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Grim's Unity Asset Editor


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[QUOTE=mrscratch;36503]With the tool you provided it seems it won't be long before we can start creating custom skins and models to replace the vanilla ones. I'm excited to check this out once I have a bit more free time.[/QUOTE]Yeah, grimreefer24601 has been kicking tail on the mods and tools. UAE is very nice.
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Okay, I'm back. I am now getting kicked out of the program when I click on any texture file in the resources.assets file. I have reloaded the program several times and added the none.dll as mentioned above. Notes: I am running the program on the desktop in windows 8.1. (Does it need to be in the 7dtd folder?) I have tried windows 7, XP SP3, and XP compatibility mode with no success. Could this have anything to do with the "extra" stuff I loaded during the initial round of testing?
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[QUOTE=rhawkins;36566]Okay, I'm back. I am now getting kicked out of the program when I click on any texture file in the resources.assets file. I have reloaded the program several times and added the none.dll as mentioned above. Notes: I am running the program on the desktop in windows 8.1. (Does it need to be in the 7dtd folder?) I have tried windows 7, XP SP3, and XP compatibility mode with no success. Could this have anything to do with the "extra" stuff I loaded during the initial round of testing?[/QUOTE] I've got mine in a way different folder. I don't think that matters. Heck, it's not even on the path I had above anymore (now \PC Games\Tools\Unity\Unity Assets Editor\). I tried both the fixed file version posted First the fixed UAE_1_0.zip with the replaced none.dll from none.zip. No text or texture problem. Next the UAE_0_1.zip that is 7,632,733 bytes as posted above (first one was different size). No text or texture problems. Both worked for me. FWIW, glad I saved the original release. Not just for comparing the versions either (compile). ;) OT: Is it just me, or does nearly every Unity game have textures that look way better in UAE than they do in game the games they come from?
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You can run the program from any directory. UAE doesn't care. If it's only textures your having problems with it might have something to do with Direct X. Although I would think if you're running 7D2D you'd have the appropriate DX runtimes. You could try downloading and installing the latest Direct X. It shouldn't have anything to do with running the service pack if everything else is working. First though try downloading UAE again. It's possible something happened in the download. Completely delete every early file you have, and only use the new ones. You shouldn't have to mess with any of the DLLs with the latest download.
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Feature Request 1: Export and Import of encrypted text files. I understand the reasoning behind not including the ability to decrypt. Still, it would allow a simple mod like the one I just finished to be distributed more easily. Feature Request 2: Command line import/export support. This would allow mods to "install" themselves and even export the original files to backup for easy restore.
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I already have the Decrypter for 7 Days to Die. I'll release it eventually. It's got a lot of fun stuff in the XMLs. I don't want to mess with TFP though by releasing the Decrypter now without approval. I also don't want them to change the encryption, and make me figure it out again. Second request is already planned, plus an option to auto back up asset files. I also want to add a status bar, search feature, context menus, and general Hex/Text displays for every item. [QUOTE=Red Eagle LXIX;36599]Feature Request 1: Export and Import of encrypted text files. I understand the reasoning behind not including the ability to decrypt. Still, it would allow a simple mod like the one I just finished to be distributed more easily. Feature Request 2: Command line import/export support. This would allow mods to "install" themselves and even export the original files to backup for easy restore.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=grimreefer24601;36608]I already have the Decrypter for 7 Days to Die. I'll release it eventually. It's got a lot of fun stuff in the XMLs. I don't want to mess with TFP though by releasing the Decrypter now without approval. I also don't want them to change the encryption, and make me figure it out again. Second request is already planned, plus an option to auto back up asset files. I also want to add a status bar, search feature, context menus, and general Hex/Text displays for every item.[/QUOTE] Slight misunderstanding. I'd like the option to export and import without decrypting the file. I hope that clarifies. That way an encrypted export/backup can be done, and an encrypted import of a mod can be done (or the backup return the original functionality). Ambitious plans, very nice.
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[QUOTE=Red Eagle LXIX;36620]Slight misunderstanding. I'd like the option to export and import without decrypting the file. I hope that clarifies. That way an encrypted export/backup can be done, and an encrypted import of a mod can be done (or the backup return the original functionality). Ambitious plans, very nice.[/QUOTE] And I feel totally stupid. Export/Import as Unity Raw data (.data) results in a file with the contents. You've already got that covered.
