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A Clockwork Project

Clockwork Orange

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Is there any way to adjust how the armor skills earn increases. I would like to see you gain points while wearing and running around in the armor instead of having to be hit in it. Who tries to get hit in a zombie Apocalypse. I also feel that the armor skills should be combined into one armor skill not light, and heavy, right now there is not really any difference between the two.

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Were the running perk (run forset run), the wellness perk (health nut) and the stamina perk (Sexual Tyanosaurus) all removed? I cant seem to find any of them. I read through the whole thread and saw that you removed the survivor, and camel and treasure hunting perk, but i didnt see anywhere that these other three were removed.


I also might suggest that something in the crafting 1 perk for iron tools mentions building a smithing table. There is only currently a quest to build the workbench, and we had a guy who bought the iron tools and was raging and swearing over voice chats for 30 minutes because he built every table and couldn't build his tool. The smithing table, unlike all the other crafting tables, is found in the forge instead of player crafted directly, the only way i was able to find was by going to the youtube channel and spending a considerable amount of time trying to find the right spot in a video for you to build your tools.

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Were the running perk (run forset run), the wellness perk (health nut) and the stamina perk (Sexual Tyanosaurus) all removed? I cant seem to find any of them. I read through the whole thread and saw that you removed the survivor, and camel and treasure hunting perk, but i didnt see anywhere that these other three were removed.


I also might suggest that something in the crafting 1 perk for iron tools mentions building a smithing table. There is only currently a quest to build the workbench, and we had a guy who bought the iron tools and was raging and swearing over voice chats for 30 minutes because he built every table and couldn't build his tool. The smithing table, unlike all the other crafting tables, is found in the forge instead of player crafted directly, the only way i was able to find was by going to the youtube channel and spending a considerable amount of time trying to find the right spot in a video for you to build your tools.


All of the config can be found here and is easier to navigate than the xml text files :)



This is the recipes sorted by craft area, craft tool, and output

ACP Recipes


It appears those perks have been removed.

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Thank you those two links will help a lot

. I know why he removed the water and survivor perks, but why remove the running one and stamina increase one, they make traveling a lot harder you have to stop much more often. I would love to see those back.


Edited: Those links helped me a lot, but I still think it wouldnt hurt to add on the iron tool perk description smithing bench needed to craft, or have a quest that tells you to make a smithing bench as soon as you unlock the perk.


Also I noticed that the legolas perk for archery is a dismemberment perk, but other weapons, pistols shotguns etc, have two perks one for damage (The Outlaw) and one for Dismemberment (Dead Shot), archery just has the one even with the legolas perk Clockwork added.


I modded my own progression and localization file to change the legolas perk to damage, identical to the outlaw, and made a new perk called Shoot your Eye out that contains the dismemberment perk that was previously legolas, this way archery has the same thing as other guns.

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Looks like 14.7 was pushed out to all steam users today. I was able to keep running my server with the mod and 14.6 by going to properties and beta and picking 14.6 again.


One suggestion for items, I couldn't find medicine cabinet as craftable on any bench. Please add this when you can, I know they exist in game so being able to craft them to decorate our houses would be nice.


I also noticed gunpowder seems to craft considerable slower then Vanilla but i couldn't find a speed in the xml files anywhere. Is this something that was changed intentionally. It was saying about 40 minutes to craft 1000 gunpowder, thats a long time to sit in the ammo table while you are leveling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do still have to update but I have been workign 12 hour days including weekends and I this weekend is no different unfortunately. Soon as I get some time off I will update but its not looking good right now.


And I will also add the medicine cabinet as well and no i did not change anything with gunpowder timer for crafting.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Update (7/23/16)


Updated A 14.7 Version!


