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Hal's Prefab Editor


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looks like you need to set your game account to admin load the editor and click "Backup Manager" then select the type of game your save is and find your save in the list then select your account name you should see a ticky box that says "Is Admin" tick it and press "Save Player" located at the bottom of the page that might be your problem hope this helped
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[QUOTE=netopier;302794]Can someone help me with this pls? I really don't know what am I doing wrong :( [ATTACH=CONFIG]10325[/ATTACH] Better image: [url]https://www.lexit.cz/cloud/public.php?service=files&t=3a521a03c539e2f55e114583b8e6e748[/url] Thank you. Neto[/QUOTE] Another top tip - if there's no admins been set in the world run the "bbb rp" command and it will make the first user it finds an admin. just make sure you're the first player online ^^ Hal
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Hal do you have somewhere BBB command reference manual please? :) I can't find any :( And another question, is there any way, how to import prefab to random world to specific location? I have full acces to server so I can copy whole world and run it as single player if needed for example... Every video I found is about navezgame :) BTW this is very cool tool, I don't understand why I didn't used it before :) Thank you for that. Neto.
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I started new navezgame and used reload command to get admin rights. Its working. But now when Im trying to import prefab to navezgame (In editor: World/Navezgane/My Game/Add prefab at player location) I get this error: [attachment=446:name] [attachment=447:name] Thank you for any help with this. Neto
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[QUOTE=netopier;302915]I started new navezgame and used reload command to get admin rights. Its working. But now when Im trying to import prefab to navezgame (In editor: World/Navezgane/My Game/Add prefab at player location) I get this error: [ATTACH=CONFIG]10327[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]10328[/ATTACH] Thank you for any help with this. Neto[/QUOTE] To get a list of the in-game commands type "bbb ?" that will list all the commands. You can then query any command with it's name or alias and "?" e.g. "bbb ip ?" If the import at location feature isn't working use the importPrefab command. bbb ip e.g. bbb ip MyPrefabFileName 0 70, 200 You can get your current location by opening the command and typing "le" to list the entities. it will give you your location. Only use whole numbers for the import. Using fractions won't work. Any questions just ask. Hal
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Hi Hal, I think I found a bug (not urgent) with the bbb ex command. Through initial observations, it looks like stair blocks that are exported rotate incorrectly when told to do so via the prefabs .xml file. Stair blocks placed manually through your editor seem to rotate correctly when told to do so via the prefabs .xml file. Will see if I can do further testing.
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Hey hal i noticed your site is down [url]http://www.vendocode.com/7DTD_Editor.zip[/url] so i uploaded the zip i had from 6/8/2015 to [URL="7d2d.rocks/7DTD_Editor.zip"]7d2d.rocks/7DTD_Editor.zip[/URL] id you have the latest version send it me and ill replace it till you get your site working again
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Dopes anyone have the latest singleplayer version? I have a VERY old version but when I downloaded new one from 7d2d.rocks/7DTD_Editor.zip it points to wrong save location and 7dtd does not load using this Assembly-CSharp.dll, I am trying to run a local server with same seed as my dedicated to create prefabs to try to copy regions with them in it. I run Alloc's server fixes on my dedicated so I can't use it there.
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Hey guys, I'll be sorting another server out soon. Till then you can grab the latest version [URL="http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=64358904488164352763"]here[/URL] [QUOTE=Laz Man;303454]Hi Hal, I think I found a bug (not urgent) with the bbb ex command. Through initial observations, it looks like stair blocks that are exported rotate incorrectly when told to do so via the prefabs .xml file. Stair blocks placed manually through your editor seem to rotate correctly when told to do so via the prefabs .xml file. Will see if I can do further testing.[/QUOTE] Hey Laz, The rotation of blocks is handled by the game rather than the editor or XML. Can you send me an example when you have one though? I'll check it out. One thing I did notice when going through the XML stuff again is the RotationToNorth value doesn't seem to be used anywhere. Is that the value you're talking about? Cheers, Hal
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yes - the RotationToNorth value is not used anymore !!! Zoning-entries are dead too. And OFC "Age" and "Condition" have still no functions !!!!!!!!! And "MaxPerHub" also has no function anymore. It is set in the mixer now ( min_count="1" max_count="1" ) But in the new mixer i saw this entry near the bottom : rotation_to_road="2"/> I believe the direction is now set by the mixer - have to test it - iam not 100% sure if this commando works for prefabrules too ?!?!?! @Hal: Could u please let the loaded prefab-name let appear and show somwehere. Perhaps in the window-topic where also the coordinates are ???? This would help me much - because sometimes i get confused because of to many versions that look alike !!! Belongs to the xml: And this is the official writing of the township-entry (all vanilla-prefabs are written so now): "city" NOT "City" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still dont know if this causes any error - or if its no matter if its written big or small But could u change that again to "city" ??? (sorry for the confusing question about it last time !!! But i only asked how its work - not to change it !!) Now i ask for changing it !
