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Disabling screamers


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I've not played in awhile because of the way screamers used to bring zombie after zombie and destroyed everything I worked for. I wanted to know if it's possible to keep the zombies but just disable the screamers from spawning fresh zombies all the time? I play on the easiest settings and I wouldn't mind if it did that on hard settings but on easiest you should have the option to disable them spawning all time. It would be nice to get back into the game but I don't have the motivation for it if hoards are gonna spawn every 2 minutes.

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It's almost certainly possible to prevent screamers from spawning zombies, or at least more than 1.

Before we go any further, always back up any files you plan on editing before you edit them please, and, back up your saves before you test a modification.


Find the directory for 7dtd:

D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config


There appear to be 2 ways to proceed:

  1. we could either remove/reduce zombie spawns once a screamer sounds off, or
  2. we could disable the scream mechanism more directly.

Reducing zombie spawns:

  1. open "spawning.xml" using notepad.
  2. press ctrl+f and enter "Scouts" and select find next. You should be directed to the proper entry.
  3. modify the entry to reflect what is shown below (look for the green text). It's really just changing a "1" to a "*", and adding a "<!--" and a "-->" at two points.
    	<entityspawner name="Scouts" dynamic="true" wrapMode="wrap">
    	<day value="*"><!--* means it is used when no day is specified -->
    		<property name="ResetToday"         value="true" />
    		<property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombieScouts" />
    		<property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    		<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalAlive"         value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalPerWave"       value="1" />
    <!-- these are what the scouts summon if they see you total per wave is now hard coded to dynamically change every time she screams-->
    <!-- TotalAlive can never be more than 20 it is hard coded -->
    <entityspawner name="HordeMeterDynamicSpawnDay" dynamic="true" >
    	<day value="[color="#00FF00"]*[/color]">
    		<property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    		<property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    		<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalAlive"         value="1" />
    	<day value="2">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="2" />
    	<day value="3">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="3" />
    	<day value="4">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="3" />
    	<day value="5">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="3" />
    	<day value="6">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="4" />
    	<day value="7">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="5" />
    	<day value="8">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="5" />
    	<day value="9">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="5" />
    	<day value="10">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="6" />
    	<day value="11">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="6" />
    	<day value="12">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="6" />
    	<day value="13">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="7" />
    	<day value="14">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="7" />
    	<day value="15">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="7" />
    	<day value="16">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="7" />
    	<day value="17">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="7" />
    	<day value="18">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="7" />
    	<day value="19">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="8" />
    	<day value="20">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="8" />
    	<day value="21">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="8" />
    	<day value="22">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="9" />
    	<day value="23">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="9" />
    	<day value="24">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="9" />
    	<day value="25">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="10" />
    	<day value="26">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="10" />
    	<day value="27">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesAll" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="12" />
    	<day value="28,60">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesWastelandNight" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="12" />
    	<day value="61,90">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesWastelandNight2" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="12" />
    	<day value="*">
    	  <property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesWastelandNight2" />
    	  <property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    	  <property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    	  <property name="TotalAlive"         value="15" />

Cont. in next post.

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Part 2


Disabling the screamer mechanism:

  • In "spawning.xml", modify the text to reflect the following. Again, it's really just adding a "<!--" and a "-->" at two points.
    		<day value="49">
    		<property name="ResetToday"         value="true" />
    		<property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesWastelandNight2NoBears" />
    		<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalAlive"         value="8" />
    		<property name="TotalPerWave"       value="300" />
    <entityspawner name="Scouts" dynamic="true" wrapMode="wrap">
    	<day value="*"><!--* means it is used when no day is specified -->
    		<property name="ResetToday"         value="true" />
    		<property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombieScouts" />
    		<property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    		<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalAlive"         value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalPerWave"       value="1" />
    <!-- these are what the scouts summon if they see you total per wave is now hard coded to dynamically change every time she screams-->
    <!-- TotalAlive can never be more than 20 it is hard coded -->
    <entityspawner name="HordeMeterDynamicSpawnDay" dynamic="true" >

I can't say this method will work 100% since I've not tested it, but reducing the number of spawns to 1 will almost definitely work.