Added tiered progression to base building which required me to rewrite the upgrade paths of all blocks.


wood frame <--> Solid Wood Frame <--> RSolid Wood Frame ::--> Cobblestone / Adobe / Brick <--> Concrete <--> RConcrete ::--> Scrap Iron Block <--> RScrapIron BLock --> Steel BLock


Tier 1


Wood frame <--> Wood Block <--> Rwood :: -->


Tier 2


Cobblestone / adobe / Bricks <--> Concrete <--> RConcrete :: -->


Tier 3


Scrap Block <--> R Scrap Block <--> Steel



Tier 1 = 2000HP

Tier 2 = 5000HP

Tier 3 = 10000HP


I have made it so that you start out having to build out of wood until you reach level 30 Misc Crafting then you can invest in the Masonry Perk which now unlocks Cobblestone / Cement / Bricks so you can then upgrade that wood to cobblestone then to concrete, you can also craft Cobblestone frames to increase your misc crafting skill but you still need to unlock the Masonry Perk for cobblestones


I Rebalanced crafting and repair times along with repair costs, durability and degradation rates of all quality items

I have set all quality items to have a flat durability amount and increased the degradation rate at low quality to match its previous degradation speed

This allows me to set a specific number of repair ingredients all the way through its quality levels thus stabilizing the repair times and ingredient costs, all items should now take 16 seconds to repair and cost the same amount of the main resource it cost to craft the item, with the fixer perk this now reduces the amount of resources required to half and thus also reducing the repair time in half, and each crafting skill will also reduce the repair times to half as well. It should take 4 seconds to repair all items with max level fixer perk and max level in crafting skill.


I added crafting times directly to each recipe to allow for consistent crafting times of all blocks and items this will allow you to better notice your skill level increase gains in reducing crafting times


All blocks should take 4 seconds to craft and at max level in the specific skill with Quicker Crafting it cuts all crafting items in half twice which = 1 block per second


Changed crops now drop seeds upon harvesting and can no longer be crafted

Changed crops now yields 1 resource when picked by hand and 2 when a scythe or machete is used (Seed drop chance is unaffected by hands or tools)


I decreased the health of ferals and zombie bears and increased the movement speed, entity damage, block damage, and reach making them more deadly in combat to compensate for the hp nerf, This allows me to balance weapon and firearm damage for all entities better in a future update




-Rebalanced experience per level for all skills

-Removed Light Armor and Heavy Armor Skills

-Added Light Armor and Heavy Armor Perks

-Rebalanced Repair Times / Costs / of all Repair materials for items

-Rebalanced Degradation Max and Degradation rate of all quality items

-Removed Repair amount Decreases for all Crating skills

-Removed Repair time Decrease form The Fixer Perk (This perk reduces the number of resources required to repair items, less resources will also mean less repairing time so there is no need to compound the reduction in repairing time.)

-Changed Crafting time for crafting skills to 50% from 25% at max level

-Changed Repair time for crafting skills to 50% from 25% at max level

-Removed Light Armor skill

-Added Light Armor Perk

-Removed Heavy Armor Skill

-Added Heavy Armor Perk (You can now increase your armor defense through perks each perk tier will require increased levels in Armor Smithing)

-Changed Concrete Mixing Perk to Masonry perk

-Added unlocks for Bricks, Cement Mixer, and Cement recipe with Masonry perk

-Changed quicker Crafting perk is now 4 stages instead of 5 (crafting time reduction remains unchanged at 50% at max rank)

-Changed Medical Crafting science level requirements to 10, 30, 50

-Changed Chemical Crafting science level requirements to 20, 40

-Changed Omnigel Crafting science level requirement to 75



-Added specifically controlled Crafting times for all recipes

-Rebalanced crafting costs, times, and ingredients of weapons, tools, armor, and clothing

-Removed scrap frame blocks of all types

-Removed all Seed Crafting Recipes (except for grass)

-Added woodHalfFrame

-Added Bricks

-Changed brick block recipes to now require Bricks and Concrete Mix

-Changed Chicken Feed now requires 2 corn seeds and 2 wheat seeds and yields 1 Chicken Feed

-Changed all adobe style blocks ingredients to 2 cement, 3 crushed sand, and 5 wood



-Added crafting skill groups to all blocks (You can now gain experience from crafting all blocks)

-Changed all blocks that extended stoneToAdobeMaster to now extend adobeMaster

-Changed Chicken Coop now only requires 1 Chicken Feed to upgrade it

-Changed All Crops now yield half there previous amount and will now also drop seeds 1 seed 100% of the time along with an additional seed 25% of the time