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ok, well, since grimreefer24601 is super awesome and actually had one of my requests implemented already you can all have this: No Specials v0.01 - A 7DTD Alpha 6.4(b1) mod by Red Eagle LXIX This mod replaces three of the special mobs in the spawn lists with other mobs ZombieDog is replaced with ZombieCrawlers Hornet is replaced with ZombieGal04 fatzombieCop is replaced with fatzombie [ATTACH]1138[/ATTACH] [spoiler][code]No Specials v0.01 - A 7DTD Alpha 6.4(b1) mod by Red Eagle LXIX -------------------------------------------------------------- Credit to grimreefer24601 for "Grim's Unity Asset Editor" http://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?5030-Grim-s-Unity-Asset-Editor-V0-1 Literally one of the best Unity Asset tools out. This mod replaces three of the special mobs in the spawn lists with other mobs ZombieDog is replaced with ZombieCrawlers Hornet is replaced with ZombieGal04 fatzombieCop is replaced with fatzombie Before proceeding make sure there are no running copies of 7DTD via Task Manager Make sure your 7DTD folder is on a drive with at least 610MB free. INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Extract the contents of this zip into your 7DaysToDie_Data folder Default path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data" 2. RUN BackupResourcesAssets.bat 3. Check to make sure file resources.Original_Backup_A64b1.assets exists 3. Start Grim's Unity Asset Editor 4. Open resources.assets 5. Sort by Type 6. Scroll down till you find the text files (between type 30 and type 36) 7. Click on models_4 (text) file. 8. With models_4 selected, Click the Asset -> Import on the menu bar 9. On the bottom right of the window, select Unity Asset Raw Data (*.data) 10. Select models_4.txt.mod.data 11. Click File > Save As on the menu bar 12. Click on resources.assets and select save, say YES to overwrite UNINSTALL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Navigate to your 7DaysToDie_Data folder Default path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data" 2. RUN RestoreResourcesAssets.bat 3. Verify resources.assets is the same size as resources.Original_Backup_A64b1.assets WARNINGS: Not to be used online! I have not tested this online. I've tested this for about an hour playtime, ran through areas known to have dogs, hornets, and fatzombieCops. 0 seen. Details: This mod replaces three of the special mobs in the spawn lists with other mobs ZombieDog is replaced with ZombieCrawlers Hornet is replaced with ZombieGal04 fatzombieCop is replaced with fatzombie
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[QUOTE=Red Eagle LXIX;36635]No Specials v0.01 - A 7DTD Alpha 6.4(b1) mod by Red Eagle LXIX[/QUOTE]This mod is [U]ONLINE compatible[/U]. This will only work when user is host, or server is running it. Tested against local dedicated server run from an unmodified folder. So, if you are running this mod, your single player games (any you host) will not have ZombieDogs, Hornets, or Fat Zombie Cops. If you join a server NOT running this mod, you will still see dogs, hornets, and fat zombie cops. If you join a server running this mod (doubt there is even 1 out there), then you would not see them even if you were not running the mod. I'm not updating the README. :p
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[QUOTE=Red Eagle LXIX;36635]ok, well, since grimreefer24601 is super awesome and actually had one of my requests implemented already you can all have this: No Specials v0.01 - A 7DTD Alpha 6.4(b1) mod by Red Eagle LXIX Good laugh going to a Hive and seeing it surrounded with zombiegals.[/QUOTE] Thanks! I personally don't mind the special zombies, but I'm so darn happy that modding is starting to get on it's way! :) A question to Red/grim/any other potential modder: how hard would it be for you guys to make a land protection type plugin? Of course this is a pretty vague question, as there's really basic things such as 'bedroll protecting 30 blocks around it' and then Minecraft-Type plugins with features such as being able to protect exact areas that you select, then giving friends access to your land, having many different individual permissions to give (such as only build, only destroy, only chest access, etc. - in case you don't trust someone with full access to your land), etc... But would be interesting to hear from you if you've seen the appropriate codes and would know how to go about changing it. I really think a mod such as that would superbly improve the multiplayer experience for many, many people. Hell, I know me and my 5 buddies would be coming back to play! :) And I know that the makers of the minecraft land protection mods got LOTS of donations from people... :) Again, thanks for all your efforts! P.S.: Btw. grim I tested your 'fast travel' mod a few days back. The stars on the map etc. worked fine, but the sleeping bag spawns didnt work like it used to. The "home icon" would 'float' on the map instead of being on a fixed location where I placed it. And placing a new one replaced the old one. So it was just overall bugged, not exactly sure what was wrong. I've had another friend test it, he had the same problem.
