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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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This a bug in the main game. It effectively allows you to level any skill with zero resource cost. Been there as far back as I remember. XP is gained on completion, not creation.


It's worse when combined with two crafting stations as you can bypass the time and get xp as fast as you can open each one. Because of how they store crafting station data, you can dupe anything for whatever the cheapest item to craft is. Example, infinite wrenches for the cost of a hook...Getting skillups and as much iron you want from scrapping. No way around this bug afaik


The easiest solution is to create the item and drop it to the ground on completion of your inventory is full.

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SP, 90 min, 18 hr day, all else default, day 14, level 41, 329 kills (about 1/2 at night). Lots of crafting. Hope this helps. I did die in 3 previous restarts (starved, spider bite, zombies). I do enjoy this mod a lot and thanks goes to the guys developing and testing. I have a previous 92 day play through and just wanted a fresh start after the last update. Made frequent trips to a Hub style town and the continuous zombies and raiders fighting is a pretty harrowing 7dtd experience. Not for the 7dtd newbie for sure. Keep up the great work.

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I think the xp multiplier is way too high. Started the 28. day horde night with a compoundbow and 100 arrows. I just level up from lvl 30 to lvl 60 withing 3 ingame hours=7,5min IRL. I don't know if there is a diffence in xp between the 7. day and the 28. day. But it seems possible to reach lvl 50 or higher within 7 days easily.


P.S.: I'm playing with the suggested settings, and had 40 Wellness.

I could simply jump a lvl by landing a headshot with the bow on a zombie.

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Hey guys. Having a a behavior script errors, not sure if related but having issues with icons for items not showing either. Here's today's log file for your review. Thanks.




You are using the Starvation Pack, aren't you?Btw all I can see is an error in the Unity. Does others have the same problem? Are you sure, you are using the same mods as the server?

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I agree with the xp progression mentioned above. I just had the 14 day horde and killed 80 zombies. Level 41 before, now I'm level 56...that's maybe too high of a bonus.


Yikes! Yeah that is a mod killer to be honest. This mod prides itself on difficulty. I hope this changes. There was nothing wrong with it before to be honest. I havent heard anyone say they wanted progression to be that quick. Im sure its just an oversight but wow thats a costly one to a server owner and its players who ENJOYED the slower experiences this mod was offering.


EDIT - Was having a peak at the xmls, is this bonus xp a dll change? All zombies in the xml have about 30 EXP and the multiplier in the progression xml is unchanged. What controls the bonus exp?

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Yeah xp progression is a little high, went from lvl 20 to lvl 23 on horde night 28 in couple game hours (not a very good shot), would have got more but ran out of arrows.


My stats: SP, 90min, 18 hr day, lvl28, day 33, loot - disabled, drop on death - delete all, air drop - disabled, z's - 644, players - 2 (i assume thats bandits), deaths - 14 (most at the start).

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Yeah xp progression is a little high, went from lvl 20 to lvl 23 on horde night 28 in couple game hours (not a very good shot), would have got more but ran out of arrows.


My stats: SP, 90min, 18 hr day, lvl28, day 33, loot - disabled, drop on death - delete all, air drop - disabled, z's - 644, players - 2 (i assume thats bandits), deaths - 14 (most at the start).


I suppose you are on a higher level now with 644 Z kills. :D

As I noticed there is a game bug there with the player kills, when you die and quit the game before respawn you get +1 player kill and +1 death in addition.

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Thanks for the feedback. I think people are forgetting you’re not crafting sticks anymore. You are scraping them. When you craft an item it pumps out a batch every time a set of resources are used up. When you scrap something it counts it all as one action. So if you do not want to wait 50min for 2000 branches to become sticks then scrap smaller sizes. If you scrap 1 branch you get 1 stick if you scrap 5 branches you get 3 sticks, I’m not telling you to scrap one branch at a time but just something to think about. Also I think ya'll are overlooking some of the benefits of it like this. For one you can scrap any wood item into sticks so that is a time saver because you don't have to make planks first to make sticks. Also before you had to craft wood into planks before you could craft sticks now you can cut all that extra work out. I think adding a recipe to the wood working bench for Logs to wood and Logs to planks is a good idea. Maybe give the log straight to planks a few extra planks than using wood. Cobble stone could use branches but then to build a castle the only way to do it would be cut down fresh trees. You could not use all the other wood you have stocked up. I think that would be frustrating to have 5 stacks of wood, planks, sticks and logs but still need to go chop a tree to build my castle. We are looking for a new name for "stick" though if anyone has one.


The Brute is set up as a block buster. That’s his job. He doesn't actually do a ton of player damage but he crushes blocks. I don’t think he one shots rConcrete or steel but most others he can chew through.


Also if your level 25 before day 14(if I understand you right) then you have modded the game or are not on suggested settings or you have found an xp exploit that you are not sharing with me.



