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Can storage crate pics be added?


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Was wondering if there was a way to add a paint texture to the game. Something along the lines of the storage container pics you see when you open the paint menu. Would be nice if more could be added so we could easily identify which crate holds what items. EG. Clothes, seeds, ores, etc.

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An atlas is a giant, quilt-like image used to compile many texture maps into one file. They’re used for the sake of not having to load and unload many smaller files frequently.


In anticipation of your next question, I don’t know where to access the block atlas for this game or how easy it is to modify. :)

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Its easy enough to access and modify but you will only be replacing existing textures with new ones. You wont be adding new in addition to the existing ones.


The only way currently to achieve what Gam wants is to use SDX and add new blocks that will be the new crates.

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There is some space left on the current atlas, but not much. I'd wager that the new atlas will be the SAME size, and just resize the larger textures into smaller ones, to make room for the new textures we have seen.


yea, 1 lonely 256x256 square that you could use if you can A) work out the co-ords, and B) how to reference new co-ords.


Ive tried with the decals which has much more room in its atlas, I have the co-ords of the new ones, but cant get it to work in practice (decals just loop)


What are we wagering? Gam as an xml slave for Xyth for a week?

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The file is for sure that UV xml with all of the coordinates, I just haven't tried making a new one and replacing it yet. It's on my bucket list. =)


Indeed it is, and I suspect in the end it would work like the decals. despite knowing the co-ords, despite telling the xml the co-ords under a new ID, even if you call the next in line (say ID18), it actually loops and pulls texture ID1 (17 being the last vanilla for example).


If you set the ID for a second to say 19, it will pull ID2 instead. I havent worked it out further than there yet.

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