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Everything posted by EliminationXYT

  1. It think we should have new start screen music instead of the depressing one we have currently.
  2. Do you think we could have new Start Screen music?
  3. i mostly use contact grenades for horde night but to make that i need a workbench. but to obtain crafting materials for both i need a wrench to take apart cars. and to make a wrench i need duct tape, mostly i dont find lots of ductape or glue in loot. if i wanted to make a supply of explosive arrows/bolts and grenades for my family and friends i play with will not be possible since i need lots of duct tape. or lets say i wanted to craft a bunch of workstations but it needs a claw hammer and a wrench. and it takes duct tape to craft both hammer and wrench. and if it was "trying to make the game feel more survival like", survivors would keep those water jars and refill it
  4. Im So Tired Of The Stupid red text that annoys the hell out of you popping up in the console saying every second creating millions of errors saying "NullReferenceError Not Set to an instance of an object" i Died over hundreds of times because of this while approaching a horde, town, POI, trader, ANYTHING, no mods, or modlets are active, i created a new world, did the same thing and i reset the game, still does it, DOES ANYONE KNOW HOW TO TURN THIS OFF OR FIX IT? TO GOD HELP ME
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