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Mining and upgrading blocks slow in A17


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Ive been testing A17 in some hours now, and i very much like the new graphics, the way desert goes south on map and winter goes north, the vehicles are my main interrest in A17, and zomies are scarier! Good things!


But nothing good comes without anything bad. The things i want to address here is about building and mining.

I dont know wether its a bug or intentional, but who decided to half the speed at which it takes to upgrade blocks?

And mining feels alot slower than A16.


I dont see any reason to reduce upgrade-speed of blocks, it just makes building your house more timeconsuming and tedious.


Mining seems also much slower so far (im only at iron tools atm, maybe steel and auger are as fast as before, i dont know yet)

Im a person that loves digging underground bases, so this is a big part of the game for me: efficent mining!

In A16, when i was around lv30 with lv5 toolsmithing, and had a decent mining level and about lv3 in miner 69er i could dig trough stone in about 6 chops with my iron pickaxe.

Now, i can either do the standard chop, and that will take forever to destroy anything..

OR, ill go with power attacks, that will make the block damage almost as high as i used to have, but i have much lower swing speed, making it slower than before anyways. (It also drains the stamina very quickly, but i belive some people said the melee attack stamina perk work with mining too..?)


One more thing, i think the miner 69er perk is not working properly.

The iron pickaxe has 54 base power attack damage, and having lv2 miner 69er increase it with 40%, but by looking at the modifiers i see that i only have +9 damage increase.

(And no, i had not recently died.)

40% of 54 is NOT 9, it is around 22, which should give my power attack 76 in total, not 63 as i have now.

And now i didnt even take the strength attribute bonuses into the calculation, that should have increased it further.


Thoughts about this?

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Ive been testing A17 in some hours now, and i very much like the new graphics, the way desert goes south on map and winter goes north, the vehicles are my main interrest in A17, and zomies are scarier! Good things!


But nothing good comes without anything bad. The things i want to address here is about building and mining.

I dont know wether its a bug or intentional, but who decided to half the speed at which it takes to upgrade blocks?

And mining feels alot slower than A16.


I dont see any reason to reduce upgrade-speed of blocks, it just makes building your house more timeconsuming and tedious.


Mining seems also much slower so far (im only at iron tools atm, maybe steel and auger are as fast as before, i dont know yet)

Im a person that loves digging underground bases, so this is a big part of the game for me: efficent mining!

In A16, when i was around lv30 with lv5 toolsmithing, and had a decent mining level and about lv3 in miner 69er i could dig trough stone in about 6 chops with my iron pickaxe.

Now, i can either do the standard chop, and that will take forever to destroy anything..

OR, ill go with power attacks, that will make the block damage almost as high as i used to have, but i have much lower swing speed, making it slower than before anyways. (It also drains the stamina very quickly, but i belive some people said the melee attack stamina perk work with mining too..?)


One more thing, i think the miner 69er perk is not working properly.

The iron pickaxe has 54 base power attack damage, and having lv2 miner 69er increase it with 40%, but by looking at the modifiers i see that i only have +9 damage increase.

(And no, i had not recently died.)

40% of 54 is NOT 9, it is around 22, which should give my power attack 76 in total, not 63 as i have now.

And now i didnt even take the strength attribute bonuses into the calculation, that should have increased it further.


Thoughts about this?


Yea, not. I haven't played a RWG world yet but if all the winter is up top and all the desert is on the bottom then I don't think I ever want to play RWG again. Goodbye travelling to different biomes for different resources. I am NOT covering the entire map to go mine shale for example. Not gonna happen.


Mining being so horrible slow is a killer to me too, saw another thread saying at lvl 300 with maxed perks you still cannot one shot dirt. If true that's gotta go too.

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Yea, not. I haven't played a RWG world yet but if all the winter is up top and all the desert is on the bottom then I don't think I ever want to play RWG again. Goodbye travelling to different biomes for different resources. I am NOT covering the entire map to go mine shale for example. Not gonna happen.


Mining being so horrible slow is a killer to me too, saw another thread saying at lvl 300 with maxed perks you still cannot one shot dirt. If true that's gotta go too.


Right? Its like if they expect us to travel the map they should add some form of transportation or something.


A lot of people are focusing on this and that at level 20 or level 30 but are failing to realize this is a new game. The things you used to get at level 30 won't happen until 80 or above.


This isn't a punishment its a gift. Games before would grow tiresome by Day 40 or 60. Reaching level 100? Why? People would easily tackle horde nights at this level. Now it takes twice as long to accomplish all of this.


No one os seeing the fruit for the trees. What Pimps gave us was a gift. The gift of longevity. No more wiping every 15 days out of boredom. Now you want to keep your world going, to experience everything. There will be POIS you can not get into for weeks, and whats wrong with that? There will always be something new to do.


Stop being afraid of the slower pace and adapt to the changes. You will find the experience WAY more rewarding.

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but who decided to half the speed at which it takes to upgrade blocks?

And mining feels alot slower than A16.


Ha, you are going to love the fix they added to the new patch that just dropped. To remove the accidental 2nd swing people were getting in melee combat they have added a forced delay between swings where the player is unable to swing at all. However this is also affecting mining swings (Stone Axe, punching grass etc) so now there is an unwanted forced delay between mining swings and all mining is now even slower.

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Right? Its like if they expect us to travel the map they should add some form of transportation or something.


A lot of people are focusing on this and that at level 20 or level 30 but are failing to realize this is a new game. The things you used to get at level 30 won't happen until 80 or above.


This isn't a punishment its a gift. Games before would grow tiresome by Day 40 or 60. Reaching level 100? Why? People would easily tackle horde nights at this level. Now it takes twice as long to accomplish all of this.


No one os seeing the fruit for the trees. What Pimps gave us was a gift. The gift of longevity. No more wiping every 15 days out of boredom. Now you want to keep your world going, to experience everything. There will be POIS you can not get into for weeks, and whats wrong with that? There will always be something new to do.


Stop being afraid of the slower pace and adapt to the changes. You will find the experience WAY more rewarding.


Well said Jax. And ironically but not unsurprisingly, many of the same people will later ask for "end-game" content because the "game is short".

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I am normaly a lurker, but I have to add my two cents here.


Jax, I still wipe every 15 days or so. Its boring as hell, they just made it faster to hit the boring stuff. Yea ok pushing the grind out to add a few more items in the overall, not a good idea. There is still no REAL end game content, so why make us grind forever for something they have yet to implement?

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