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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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I'm confused the Mod Update didn't mention that nerd-pillering is staying because in the current build I can nerd-pillar, I can jump and place blocks and place blocks when I'm on ladders. And secondly, it seems that the recipe lag is still present even after it was fixed a few updates ago. I'm playing in an SP world, am I the only one with this problem?

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BUG: So I just tested the nerd-pillering and recipe lag for my previous post. After that, I quit the game and launched into my Youtube LP world and the game acted like I was holding the right mouse button and would not stop, even after unplugging my mouse. The video shows everything I did once logging in, so if anyone dares to try and recreate it. I use tab to log in early and it's an SP game. I managed to fix it by deleting the mod and reinstalling it. Which is awesome because I thought my save was done.


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The hordes were already destroying everything thanks to acid, explosions and charge attacks. You want us to take them on, but now you make them impossible? I don't understand, unless you plan on giving us better blocks and traps as well, and not only starting at level 75 when we had to survive countless horde nights already.

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the zombies are my problem too. They are putting me under a lot of stress. The second is that there are not enough citys in the compo pack. That is also something that troubles me.


After the patch I started a new seed. As soon as I was in zombies came for me. I didn´t even had enough time to choose my proffession or gather anything to make an axe or club. The first zombie reached me without nothing on me and so I had to start walking/running. I managed to gather some stone, fiber and sticks. But couldn´t even open a birdsnest or garbage bag because of the swarm of zombies behind me. Finally I had to leave the street because the pukies started making giant holes in it, and so I went straight into the woods and got lost, because I couldn´t manage to find a gravel path or something that leads me to a house. I play 120 ingame minutes and it was already afternoon. The only thing I could find was a tree house in over 1 hour playtime. Lucky me a npc with a shotgun stand in front of it. So I thought cool, he will kill most of the zeds for me and give me some air. But I couldn´t even reach him. He saw the zombies and started shooting. I got hit several times because I ran in front of the zombies and was bleeding out without having a bandage. I don´t mind that I died. But what was pissing me of was that I didn´t even had a minute to pause somewhere and look where I am and choose a profession and make myself at least a club. The other thing is the lag of finding enough buildings.


The compo pack is nice and all, but the lag of buildings and specially towns is a big nono for me. I ran around one rl hour in the wilderness and had no chance to find any decent building. If you find one, it mostly has iron doors or iron on the door. You can´t build a ladder on day one so nerd poling is mostly the only option to get into a house. Exept it is a wooden house and you destroy parts of the wall. But even this only works if you have no zombies on your back.


I mostly prefer staying in or near towns. Because you have a bigger chance of finding a house to hide, even if zombie spawns are higher in this area. But the compo has no real towns. This few buildings you get are not enough to let you stay for a while. And if you play with no loot respawn I don´t know how you will ever settle down somewhere.

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So are blunts just a gag item or is there an actual use for them, because the description explains nothing and smoking them does nothing but slow you to a crawl for 3 minutes.


There's a bug involved with eating and not gaining any fullness, it keeps happening but I'm not sure what is causing it, I think if something is in queue to be crafted and you eat something and before the eating animation finishes the item finishes crafting it will cancel the fullness gain or something like that.


And lastly, a suggestion: torches and burn barrels; make them burn fuel more slowly, right now the cost of keeping just one of these lit all night is just as high as burning a forge or campfire, they should be more efficient since all they're doing is keeping a place lit.

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There's a bug involved with eating and not gaining any fullness, it keeps happening but I'm not sure what is causing it, I think if something is in queue to be crafted and you eat something and before the eating animation finishes the item finishes crafting it will cancel the fullness gain or something like that.


Not sure if it still does it, but this used to happen if you were in the cooking station and you ate something that was in your pack, this doesn't happen when eating directly from the output boxes though.

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Clarifying my bug report about not being able to craft beercooler, bookshelf and coffin, here is a screenshot. As you can see, I am in a wood working bench, have the clawhammer installed and all the ingredients, but the CRAFT button is grayed out. What is interesting, there is a 'hammer' icon next to the recipe name (for the bookshelf and coffin recipes) and there should be no icon, because I am at the right work station. Maybe thats the clue. Hope it helps.


