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SMX - Modlet Center [A17]


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// SMXhud - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

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// SMXmenu - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

--> nexusmods download link - main download site






// SMXhudBBM - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

--> nexusmods download link - main download site

--> github download link - mirror #1



// SMXhudCT - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

--> nexusmods download link - main download site

--> github download link - mirror #1



// SMXhudIcons - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

--> nexusmods download link - main download site

--> github download link - mirror #1



// SMXhudStats - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

--> nexusmods download link - main download site

--> github download link - mirror #1






// SMXmCrops - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

--> nexusmods download link - main download site

--> github download link - mirror #1



// SMXmSta - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

--> nexusmods download link - main download site

--> github download link - mirror #1



// SMXxEnc - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

--> nexusmods download link - main download site

--> github download link - mirror #1






// SMXxSEfct - Alpha 17 //

... ... ...

--> nexusmods download link - main download site

--> github download link - mirror #1






// 7DTD Mod Launcher //

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Seeing big red question marks in place of textures for the ui, can this not be pushed to client from server like the other A17 modlets or is there something i need to edit?


Only XMLs get pushed from the server. As the modlet contains more assets a client side install is required.

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I will not be maintaining more than one design this time around, and that is the current design for the time being. It’s just too much work and slows down the update process.


That said, anyone that wants to pickup the task can build a modlet that enables the Valmod design, or any of the other designs, should they wish to do so. And I encourage it.

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That said, anyone that wants to pickup the task can build a modlet that enables the Valmod design, or any of the other designs, should they wish to do so. And I encourage it.


Well, I doubt I'll be doing any modlets, but I've already started work on updating Craftworx to A17X, and I have to give you serious props for getting these out. Coding the UI has always been problematic for me, so having the SMX hud files already set up with xpath makes it a great deal easier. Xpath *seems* easy enough for most things, but I have faith I'll manage to screw something up as usual. ;-)

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Well, I doubt I'll be doing any modlets, but I've already started work on updating Craftworx to A17X, and I have to give you serious props for getting these out. Coding the UI has always been problematic for me, so having the SMX hud files already set up with xpath makes it a great deal easier. Xpath *seems* easy enough for most things, but I have faith I'll manage to screw something up as usual. ;-)


Oh I am fairly sure you will make at least one modlet. The nice part about xpath is that for your own version of SMX all you now need to do is create a modlet based on the name of SMXhud since loading is alphabetical as long as your modlet sticks to the naming scheme it will always make those changes take effect over mine.


So say you make SMXhudCraftworx, you will only need to add those parts that you usually change and it will take effect due to it being loaded after SMXhud :)


But I encourage going for the xpath route even with a mod of Craftworx caliber as, to me atleast, it feels easier to maintain between utdates. And I am sure you will not screw anything up, and if you do all you need to do is ask and I will help to the best of my abilities and I am sure that many others will as well :)

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Yip, modlets works great in B208 and thanks for the BBM that you posted a couple days ago too :joyous:


You are most welcome, and I just noticed I forgot to put that one in this thread. Been somewhat chaotic the last few days, but I will try to put it in this thread tonight after work.

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A nice job again, Sirillion!


Would there btw be any possibility for me to use it in my mod (if it ever is going to be released even, that is :p) slightly modified? I'd obviously give you credits & the link to where it was from and keep the modinfos etc. there.

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A nice job again, Sirillion!


Would there btw be any possibility for me to use it in my mod (if it ever is going to be released even, that is :p) slightly modified? I'd obviously give you credits & the link to where it was from and keep the modinfos etc. there.


Hi, and thank you, I am glad you like it.


You can use it with your mod but I would prefer if you did not modify the original modlet. What I would suggest you do is make a new modlet that plays on the name and rather use that to change what you want.


For instance, if you would like to use SMXhud then make a modlet that plays on the name with SMXhudYourextratitlehere. Since the load is determined alphabetically your changes would take effect over the SMX original code.


And if you want to make changes you just xpath your changes into the SMX original.


Don’t be afraid to throw me a line if you run into issues doing so and I will help to the best of my abilities.

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Hey Serillion, great work, and love these. Made A17 perfect for me.. Perhaps a few modlet suggestions for SMX?


* add more build queues to benches?

* Perhaps 3 or 4 input queues for Forge, 4 instead of 2?

* Extra storage space on vehicles? like your bag mod but for vehicles?


But just suggestions.. again love the work..

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Hey Serillion, great work, and love these. Made A17 perfect for me.. Perhaps a few modlet suggestions for SMX?


* add more build queues to benches?

* Perhaps 3 or 4 input queues for Forge, 4 instead of 2?

* Extra storage space on vehicles? like your bag mod but for vehicles?


But just suggestions.. again love the work..


Hi, and thank you, I am glad you enjoy them :)


This is on the docket for a modlet, it is not yet in development but I am hoping to have most of the workload I have on my table done by the time stable is out, so it will be done, but probably not this year.


It all comes down to how much I want to cram into SMXui when I start working on that. I do want to keep SMX vanilla friendly, so adding stuff that was not intended by TFP will come as optional modlets to SMXui.





Oh, and SMXxSEfct got an update, added more effects so it should remove all combat related screen effects now, if it doesn't please let me know.

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