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Hal's Prefab Editor


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[QUOTE=Laz Man;297180]Hi Hal, When saving changes to a prefab file, the editor (0.43) takes the file name and add's .tts on the end. For example, editing and saving prefab house.tts will create a file called house.tts.tts instead of overriding the previous file.[/QUOTE] Thanks Laz, will sort and release an update later. Hal
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ARC01 on hold Hi HAL! First, thank you very much for your Editor, which i loved to work with! One year back in July 2014 I've started to work on my dream of a huge Multi-Player Map in A9.3. I did create around 100+ single unique Prefabs and Levels, Mazes, Riddles to adventure, climb, explore & solve. At that time i was 70% done of the planned scenes, but lack the function to manage all the "leveled" loot into containers. I was hoping this get solved through your upcoming Editor Versions. When A10 appears, a lot of changes took place and I found that I need to refurbish tons of blocks within any single Prefab, but it was still possible due a lot of manual work and import/export vice versa. I've had already spend several hundred hours of building, editing and placing hundreds of secret containers inside the map. When TFP released A11 on Unity5 the GFX got a complete overhaul - in a positive way, but broke my whole Project, since the Engine could not handle the huge sized Prefabs anymore (at least not on my computer and another test System with a proper Quadcore & GFX Card). Also the new Lightning System forced my ideas to evolve in a new direction and I had to re-think the whole thing over again. That was the moment in time when I decided to put my Project on hold, too. Until a new Version of the Game AND your Editor will work with it again, to let you guys experience it as whole in a single or multi player game. Till today I wait for this moment to once and for all finish and release my ARC01 Project. Cheers, Dan -have more phun! ps. I did not forget I've promised to help sorting out the Blocks, but there's been someone in here been a lot quicker then me, in doing such things. Best regards to Mr. Magoli :) Here is a series of images i've just taken from within the A9.3, that I've never shown before to not spoil a single bit of it, but just to give you a glimpse of what the ARC01 Project is, you can watch the small gallery that I just created. (Spoiler!) [spoiler][url]http://imgur.com/a/hM72r#0[/url][/spoiler]
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hi, is it possible to get the version of Hal's Prefab Editor for Alpha 10.4 anywhere still? One of my friends wants me to create a prefab out of an old savegame, from A10.4. I just can't find any download for this specific alpha version and would be very happy for any help. with best regards, sunflyer01
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[QUOTE=sunflyer01;297384]hi, is it possible to get the version of Hal's Prefab Editor for Alpha 10.4 anywhere still? One of my friends wants me to create a prefab out of an old savegame, from A10.4. I just can't find any download for this specific alpha version and would be very happy for any help. with best regards, sunflyer01[/QUOTE] Click [URL="www.vendocode.com/SDTDEditorA10.4.zip"]here[/URL]
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[QUOTE=Laz Man;297180]Hi Hal, When saving changes to a prefab file, the editor (0.43) takes the file name and add's .tts on the end. For example, editing and saving prefab house.tts will create a file called house.tts.tts instead of overriding the previous file.[/QUOTE] Updated the editor to fix this. Do a manual update to get the latest version. Cheers, Hal
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Hi and first thank you for your great work! The editor seems to have problems with Decals. The decals allready placed in the prefab transfer fine if I export it now, but the decals are all shown in the editor as the "0" one if I check "show decals", changing the Metatag produces an error when I place the block and if I copy a block with a decal on it I get no error but ingame it's not the decal of the copied block but the flu newspaper (the one all decals are shown to be in the editor). That said the update to 12.4 is still great and much appreciated!
