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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Yep, i have just come to the same conclusion, no wrench certainly shoehorns you into a specific place for a while. I'm currently just about to make a screwdriver though [thanks to the post above] in the hope that it will help me somewhat.


Good luck with that. You can't craft a screwdriver except on a metal workbench. And you can't make a metal workbench unless you make or find a regular workbench and put....wait for it.....a wrench in it as the required tool.



Muhhhaaaaa. I hear Spider laughing in the background......


- - - Updated - - -


I think it's not a problem that wrench is a rare thing. The live with a wrench is super easy.


^ ^ ^ ^

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Yeah, I came to the same conclusion about the wrench after my first real playthrough.


I was pretty lucky in finding them but I tink Spider reduced it's drop rate a few updates ago.



Having axes locked bhind lashing (sinew) is going to make them very difficult for low level players to invest in and make..

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Yes, some of the locks seem backwards. Level 10 to make a forge, but only level 5 to make an anvil?....requires a forge to make, however. Basically leveling until I get to 10 before making my first hunting knife.


Regarding wrench, I have learned starting a class that has OldWrench is by far the easiest way to go.

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Yes, some of the locks seem backwards. Level 10 to make a forge, but only level 5 to make an anvil?....requires a forge to make, however. Basically leveling until I get to 10 before making my first hunting knife.


Regarding wrench, I have learned starting a class that has OldWrench is by far the easiest way to go.


If you find a house, by luck with a forge in it, your all set. I found a wrench, in a sink, with a house with a forge, near a road, with dozens of cars along it.


I then find the nearest small town, and loot every sink, i have 4 wrenches. All by lvl 10. I think i had like 5000 scrap iron in total way before lvl 15, even the exhaust can be scrapped for iron

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If you find a house, by luck with a forge in it, your all set. I found a wrench, in a sink, with a house with a forge, near a road, with dozens of cars along it.


On the game my wife and I are playing, we lucked into a glass factory with two wilderness stores and a churchhouse at an intersection outside a city. This thing was loaded. Two forges already made, 3 anvils in supply crates, 4 bike in a boxes, a bed, tons of other stuff. We are pretty well set as we found it day 1. In my solo game, best I had found is a tree house and the base camp on 4 truss stilts. I have resigned myself to playing electrician.

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Thanks again for posting this. I'm almost through the process (work has been crazy lately) but The load is done. heres my feedback so far:


1. You don't cover configuring the web Portal, usually on port 8080, which should be changed to something else like 8090.


2. On windows 10 you get a pop up regarding security/firewall when you first start the server, so maybe tell them to click ok.


3. I recommend letting folks know not to use any special characters or punctuation in the game name or it will not launch the server. I put a "!" at the end of my game name and it stalled out at loading the game name.


4. Here is the big one: You posted the link to the client version of the mod, not the server version. I didn't catch this until I copied the files into the game directory and then could not find the .ini file to change for the next step as it wasn't where it was supposed to be. Started over at the beginning and used the server version and then all proceeded fine.


5. This line seems wrong: Open c:\7d2d-survival\Mods\7DaysToDieServer_Data\Managed\settings.ini in Notepad++, don't even try to edit it with standard notepad!


It should be: Open c:\7d2d-survival\7DaysToDieServer_Data\Managed\settings.ini in Notepad++, don't even try to edit it with standard notepad!


Thats as far as I got tonight but the rest looks good. If I find out more will let you know.



Thanks again.


Guide updated, thanks xyth for comments!


Version 1.1 - 20.3.2017


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Guide updated, thanks xyth for comments!


Version 1.1 - 20.3.2017



I haven't had time to review it yet. Dropbox is blocked at my work, and I don't have anything that can open it at home yet. I am interested though, so bear with me before I can send you some feedback.


I did want to mention this tool, called HelpNDoc. It can help you generate help documents easily, and then save the output as a website, pdf, or any format.


Not a lot of people know it exists, and I find it really handy.

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Guide updated, thanks xyth for comments!


Version 1.1 - 20.3.2017



As additional information, I'm running 1 instance of TS-SDX dedicated server and one instance of a Valmod Overhaul/TS-nonSDX hybrid dedicated server on an ThinkServer TS-140 with I3 processor and 12 gigs ram. TS-SDX takes 3 gigs of ram and the other only used 1.5 gigs. Both use 3-5% of the processor at idle, or about 8% total. The most I have had on at one time is 2 players, and with 30 total zeds spawning on horde night there was no significant impact to the server.

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Sorry guys I'm back. I got sucked up into beng watching Netflix new The Iron Fist. Netflix has really done a good job with the Marvel shows. They are a lot better than some of the movies. Daredevil movie sucks but the Netflix one is sooooo much better. Any ways I'm back to work but if any one is in to super hero or martial arts movies Iron Fist is pretty good and the rest of the Marvel shows on Netflix

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Im curious if anyone else is having the massive lag while inside the forge or campfires? I asked in the support channel, but got no response. I run 40-80ish fps @ 4k on average, but when i access the forge it can drop my fps down to around 7, which is really starting to get annoying now that im just now getting established in the game and starting to use my own forge.