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hmmmmm i'm having trouble in my heart. I like this to be hard and challenging. But some aspects are a bit frustrating (yeah i know that's what spider wants) specially between iron and steel. So hub is a no-go until you can go in like rambo, other cities won't have a single shop (checked 3 more already), the t2 containers i open after so much waiting will have virtually nothing, seller is selling crap, i can't create a proper ore mine, best looting spots are guarded by bandits who act very weird, they don't even look you in the eyes while head-shooting you, so rude;


Where i'm going with all this is that frustration should be properly administrated. Like last night i was staring at my base thinking all i could do is go around scraping cars, killing every single zombie to level up and loot broke-ass houses. And i'm close to level 40!!!!


Also when playing solo is soooo difficult to level up, cause in order to craft essential stuff you need to level engineering, primitive crafting, journeyman and master craftsman (or similar) so basically you must be all day scraping or improving stuff with different tools.


Also the backpack size is an issue for me. When going on a classic trip you have to carry scavenging parts for your bike, weapon repair kit for your weapons, food and water, metal pipes to repair tools, sharpening stone if you bring machete or nails (or woodframes) if club, medic kits, fuel, ammo, probably some energetic drink to runaway form z's.... and then you have to have room to loot!!


So i'm not saying it should be easy but maybe some balancing wouldn't hurt. I'm starting to see this like, for instance, the official servers on Ark Survival, where people proudly say those x1 rates are more difficult, and i say they are not, just madly time-consuming, grinding and out of proportion. Like some people don't have 20 hours a day to play.


All considered i love the mod don't think i'm throwing garbage on it just sharing a feel i had last night after a bad day don't go hard on me. What you guys think about this?

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Yes I have typed this information in game so you would not have to quit your game come on the internet and search for answers. It does however require you read the information for it to work though. Please read your True Survival Mod Notes in your players Journal Screen. Your looking for the Power Swing Note but reading them all is advised.



All that stuff should still be there. I watched the video 3 times and see no lag and not even an attempt at nerd poling. Did you link the right video?



What I will be doing is bringing strategy to the night horde fighting. Right now its just the game throwing up the same 15 zombies over and over and over all night. I will make it more like tower defiance game waves. Just know that you will be greatly incentivized to stay online and actively fight and loot the night hordes. Those that don't will not advance as quickly. That's all on it for now. You will get the rest of the details when its finished.



"The zombies are my problem too. They are putting me under a lot of stress."

Thank you. Mission accomplished! I appreciate the complement. That is the point of my mod. The only question from me would be did you starve to death or die of hydration too because I would like both the Zombies and the survival aspect to be equally kicking your but. I can tell from your post that your new to the mod and are not used to a HC style on 7D2D. How do I know that? Well your looking for gravel paths for one and you think a town would be a better place to start then a tree house. Both are wrong assumptions. First we don't have gravel roads at all, all roads are asphaltalso you (not zombies) move faster on the road so to leave the road in favor of wandering around in the forest was a terrible survival error. Unless your a seasoned TS player there's just no way your going to make it in a city or even a small town at the start. That tree house you seen should of been your god send but you scoffed at it and payed for it with your life. My mod is not designed to be "hard" it is designed to be challenging. That means its not made to kill you, its actually made so you always have a way to survive and its designed to allow you to make a series of bad decisions that lead to your death and by your post that sounds like exactly what it did(and I feel a little pride). By your post it sounds like you were given many chances to make good decision about your survival but at every turn made a bad one that led to your death, that's great game play in my opinion.


The starting with zombies on your but thing. When redoing some of the biome spanners I messed up the safe zone in a few bioms mainly the forests I think. I did notice it but in the last version of the mod the safe zone was broken completely and i think it made for some interesting and stressful game play. So at this point I'm not sure if I will fix it. Players learned to deal with it last build and actually enjoyed the starting pressure after a while.