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[QUOTE=Krash;298792]Hi and first thank you for your great work! The editor seems to have problems with Decals. The decals allready placed in the prefab transfer fine if I export it now, but the decals are all shown in the editor as the "0" one if I check "show decals", changing the Metatag produces an error when I place the block and if I copy a block with a decal on it I get no error but ingame it's not the decal of the copied block but the flu newspaper (the one all decals are shown to be in the editor). That said the update to 12.4 is still great and much appreciated![/QUOTE] Thanks Krash, I will take a look. They've probably changed the way decals work again or I've inadvertently overwritten some old code. Probably be the weekend before I get chance. [QUOTE=alexander_q;298845]Should I not have let it copy Assembly-CSharp.dll? Because I get black screen crash on startup on 12.4.[/QUOTE] Make sure you're running the latest version of the editor (0.43) if you're unsure just do a manual update. If it's still happening post your log files and I'll have a look. Cheers, Hal
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Hey HAL, It seems to me that the airblocks-tickbox doesn't work anymore in the Editor (version 0.43). It doesn´t matter if I leave it on of off, my prefabs still get filled with the terrain / ground. Do you know any solution to this? With best regards, Henk
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@Hal: First, Nooo! Dang you for your real life time constraints! You're in the game credits, you have to stick this out! :) ...that being said, have you considered releasing your source? Also, I want to make sure I understand this properly... the latest version of the GAME that supports bbb export is 11.4, but the latest version of the EDITOR does indeed support 12.4, as long as I don't overwrite the .dlls?
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;298948]@Hal: First, Nooo! Dang you for your real life time constraints! You're in the game credits, you have to stick this out! :) ...that being said, have you considered releasing your source? Also, I want to make sure I understand this properly... the latest version of the GAME that supports bbb export is 11.4, but the latest version of the EDITOR does indeed support 12.4, as long as I don't overwrite the .dlls?[/QUOTE] I've been using BBB claim with version 12.4 no problem. (.43 editor)
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[QUOTE=Henk;298942]Hey HAL, It seems to me that the airblocks-tickbox doesn't work anymore in the Editor (version 0.43). It doesn´t matter if I leave it on of off, my prefabs still get filled with the terrain / ground. Do you know any solution to this? With best regards, Henk[/QUOTE] Uh forgot to report this one.... I put those lines into the xml file that's named like the prefab myself:
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;298948]@Hal: First, Nooo! Dang you for your real life time constraints! You're in the game credits, you have to stick this out! :) ...that being said, have you considered releasing your source? Also, I want to make sure I understand this properly... the latest version of the GAME that supports bbb export is 11.4, but the latest version of the EDITOR does indeed support 12.4, as long as I don't overwrite the .dlls?[/QUOTE] Hey Guppy, Ha, I'm not going anywhere. Just had to realise that because I don't have much project time for now by the time I got somewhere with the code a new version was out and I needed to redo it. And a lot of the changes I implemented had to be redone because the base code had changed anyway. Until I'm not in that position there's not much point pushing the mods. I will try to keep the editor ticking along but it just won't be my main project for a while. I've considered releasing the source but the bit that ties the editor into the DLL changes with every release and has to be re-done so by the next release it would be out-dated anyway. Plus releasing source for something that uses TFP's DLL would break the EULA in a way they probably wouldn't be happy with (and rightly so). No sure what you mean by the last version of the game running 11.4? The editor (0.43) will run the bbb codes in A12.4 if you replace the DLLs with mine. Does that answer it? [QUOTE=Krash;299151]Uh forgot to report this one.... I put those lines into the xml file that's named like the prefab myself: [/QUOTE] Ah, sounds like the editor isn't saving the XML file correctly. One more to the list thanks! Hal
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hey Hal Iam still running the old editor-version since about 2 weeks (I do repairs of very old costom-prefabs these days ;) ) So i can't say anything to the new editor-version. But All editor-versions since a11 had problems with savings in the xml-files. When i work with the editor (and i do it every day/ every free minute !!!) i have to open the xml's with a seperate editor. Then i make my changes with the editor. Save the work on the editor. AND AFTER THEN i have to save the xml-file of the prefab in the other seperate xml-editor !!!! If i don't do it this way - the editor always screws up my xml's !!! (He repositions the Lines and set some entries to other values. Especially "CopyAirBlocks". And the "C" in City is written big instead of small "c" - does this any matter btw ??? All other entries are written small: town,rural,forest,snow,... ) unimportant sidenote: The editor has some other tiny-little strangers (belongs to edit-mode and layer-change with mousewheel ! or sometimes entities become invisible in editor, but appear with prefab in map ! and other little things) - but i know them and used to them ! I never felt like to report this little control-strangers - as long the mainfunctions was working fine (what they always did!) best regards Mag
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Ok I've used this for months prior and started again with your 12.4 release. I've re-watched the tutorial videos, one with wound, one without. Unless I am blind and deaf (save the dumb joke I made it already) I did not see how to use the copy mode. Old video has edit and info mode, you show how to copy layers, I can do that. Copy mode I click and drag, and how do you copy, and then paste? Again not looking to copy the layer, just a part of it.