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[QUOTE=Magoli;303906]yes - the RotationToNorth value is not used anymore !!! Zoning-entries are dead too. And OFC "Age" and "Condition" have still no functions !!!!!!!!! And "MaxPerHub" also has no function anymore. It is set in the mixer now ( min_count="1" max_count="1" ) But in the new mixer i saw this entry near the bottom : rotation_to_road="2"/> I believe the direction is now set by the mixer - have to test it - iam not 100% sure if this commando works for prefabrules too ?!?!?! @Hal: Could u please let the loaded prefab-name let appear and show somwehere. Perhaps in the window-topic where also the coordinates are ???? This would help me much - because sometimes i get confused because of to many versions that look alike !!! Belongs to the xml: And this is the official writing of the township-entry (all vanilla-prefabs are written so now): "city" NOT "City" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still dont know if this causes any error - or if its no matter if its written big or small But could u change that again to "city" ??? (sorry for the confusing question about it last time !!! But i only asked how its work - not to change it !!) Now i ask for changing it ![/QUOTE] Hi Mag, Thanks for the info. Not had time to dig into the mixer so all advice on what's new or gone is welcome. I'll keep the dead entries in there for now in case the next version of random gen brings them back but I could do to remove them if they're not used as they take up a lot of screen space. I've added the prefab filename to the top of the editor when you're moving the mouse over the blocks. [QUOTE] I've made the "C" in city small ^^ any problems just let me know. [/QUOTE] I'm a bit confused about the city naming though. It was a large "C" and I've changed it to a small "c" but you're asking me to change it back to a small "c"?? Does the editor (latest version) write a large or small c? Cheers, Hal
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Hi Hal Iam - sry - it seems me - who was confused !!! The editor writes it currently "city" - and that's OK !!!! No need to change that !!! Case is closed !!! :) Thx u added the name - this helpes me a lot - and makes the working with it more confortable !!! The RotationToFaceNorth- value seems to be still in use !!!! Not in City - but surly in towns !!! Where else the game should know the right rotations !?! Because the Prefabs in the towns are still rotated fine to the street !!! I dont tested it for wilderness and rural yet. But for Cities it don't work !!! There is a new rotating-command in the rwgmixer !!! Perhaps this rotates Prefabs in Cities. I will test that this week. Also what is about with wilderness and rurals. Mag
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;304160]Hi Hal, I experienced a bug with certain rotations for the flagstone stair block. See error bleow. [img]http://i.imgur.com/rYm0X6L.png[/img][/QUOTE] Same thing i had got with concretestairs, Richwoodstairs, RivMetalstairs and some others i cant remember. It has something to do with the rotationtables. Some stairs dont follow the values they should have. U can see this by the curious rotations per click in game. These blocks r rotating wrong in game and ofc in the editor too. IMO the old rotation game bug !!! Mag
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I don't really get on how to install, so "bbb ***" command will not work on my console. I am on linux with dedicated 12.4A and just replaced assembly-csharp.dll with the one from ZIP file "assembly-csharp dedicated.dll", located under 7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed/ Something i did wrong or even used an incompatible file? BR
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Don't know much about installation on Linux, I just unpacked the ZIP in the 7d2d folder and started the editor exe, but that's on windows. Anyhow, just wanted to say thank you for the fixes on the editor! Small things like delete region files in savegames may not be working (it just deletes the 0,0 region) and the new stair rotations is giving the editor a headache :), also the undo function is not working for me anymore. But these are minor issues I just mention cause it may be of interest to see what 7dtd handles differently in A12.4. The editor is a great benefit for my gameplay, so again: Thank you very much for the work you put into it!!!
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Hello Hal Do u know a easy/automatic way to change meta "Lit1" to "Lit2" ??? I know the "reset all meta data" function. But i need to exchange just the Lightning. And also just the Lights that are "Lit1". They have to be "Lit2" !!! The Lights that are "off" - has to stay off !!! I have to do this on 120 Prefabs. Because "Lit1" makes big performance-trouble (fps decreases) !!! Is it difficult and would it take much time for you to write a little Converter that can do this !!! (Again this would be a question for Kin: "Will the "Lit1"-meta performance get better in near future ??" ) best regards Mag
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Na, I don't get it. :-( please give me a bit advice what EXACTLY I need to do to EXPORT a prefab from a SP random gen save. 1) Download HAL's Editor. Done. if I am correct that does not need to be in the same directory as 7DTD, right? 2)... ?? I heard from copying Assembly-CSharp or was it Assembly-CSharp Dedicated? over the file located in C:\STEAM\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed - but then... game gives me black screen. so, without that. Starting Editor, Backup Manager, I choose my save, but program doesn't find any player... so I add him.. after clicking on his number/name: ERROR: Assembly-CSharp-firstpass wasn't found. okay. what shall I do?
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Same thing here !!! Normaly the editor checks for updates in the first 5 secs !!! But the server is still down !!! This is why we couldn't recieve the right AC.dll !!! And this is y we get a blackscreen !!! I hope everything works normal soon. In the emergency-version u have to put the AssemblyCsharp.dll in your local Gamefolder. AssemblyCsharp_dedicated.dll on servers !!! @Hal: Could u send me pls the editor-version that works with A11.4 please ??? I believe it was the latest update for 0.42 - ore ??? Shame on me i dont saved it !!! Just updated the editor without thinking - shXt man !!! I need this version - because i still like to build (and export!) in A11.4 !!! A12 is not good for Prefab-creators (always Snow, rain, storm, alot darkness, weak and slow performance) !!! thx ahead Mag
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