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[WIP] True Survival SDX


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Maybe a strange or noob question: how do I start a new map

Just give it a new name when i start the server?

using random gen does that create a new world/map and start players over?


Change seed name will cause a new map, and player wipe. Or you can delete the region files, keep player folder, and you will keep stats, and inventory you have on you.


Random question. how does one repair a minibike with this mod? :) regular repair kits?


Repair with ScavengedParts

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Thanks much wolverine576!


In the Managed directory what is the setting.ini file used for it points to a bogus location for me. or did i miss that in the setup?


I wouldnt mess around in that folder. What setting are you looking for? serverconfig is server settings. Its in the main folder


If you need help setting up a server, settings n such watch this vid


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what does this mod do to screamers?

it seems just walking around with no workbench or forges running on medium spawn settings i find 4 screamers together twice now. heat map is low but still every time i see a screamer there is more then 1 together...


also has zombie xp been nerfed in this mod?


enjoying this mod and im all for hard and slow game play but 7 days to die vanilla is already nickname 7 days to inventory manage, with the sticks planks and rope we limit inventory space as is so anymore stack increases would be greatly appreciated... like empty glass jars and merky water only stack to 15 for example...bottle water is good at 15 preventing carrying to much drinkable water around but i dont feel the value of having to stand at a water source for 10 minutes trying to fill 300 empty jars


the grind and slow progression feels rewarding but too much inventory management = losing fun value

just my 2 cents thanks for your work on this mod

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what does this mod do to screamers?

it seems just walking around with no workbench or forges running on medium spawn settings i find 4 screamers together twice now. heat map is low but still every time i see a screamer there is more then 1 together...


also has zombie xp been nerfed in this mod?


enjoying this mod and im all for hard and slow game play but 7 days to die vanilla is already nickname 7 days to inventory manage, with the sticks planks and rope we limit inventory space as is so anymore stack increases would be greatly appreciated... like empty glass jars and merky water only stack to 15 for example...bottle water is good at 15 preventing carrying to much drinkable water around but i dont feel the value of having to stand at a water source for 10 minutes trying to fill 300 empty jars


the grind and slow progression feels rewarding but too much inventory management = losing fun value

just my 2 cents thanks for your work on this mod


You say your heatmap is low... but it's really not. And that isn't what summons screamers... or at least not the only thing. You have probably been breaking blocks and glass and going into cars with alarms, yes? That can summon them. Noise can summon them. Being loud and crashing through a house can summon them... generally speaking, there are just more zombies and more ways for them to notice you.


Zombie XP hasn't been nerfed, but the level curve has very much changed. The intent is that it should take you longer to get to high levels, and that it will not be possible to power level to 65th character level, with steel tools and a shotgun, and a full house of steel upgrade by the end of the first week. It's a hardcore mod. In other words, you're getting the same Zombie XP you used to, it's just that you need more XP to get a level... actually you need less XP for the level, but the skills are harder to raise, but that's splitting hairs because that's where the bulk of your XP has always come from.


And as far as trying to fill 300 empty jars... Why are you doing that? It's not called "7 days to boil water" man.

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Also somewhere along the lines Spider has said that the stack seems realistic and doesn't want to change the stack size. This could change I am not sure.


And will candles ever be fixed to actually melt? As it is now I am watching videos of people playing the SDX and other Version and are just using Candles as their light source because they do not burn out.


And a pro tip is...high loot timers..destroy the loot, it's super easy and because the lot doesn't respond..who cares! No clue what can be done about that if anything should be done about it, just something that seemed odd to me.

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You say your heatmap is low... but it's really not. And that isn't what summons screamers... or at least not the only thing. You have probably been breaking blocks and glass and going into cars with alarms, yes? That can summon them. Noise can summon them. Being loud and crashing through a house can summon them... generally speaking, there are just more zombies and more ways for them to notice you.


Zombie XP hasn't been nerfed, but the level curve has very much changed. The intent is that it should take you longer to get to high levels, and that it will not be possible to power level to 65th character level, with steel tools and a shotgun, and a full house of steel upgrade by the end of the first week. It's a hardcore mod. In other words, you're getting the same Zombie XP you used to, it's just that you need more XP to get a level... actually you need less XP for the level, but the skills are harder to raise, but that's splitting hairs because that's where the bulk of your XP has always come from.


And as far as trying to fill 300 empty jars... Why are you doing that? It's not called "7 days to boil water" man.


lol 7 days to boil water, i see what you did there....


well yes if more things increase heat map then in vanilla i could just not be expecting screamers from walking along a street looting and killing zombies and the xp explains the feeling of why not boosting levels from farming hundreds of zombies.. and for the 300 jars of water example it is needed to make glue and a nice stockpile of goldenrod tea...


thanks for the info

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lol 7 days to boil water, i see what you did there....


well yes if more things increase heat map then in vanilla i could just not be expecting screamers from walking along a street looting and killing zombies and the xp explains the feeling of why not boosting levels from farming hundreds of zombies.. and for the 300 jars of water example it is needed to make glue and a nice stockpile of goldenrod tea...


thanks for the info


I like to make a lot of water and golden rod tea too. After the initial struggle, it's nice to not have to worry about it...