Try to do better time management and planning in your crafting. Also don’t scrap large quantities at once if you need them fast. You wouldnt scrap 5 Anvils and expect it to be finished anytime soon so why would that game mechanic change for this material? Where before you had to process wood to planks then sticks now you can jump straight to sticks but its takes longer. Think I seen scraping to make a little over 2k sticks took about 3 min. Thats 10 sticks a second. That might be the fastest craft timer per item in the game. Maybe if you want something fast you dont scrap wood and make planks like you used to so your not making 1000's of sticks at a time..


@Unlike Them-

Ya Zombie damage needs need to be re balanced. I'll do this while we are doing zombie armor



Ya I am planning -2 logs and cut in 1/2 the branches per tree but I wanted to give this balance a little longer and see how it felt. I don’t really see the point into making this a lumberjack simulator. How it was you needed to go cut wood all the time it felt to me. If after playing a few more days it still feels to much I will do the Nerf I mentioned and see how that feels.



Whoa Jax I saw that, take a chill pill. You want to get a pitchfork because I miss capitalized 2 letters? Come on. I've done a lot worst than that before. Hell i dont think I have even broken save games since i started the SDX build. Im not perfect and if you expect me to be you will be let down.


Bushes give more branches to help starting players get wood to build a stone axe without needing to punch trees.

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@Spider: "Also if your level 25 before day 14(if I understand you right) then you have modded the game or are not on suggested settings or you have found an xp exploit that you are not sharing with me."


I play SP on 90 minute days where 18 hours is daylight. I do not know how to mod the program. Everything else is default. at 8 pm before the 14th day horde, I was level 41, after the horde and 80 dead zombies later, I was level 56. Sorry, but thats realville. Its a great mod and I love it but that's too much xp for hordes. I did notice that on the 7th and 14 day horde my levels were going up fast. Now, unfortunately I need to scrap this playthrough because I think the the zombie spawns (specifically feral and cop spawns) have started way before I'm ready for them too..haha. and thanks again for your hard work.

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Very nice thought out post, thank you.


First, the recipes not coming back sorry. I return all jars when possible but when its not possible i try and make sure you are getting some better benefit in return. With the Canteen you are getting more hydration than you put in and you are saving 5 inventory spaces. I thought of making you fill it from special water block and all that but the more I worked on it like that the more overly complicated it got. You can only return one item and the only time you can do that is when the first item has a use/consume on it and many of those items on your list are not like that. There are a few I didnt think about to much like the chicken feed.


I had thought up a water pumping purification system using Mortes Power Mod we run. We only use one form of power and he has code for 3. I was going to use one of the others to make it pump and purify water. So you would lay a pipe completely under non player placed water and run a pipe to your base then power it and it would make water to fill your jars. But after some work on it I realized that it kind of broke the game. Once you built it your hydration problems were over and it was a "I Win" button for hydration. Your idea for a water forge sounds interesting I would have to give it some more thought to see if its feasible.


On another note I think I worked out a system if we want to have our players able to piss and crap and without any negative effects. It could just be something you did if you wanted to be funny or needed turds or maybe urine. Just make all food and drink give a hidden buff that last for idk 8 game hours and after that you could at any time piss or crap. Then the next time you eat or drank it would start again. I wouldnt make any buff icons or timers and there would be no negative effects to not doing it. Just a thought.






Hygiene buff

Ah the old Hygiene buff. Ya I dropped that because I felt the new wound system with the tending of wounds or they smell achieved the same goal. I liked it personally but others did not feel the same. Gather enough support and I'm with ya :)



Bouns XP-

Yes I thought when I herd it it was to high but I thought we try it. I think the night bonus xp needs to be dropped completely and the Horde xp needs to go to 2 then when I am setting up the new horde zombies it will be easy for me to balance and i can give them more xp then normal zombies too.




I was thinking stopping the Tools items from vanishing when you log out would be the problem. If you can get it to just check the players inventory or tool belt that would still totally work for what I want.


Errrhh? I dont know about that weather thing. I try not to mod features that are already broken but if you think you got something we can take a look when you get a test build.



That xp thing is just the way the game mechanic works. Please report that to the pimps. If enough complain and maybe they will fix it.



Like I said you are not on suggested settings. That is why you are leveling like that. 90min days makes the game way easier and you level faster. If you are playing 90min and suggested settings are 60min then on day 14 you are really on day 21 but you skipped 6 game nights and a horde night and were able to loot non re spawned poi's because they go off game days also. I could go on and on about how huge that one game setting effects game difficulty like all the extra wellness you can get from the extra food but I wont. And thats just one setting. If you really have it on default then i think thats 3 day loot respawn (super duper duper easye town), real low zombie memory, Airdrops like every 20min or something like that and on and on. Now there is nothing wrong with you playing my mod like that but your not playing it as i designed it to be payed you are taking it and making it something else for your enjoyment thats not True Survival. And thats great I'm glad you are having fun playing it but when I ask people for stats or info on a game balance I really just need the players that are playing True Survival on the settings I make it to play on. The suggested games settings on the front page.