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Well, the mod I did was nothing more than a tweak to one of those xml files I've suggested we be given access to. I don't doubt land protection is possible but my IL code skills aren't up to the task (I just dabble). grimreefer24601 has a much better chance of answering that. I think it is likely given Rust is using the same engine and there are such mods there (strangely, look at their server and exploit forums, the official servers running VAC and Cheatpunch have more problems than the ones with both disabled and using mods).
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[QUOTE=Red Eagle LXIX;36714]Well, the mod I did was nothing more than a tweak to one of those xml files I've suggested we be given access to. I don't doubt land protection is possible but my IL code skills aren't up to the task (I just dabble). grimreefer24601 has a much better chance of answering that. I think it is likely given Rust is using the same engine and there are such mods there (strangely, look at their server and exploit forums, the official servers running VAC and Cheatpunch have more problems than the ones with both disabled and using mods).[/QUOTE] I don't doubt that last statement about the servers with the mods having less problems. In MC there isnt even an official anti-cheat or anything either. All of it is done via mods/plugins, and they work more or less perfect. The thing is: there's always ways around anti-cheat. So there will always be the cheaters that grief, etc. So the only way to stop them is to make things ungriefable via land protection. Or stopping people from flying/speedhacking with a plugin that checks player movement speeds and if something abnormal is happening it warps him back or even kicks/bans the player. Or when people use X-Ray hacks (to see valuable ores), it turns every stone/dirt also into a diamond ore, meaning the hacker can't tell the difference... :)
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Nice to see my tools getting good use. It makes sense that it would only be sever side since spawning itself is called from a server file. So it's only reading it's available assets. I wish all mods were like that. Land protection, maybe, but not for awhile. And what exactly do you mean by protection? Inability to destroy/loot? First, with Alpha 7 around the corner, any DLL mod will have to be remade at that time. Also for that kind of edit, I'd rather be able to inject a new DLL to control things. I think it's possible, but I've mostly be messing with UEA lately. I look at it and see if I see anything.
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[QUOTE=grimreefer24601;36757]Nice to see my tools getting good use. It makes sense that it would only be sever side since spawning itself is called from a server file. So it's only reading it's available assets. I wish all mods were like that. Land protection, maybe, but not for awhile. And what exactly do you mean by protection? Inability to destroy/loot? First, with Alpha 7 around the corner, any DLL mod will have to be remade at that time. Also for that kind of edit, I'd rather be able to inject a new DLL to control things. I think it's possible, but I've mostly be messing with UEA lately. I look at it and see if I see anything.[/QUOTE] Yeah, I didn't give it a release type thread just because A7 is around the corner and the complexity of the install. There are a few others which should also be safe to mod and still use on servers as well. I'm very much a fan of UAE. It has tested better and more compatible on multiple games than tools that have been around for much longer. Excellent work! I can't wait for the a version with command line import/export/backup support. Hopefully you'll cover the ability to specify the export/import data format (as you can see, used that so I could export/import the encrypted data.
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[QUOTE=grimreefer24601;36757]Land protection, maybe, but not for awhile. And what exactly do you mean by protection? Inability to destroy/loot? First, with Alpha 7 around the corner, any DLL mod will have to be remade at that time. Also for that kind of edit, I'd rather be able to inject a new DLL to control things. I think it's possible, but I've mostly be messing with UEA lately. I look at it and see if I see anything.[/QUOTE] Land protection would work like this (very basic info, as there could be be many details/features implemented along with it in the future): A player can 'claim' a land as his. Any other player on the server is no longer able to break any block in that area (from bedrock to sky). So basically, if Player A claims a land that is 30 by 30 blocks (and from bedrock to sky), then Player B and C cannot break any block in that area. But it should have the feature that Player A can give another player (e.g. Player B) the permission to build/destroy/access chests/etc on his land. So then Player A and B could do stuff on that land, but Player C still cant. In Minecraft the 'claiming' part is done via a tool that is rarely used (the wooden axe - you LEFT CLICK on one corner of the land and RIGHT CLICK on the other/diagonal corner) or also via just standing somewhere and typing "/claim" and then the server claims the chunk (in MC its 16x16 blocks) that he is standing on. And it's usually used in addition to a economy/currency plugin, meaning that it will cost the player 'money' to claim land. The player should also have certain limits so they can't claim the whole map (for example a max of 3 different lands with a max size of 30x30 each). These limits should be able to be set by the admin of the server to what he sees fit.
