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A16 Valmod Pack


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Why was rifleman removed? He's the class I played every time and had the most fun with.


The entire idea of a bolt action rifle one shot head shot but if anything got close I was in trouble really appealed to me.


I realize I can get back to the same starting place I would have before via perks etc, just curious on the decision.

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Prefabs and game saves


Great mod mate. I've rented a server and intend to load Valmod onto it again. Some specific instructions for server admins would be appreciated. I use filezilla ftp. Last time i uploaded the files and over wrote any vanilla files that were the same name in the same directory. Is this the only way to do it ?


I loaded the previous version on to my server but i couldn't get any building prefabs to load into the map. I uploaded a whole heap of prefab buildings to the server but none were being picked up. Can you advise how to do this with Valmod ? Is there a xml file that needs to be changed ? Or are old prefabs now incompatible with A15 ?


Also after about 40 days of gameplay in Valmod - all regions reset ( but my character kept whatever he had on him ). This affected other players as well. Thereafter any changes to the map were not saved. Are there any settings that need to be amended to stop unexpected region resets and non saving like this ? I'd also like to make the corpses and gore blocks disappear faster. Where is the setting in the xml's for this ?



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Why was rifleman removed? He's the class I played every time and had the most fun with.


The entire idea of a bolt action rifle one shot head shot but if anything got close I was in trouble really appealed to me.


I realize I can get back to the same starting place I would have before via perks etc, just curious on the decision.


He was removed because the class was merged with the hunter. Hunter IS the rifleman now, more or less. You can still start off with a bolt rifle, just now your go-to class would be Hunter instead of Rifleman.

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Thanks val.


I went through the items.xml for the Valmod-HORDE-EDITION-master version and updated it to match the Valmod Overhaul Experimental Edition (except for damage naturally).


Not sure if you've done it already - if not I can send you mine.


I appreciate that offer, Erik. No, I have not yet made a horde edition for the experimental. I was going to do that once it was no longer experimental and graduated to being "main". Nice as the offer is, and I am grateful for it, I prefer to do the change myself. Its actually a fairly simple process that shouldn't take me over five minutes. So it won't be that big of a stress for me take care of when the time comes.



Great mod mate. I've rented a server and intend to load Valmod onto it again. Some specific instructions for server admins would be appreciated. I use filezilla ftp. Last time i uploaded the files and over wrote any vanilla files that were the same name in the same directory. Is this the only way to do it ?


I loaded the previous version on to my server but i couldn't get any building prefabs to load into the map. I uploaded a whole heap of prefab buildings to the server but none were being picked up. Can you advise how to do this with Valmod ? Is there a xml file that needs to be changed ? Or are old prefabs now incompatible with A15 ?


Also after about 40 days of gameplay in Valmod - all regions reset ( but my character kept whatever he had on him ). This affected other players as well. Thereafter any changes to the map were not saved. Are there any settings that need to be amended to stop unexpected region resets and non saving like this ? I'd also like to make the corpses and gore blocks disappear faster. Where is the setting in the xml's for this ?




Let me break these questions into segments for simplicity.


Specific instructions for servers:


I could, perhaps. Though, and this will sound ♥♥♥♥ish Im sure, I tend to expect people who are able to operate a server with any degree of competency to be able to understand the process. Installing the mod on a server is the same as installing it locally. The difference is that on a server, if its hosted and not dedicated (where you have physical access) you will be using FTP like filezilla. In which case how you retrieve that required information is different from one provider to the next. I don't mess with servers, personally, so I don't even know if they all provide FTP service.


I understand not everyone is comfortable with this stuff, and thats fine. I do not mind helping those who need it if they contact me. If they take the time to message me on steam then I will happily take time to assist. However, in my experience, it is /much/ easier and quicker for me to just do it for them if they cannot do it themselves. I find that those who cannot do it themselves seem to have a hard time comprehending or following my directions even if I'm talking to them personally and as simply as possible. Often, for some reason or another, they will get lost or misplace a file. Or maybe the FTP didn't overwrite everything correctly and it needs a more manual touch. Its quicker and easier for both of us if I hop on the FTP and take care of it.


Again, I don't purposely mean to sound arrogant or like an ass. Thats just been my experience. As such rather than try to make a vague guide that will hopefully be relevant to whatever host they're on that they're not likely to read I'd rather just have those who have issues contact me directly so we can square the problem away in 10 minutes. Its easier and quicker for all parties involved, imo.