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@h0trod: editor 0.42 - copy-instruction: (i still didn't checked the the new 0.43-version - shame on me - because i roll alpha11.4 all the time !!!) -U have to be in copy-mode (not edit or info) !!! -press and hold the MMB - then frame the area u want to copy. (If its only 1 block u wanna copy - then just frame the One !!!) when u letgo the LMB the area is saved to memory !!!! -to paste it somewhere just click the RMB where u want to set it down. btw: If u change the mode - the memory will be empty - and u have to copy ur area again. U can also use the LMB to get a area saved to clipboard. But it tooks seconds to work !!! Use MMB as i said - Its faster !!!! I hope this helped. Mag
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[QUOTE=Magoli;300440]@h0trod: editor 0.42 - copy-instruction: (i still didn't checked the the new 0.43-version - shame on me - because i roll alpha11.4 all the time !!!) -U have to be in copy-mode (not edit or info) !!! -press and hold the MMB - then frame the area u want to copy. (If its only 1 block u wanna copy - then just frame the One !!!) when u letgo the LMB the area is saved to memory !!!! -to paste it somewhere just click the RMB where u want to set it down. btw: If u change the mode - the memory will be empty - and u have to copy ur area again. U can also use the LMB to get a area saved to clipboard. But it tooks seconds to work !!! Use MMB as i said - Its faster !!!! I hope this helped. Mag[/QUOTE] I never knew this feature existed. Thanks Mag! Laz Man Out...
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[QUOTE=Krash;298792]The editor seems to have problems with Decals. [/QUOTE] Thanks Krash, turned out I had overwritten some old code that copied the meta data to the editor. Decals should now work again. [QUOTE=Henk;298942]It seems to me that the airblocks-tickbox doesn't work anymore in the Editor (version 0.43).[/QUOTE] The entire XML saving and loading was a bit borked. I've updated it now so it works again. Do a manual update to get the latest version. [QUOTE=Magoli;299472] All editor-versions since a11 had problems with savings in the xml-files. And the "C" in City is written big instead of small "c" - does this any matter btw ??? All other entries are written small: town,rural,forest,snow,... ) unimportant sidenote: The editor has some other tiny-little strangers (belongs to edit-mode and layer-change with mousewheel ! or sometimes entities become invisible in editor, but appear with prefab in map ! and other little things) - but i know them and used to them ! I never felt like to report this little control-strangers - as long the mainfunctions was working fine (what they always did!) [/QUOTE] Try the XML functions in the editor in the latest version. They should save correctly now. And I've made the "C" in city small ^^ any problems just let me know. If you can give me reproducible steps for any bugs in the editor I will have a look at squishing them. I just need instructions on how to make the errors occur in the first place. Cheers, Hal
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ahoi hoi I don't know how the xml-entry for "City" should look like now in a12. I don't know if its spelled "City" or "city" now !!! I even don't know if it makes any matter if its written big or small !!! What i know is: In all versions before a12 - i spelled it "city" - And everything worked fine !!! But since A12 all Vanilla-entries spelled "City" - So i changed all my xml-entries to "City" too. Seems it works fine (like u can see on Packv6 for a12.1) !!! I just only asked - how it works now since A12. Not to change it - because i dont know if its works that way !!! Iam still running a11.4 with editor0.42. Because its a better version for Creators (no snow,no rain, no storms or fog,no snow, no darkness/darkdays, NO SNOW MAN) And i wanna finish my started repairings and builds in this version. There are still 4 prefabs left to repair. When Iam finished with that i will turn back to A12(A13) - and make the final few blockchanges (from11to12) with the new editorversion ! Till then Mag out
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Hello Hal, thank you for reply to my question about exporting prefab from randomgen. I'm still not sure what everything I need to make it work. Do I need the serverfixes dlls or some else? Because I'm running your server fixes on my server, but when I write bbb commands in chat its doing nothing :( Thanks a lot for any help. Neto.
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Uf uf, now I have problem with permissions. In settings.txt there is: steamid=76561197968992457 So I put my steamID there, but still I cant use bbb ex. In GUI there is "Steam name" so I used my steam login name and it wasn't working anyway. What am I doing wrong? :) Is there any step-by-step manual how to make it all working? Thanks a lot. Neto.
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