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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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TrueSurvival Team (have you guys decided on a good team name yet?) - Love the recent updates.


The punching damage change has been HILARIOUS to the players on my private server. Mumble has been full of muttered "Damn you Spider" every time someone isn't paying attention when breaking a block.


If you can fix the building while on ladder issue, then I am 100% behind the anti-nerd towers code.



One oddity I noticed - Birch trees give an absurdly small amount of wood (10% of the wood of other trees at the same stage). On the other hand there were some sort of tiny trees with only 200 health that were dropping 120+ wood each.

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Is anyone else having this problem? I was playing the current build last night and everything was working fine.


It is on a dedicated server and everyone on had the problem. Could it be something was either installed wrong or messed up on Install? Will try a complete reinstall and see if that helps. We where running it off a friends computer and it worked great.

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It is on a dedicated server and everyone on had the problem. Could it be something was either installed wrong or messed up on Install? Will try a complete reinstall and see if that helps. We where running it off a friends computer and it worked great.


You didn't use the new client DLL on the server, did you? That new DLL is was made for client-side and was not added to the server github server files.


- - - Updated - - -


TrueSurvival Team (have you guys decided on a good team name yet?) - Love the recent updates.


The punching damage change has been HILARIOUS to the players on my private server. Mumble has been full of muttered "Damn you Spider" every time someone isn't paying attention when breaking a block.


If you can fix the building while on ladder issue, then I am 100% behind the anti-nerd towers code.



One oddity I noticed - Birch trees give an absurdly small amount of wood (10% of the wood of other trees at the same stage). On the other hand there were some sort of tiny trees with only 200 health that were dropping 120+ wood each.


I will take a look at the trees globably soon. I noticed the same thing before but learned which trees to bother with and which ones were not work the effort to chop down.

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PvP base


Hello again


This is more a question for Spider. I have heard that destroying a base is griefing and its a bannable offense. If I build a base above ground supported by 4 pillars then noone can nerdpole etc inside, they cant place ladders so noone but myself can actually get into my base. If someone decides to takeout the pillars and collapse my base, will they get banned?





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Okay, first of all, Jax, it was not the hit back which "broke" blocks, it was lowering the hit points. Second of all, not being able to place blocks while on a ladder is a bug, report it as such instead of going on a tirade about overstepping bounds and ruining games.


Now, once I get to the computer that's going to be about a 10 minute fix. Chill.

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If you are on the Official Server here are the rules-



Thank you for the link. I have read it but I am still not sure on the answer to my question. As i read it you are not allowed to destroy another players base.


So my interpretation is that, if i build a base where you can not gain access to it without actually destroying the entire base and you decide to do just that, you will get banned.


If my interpretation is faulty in anyway please say so, otherwise I will presume i have understood it correctly =)




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I used the link for dedicated servers on this forums, i am new to all this and slowly learning.

Server Mod Files- (Only for servers not for players, EAC Off)


Install Instructions-Simply Copy and overwrite game files using the file structure provided.


Here is a link to the official dedicated server install guide in case you want to check your work: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ofhxt7k6d4qtsv1/Guide_for_Dedicated_server_install.rtf?dl=0

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Not exactly. Destroying a player built base for the purpose of destroying it is not allowed. If a player blows up a few pillars to get a section of your base to collapse so they can get in that's perfectly fine. But if they just break all your stilts just to watch it fall then yes that banable. It been ages since we have had a problem with griefers on my server. Griefers don't usually like my mod, its to much work to grief for them.

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It been ages since we have had a problem with griefers on my server. Griefers don't usually like my mod, its to much work to grief for them.



I just felt like 10,000 griefers all called out in unison, "Challenge accepted!" :D

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Thank you for the link. I have read it but I am still not sure on the answer to my question. As i read it you are not allowed to destroy another players base.


So my interpretation is that, if i build a base where you can not gain access to it without actually destroying the entire base and you decide to do just that, you will get banned.


If my interpretation is faulty in anyway please say so, otherwise I will presume i have understood it correctly =)





If you are playing on a PVP server then I would think yes they can, and still if even in a PVE game they can. It is up to who the server is run by and what settings he has. I had a server and people logged in while we where off line and they destroyed 3 bases. So it can happen, I would check with who is running the server.

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Not sure what all these people are complaining about, i have read the post and understand what they are wanting. How ever what they are asking for to me takes the fun out of the game like cheating. If you are wanting that then I would suggest playing your own. Also they are right if there is a bug let them know and give them time to fix it instead of flying off. To the creators of this Great Mod remember you will not please everyone and stay true to your vision for this mod. After all that is what drove you to make it and that is what brought people to play it. I for one have got to play a short time and love the mod. I want that difficulty to make it fun, if it all came easy then it would grow old and no fun. So for me TY for a GREAT MOD. oh and I have heard grown men scream like a lol and run from some lol.

