populated PvP servers and if you look around on various FB groups there is quite a few server owners advertising their PvP servers. Saying it isn´t designed for PvP is an argument to not have it. It´s not an argument to not fix problems if they deceide to have it in the game if they are problematic like this one. And i don´t even play PvP.
  16. No. Pipe bombs are really easy to make pretty early in game and are very effective, it´s not a problem at all to get enough of them to do a pipe bomb only horde night on day 7. If making explosives harder was the reason then TFP failed hardcore here. You can still use them for the day 28 horde, no problem at all. At the point where you can make the more advanced explosives, you should easily have enough water for duct tape.
  17. Getting rid of clothes instead of giving them more variety and beeing able to hide armor to see the clothing is a huge wasted chance imo. This would mean not everyone looks the same (there will be a meta with armor bonus, so imo there will be just very few different looks we will see) and a wide variety of different outfits that you can´t craft would add another aspect and change to gameplay, even it´s not a big one. Seeing how bandits were postponed again to A23 and necessary restrictions due to console hardware limits (honestly, i wish crossplay wouldn´t be implemented, that would greatly benefit us on PC, i get it, you want the market as big as possible, but limiting your main playerbase for that isn´t the way imo), i highly doubt that we will ever see a proper endgame tbh, so every little bit of other content is kinda importnant.
  18. The screamer doesn´t go for the player. It goes for the source of heat. Like forges, cementmixer, dew collectors and so on. A rule of thumb in this game is either to have an automated defense system with turrets that shoot her on sight or a moat full with spikes around your base. And it´s also a good idea to make sure she can´t see you when she approaches the base as she will scream for a horde once she sees a player. That´s how the game works. It´s nothing new. Has been like that for years and pretty much the whole playerbase simply deals with it. It´s one of the challenges this game has that you have to overcome.
  19. There is a mod that let´s you build furniture based on a vehicle model so you can sit down then. Used it in A19, forgot the name and now have no clue if it´s updated for A21.
  20. And while they fix that, they could also fix the reloading bug for bows where you have an arrow loaded shown in bottom right corner but it´s invisible, you can shoot it but it can´t hit anything.
  21. Not entirely true. Water is still easy af, in SP you don´t need a dew collector at all if you deceide to loot all the time. It´s that the new system makes absolutly no sense and does force a certain playstyle. They want to see their POI´s used all day long. Don´t know any other reason why you would turn in a sandbox game into a linear experience, but here we are.
  22. Let me tell you about the fact that this video game doesn´t fall under the category called "Simulation" and that nearly all gamers outside of the US don´t give a flying fish about how weapons actually work unless they have a job that requires using them or having knowledge about them.
  23. Wait does that mean i can´t just add the POI´s to my game without istalling/using infinity or other stuff? That would be kinda bad news. Depending on what it is that you have cooked up for us ofc. I hope at least clients can still do the easy way of just adding the POI`s to be able to play on a server. I really don´t wanna go trough explaining a mod to everyone in the group.
  24. @Fren Did you get your problem solved already? I just set up a server and i can choose from older game versions just fine. Back to A19.6 is possible. It´s in basic settings right under "Servername" and is called "Branch"
  25. I really hope A22 doesn´t drop too early otherwise we won´t see CP anytime soon. It doesn´t look like A21.3 is anywhere near and we might not see the needed bug fix there either. They did RWG bug fixes already in A21.2 and as they do develop the RWG further with every alpha there is a chance they delayed bugfixing for A22. What happens if the bug fix you need isn´t in A21.3 or 21.4? @stallionsden A simple pack of just the POI´s would really be nice. Basically a CP light version without anything else. Doesn´t even need to be a modlet. Simply the POI files in one folder would be enough to make many of us happy until we can see all the shiny new things you did.
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