-Changed all trees now drop seeds at the same rate as the new crops

-Changed upgrades paths of all blocks (wood Frame -> Tier 1 wood -> R Wood -> Tier 2 Cobble -> Concrete -> R Concrete -> Tier 3 Scrap Iron -> R Scrap Iron -> Steel) (Tier 1 2000 HP wood only, Tier 2 5000HP Concrete and Cobble, Tier 3 10000HP Iron and Steel)

-Changed Downgrade paths appropriately

-Increased Grow times of Crops and Trees to 210 from 180 min per grow stage (Balanced for 60 min days 7 days normal, 3.5 days fertilized)

-Rebalanced the damage dealt and damage received Wood log spikes and upgrades according to material changes

-Removed Wood+metal reinforced log spike stage to reduce cost of scrap iron and now has 2 stages of wood, 2 stages of scrap, 1 stage of steel

-Removed all Wood+metal reinforced block upgrade paths for this same reason



-Increased wood HP (wood is now more effective against zombies and against you trying to break in to that house early game)

-Decreased Cobblestone, Concrete, R Concrete HP

-Increased Iron, Iron, HP

-Decreased Steel HP

-Increased Steel explosion resistance to 100%


+Entity Classes

-Reduced dog day time approach speed

-Increased Feral Zombie approach, wander speeds

-Decreased Feral Zombie HP to 1500 from 2800

-Decreased Feral Bear HP to 1500 From 2400



-Changed durability amount of all quality items to now be the same value for all quality levels

-Adjusted durability degradation rate of all quality items to maintain previous degradation rate

-Adjusted books to maintain 2 books per level for all skills

-Adjusted repair amounts for all repair items

-Adjusted repair times for all repair items

-Rebalanced some zombie hand entity and block damage and range


-Reduced amount of chicken and feathers obtained from the chicken coop


This build currently still needs testing and I would appreciate any and all feedback thanks!

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Update (23/7/16)



-Reduced experience per level for weapon smithing, tool smithing, Gun Smithing, Science, Tailoring, Leatherworking, and Armor Smithing due to increased crafting times.



-Changed Skill Book Experience accordingly for each skill


Keep in mind that this build is a rough draft and I am currently working on balancing the new changes.

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Update (23/7/16)


A 14.7 Version


-Changed all blocks to now require Scrap Iron Plates to be upgraded with instead of scrap iron



-Added recipe for Scrap Iron Plate



-Added Scrap iron Plate to allowed upgrade materials for all upgrade tools



-Added Iron Working Perk which unlocks Scrap Iron Plate recipe


Now when you are upgrading your base into scrap iron you can also slap some plates down and upgrade them as well. :)

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Update (7/25/16)


I completely rebalanced progression, now all skills are equally as easy to level, now 6 min of crafting anything towards any skill will award you with 1 level in that skill based off of starting stats with no crafting speed increases from levels or perks.


With Quicker Crafting all crafting skills will increase 1 level every 3 min, and with higher levels in that skill it will further reduce the time it takes to level as your crafting speed increase in that level.


All weapons require 50 contacted swings to level that weapons skill or killing 10 zombies.



-Rebalanced all skills to now all require 1000 exp per level (This allows me to stabilize all skills to be equal when counting towards player level.)



-Rebalanced action exp and action bonus experience for all weapons

-Adjusted all skill books action experience accordingly to maintain reading 2 skill books per level



-Added manual crafting experience to all recipes for fine tuning and balancing of all crafting for each skill. (Now 6 min of crafting anything towards any skill awards 1 level in that skill, with quicker crafting perk that is 1 level every 3 min)

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hi thanks for this interesting mod. It is too hardcore for me but I would love to use the quests you made if thats ok.


Is it just to use the quest.xml and sort out the quests that is related to this mod?


Feel free to use whatever you like, currently the mod is in testing and balancing phase since I just recently made a few fundamental changes to block HP and leveling speed etc. So if you decide to check out the mod in full I would appreciate the fedback.

