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[06/06] Message from the Team


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Again, I feel the need to re-iterate that the PC version is still in Alpha Development. Gold is a ways off. We need to finish Alpha and make it all the way through the Beta development stage before getting to a completed release.


Expecting experimental features from an Alpha stage development cycle to be added to a completed product is just a little bit silly. Who knows what they will be able to add with the next update. To be sure, you will see more content from the PC version as resources are freed up. Just don't get your hopes up for jeeps, ROFL-Copters, huge texture improvements, or any special customization for your next-gen console that only got a GPU upgrade.


This is a 3d Voxel game after all. Not a flat 2D landscape like you have in GTA, Battlefield, Ark, or any of those other games you guys like to compare to. It takes a lot beefier core hardware to run everything they've been adding to the Alpha.

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you can keep the vehicles, i for one think its a waiste of valuable resources. the compound bow would be good. new zeds and water that looks and acts like water would be good. but as far as im concerned i would love the engine update over any content, itll make the effects smoother and many other things. i cant see the point in electricty and some of the crazy OP traps.

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I agree with sylenthunder, and that was exactly my point. Game is not even done on pc, joel said he would try to get console version as close to finished pc version as they could. But thats all the info we have. And thats really about as much info as they can give, cause again....its not done, game is still in development on pc. You cant specifiy hardware specs and limitations without knowing the entire end product. So no need to say were not getting this or that. We just dont know, and cant know until the game is done on both fun pimps end, and telltales end. Just how it goes.


Im honestly gratefull we are getting any updates at all. Just tires me out when i try to look at update info and all i see is people saying, well we wont be getting this, or that, or this cant happen. Both sides dont really know yet. All i know is they are clearly trying and continue to work on it.

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Thanks for the update and the continuous support and hard work you guys put into this game can't wait to see what loot I can find in the world. An find new ways to build my home and survive the 7th day.

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To be honest I have about all I can handle of console game developers releasing games that are broken buggy full of glitches and a major lack of content. I know it's difficult for people to wait on anything these days but I'm glad there isn't a rush to push 7days to gold. I'm glad the devs are taking the time to get it right. I have not played in a while because of the md5 issue. It was pretty bad for me. I couldn't seem to get past day 30 without an issue. But I'm still here checking the forum for information because I know this game will be great once it's fixed and I miss it. I wish we could rent servers but that is another topic. I would like to remind some people that while they are trying to work in as much pc stuff as they can they have already said that there is nothing guaranteed past alpha 15 and the console version could take a totally different direction. So keep that in mind we have already gotten what we were promised. But they are still trying to work things in that we want. Keep up the good work guys.

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Limitations may be a good thing for console


If the console limitations prevent the electricity from being added, and other PC features are not supported that leaves consoles with some good news. As much as all the PC stuff is awesome, without the consoles having upgraded hardware we can expect more time being dedicated to things like, oh the Duplication exploits getting fixed, performance issues, new zombie skins, better animations and things like that. By the time this game hits Beta you'll have a PS6 or 7, and I'm sure PlayStation 8 will definitely be beefy enough to support electricity and stuff.

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I agree with sylenthunder, and that was exactly my point. Game is not even done on pc, joel said he would try to get console version as close to finished pc version as they could. But thats all the info we have. And thats really about as much info as they can give, cause again....its not done, game is still in development on pc. You cant specifiy hardware specs and limitations without knowing the entire end product. So no need to say were not getting this or that. We just dont know, and cant know until the game is done on both fun pimps end, and telltales end. Just how it goes.


Im honestly gratefull we are getting any updates at all. Just tires me out when i try to look at update info and all i see is people saying, well we wont be getting this, or that, or this cant happen. Both sides dont really know yet. All i know is they are clearly trying and continue to work on it.



Yes, I agree....I honestly think we will get more content than what some think is possible...We know they are continuing to make further upgrades and that’s all we can hope for moving forward. If we can manage to get the new random gen world system, new zombies, paint, tools/traps, vultures, maybe one or two new vehicles and lucky enough to get bandits...I`ll be content...lol Nothing wrong with hoping...:) Peace*

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Actually there is different forums to say those type of things in fact there is a forum exactly about console limitations so take them over there thank you. This forum is exactly for console updates not for people to say this bs about console can’t handle anything. Just because they think that console can’t handle things doesn’t they blert it out on a forum not even about that topic

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Actually there is different forums to say those type of things in fact there is a forum exactly about console limitations so take them over there thank you. This forum is exactly for console updates not for people to say this bs about console can’t handle anything. Just because they think that console can’t handle things doesn’t they blert it out on a forum not even about that topic


LOL You could almost earn creadits for going to such lengths to divert your own idiocy! The discussion about the console limitations is precicely relevant when talking about the upcoming update.


