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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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The wrench drop rate is wear I want it. It shouldn't be that common and when you find one early game it should be special. The Player can craft them at level 10 so I don't see it as a problem


On my new character, level 13, I went to craft one on the anvil with the claw hammer as in the description, and it wanted Forged Iron. So really, I guess unless I find one I'm locked out of Wrench until lvl 25? Or am I missing something?


The reason I want the Wrench is so I can get Springs. I want Springs so that I can make a door for my base. I'm level 13 and I still can't put a door on my base. Again, am I missing something? Are we meant to be able to unlock Wooden Door at lvl 5 but not be able to craft it until 25?


btw, I REALLY liked your idea of lesser tools doing similar things as wrench but returning fewer/different supplies.

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Here we go. Lets see if we can crowd source a fix here. Anyone that gets bad lag in the forge can you please see if you get the same lag under the same circumstances in the blast furnaces please. You will need to have cheat open probably to test it. Let me know if there is any difference in performance, in it, with it smelting, with it crafting and with it smelting while crafting. Might have an idea for a optimization depending on the outcome... maybe. :)


Also FYI I will be gone next week so I'm not ignoring you or dead. Just headed somewhere warmer for a while :cool2:

I can do a patch before I leave if there is anything ya'll think really needs fixing before I go.


Ok since that didn't work how about this. Any one that has the bad lag in the forge or blast furnaces. Could you please tell me if the non smelting work benches have the same problem for you or is it mainly the smelting workstations?

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when you lift a 'generator' with a wrench, you get a 'generator' and a 'crafted generator' in your pack


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Ok since that didn't work how about this. Any one that has the bad lag in the forge or blast furnaces. Could you please tell me if the non smelting work benches have the same problem for you or is it mainly the smelting workstations?


All workstations have the lag for me, even the campfire. As others have said though, it completely disappears when you hit the favorites button.

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when you lift a 'generator' with a wrench, you get a 'generator' and a 'crafted generator' in your pack


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All workstations have the lag for me, even the campfire. As others have said though, it completely disappears when you hit the favorites button.


Searching in any crafting list is extremely laggy as well. Takes a good 2-3 seconds after the first character is typed before the list starts to update and the rest of the characters you typed show up. Too many items in the list to search through maybe?

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It's mainly smelting, but has more to do with fast burning fuel (sticks) and quickly completed crafts (nails), combined with a decent sized crafting list. There is a slight pause when changing any inventory, whether fuel, output, or smelting. I think the game is recalculating what recipes can be crafted whenever they change. No changes, no lag. No list, no lag. I removed the list of craftables to test (from the Windows.xml). No lag when smelting.

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So I get the thing about gating the wrench to be more of a mid game item. That's fine, I'm okay with that. I just am not okay with not being able to put a door on my base because they require Springs, and to my knowledge, I can't craft them. I'm level 13 with building materials unlocked. I should be able to have a door :)

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I think the solution here is to simply make springs and pipes a rare drop from things like beds and file cabinets when using a non-wrench. This way you are not locked out of the majority of builds until level 25, just have to work harder or explore more. It could be said that doing this also nets you a wrench, but that feels too binary - either have it, or don't. You can't get a feel for progress...versus going out one day and collecting 1 spring and a pipe toward your doors and other craftables.

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This vehicle does not scrap with a wrench




Read you Mod notes in your journal. Military Vehicles are steel ammunition crates. You need steel tools to open it or a lockpick


Updating the Mod later today so post any important bugs you have found because I'll be gone for a week.

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So i'm thinking about switch to this mod, it looks awesome and i like the slow-progress idea as with vanilla and other mods i have everything too soon, but i wanted to ask if this mod is progress-balanced for SP as well. I ask this cause i see the professions so i wonder if i will be struggling too much by my own. Thanks in advance!

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So i'm thinking about switch to this mod, it looks awesome and i like the slow-progress idea as with vanilla and other mods i have everything too soon, but i wanted to ask if this mod is progress-balanced for SP as well. I ask this cause i see the professions so i wonder if i will be struggling too much by my own. Thanks in advance!