And again, please back up the "spawning.xml" file and your saves!

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Disabling the screamer mechanism:

  • In "spawning.xml", modify the text to reflect the following. Again, it's really just adding a "<!--" and a "-->" at two points.
    		<day value="49">
    		<property name="ResetToday"         value="true" />
    		<property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesWastelandNight2NoBears" />
    		<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalAlive"         value="8" />
    		<property name="TotalPerWave"       value="300" />
    <entityspawner name="Scouts" dynamic="true" wrapMode="wrap">
    	<day value="*"><!--* means it is used when no day is specified -->
    		<property name="ResetToday"         value="true" />
    		<property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombieScouts" />
    		<property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    		<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalAlive"         value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalPerWave"       value="1" />
    <!-- these are what the scouts summon if they see you total per wave is now hard coded to dynamically change every time she screams-->
    <!-- TotalAlive can never be more than 20 it is hard coded -->
    <entityspawner name="HordeMeterDynamicSpawnDay" dynamic="true" >

I can't say this method will work 100% since I've not tested it, but reducing the number of spawns to 1 will almost definitely work.

And again, please back up the "spawning.xml" file and your saves!


Thankyou so much I will try these out. Help is appreciated :tickled_pink:

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There appear to be 2 ways to proceed:

  1. we could either remove/reduce zombie spawns once a screamer sounds off, or
  2. we could disable the scream mechanism more directly.

Or you could remove the screamer zombie itself from its group, or you could set the amount of heat generated by player actions to 0. Plenty of options!

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Doing either of those would effectively remove the screamer, but he said he wanted to keep all the zombies including the screamers. Although, now that i'm thinking of it again: removing the ability of screamers may render the very stenchy zombie bears inaccessible. This is not good.


Edit: Nvm, it's in the wasteland biome.

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Personally, I like the screamers, and I 'farm' them. I keep them alive, and taunt them to summon more screamers, and more zombies. I start to struggle once there's 4 screamers (plus their hordes) onscreen at any one time (plus my rig starts to stutter a bit then), but 3 screamers plus their mobs is a manageable days work of kiting, killing, looting, cleanup and repairs.


Not recommended before adequate armour and melee skills have been attained, but once you can sledge a zombie army into pulp, then it becomes a day of losing nothing other than your time, with loot and experience as the rewards.

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  • 2 years later...
Disabling the screamer mechanism:

  • In "spawning.xml", modify the text to reflect the following. Again, it's really just adding a "<!--" and a "-->" at two points.
    		<day value="49">
    		<property name="ResetToday"         value="true" />
    		<property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombiesWastelandNight2NoBears" />
    		<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalAlive"         value="8" />
    		<property name="TotalPerWave"       value="300" />
    <entityspawner name="Scouts" dynamic="true" wrapMode="wrap">
    	<day value="*"><!--* means it is used when no day is specified -->
    		<property name="ResetToday"         value="true" />
    		<property name="EntityGroupName"    value="ZombieScouts" />
    		<property name="Time"               value="Any" />
    		<property name="DelayBetweenSpawns" value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalAlive"         value="1" />
    		<property name="TotalPerWave"       value="1" />
    <!-- these are what the scouts summon if they see you total per wave is now hard coded to dynamically change every time she screams-->
    <!-- TotalAlive can never be more than 20 it is hard coded -->
    <entityspawner name="HordeMeterDynamicSpawnDay" dynamic="true" >

I can't say this method will work 100% since I've not tested it, but reducing the number of spawns to 1 will almost definitely work.

And again, please back up the "spawning.xml" file and your saves!


Will this only effect new saves or will it also effect already existing save files? Cause I tried it & it didn't work & I don't feel like starting a new file already.

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