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If you are playing on a PVP server then I would think yes they can, and still if even in a PVE game they can. It is up to who the server is run by and what settings he has. I had a server and people logged in while we where off line and they destroyed 3 bases. So it can happen, I would check with who is running the server.


My apologies, i am playing on Spiders server, that is why i asked spider what his rules are.

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To fix it, Jeoshua could try to remove anti nerd pole when the player is in climbing animation AKA on ladders. And thats it. You cant argue then anymore. In real life you climb either with Ladders or stairs. So yeah, try to see if you can add an extra if statement Jeoshua


Done and done. I also massaged the logic so it should check faster, and be more robust. It really was a quick fix, the only issue was finding Wifi (no internet at home).


Does it also break the ability to place a block next to and behind you while on a ladder. this is how i make most of my shafts.


You should make shafts with ladders, not dig to bedrock with a stack of frames and nerdpole back to the surface. This was the entire point. Next time, please report bugs as bugs, instead of as existential crises.


Hope I never have to deal with a spider horde. *shivers*
Believe me, I'm working on it :highly_amused:


it's a survival game. so you're telling me, in the same situation, trying to stay alive. you wouldn't spend a night on the rooftop safe away from running zombies to stay alive. I don't think it's lazy, I think it's called smart. lazy would be ~ dm g. that's lazy. nerd poling is a legit way of survival. if i can pile ♥♥♥♥ on each other to get on a roof away from a flood, wild animals, a mob, zombies, ANYTHING I'm going to do it. in real life, or in game!


Allow me to explain. It is not climbing to heights that is the issue. It is holding a giant stack of blocks, jump-placing them, and having to take zero effort to get onto a rooftop in a manner that simply would not work in real life. Every time the subject of realism and verisimilitude comes up, some jackass comes along and tries to claim that it's a Zombie game and therefore screw realism, but Zombies follow rules, too. There are acceptable and unacceptable breaks in reality, in a zombie game. Having infected/undead/mutant zombies running after you is one thing, doing something which should be physically impossible just because minecraft does is a different story. If you want a game where physical and logical rules of reality are ignored because that's just how it's always been done, play Minecraft. This game already doesn't allow half the physics breaking idiocy that MC does. This is just one step further in that chain.


TL;DR Nerdpolling is not "a legit way of survival". It is something that would not work, in reality. Period. And don't bring up Zombies about realism, because it's not under discussion whether Zombies are realistic; they follow rules, too.


Now, all that being said, I have fixed the problem. Simple fix. I have even placed the logic in a part of the file which will cause less issues, and should compute faster... not that it was a problem before, but now there should be no issues.


If any of you find any other situation where you should be able to logically and realistically place a block, and find that you can't, please don't hesitate to report it as a bug in a reasonable manner. If you just want to bitch about your favorite physics and logic breaking exploit being removed, please shove off.


Updated Assembly is Here

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Thank you Jeoshua (starting to re think this thing aren't ya. lol)


Not a problem. And no. You should see my Twitter and YouTube feeds. This is kind and reasonable stuff, here.


- - - Updated - - -


Curious what the dll edits are changing.


They're editing various functions in the Assembly, itself, adding little bits of code at strategic locations to perform different functions:


Now built on 15.2b8


Crafting Lag Fix: Fuel, Workstation, and Output modules no longer update recipe list

Search Lag Fix: Recipe searches will wait until the third character has been entered to begin searching

Particle Fixes: Items will use their surface category for particle generation, instead of their material name

Zero means Zero: Damage Bonus of 0 against any material means that you literally do no damage. There is no minimum of 1 damage, any more.

Materials Hit Back: Punching objects with "Hardness" over 1 does damage to the hand. Objects with a "Damage" property add that in to the total.

Anti-Nerdpole: You must have your feet firmly placed on the ground (or in water or on a ladder) before placing blocks.

Spawn Distance Increase: All spawns (except Blood Moon) should generate farther away


They're nothing like Starvation's changes, which are full bodied classes with robust behavior mechanics. These are smaller changes to the Assembly, itself, that modify already existing game mechanics in small but noticeable ways. In some cases, as in the "Hardness", they were unused features in the XMLs that I simply gave a use, to.

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Good stuff, the list is exactly what I was curious about.


2nd curiosity, are you re obfuscating it or leaving it open?


I haven't even really deobfuscated it, as such, in the first place. I just used ILSpy, injected some code, and saved it. Pretty sure it deobfuscates everything as you go, because I've never seen any of those weird characters that people kept talking about in the past... In this version, my starting point is whatever SDX outputs whenever it's done applying its changes.


Honestly, "obfuscation" isn't really removable, unless you go through all the different classes and figure out what each one really does, and rename the classes. It's only the private features that have the strange names, at any rate. Everything "Public" is named normally.

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