I am playing SP, and whilst I haven't got many hours in to it (only on Day 12), the Classes are great and I did take a long time in deciding what I wanted, but so far, they have not had much impact on me that I do not have other perks from other classes.

It's more about finding a class to match your style of play to help you, rather than you lacking skills that you need as a collective group.


Plus from what I can see in game/have read, most recipes can actually just be purchased with Skill Points, and the bigger bonuses like 2x Harvesting are still obtainable as there are ways to unlock different classes in game; I think through gathering rare drop "Class Pages", but I haven't read that much in detail about it.


Edit: Sorry, they're called "Profession Pages". Notes from OP state -

"Players can learn additional professions by collecting 20 profession pages and crafting another Profession Kit. Profession pages have a chance to drop in Tier 3 Ammo Boxes."

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I am playing SP, and whilst I haven't got many hours in to it (only on Day 12), the Classes are great and I did take a long time in deciding what I wanted, but so far, they have not had much impact on me that I do not have other perks from other classes.

It's more about finding a class to match your style of play to help you, rather than you lacking skills that you need as a collective group.


Plus from what I can see in game/have read, most recipes can actually just be purchased with Skill Points, and the bigger bonuses like 2x Harvesting are still obtainable as there are ways to unlock different classes in game; I think through gathering rare drop "Class Pages", but I haven't read that much in detail about it.


Edit: Sorry, they're called "Profession Pages". Notes from OP state -

"Players can learn additional professions by collecting 20 profession pages and crafting another Profession Kit. Profession pages have a chance to drop in Tier 3 Ammo Boxes."


Allright! Thanks for the quick and detailed response. That sounds fair i will give it a shot!

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Im not an english writer so I will try to do this the most understandable , im enjoyning this mod alot man , when I try the 15.1 versiَn i was like damn this is a really good work , then I move to sdx version just no words real headshot system alot of new features im not really give a fk about lag I have a nice rig so if you wanna increase special zeds spawns and add more bosses will be nice :p


Keep on the road man :)


Developers need to take a look at you mod and take some tيps from it

great job man.

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Updating the Mod later today so post any important bugs you have found because I'll be gone for a week.


Not a bug specifically but per my post a few pages back, wood frame blocks have a max damage set (100) but other shape woodframes don't. Also, suggest you make the anvil able to be picked up, which is realistic, and even though its used as a workstation it is really a tool, and like other tools (wrench/hammer) that can be used in a workstation or outside a workstation. The only difference is placement; in hand or not in hand.

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Read you Mod notes in your journal. Military Vehicles are steel ammunition crates. You need steel tools to open it or a lockpick


Updating the Mod later today so post any important bugs you have found because I'll be gone for a week.


The journal mentions nothing about the method required to loot steel military vehicles, only steel ammunition crates, but ill assume from your comment that they are considered one and the same.

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I think the problem of lag applies in the same way to all work stations. If you burn sticks, craft quick crafts, and melt quick melts it = lag.


A bug i noticed is that many of the 10k wood trees are smaller than then 5k wood trees, i'm guessing they got mixed up. I think at least pine trees and the dead trees of burnt forest have this.


Me and some others on the server agree that farmer is a little op profession. It's weird that no other profs can farm coffee for stamina, or farm aloe vera for healing. Shouldn't coffee be pretty basic? Maybe allow other profs to craft coffee but farmer gets double yields?


Another problem with balance is that blunt weapons skill rises too quick. I got a level for about every 2 zombies i killed or so. I was using spiked club.

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A bug i noticed is that many of the 10k wood trees are smaller than then 5k wood trees, i'm guessing they got mixed up. I think at least pine trees and the dead trees of burnt forest have this.


Yeah, i noticed some strange behavior associated with certain trees as well. There is a small tree which is barely higher than the char that when chopped [which only takes a few hits with a decent quality stone axe] drops around 150 wood.



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Spider, simple question and I have looked, but maybe missed it somewhere ... I can craft a Lockpick - But for the life of me .. I can not get it to work ... I get a bag in hand and I have right click - left click - Held down the "E" key and tried R-L click .. but nothing. What am I missing please.


Thank you

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