Weed makes you hungry of course. You can use this in many ways. I'll let you be creative. We have something coming for all your burning needs


@unlike them-

Those recipes are fixed in next upload


O and about "Your making it hard so add more traps" There are already tons of traps for horde night in the game that no one is using heres a list-


Wood Spikes

Log Spikes

Barbed Wire

Barbed wire Fence

Shock Trap

Powered Spike Trap

Powered Fire Trap

Portable Fire Trap

Nail Trap

Bear Trap

3 Fall Traps

5 mines

Pipe Bombs


Methane Bombs

Iron Spikes

Radiated earth



so if your not using all those then you are not defending your base as well as you could

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hmmmmm i'm having trouble in my heart. I like this to be hard and challenging. But some aspects are a bit frustrating (yeah i know that's what spider wants).


All considered i love the mod don't think i'm throwing garbage on it just sharing a feel i had last night after a bad day don't go hard on me. What you guys think about this?


I think it's nicely balanced where it's at, honestly, it needed to be a lot harder on the dying side of the page. I the 80+ hours I've played this mod, I have only died by walking on my own bear traps, more times than I care to admit. There's no reason to carry scavenging parts unless you're running everything you see over, weapons? You have weapons? I'm soo jelly. If you have a wrench on you then you don't need to carry pipes just break down a sink, bam you got pipes to repair. Same with frames for nails to repair your club. Personally, I carry 2 Clubs, pick, axe, wrench, frames, stems, first aid bandages. In the mini-bike is gas, food and water. There's plenty of space for everything I loot.

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@vic21, I think you are frustrated because you come to this mod with vanilla (or other mods) habits. Change your expectations, this mod is played very different. Reading what you bring with yourself at expeditions, thats too much. If you come THIS prepared, yes, don't expect to have room in your inventory. This is the inventory management desisions Spider likes to speak about. I don't carry repair kits, food, sharpening stones, nails. I can repair stuff at home. Why bring water if you carrying energy drinks? I eat and drink fully before starting out (and I invest points into Survivor and The Camel). And you have a bike! That's added inventory. Slow levelling is this mod feature. So while this mod is very hard, some aspects are unbalanced and this is expected. Spider reads our feedback and adjusts this mod, but not nessesserily how we like :)

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All that stuff should still be there. I watched the video 3 times and see no lag and not even an attempt at nerd poling. Did you link the right video?

That video is about that stupid right click bug, I fixed it by deleting and reinstall the mod. After reinstalling the recipe lag is better, but I still can Nerd Pole. I can't be the only one that still can, right? I just reinstalled.


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We think the nerd pole fix is broken somehow. It was working and now its not and I don't see where the files have changed. Its not effecting game play, you can just still nerd pole at the min. Jeo will check the .dll and figure out whats what when he has time. Until then enjoy and savor your nerd poling.

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It is possible to use the first and second action with a tool (e.g. stone axe) at the same time, and destoying everything almost twice as fast.


This is a known issue. We are looking into best way to address this. There are several ways to do it, just need to determine which one works best.

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Clarifying my bug report about not being able to craft beercooler, bookshelf and coffin, here is a screenshot. As you can see, I am in a wood working bench, have the clawhammer installed and all the ingredients, but the CRAFT button is grayed out. What is interesting, there is a 'hammer' icon next to the recipe name (for the bookshelf and coffin recipes) and there should be no icon, because I am at the right work station. Maybe thats the clue. Hope it helps.


Apologies. This was fixed (My bad, had a typo in the workstation name so you needed to be at a workstation that doesn't exist) and will be released in the next patch. I think we will need to slow down the release rate and test more. We have LOTS of new stuff in coming, but it takes time to squash bugs when you change this much stuff and work on refactoring lots of the base xml to get ready for A16.

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I'm confused the Mod Update didn't mention that nerd-pillering is staying because in the current build I can nerd-pillar, I can jump and place blocks and place blocks when I'm on ladders. And secondly, it seems that the recipe lag is still present even after it was fixed a few updates ago. I'm playing in an SP world, am I the only one with this problem?