Until you realize you are at 0% Thirst and don't have anything to drink anymore...

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@unlike them-

Nice Guide thanks



Fixed Nail crafting skill



Please read your in game True Survival Mod Notes in your Journal, This is explained. They are like Steel ammunition crates and contain Tier 3 Loot and Skill Books



Fixed spelling errors



The XP system has been redone. You actually need a lot less XP than vanilla but all the xp in the game has also been changed to work with the new XP curve. You can not set on a block and bop zombies in the head and think your going to fly through the levels. Your have to work for it here.



I am adjusting stack sizes larger on crafting and building supplies but on Food and Medical I will not be. I might adjust prepared food with wellness to not stack at all. Why would dirty water in a jar take up less space than clean water in the same exact jar, that doesn't really make since? This is a Survival game so yes inventory management is I'd say about 1/4-1/3 of the game play. It can control the entire game. EX:


OK today you choose to go collect wood and stone. So you grab your axe, hop on your mini and ride off to the Forrest. Soon as you get there a Zombie Bunny bites your ankle and infects you and you didn't pack any medical supplies and you forgot your gas. Now you are away from your base bleeding, infected, and out of gas. Why because you failed at inventory management. Even the Boy Scouts know inventory management is very important to survival. Always be prepared!


The goal is to have anything Crafting and Building Supplies only need one space in inventory. Most are set to 5000 stack size.


@Erik Louden-

The Screwdriver is another disassemble and upgrading tool and increase Engineering XP when used.

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Zombie XP hasn't been nerfed, but the level curve has very much changed. The intent is that it should take you longer to get to high levels, and that it will not be possible to power level to 65th character level, with steel tools and a shotgun, and a full house of steel upgrade by the end of the first week. It's a hardcore mod. In other words, you're getting the same Zombie XP you used to, it's just that you need more XP to get a level... actually you need less XP for the level, but the skills are harder to raise, but that's splitting hairs because that's where the bulk of your XP has always come from.



This is not really accurate, at least not when compared to the unmodded game. In vanilla Zombie01 gives 850 exp and a feral gives 4250. In TS SDX Zombie01 gives 20 exp and the feral gives 100 exp.


I'd call that a nerf. But as Spider pointed out, the leveling curve was adjusted to compensate for lower exp off mobs.

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If someone can make a guide, on professions and skills, what to level, that would be great lol. My question is, for some skills, mid game to late, will be hard to lvl up, cause we have to stare to the items while they are crafting to gain the xp?



<recipe name="MeltedRubber" count="2" craft_area="workcampfire" craft_tool="stick" craft_time="15" craft_exp_gain="0">

<ingredient name="minibikeWheels" count="1" />


Gives no xp, should give something. IMO doing anything in this game should reward some xp, somewhere


hazmatBoots reward engineering skill, but no recipe, same with gasmask

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Guide for Dedicated server install - *At least how I did it* Edition


Includes steamcmd, Vanilla server and TrueSurvivalSDX mod so I tried to include enough information for first timers too.


Also includes some notes to run several servers in one box and some firewall rules info.




I hope someone gets help reading this.




I'm sure someone will educate me all errors in this document or anything that is done better way.


PS! Written just because I love this mod sooo much!



Thanks for all the effort you put into this. It looks clear and complete. When I get a moment I will run through the install and see if I can add anything to this.

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If someone can make a guide, on professions and skills, what to level, that would be great lol. My question is, for some skills, mid game to late, will be hard to lvl up, cause we have to stare to the items while they are crafting to gain the xp?



<recipe name="MeltedRubber" count="2" craft_area="workcampfire" craft_tool="stick" craft_time="15" craft_exp_gain="0">

<ingredient name="minibikeWheels" count="1" />


Gives no xp, should give something. IMO doing anything in this game should reward some xp, somewhere


Have you ever melted rubber in a campfire? Its not a pleasant experience, and something you won't ever want to do again. So the first time you should get exp, if you do it again, well... maybe add toxic buff unless your wearing a gasmask. <grin>

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Things in the Campfire don't give XP. 99% of the things crafted in the Campfire are food and their is no food skill so they give 0 xp. This was done so the player would have one less workstation to worry about staring at to get xp to level.

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Just a quick thing. I noticed the game rolled back a day after restarting it. I've reinstalled the game, but is there something I did to trigger it, or has anyone else had trouble?


Is this single player local game? Dedi server?


Sometimes you have to properly shut down the server, or it wont save right

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i have a probelm guys again,look at this:



<recipe name="clubIron" count="1" craft_area="workAnvil" craft_tool="clawHammer" craft_time="30" craft_exp_gain="10">

<ingredient name="clubWood" count="1" />

<ingredient name="scrapIron" count="20" />


that is the recipe for Reinforced iron club i have skillpoint that is unlocking it and i have all materials for it,i just dont know on what working station i need to do it?!?!

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