They're basically telling me not to go get my hopes up about seeing things because they either aren't finished in the version still being developed, or because my PS4 doesn't have the hardware to support it.

It's not something they "think", it's a hard fact that I'm pretty certain SylenThunder is ♥♥♥♥ing tired of having to repeat to every one that can't handle reality.


(I'm also curious about what forum there is specifically for the console limitations. I'm only aware of two stickied threads.)


I would like to personally thank them for keeping us informed on exactly why the game sometimes plays like ass on my console, and to be honest about what we can expect. They aren't a bunch of fanboi's feeding us nonsense. Which is something a lot of console forums are generally lacking.

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Most of what we have now should not be possible if you go by the required PC specs.But we have it. The new Unity engine will allow IG to do much more things that shouldn't work on the console,but they will.


As far as MD5's,I don't believe these will ever go away under the current form of Microsoft save policy.The memory just gets to overloaded then crashes. I have also noticed that on Xbox even if you play offline the game will still crash and your stuff is still saved to the cloud. How?


On technical notes does anyone know how my console is protected from bugs and viruses?

I was wondering because it lets you search any high risk area.What keeps the trojan horses and crap from getting in my console?

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On technical notes does anyone know how my console is protected from bugs and viruses?

I was wondering because it lets you search any high risk area.What keeps the trojan horses and crap from getting in my console?




Short answer for trojans/viruses is "security through authorized products only".

If your console is unmodified, you can only install approved (and tested) games and DLC/mods from official online stores/retail discs, game publishers are not known for being virus spreaders, as they will be considered responsible for them and this will end in court cases.


Short answer for bugs is "Quality Assurance". Every console maker asks the game dev or publisher to run a Quality Assurance check in order to detect most bugs. But as you can experience it in 7DTD, the process is not perfect at all, especially on next-gen consoles (XB1, PS4) as check list was softened in order to attract PC developers.

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Short answer for trojans/viruses is "security through authorized products only".

If your console is unmodified, you can only install approved (and tested) games and DLC/mods from official online stores/retail discs, game publishers are not known for being virus spreaders, as they will be considered responsible for them and this will end in court cases.


Short answer for bugs is "Quality Assurance". Every console maker asks the game dev or publisher to run a Quality Assurance check in order to detect most bugs. But as you can experience it in 7DTD, the process is not perfect at all, especially on next-gen consoles (XB1, PS4) as check list was softened in order to attract PC developers.


I was asking what protects the console from bugs from online use as in searching the web.

Like these forums I'm writing from my Xbox.

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Consoles don’t run on Windows, which most viruses are designed for. Well I think Xbox has a form of Windows (I’m not sure how close it is) you’re pretty much never going to get a virus. Modders have a hard enough time getting unsighed software to run so I doubt you’re ever going to get any sort of virus

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Consoles don’t run on Windows, which most viruses are designed for. Well I think Xbox has a form of Windows (I’m not sure how close it is) you’re pretty much never going to get a virus. Modders have a hard enough time getting unsighed software to run so I doubt you’re ever going to get any sort of virus


the ps3 runs on windows or any OS with emulation (rpcs3), as one can extract the PS3 "UPDATE.PUP" file decrypt it and run it in a special emulator... then play as many ps3 games as you want ;)


also there are xbox360 & classic xbox emulators. give it enough time there will be Xbox One + PS4 emulators. so your answer that consoles cannot run on windows is false.

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I am talking about the whole situation quite a while with one of my best friends as we are trying different ways of playing to shorten the time of waiting till the update shows up.


We both are speculating what the PS4 hardware will finally be ready to handle and of course you have to see the fact that very many console players got the game along huge price drops on XB Marketplace and PS Store.


We both paid only 15€ (Germany) for the game what is a good deal for us and some others guys we showed that game in order to support us. But all in all it takes four sold copies of the game to bring as much cash as a full price game along a very expensive development (especially when the game is being optimized by getting a huge engine update).


I would like to mention that we all want to have new features brought by free updates. Just like it was said a million times, this game was a full release. After this being said, I was ready to pay for big updates like the one we are expecting as an DLC for about 5€ because the development process is very expensive and exhausting, especially along the fact that 7 Days was a full release.


Of course some guys may point out that PC gamers get the new stuff for free but you should never forget that it is a voxel-based, non-AAA-title which is being developed on the PC as a appropriate lead platform without any hardware limits. Besides this there is no different way to play cool games on relatively cheap hardware like we do on XB1 and PS4. On PC you evetually are forced to make an expensive hardware upgrade to have the game running smoothly (especially during horde nights which are the core element of 7 Days).


The console version would get a higher priority if everybody would have given more economical support to the developing companies, even if it just was a handful of bugs like 10€/10$. Some of us are flaming and behaving like cry babies day in and day out because they do not get want they want within a shortest amount of time. Don't take that the wrong way but this is how market economy works.