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What I'm kicking around, instead of a command line tool, is a mod packager. You would select the files you want in your mod, export them to a raw data package, and release the mod with a small executable that would guide the end user through the install process. I don't know what of that is possible right now, bobster, some parts I think should be. It requires some kind of saving to work though, I think. And I've only scratched the surface of regions and chunks. I will give it some consideration. Right now I'm working on some nice updates to UAE. I've fixed some bugs, cleaned some junk out of the program, added a status bar, a context menu, and a preferences file that stores all of your window adjustments and directories. I've got some more stuff I'm working on for v0.2, so be ready. I'm hoping to release it around the release of Alpha 7.
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Grim, It is only the texture files. Text shows and audio displays "wave". I have the latest version of direct x installed. Can and have been playing 7dtd. Regards, Robert [QUOTE=grimreefer24601;36574]You can run the program from any directory. UAE doesn't care. If it's only textures your having problems with it might have something to do with Direct X. Although I would think if you're running 7D2D you'd have the appropriate DX runtimes. You could try downloading and installing the latest Direct X. It shouldn't have anything to do with running the service pack if everything else is working. First though try downloading UAE again. It's possible something happened in the download. Completely delete every early file you have, and only use the new ones. You shouldn't have to mess with any of the DLLs with the latest download.[/QUOTE]
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[QUOTE=grimreefer24601;36146]So, here's a screenshot teaser of the Model plug-in I'm working on. [ATTACH=CONFIG]1119[/ATTACH] I think I've got the Unity Format figured out. Now I just have to decide on a good output format. Disunity converts to OBJ which is a nice easy file to work with, but it can't store all the information in a Unity Mesh file. I've got vertices, indices, bone matrices, vertex colors, at least two sets of texture coordinates, skin weights,normals, and tangents. OBJ can't handle all of that. The only 3d format that I'm familiar with coding is DirectX X Files. These can't be opened in most software without conversion, so I'm kind of looking into FBX, but there's no real documentation on it. It does have a free SDK, so it's the most likely possibility, and it's usable in most software. So, the question I'm posing is, do any of you know of a better 3d file format? Keep in mind the above data I need to handle, compatibility with 3d software, and documentation on the format. Your opinions may help me decide on the final output format.[/QUOTE] Yes, obj is pretty limited. Yeah, definitely don't go w/ DirectX. The .dds format, as simple as textures should be, was a conversion PITA. I can't imagine what the would have done to the models. I know that FBX is good for skeletal models, and does contain the bones, weights and mesh. I'm pretty sure FBX is proprietary, no? [url]http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/3D-formats.html[/url] Among those Unity takes in natively, Collada (.dae) is pretty good. It has a lot of functionality. My experience has been that transferring between 3d suites through collada tends to preserve more aspects with less mangling than most other formats. Perhaps that's an accident of the programs involved, but if a format is well supported by a variety of vendors, it's a good sign that it might be documented. [url]http://www.khronos.org/collada/[/url]
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As a programmer with a lot of experience with directx and 3d modeling/skinning, I would suggest .x format or maybe .nif. .x is a very versatile format and can store any and all model structures. .nif is also a very flexible format used by a lot of big engines (most common format with bethesdas engines), but it's a harder to work with.
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Thanks for the opinions on format. I'm still thinking FBX will be best, but it may slow down my release of that particular plugin. X files and NIF aren't supported natively by any of the modeling tools I have (3DSMAX, Milkshape, and Blender). DAE (means great in Korean) is a nice file type with wide support (Milkshape can't import it, but can export it), but it's a large format to learn. FBX has a free SDK from AutoDesk, and it can export FBX, DAE, and OBJ. Sure I have to learn it, but any format other than X I'd have to learn. @rhawkins: Sorry, I'm at a loss as to why you can't load textures. My suggestion for now is to wait for v0.2, and see if that helps. It's got a few changes to the texture plug-in that may help. After I get that released, if your still having problems, I make up some test plug-ins that may help me check out what's going wrong. Finally, as an update, I'm nearly finished integrating a mod packaging system using the plug-in system. Really, now I'm just working on the package installer that the end user would use to install the mod. I've also decided to release the XML decrypter with v0.2. People are already modding their games and griefing people without UAE. UAE may make some of that easier for people making griefing mods, but not really easier for those who use them since a Google search and quick download will give you the same results. XMLs are the heart of modding, so holding it back from everyone because some people cheat seems ridicules. If you use it to cheat, you're a jerk, but you were a jerk before that and were probably cheating anyway. So, keep a look out for v0.2. Maybe this weekend.
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