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Hal's Prefab Editor


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I am learning to use your Prefab editor. I want to place lights that are on, but once I select and place the light. I can not click on the block and set the meta to Light 1 (mainly because it will not keep the block on the info on the bottom of screen , any mouse movement it shows any block I am sliding over ) How do I get it to focus on just that one block and not keep changing as I use the mouse to try to change the meta setting?
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[QUOTE=lil_joha;579067]I am learning to use your Prefab editor. I want to place lights that are on, but once I select and place the light. I can not click on the block and set the meta to Light 1 (mainly because it will not keep the block on the info on the bottom of screen , any mouse movement it shows any block I am sliding over ) How do I get it to focus on just that one block and not keep changing as I use the mouse to try to change the meta setting?[/QUOTE] You need to be in "Info" mode to change the meta.
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Update Time! Added: A15.2 support Added: Import prefab through text files Added: bbb ResetChunk command The import button is on the first menu dropdown. Near the Open/Save options. ResetChunk syntax is bbb ResetChunk with the x and z parameters as the EW / NS position for the chunk. Any point in the chunk should work. Did the basic tests but let me know if you find any bugs. Cheers, Hal
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[QUOTE=Guppycur;579966]@pille. Got a YouTube or doc I could reference to get a grasp on the idea?[/QUOTE] Not really, sorry. I am quite new to 3d stuff. The idea is to convert arbitrary 3d models (e.g., this one: [url]http://archive3d.net/?a=download&id=3f35272d[/url] ) into 3d point clouds as shown here: [url]http://imgur.com/a/gU5N1[/url] (The upper picture shows the 3d model. The lower pic. is the same model converted to a point cloud). Since the latest update, Hal's editor can handle this point clouds and therefore it's possible to save the 3d model as prefab. The file format looks as shown in the following file: [url]http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=63672798064599122920[/url] So it's a list of coordinates and a block id for each coordinate. There are two main problems: 1. You have to replace the surface of the 3d objects with vertexes. Otherwise you would see a lot of gaps if you important the model. 2. You have to convert the usual 3d file formats into the point list format (see file above (bunny.txt)). I have an application that can do both. However, it's not free. So we need another program which can solve 1. and 2. (or at least 2. since 1. isn't difficult to do) or I have to find a legal way to make the application available to others. Maybe there are freeware tools that could be used or someone consents to write a program (I have no time to spare for it atm^^). Hopefully, we will find a way.
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[QUOTE=Pille;579997]1. You have to replace the surface of the 3d objects with vertexes. Otherwise you would see a lot of gaps if you important the model.[/QUOTE] I found a piece of code that can fill a 3d object with points / voxelize them: [url]http://imgur.com/a/uFnJr[/url] This should work with a lot of formats (ply, dae, off, coff, noff, cnoff, byu, obj, vtk, ma, pov, lwo, 3ds, rib, dxf, stl, zpr). Next step is to assign colors to block ids. [QUOTE=HAL9000;580321][URL="http://drububu.com/miscellaneous/voxelizer/index.html?res=512"]This looks pretty good[/URL]. Pretty slow and heavy on RAM usage but not bad as a freebie. The editor could import the JSON export[/QUOTE] Nice. It didn't work with all .obj files but most of the .stl files from here seem to work: [url]http://tf3dm.com/3d-models/all[/url] I have a small issue related to the import prefab function. It generates a few files every time I import a prefab: [url]http://imgur.com/a/wMIyS[/url] (Backup folder) Is there a way to turn this feature off?
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[QUOTE=Pille;580627]I found a piece of code that can fill a 3d object with points / voxelize them: [url]http://imgur.com/a/uFnJr[/url] This should work with a lot of formats (ply, dae, off, coff, noff, cnoff, byu, obj, vtk, ma, pov, lwo, 3ds, rib, dxf, stl, zpr). Next step is to assign colors to block ids. Nice. It didn't work with all .obj files but most of the .stl files from here seem to work: [url]http://tf3dm.com/3d-models/all[/url] I have a small issue related to the import prefab function. It generates a few files every time I import a prefab: [url]http://imgur.com/a/wMIyS[/url] (Backup folder) Is there a way to turn this feature off?[/QUOTE] I got the editor importing the JSON output last night. I don't think it works with plain-text .obj files, they have to be binary. No, there's no way to disable those prefab files. That's the undo feature for each user.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;580880] No, there's no way to disable those prefab files. That's the undo feature for each user.[/QUOTE] Ok, it's not a big deal anyway. [QUOTE=HAL9000;580880]I got the editor importing the JSON output last night. I don't think it works with plain-text .obj files, they have to be binary. [/QUOTE] Great!