As for it being the only way to do it, yes, basically. My mod replaces the vanilla XML files. It is what powers the mod. As such it is necessary to replace the vanilla ones with the ones in my mod. If the overwrite doesn't work (sometimes filezilla doesn't overwrite them all properly for some reason) I just manually delete the Config folder and place mine in. This is a little more direct and personal than the drag-and-drop Data folder approach, though.






Prefab modding is essentially its own plain of modding altogether. If the prefabs were made before A15 then they may or may not be compatible. It really depends on what blocks are used. For prefabs to spawn in the world they need to be added to the rwgmixer.xml or the biomes.xml (typically its just the rwgmixer though). The rwgmixer.xml in my mod is vanilla. Meaning my mod does not rely on it to function and is compatible with something like, say, the Prefab Compo Pack. However you will have to install Compo /after/ my mod is installed. Or otherwise just ensure that you are using the Compo's included rwgmixer.xml and NOT the one included in my mod.




Region reset:


This is just a vanilla or server related bug. I could not cause this to happen intentionally even if I wanted to. Only thing I can think of that might help is if you had a server manager setup to manually save the map and make a backup every couple hours. If that is possible. I don't really know much about this stuff. I do not deal with servers, personally. I imagine the Botman servermanger has some options to aid in this. Ultimately though Im not a reliable source of information on this as servers are not my area. You'd be better off asking someone with vetted experience in managing servers.



Corpses and gore blocks:


Corpse timers are handled in the entityclasses.xml


The property you're looking for is:

<property name="TimeStayAfterDeath" value="45" />


The value represents how many seconds the corpse remains before it turns to the gore block. So you increase or decrease this according to your desire.


Gore blocs are blocks and thus handled by the blocks.xml


You're going to want to look at block id 701, the goreblock.


<block id="701" name="GoreBlock1Prefab">

<property name="Class" value="Gore" />

<property name="IsDeveloper" value="true" />

<property name="Material" value="organic" />

<property name="Shape" value="ModelEntity" />

<property name="Model" value="Entities/Gore/gore_block1_Prefab" />

<property name="Texture" value="22" />

<property name="Collide" value="movement,melee,bullet,arrow,rocket" />

<property name="Place" value="TowardsPlacerInverted" />

<property name="Tag" value="Gore" />

<property name="IsTerrainDecoration" value="true" />

<property name="FallDamage" value="false" />

<!-- <property name="UpgradeRated.BlockCombined" value="air" /> -->

<property name="UpgradeRated.ToBlock" value="GoreBlock1BonesPrefab" />

<property name="UpgradeRated.Rate" value="22" />

<property name="DowngradeBlock" value="GoreBlock1BonesPrefab" />

<drop event="Harvest" name="rottingFlesh" count="1" prob=".6" tool_category="Butcher" />

<drop event="Harvest" name="rottingFlesh" count="2" prob=".6" />

<drop event="Harvest" name="animalFat" count="2" prob=".33" tool_category="Butcher"/>

<drop event="Destroy" count="0" />




The higher the value the longer the corpse block will stay. The smaller the value the quicker it will turn to the bones goreblock. Which has its own timer and can be found in block iid 702, right below this one. You can adjust these values to make them last longer or decay quicker depending on your personal needs.

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Hey, just thought I'd ask about something. I took the UI portion of your new A15 branch and integrated it into my game, however now the SHIFT key doesn't work for placing objects in a workbench to combine.


Any way to fix this? I'm assuming it is because you added a 'tools' section to the bench.

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I have a bug with Chemistry station I believe. I had the perk 1/1 to build the station while my science was still below 15. I'm not sure what my construction tools was at when I got the chemistry perk but it is now over 50. When I go to the work bench to build a chemistry station it tells me I do not have the required recipe even thought I am 1/1 with the perk. Since my science was not 15 I spent points to get that up and I still receive the message that I do not have the required recipe.

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Hey, just thought I'd ask about something. I took the UI portion of your new A15 branch and integrated it into my game, however now the SHIFT key doesn't work for placing objects in a workbench to combine.


Any way to fix this? I'm assuming it is because you added a 'tools' section to the bench.


That probably is the cause, and no, there is no way to fix it. At least not on the XML side. SDX guys might be able to, but thats beyond me. There isn't like some kind of tag or property in the xml that tells the game to allow shift-clicking. I cannot enable or disable it on a whim. These things are hardcoded.