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Im curious if anyone else is having the massive lag while inside the forge or campfires? I asked in the support channel, but got no response. I run 40-80ish fps @ 4k on average, but when i access the forge it can drop my fps down to around 7, which is really starting to get annoying now that im just now getting established in the game and starting to use my own forge.


Forge lag is just due to how many recipes are in the game. No way I know to reduce it other than typing what you are looking for directly.

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I found the lag in forges etc, to get worse with the more items that are being melted and burnt. If I melt scrap iron using sticks, the lag is utterly unbearable, yet if I melt engine blocks using church pews as fuel, it doesn't seem so bad.


On another note though, I wish more [all actually] recipes stated the tool/workbench they require. I hate having to go through the recipe.xml just to find out the motorbike seat needs to be made on a metalworkers workbench etc..


Not sure if there is space on the black bar that usually lets you know the tool required, if not, then the description would be a great place for this info.

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I have a bit of feedback and it might be a bit longwinded........


I hear you, but all I see is a bunch of complaining and not one scrap of a suggestion in that post. Its easy to say "this sucks" it takes more thought to say "this sucks and I think it would be better like this".


But lets dig into your post. I guess the first question would be why do you play this game? Is it to try and survive? to build a self defending base? PVP? Farming? Looting? Exploring? Or to kill zombies. If its that last one, I'm sorry to tell you this game will disappoint you. There are 100's of better zombie killing games out there and the way it looks TFP are developing the rest of the game I can almost guarantee you this will never be a one of the really good zombie killing games. Bottom line is 7D2D can not (currently)handle the amount of active zombies that are required to make a good zombie killing game. I mean they just put a 8 Zombie spawn limit on what is supposed to be the most dangerous part of the game, the 7 day hordes. 8 Zombies really? Give me a break. So now they are trying to make zombies harder. This is the destruction of a good zombie survival game. Zombies should never be hard to kill unless they have a helmet on or some kind of head covering. Why should it take more than 2 swings with a baseball bat that has jagged metal spikes coming out of it to kill a putrid rooting zombie? Why should poking a metal spear through a zombies head once not kill it? Why should shooting a zombie square in the head once with a pistol not kill? Now if we were fighting Mutants or Aliens or even Bandits that would be totally different story but these are rotting mindless biting machines. Now I'll admit that a few lower end weapons could use a little nerfing. But if you hit a zombie(without head cover) in the head hard.... it should be dead. The problem is there should be a 100 zombies on the screen, a true see of undead. Go play Project Zomboid (completely the same game just different graphics) They have 100's of zombies on the screen at any time and it feels like a much better zombie killing game even though its like 1990's graphics. I guess my point is if you are squarely here to have fun smashing zombie brains then this game will not hold you for very long. The melee fighting SUCKS in this game even after I have tried and mod everything I can to make it better. I think the hardest part and maybe the saddest part is the people who can fix this, the people I bought 10 games from, the people who have gotten over $1,000,000.00 to do just that are currently full steam ahead and all hands on deck creating a interior decorating for this game( uhhgg!:frusty:) When a quick forum search or even loading up some mods could give them a 500 item list of things that need working on first. So in closing I don't know what to tell you man. We can tweak the weapons some but with any decent weapon zombies should not take 50 head shots to kill, 2 maybe 3 at the most besides the ferals, and I don't even like him like that. Its not fun or challenging to fight one. It usually means glitching his ai then pounding on his head and I don't think that's fun or challenging at all. But as always if you or anyone else has any ideas about how to make it better I'm all ears.

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The wrench drop rate is wear I want it. It shouldn't be that common and when you find one early game it should be special. The Player can craft them at level 10 so I don't see it as a problem as you have the ability to make them for 190 levels out of 200. I did have a plan to make this part better though. The plain is to make the Claw Hammer more useful by making it able to disassemble blocks. It would mean you could disassemble blocks with it but get less than you would with a wrench. Then the plan was to also make the Screwdriver disassemble things and give more items. So their would be 4 different tiers of getting materials from world blocks. Normal breaking, then disassembling them with the Hammer, Wrench and Screwdriver. We could also make them harvest different materials too. Like the Hammer might give more wood or metal but no parts and the wrench might give mechanical parts and the screwdriver might give electric parts and components. Its a ton of work in the block file and that's why it hasn't been done. With A16 coming it will completely need redoing and I'm not one to like wasting time on something I'll have to redo in a few weeks.



I havent decided what I wanted to do with that. I was thinking of making it needed in beer making or I could just make it drop Plant Fibers.



Forrest Flower is needed in recipes in the SDX version.



You don't need to know how to make a car to drive it and you can use a forge that's in a poi.


incorrect sound - wood upgrading

any tools used when upgrading any wood block is making the sound of hitting a gore block

This bugs me too. If anyone can figure out why this is happening I will fix it. I have looked at it and I don't see where its coming from.



Do not use this Mod in Naezgane only in RWG. The mod uses the Nav biomes and re purposes them for RWG. So Nav might look really messed up lol

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