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Starvation mod compatibility Hi, I apologize if i have some errors on english language. Im trying to install Hal´s Prefab Editor with Starvation Mod installed. When I use Editor without mods, i dont have any problems, but just when change C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (Hal´s Prefab) I get this error: [attachment=1009:name] I did all steps for install Hal´s Prefab Editor, with starvation launcher mode and SDX 0.7.0 mode, im tested all posible errors, mods.dll are on \7DaysToDie_Data\Managed , i tryied some Assembly-CSharp.dll of other versions, blocks.xml too, but the end result its ever the above screenshot. I think the only problem is Assembly-CSharp.dll, but i dont know how edit , i dont found any software to Decrypt the text. If launch game without mod, i cant load my starvation map, but i can open Hal´s Prefab, but if install Hal´s Prefabs, I can´t launch Starvation mod :( Can you help me please? Thanks for Awesome job with all your mods and tools.
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Is there a way to delete a claim on a dedicated server using ingame bbb commands? I can do it on my PC using backup manager but I still cannot get the editor to see the dedicated server. I have tried everything in the world editor but I get a series of error dialogue boxes. I have the relevant dll installed on the server enabling me to use ingame bbb commands but I can do nothing else. I have watched the video several times but still no luck. These are my server details. IP: Max Players: 8 FTP Port: 21 FTP URL: [url]ftp://[email protected][/url] FTP Login: 1337770_25514 FTP Password: *********
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[QUOTE=unidad2pete;581194]Hi, I apologize if i have some errors on english language. Im trying to install Hal´s Prefab Editor with Starvation Mod installed. When I use Editor without mods, i dont have any problems, but just when change C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll (Hal´s Prefab) I get this error: [ATTACH=CONFIG]19061[/ATTACH] I did all steps for install Hal´s Prefab Editor, with starvation launcher mode and SDX 0.7.0 mode, im tested all posible errors, mods.dll are on \7DaysToDie_Data\Managed , i tryied some Assembly-CSharp.dll of other versions, blocks.xml too, but the end result its ever the above screenshot. I think the only problem is Assembly-CSharp.dll, but i dont know how edit , i dont found any software to Decrypt the text. If launch game without mod, i cant load my starvation map, but i can open Hal´s Prefab, but if install Hal´s Prefabs, I can´t launch Starvation mod :( Can you help me please? Thanks for Awesome job with all your mods and tools.[/QUOTE] Hello unidad2pete, The editor DLL is not compatible with SDX. We both edit the same file so there's no way to play both at the same time. The easiest way to get both is to copy the vanilla game folder and have the editor in one and SDX in the other. I'm thinking of moving the editor to be an SDX mod so it's compatible with other mods but it'll be a while before it happens. [QUOTE=Mana;581503]Is there a way to delete a claim on a dedicated server using ingame bbb commands? I can do it on my PC using backup manager but I still cannot get the editor to see the dedicated server. I have tried everything in the world editor but I get a series of error dialogue boxes. I have the relevant dll installed on the server enabling me to use ingame bbb commands but I can do nothing else. I have watched the video several times but still no luck. These are my server details. IP: Max Players: 8 FTP Port: 21 FTP URL: [url]ftp://[email protected][/url] FTP Login: 1337770_25514 FTP Password: *********[/QUOTE] Hi Mana, PM me with your FTP password and I'll take a look at the logs.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;581509]Hello unidad2pete, The editor DLL is not compatible with SDX. We both edit the same file so there's no way to play both at the same time. The easiest way to get both is to copy the vanilla game folder and have the editor in one and SDX in the other. I'm thinking of moving the editor to be an SDX mod so it's compatible with other mods but it'll be a while before it happens. [/QUOTE] I assumed that, so I wanted to edit the file myself to see its code and try to adapt it, but I do not know what program I use to edit the file and see its code, could you tell me which tools are used? If I can do something, I would add something to your work. Thank you.
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DLLs don't really work like that. You can't move bits between the two. If you want to have a look at the code you'll need a [URL="https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=.net+decompiler&oq=.net+decompiler&aqs=chrome..69i57.3911j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8"]decompiler.[/URL] Any on that list are worth checking out but there isn't really a tool for merging two DLLs in the way you'd need.
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;580321][URL="http://drububu.com/miscellaneous/voxelizer/index.html?res=512"]This looks pretty good[/URL]. Pretty slow and heavy on RAM usage but not bad as a freebie. The editor could import the JSON export[/QUOTE] The freeware tool [URL="http://www.meshlab.net/"]meshlab[/URL] is able to read and export many 3d formats. So it can be used as file format converter for [URL="http://drububu.com/miscellaneous/voxelizer/index.html?res=512"]the online voxelizer[/URL] (since the voxelizer supports just a few formats).
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[QUOTE=HAL9000;579734]Update Time! Added: A15.2 support Added: Import prefab through text files Added: bbb ResetChunk command The import button is on the first menu dropdown. Near the Open/Save options. ResetChunk syntax is bbb ResetChunk with the x and z parameters as the EW / NS position for the chunk. Any point in the chunk should work. Did the basic tests but let me know if you find any bugs. Cheers, Hal[/QUOTE] Hi Hal, just downloaded the new update. For some reason the editor crashes when I click on the open from disc/memory open in the file menu. Let me know if you need additional details. Cheers. :) Edit: i just realized there was a game update a day ago. Let me update and report back.
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