This is a good time to bring this up. In A16 I am going back to the way I have always done mod update before SDX. Update, balance and test it on my server until I am satisfied its a stable balanced build then it will be released for SP, MP and Serves. Doing it like this has been a train wreck. Spending hours looking for bugs that aren't there because someone is on an old build. Or using info from players on crazy game settings or players that have modded the mod then report their bugs. The quickest, cleanest way to get the mod updated and bug free is to have testing in a controlled environment.


and one last thing



ONE MORE BUG REPORT ON A MINI BIKE AND I WILL REMOVE THEM COMPLETELY FROM THE MOD AND IF I GET ONE AFTER THAT I WILL MAKE IMPOSSIBLE TO MOD BACK IN (somehow)Go complain to the pimps. They are vanilla code. I do not mod them. And this is why I do not mod already broken features like weather and armor.

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Spider, thanks for reading my post and considering those changes.


Regarding my level, I play 120 min cycles, 18hr days and Max zombie spawn. Choosing two professions that give X2 resources (bloaters giving pages maybe too much, I had 20 day 10 with these settings) makes harvesting materials trivial, so I can spend more time scavenging. Also, I lucked into a glass factory and two outdoor shops on one corner day 1 that already had 2 forges along with so many supply crates I practically had a fully built level 25 base day 1. A previous game I was level 12 at day 10 with the same settings but no glass factory.


There is an XP exploit I mentioned, but it's in the base game and afaik, will need to be patched by fun pimps. I think it's silly to use, why play the game if you are going to cheat?

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But ya like I said, you too are not playing the True Survival Mod. You have taken it and made it into something else for your playing pleasure. But because of that you can in no way compare your experience or stats to a player that is playing the real True Survival Mod. You have taken a Hardcore mod and chose to make it a care bare play through. Again there is nothing wrong with this, you are free to do it and I'm happy you are enjoying it. But please dont kid your self into thinking your playing my Mod. At 120min days compared to a player playing on suggested settings, for every 1 day they play you are getting 2 normal days of looting ,crafting and building but with half the zombies, no night time and half the horde nights. And again I could go on and on about how this one setting completely removes any notion of difficulty from the game. So unfortunately I cant really use any of your game information for balancing and posting info that is not based off the True Survival Mod playing on suggested settings just confuses, slows down and misdirects the balance work for the whole mod. Sometimes I wish I could hard code the game settings then people couldn't make my mod into easy mode then hop on the forums saying how they are so good at it and kicking its a@$ when they have never ever even really played my mod.


Again like I said this is the reason next alpha the mod will not be released until its complete and all test playing and balancing will be done on my server where I can know and control the settings for balance reasons. Like all True Survival releases before this.

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If you are on an old save it might be you still have survivors alive from before the change. It will take sometime before you can see the effect from lowering their spawn chance. I have been killing them when i see them to speed it up :)

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Again like I said this is the reason next alpha the mod will not be released until its complete and all test playing and balancing will be done on my server where I can know and control the settings for balance reasons. Like all True Survival releases before this.


Does it mean, that you will doing the balancing on the server, and when you add something new the launcher will download it? Or we won't be able to play on the server at all? - If that is the case, is there any way to help you testing?

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@Spider. Bouns XP-

Yes I thought when I herd it it was to high but I thought we try it. I think the night bonus xp needs to be dropped completely and the Horde xp needs to go to 2 then when I am setting up the new horde zombies it will be easy for me to balance and i can give them more xp then normal zombies too.

Thank you. That will fix my issue. What a great mod this is!

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Maybe add scrap option for 'wood debris' too?

And all that reasoning 'you can scrap any wood straight to sticks and don't have to make planks first'... I used to get so much sticks from chopping trees I did not know where to spend them. At least now I don't have this problem.

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And also 'if I add water plumbing it will make thirst problem obsolete', a player solves his water problem long before he has access to metal works. I personally always settle near water (for aestetics reasons), and when you start farming, you have water anyway.

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Like all True Survival builds before the SDX branch any one will be able to join and play on the Official Test server. But that will be the only place to play it until its finished and stable. So what you will get in the Mod Launcher would just be a Client Pack that would only work on the Test Server and could not run the mod by its self or on another server.



What this also means is when you download the Full A16 True Survival Mod you can be sure it will be bug free(my bugs), and balanced to challenge you and offer you both hope and despair.

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Missing quests


One of the players that play on my dedicated Starvation server is not showing any quests at all. The rest of us see them but the one user has zero quests. I have worked with them to reinstall and update the mod on their end but they are still not seeing the quests. Any suggestions as to what we could try. Everything else about the mod works perfectly on their system.



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