As spider said, testing shows the nerdpoling is back but will be fixed in next patch. However, punchback and forgelag fixes seem to be working properly in our testing.

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You've yet to kill me, bring it. :D


Well, we Floridians are extra tough, mostly because the sun tans our hides to thicker than most. The changes will be focused on late mid to endgame gameplay, so all your hard work in early and midgame will have more meaning in surviving the end game phase. That's the vision we are pursuing anyway.

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well for you its mission accomplished. For me its only senseless dying after almost 2 hours of walking and running. Staying on the road hadn´t changed anything for me and at some point you have to leave the roads or you will possibly not find a shelter for the night. If you have no time to breath how will you be able to craft anything to defend yourself? Even if I had found a gasstation or something simular on the road, it would have had more zombies in it. So how would I even get into the house without beeing able to get rid of the zombies for a little while?


I am not a beginner. I play for a long time now and played almost every mod who is out there, because I feel the vanilla game is to "soft". I rarely post anything in any forum but that doesn´t mean I am a noob. I just don´t like writting much. English is not my native language and I never learned it in school, just teached myself. So its hard for me to express.


I will not argue with you about whats right or wrong with your mod. Its your mod. I just felt obligated to share my experience and give you a look on your mod from an "outstanding position". If you don´t like people like me, talking about what they think should be changed to make the mod more enjoyable for the masses, thats fine. But don´t try to put me in a corner and make me a noobish person that has no glue. I play games for over 20 years now.


I don´t know if you want your mod only to be played by a handful HC players. If so, thats ok. But if you want the masses enjoying it you should be more open and respectfull to people.


I really apreciate the work you and your friends put in the mod. I am glad I tried it out. I may come back to it in the future. Until then I stay with valmod.

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Well, we Floridians are extra tough, mostly because the sun tans our hides to thicker than most. The changes will be focused on late mid to endgame gameplay, so all your hard work in early and midgame will have more meaning in surviving the end game phase. That's the vision we are pursuing anyway.

Haha! We are some tough cookies. :)

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well for you its mission accomplished. For me its only senseless dying after almost 2 hours of walking and running. Staying on the road hadn´t changed anything for me and at some point you have to leave the roads or you will possibly not find a shelter for the night. If you have no time to breath how will you be able to craft anything to defend yourself? Even if I had found a gasstation or something simular on the road, it would have had more zombies in it. So how would I even get into the house without beeing able to get rid of the zombies for a little while?



This mod is challenging, especially in the first week, but it is not impossible by any means. So let me give you feedback on the challenges you listed above and how you could have creatively solved those problems. First, you can craft hay blocks out of grass immediately. You can use those blocks to build a shelter to hide from zombies at night. Unless you make a lot of heat or noise, you have a very good chance to remain safe for the night.


As for crafting on the run, well that is very doable. Just walk/run ahead of the horde, punching grass, shrubs for sticks, and pickup the little rocks all around. Pause a second to start the crafting and run again. It is stressful to survive and craft this way, but that mechanic works well. The mod intends to make the early days stressful. This is the only mod that stresses me out in the first week, though I know there are custom servers out there that are tough too.


The gas station is a great starter POI, but as you said you are likely to meet some zombies around it. Just run around the gas station, dodging and pausing until you get the zombies in a pack and following you away from the gas station. When far enough away, use the road to fast run until you can hide and break the hunting, Then sneak back to the POI and climb on top. The same strategy works for houses in the woods.


This mod assumes that the player has mastered skills like these, and not just the ability to shoot a bow well, and how to craft things. It requires more than mastery of the vanilla game mechanics. The ValMods are great, especially the Horde edition and the Classic Horde edition, which are good training mods that begin to get you to think differently about how you approach survival. Master those horde editions and you will be better prepared for this mod.

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When far enough away, use the road to fast run until you can hide and break the hunting, Then sneak back to the POI and climb on top. The same strategy works for houses in the woods.



Does fast run only work for players? Was on server once that had buff on road to use a fast run buff but it also worked on zombies.

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