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Some Common Questions


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You have to reach a certain. Game stage that is calculated through your amount of zombie kills, your kevel, how many times you've died, how long since your last death, and what day you are on. Once you reach a certain point, you will get tons of ferals, trust me on that one.

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You have to reach a certain. Game stage that is calculated through your amount of zombie kills, your kevel, how many times you've died, how long since your last death, and what day you are on. Once you reach a certain point, you will get tons of ferals, trust me on that one.


Thanks for the reply, I only died twice a long time ago by my own pipe bombs. Ive killed over a thousand zombies, 137 wellness and day 72 now. Also I did see a cop a feral and a bear within 5 mins on day 2. I feel like this has been my most successful run yet, I died on day 30 something and maybe early 40s. I havent once had a horde that wasnt...boring. Any other time I wasnt as prepared and surely died more, but always had ferals and cops show up. Maybe its just bad luck

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Thanks for the reply, I only died twice a long time ago by my own pipe bombs. Ive killed over a thousand zombies, 137 wellness and day 72 now. Also I did see a cop a feral and a bear within 5 mins on day 2. I feel like this has been my most successful run yet, I died on day 30 something and maybe early 40s. I havent once had a horde that wasnt...boring. Any other time I wasnt as prepared and surely died more, but always had ferals and cops show up. Maybe its just bad luck


It does take longer to build up the horde now but if you're getting cops in your hordes, the ferals shouldn't be too far behind.

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It does take longer to build up the horde now but if you're getting cops in your hordes, the ferals shouldn't be too far behind.


This has to be a broken mechanic then.. At day 70 everything i craft is purple, have all the perks i want, extra points i dump into guns to make them worth something, my ultimate base is finished, the map is explored..And im just now getting cops in the horde and no ferals yet. The other day i saw a feral in the hub city stuck on a tree, i was excited because i wanted to see what my new and improved sniper could really do. One shot to the head and it was dead. Now i dont know what happened in this ferals life previously, maybe he took some damage. But i hardly ever saw ferals, and now whenever/ if ever i do they are one hit kill lol. I guess if i get bored enough ill pick it back up and get my wellness to 200 and be able to craft purple 600 items, or build but being in a game where there is no threat level at all is pointless. I say we rename the game "70 Days to Quit"

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Your crafting level doesn't affect your horde, just your character's overall level.


You will see ferals in the city areas (they mostly show up there outside of blood moons, though can show up elsewhere on occasion). If you've put points into the relevant skills then you will deal more damage when you shoot them.


Since the dynamic horde was introduce, there have been complaints that it's now too easy and doesn't level fast enough (I believe this is true on PC as well as here on console). One thing I was told was that your score has an effect on the horde - you gain points for kills and lose them for deaths and this score is factored in with the other controls (any zombies killed by your spikes don't count towards your score). All I can suggest is to keep building that score and you will start to get the ferals.

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Your crafting level doesn't affect your horde, just your character's overall level.


You will see ferals in the city areas (they mostly show up there outside of blood moons, though can show up elsewhere on occasion). If you've put points into the relevant skills then you will deal more damage when you shoot them.


Since the dynamic horde was introduce, there have been complaints that it's now too easy and doesn't level fast enough (I believe this is true on PC as well as here on console). One thing I was told was that your score has an effect on the horde - you gain points for kills and lose them for deaths and this score is factored in with the other controls (any zombies killed by your spikes don't count towards your score). All I can suggest is to keep building that score and you will start to get the ferals.


I appreciate the reply. I realize crafting has nothing to do with it, i was pointing out ive done most of the things the game has to offer before "real" hordes have started, which is a shame. I'll have to look into my score, i know im well past 1000 kills with only 2 deaths that were in the middle of my run. I rarely run from zombies, i kill them all lol. Ive done way worse and had ferals at horde 21. but that about sums it up, if others complain about it being too easy and such then its just part of the new mechanic. Something i will have to adjust to. Thanks.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
Ok, so maybe this is a crazy question. Where did our calipers go? seems like with 10.0 they fell out of sight. do we still have them, or are they gone forever?


They are still in the game, still turn up in the same areas as before.

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  • 3 months later...
I always forget to check the time for the music to change to know when runners appear. Is it 10PM? I know 6am music kicks in for runners to turn into walkers.


Or 2200 military time which is what the game is on.

The default end of night is 0600 but you can change this in the "day length" option I believe it is called. I like to set it on 18 hrs, meaning the end of night would be 0400.


Gives you a lot more time to get stuff done outside of base

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Or 2200 military time which is what the game is on.

The default end of night is 0600 but you can change this in the "day length" option I believe it is called. I like to set it on 18 hrs, meaning the end of night would be 0400.


Gives you a lot more time to get stuff done outside of base


It's also a good balance if you choose to play with 120 minute days.

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It's also a good balance if you choose to play with 120 minute days.


I haven't tried that setting yet but that just seems like a super long day. True, a LOT could definitely get done in that time. My God, one could get the forge & iron tools going by day 2, maybe even at the end of day 1, depending how good/lucky you are.