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Feel free to use whatever you like, currently the mod is in testing and balancing phase since I just recently made a few fundamental changes to block HP and leveling speed etc. So if you decide to check out the mod in full I would appreciate the fedback.


Thanks, maybe in the future :)

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Update (8/8/16)


Version 14.7 only


Finished rebalanced all progression, skills, and weapon damages (Balanced for Nomad default difficulty @ 60 min days)



-Rebalanced player level exp per level to now equal the exact amount of exp required to achieve lvl 100 in all skills

(what this means is that once you reach max level in all skills you will then reach max player level)

-Rebalanced damage modifiers for all weapons through skills and perks

-Changed Miner 69er now requires Mining Tools lvl 20 for the first level and subsequently increased all stages appropriately

-Changed Pummel Pete now requires Blunt Weapons lvl 20 for the first level and subsequently increased all stages appropriately

-Changed Knife Guy now requires Blade Weapons lvl 20 for the first level and subsequently increased all stages appropriately

-Changed Better Lead Than Dead now only has 4 levels instead of 5, now requires Rifles lvl 25 for the first level and subsequently increased all stages appropriately and slightly reduced bonus damage

-Changed Boom Stick now only has 4 levels instead of 5, now requires Shotguns lvl 25 for the first level and subsequently increased all stages appropriately and slightly reduced bonus damage

-Changed The Outlaw now only has 4 levels instead of 5, now requires Pistols lvl 25 for the first level and subsequently increased all stages appropriately and slightly reduced bonus damage

-Reduced cost of Heavy Armor perk to 5 points per level instead of 10

-Reduced cost of Light Armor perk to 5 points per level instead of 10

-Reduced bonus damage of Rifles action skill

-Reduced bonus damage of Shotguns action skill

-Reduced bonus damage of Pistols action skill

-Changed Scavenging is now completely linear with no extra bonus for achieving lvl 100 from 99

-Changed Athletics is now completely linear with no extra bonus for achieving lvl 100 from 99



-Changed all quests now no longer give player level exp

-Changed all quests no longer grant direct skill level increases

-Changed all quests now only give skill points instead of the above mentioned

(what this means is that combined with the changes to the progression file you no longer have to worry about quests reducing your possible skill cap due to player level cap, and you can now achieve full level in all skills and once you achieve 100% completion of all skills you will then achieve player lvl 200)



-Rebalanced damage of all weapons including guns and bows

-Added stun and base dismemberment chance for all clubs


-Rebalanced zombie and animal HP according to the balance changes made to weapons

-Slightly increased health of deer and pigs

-Slightly increased health of snow zombies

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Update (8/9/16)


Both Versions 14.4 / 14.7



-Adjusted auger and chainsaw to now actually better than steel tools and is now worth it to use

-Adjusted small engine tank size now stays the same at all levels and efficiency is now adjusted to be the same as it was with increased tank size



-Changed minibike gravity multiplier back to default 1 instead of 5 so you can now take jumps properly again (adjusting it to 5 was a suggested fix to disappearing minibikes but I did not like the feel of it.)

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Hi there. Love the mod. I run it on a private dedi for a small gaming community and we have about 8 actives on our server. Since the most recent update to the mod Im getting a lot of complaints about zombie health, not getting staggered or stunned, and durability of items. One guy sent me a small snippet of him using a 130 hunting knife on a deer. The knife was at half durability and was broken before the deer was harvested. Is this intended?

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Hi there. Love the mod. I run it on a private dedi for a small gaming community and we have about 8 actives on our server. Since the most recent update to the mod Im getting a lot of complaints about zombie health, not getting staggered or stunned, and durability of items. One guy sent me a small snippet of him using a 130 hunting knife on a deer. The knife was at half durability and was broken before the deer was harvested. Is this intended?


No definitely not, I will look into this soon, I have not had time to test the latest update so thanks for the feedback!


The main thing I need tested is durability of all things from guns to minibike and weapons etc. as well as Block HP.


EDIT: I should have this fixed by tonight if not then tomorrow for sure. Also I have had people ask me if I know of any servers running the mod, so if it is a public server It might be good to post the server details if you want.


Also it would be good to know what settings your server is running in regards to nomad or warrior or survivalist.

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