After all I really appreciate the info on the coming update BUT you guys (the developers) know that the way you communicate with us is just a bad joke. If you want our support and well earned money, keep us all on touch more often and give more details on what is about to come on consoles. Otherwise you will lose many supporters very soon.

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the ps3 runs on windows or any OS with emulation (rpcs3), as one can extract the PS3 "UPDATE.PUP" file decrypt it and run it in a special emulator... then play as many ps3 games as you want ;)


also there are xbox360 & classic xbox emulators. give it enough time there will be Xbox One + PS4 emulators. so your answer that consoles cannot run on windows is false.


No you’ve got the wrong end of the stick, what I meant is the actual consoles don’t use windows, I’m well aware there are emulators ;).

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Again, I feel the need to re-iterate that the PC version is still in Alpha Development. Gold is a ways off. We need to finish Alpha and make it all the way through the Beta development stage before getting to a completed release.


Expecting experimental features from an Alpha stage development cycle to be added to a completed product is just a little bit silly. Who knows what they will be able to add with the next update. To be sure, you will see more content from the PC version as resources are freed up. Just don't get your hopes up for jeeps, ROFL-Copters, huge texture improvements, or any special customization for your next-gen console that only got a GPU upgrade.


This is a 3d Voxel game after all. Not a flat 2D landscape like you have in GTA, Battlefield, Ark, or any of those other games you guys like to compare to. It takes a lot beefier core hardware to run everything they've been adding to the Alpha.


And this is the irony for me. This is exactly the point I was getting at and why the statement by Joel had to be intentionally ambiguous about what console will have compared to the PC. It was a warning about using Joel's statement to give the expectation the consoles and PC versions will be the same. Instead of that primary point, some people decided to use my worst case scenario example as an argument point I never made.


I get it, some people don't like having things they like not shown in a completely positive light. I do. It just urks me when they intentionally misrepresent what I posted to try and argue with me.

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you can keep the vehicles, i for one think its a waiste of valuable resources. the compound bow would be good. new zeds and water that looks and acts like water would be good. but as far as im concerned i would love the engine update over any content, itll make the effects smoother and many other things. i cant see the point in electricty and some of the crazy OP traps.


I agree. I'd be happier with less pudding brown water, smoother effects, and hopefully the updated engine will minimize, if not eliminate, the save lagging.New zombies and weapons like the compound bow would be great. I do like the lights we currently have access to, but I'm not sure what affect electricity will have on the game processes. So not in a hurry to get those. Plus, from videos I have seen on YouTube, electrical traps are a serious issue with frame rate drops on PC. Hate to see what that would be like on console.

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Not releasing updated details is common to many games


I also play Friday the 13th the game and like 7 days to die the game is far from finished. But the developers of that game withhold a lot of information because you never want to make a promise you can not keep. They just ran into copyright litigation in court and had to suspend all DLC that they promised until (and if) it is resolved. Stop pushing the devs to release more info. More goes on behind the scenes then you can see. The sad part is some people accidently opened up some of the unfinished content in that game and we saw that it did work, but may never get released. Think of all the support they are going to lose with people waiting for that content and being told it may never happen even if it's functional. It's bad business to never give updates, and 7 days devs do let us know they are still working on things. But it's worst business to promise or suggest content then not deliver, whether it's intentional or not.

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Daniel wallace


Clare do u know the realise date for alpha 16 for console I'm am exsided to hear about it hope to find out when it launch so I can get a idea of how long the wait will be thank you guys so much this is my only favorite game on the market I am pleased with ur guys keep up the good work

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We both paid only 15€ (Germany) for the game what is a good deal for us and some others guys we showed that game in order to support us. But all in all it takes four sold copies of the game to bring as much cash as a full price game along a very expensive development (especially when the game is being optimized by getting a huge engine update).


To be fair, telltale is not the developer. They got rights for the console port. The price prolly is more a reflection of that than anything else. The cost for them is porting, bugs troubleshooting, and adapting a few noncompatable systems, dlcs, and possibly future updates. They were not responsible for years and years of development costs.

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Ya say that you are working on it yet nothing as to when it may be released. Guess that we will have to wait years before we have anything close to what's available on pc if we get them at all.


Dude you need to read more. Most questions have been asked and answered. Don't be lazy and expect them to give YOU answers they already gave just because YOU asked. The console was released as a completed game. Any update is just a bonus and they are not obligated. The fact that they have given many updates already shows the dedication to this project. And the console is harder to work on then PC. If they spend months on an updated feature and then test it on console, if it's not comparable then all that time was wasted trying to make YOU a better game. Read more threads, all your questions have already been answered. And try to be grateful, no one had to reply to your post ether.

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