I seen other posts & I agree, a 90 minute option would be a good fit. I currently play the 60 min option.

Maybe I'll try the 120 minute sometime

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I haven't tried that setting yet but that just seems like a super long day. True, a LOT could definitely get done in that time. My God, one could get the forge & iron tools going by day 2, maybe even at the end of day 1, depending how good/lucky you are.


I seen other posts & I agree, a 90 minute option would be a good fit. I currently play the 60 min option.

Maybe I'll try the 120 minute sometime


120 minute 18 hour days leaves a 30 minute night cycle. And yeah if you know where to look, you can have it by the end of day one. The down side is that low level iron tools are not worth it in my opinion. I get the iron started but save it up until I get to level 100 stone tools to make the most out of the tools.


On top of that, if you work toward building, you can get steel unlocked by day 7.

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I haven't tried that setting yet but that just seems like a super long day. True, a LOT could definitely get done in that time. My God, one could get the forge & iron tools going by day 2, maybe even at the end of day 1, depending how good/lucky you are.


I seen other posts & I agree, a 90 minute option would be a good fit. I currently play the 60 min option.

Maybe I'll try the 120 minute sometime


When I play survival, I play on 60 minutes with 18 hours of daylight but when I'm working on a building challenge (that's purely building rather than surviving while building) I play on 120 minute days with 18 hours daylight. I tried 120 minute days in normal survival but found it was too easy to collect resources and build up a base before the 7 day horde came/ Also (this is back when we still got the great big hordes, which I loved) it took ages to get to horde night - too long really. I agree, having the 90 minute day option would be a good middle ground.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some Problems with my game


Hello everyone,

I have a few questions about the game. My first question is if a new update comes then I have to start a new map? So speak from day one? My current world has a mistake. If I kill the zombie and ruin its body, there is no drop like before. So suppose you have something in the inventory and I destroy their corpse it does not fall out its completely gone. I am playing it on the Ps4 Pro.:smile-new:

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  • 1 month later...

Is Xbox One 7DTD done with future development?




I would like to bring up the old question of dedicated servers for XboX One. I have scoured the internet, and going back to 2016 the only official responses I can ever find are political pandering to the effect of "We are considering this and that for console, but we do not guarantee their development."


As it is 2018, can someone give me a definitive answer that 7DTD dev teams have dropped all further development and are only focused on bug patch work? It seems like that is that case, even though a dedicated server would fix 90% of the console game issues. From a fiscal standpoint, it would make sense to create the dedicated server software, sell licenses to that, and then you would reboot interest in the game. With a dedicated server, you could probably easily expand beyond 4 players as well, which would generate more revenue in sold copies of the game.


Can anyone just answer this for us? As a consumer, I do expect a certain amount of blunt transparency at some point. You have to realize that you do have a certain amount of responsibility to just bite the bullet and firmly set our expectations instead of dangling possibilities in-front of us. After about 2 years, this seems pretty dishonest to continue pandering.

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I would like to bring up the old question of dedicated servers for XboX One. I have scoured the internet, and going back to 2016 the only official responses I can ever find are political pandering to the effect of "We are considering this and that for console, but we do not guarantee their development."


As it is 2018, can someone give me a definitive answer that 7DTD dev teams have dropped all further development and are only focused on bug patch work? It seems like that is that case, even though a dedicated server would fix 90% of the console game issues. From a fiscal standpoint, it would make sense to create the dedicated server software, sell licenses to that, and then you would reboot interest in the game. With a dedicated server, you could probably easily expand beyond 4 players as well, which would generate more revenue in sold copies of the game.


Can anyone just answer this for us? As a consumer, I do expect a certain amount of blunt transparency at some point. You have to realize that you do have a certain amount of responsibility to just bite the bullet and firmly set our expectations instead of dangling possibilities in-front of us. After about 2 years, this seems pretty dishonest to continue pandering.


There is a sticky thread for this


Sticky: Dedicated Servers or Increased Player Count on Console or Split Screen MP

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I would like to bring up the old question of dedicated servers for XboX One. I have scoured the internet, and going back to 2016 the only official responses I can ever find are political pandering to the effect of "We are considering this and that for console, but we do not guarantee their development."


As it is 2018, can someone give me a definitive answer that 7DTD dev teams have dropped all further development and are only focused on bug patch work? It seems like that is that case, even though a dedicated server would fix 90% of the console game issues. From a fiscal standpoint, it would make sense to create the dedicated server software, sell licenses to that, and then you would reboot interest in the game. With a dedicated server, you could probably easily expand beyond 4 players as well, which would generate more revenue in sold copies of the game.


Can anyone just answer this for us? As a consumer, I do expect a certain amount of blunt transparency at some point. You have to realize that you do have a certain amount of responsibility to just bite the bullet and firmly set our expectations instead of dangling possibilities in-front of us. After about 2 years, this seems pretty dishonest to continue pandering.


Try this: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?80987-02-08-Message-from-the-Team

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