I have a bug with Chemistry station I believe. I had the perk 1/1 to build the station while my science was still below 15. I'm not sure what my construction tools was at when I got the chemistry perk but it is now over 50. When I go to the work bench to build a chemistry station it tells me I do not have the required recipe even thought I am 1/1 with the perk. Since my science was not 15 I spent points to get that up and I still receive the message that I do not have the required recipe.


What version are you playing? I assume Overhaul since you mentioned chemistry perk? There are a few things that could be happening here.


If you're playing Overhaul the you do not need construction or science. If you're playing on a server ensure you have the files installed locally because you need the progression.xml


If neither of those apply then download the latest version and reinstall the mod and that will likely fix it for you.


The Food/ammo/building etc storage containers have less slots in them now, 8x9 they used to be 9x9 i thought....was this change intended? Can we change them to be 10x9 like the desks are or does it create problems?


There was no real specific reason for it. Those were one of the vanilla values that weren't changed over when I converted the mod over to A15.


The only issue with larger values such as 10x9 or what have you is that on lower resolutions sometimes some of the inventory can get cut off by the screen.



You can change them if you desire. Pretty simple to do. Loot.xml


Find lootcontainer id="10". Change its size from "8,9" to... well, whatever you want it to be.

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What version are you playing? I assume Overhaul since you mentioned chemistry perk? There are a few things that could be happening here.


If you're playing Overhaul the you do not need construction or science. If you're playing on a server ensure you have the files installed locally because you need the progression.xml


If neither of those apply then download the latest version and reinstall the mod and that will likely fix it for you.





Yes I am using overhaul as is the server (Abaddon somethingorother) Before I posted I tried updating. Not sure of version numbers but its the link on post#1 last updated 10/19 when I look at the folder in the zipfile. That did not work so I did a clean install of 7 days. Still did not fix the issue. Will look for an admin today to see if giving me another book that gives chemistry will do the trick. The progression.xml does list both science and construction tool as requirements still for the perk.


Going to go into a single player game today to test it. Will check back later.


**EDIT** checked the progression.xml straight from the zip file and it is indeed taken out there. Not sure why that did not take when I unzipped and replaced into the 7 days to die folder.....that might fix it.

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It would be nice. I did want some special gangs with related questlines. Though, due to performance concerns, I don't see that being a thing anytime soon.


I had a question about bandits too. I love your work and all by the way make the game a lot better. Is there any chance that's you can help make your Overhaul mod work with Bandits 2.1 instead of adding bandits to your mod. I've been trying and cant seem to make it work. I found that some block ids where the same but dont know how fix that.

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I had a question about bandits too. I love your work and all by the way make the game a lot better. Is there any chance that's you can help make your Overhaul mod work with Bandits 2.1 instead of adding bandits to your mod. I've been trying and cant seem to make it work. I found that some block ids where the same but dont know how fix that.


Just change the block id's from bandits, it doesnt matter what they are as they are just loot blocks that are not referenced by id until they appear in game.

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Yes I am using overhaul as is the server (Abaddon somethingorother) Before I posted I tried updating. Not sure of version numbers but its the link on post#1 last updated 10/19 when I look at the folder in the zipfile. That did not work so I did a clean install of 7 days. Still did not fix the issue. Will look for an admin today to see if giving me another book that gives chemistry will do the trick. The progression.xml does list both science and construction tool as requirements still for the perk.


Going to go into a single player game today to test it. Will check back later.


**EDIT** checked the progression.xml straight from the zip file and it is indeed taken out there. Not sure why that did not take when I unzipped and replaced into the 7 days to die folder.....that might fix it.


If you're on a server then you'd also need to check with the admin to ensure the server itself is also running the latest version.


I had a question about bandits too. I love your work and all by the way make the game a lot better. Is there any chance that's you can help make your Overhaul mod work with Bandits 2.1 instead of adding bandits to your mod. I've been trying and cant seem to make it work. I found that some block ids where the same but dont know how fix that.


Stompy covered what you needed to do there - with the new block IDs and such.

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hello valmar i had a quick question.


i am running your overhaul on my server with the latest files installed and i have a few issues im running into mainly i have a player who is unable to craft a workbench (they are not a builder class) is there a specific book or recipe skill they need to do so.

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The workbench is a free recipe. That is to say it is not locked behind any book, perk or schematic. If the player cannot craft it then it means they have no installed the mod locally on their computer. They need it installed locally or else they will get issues such as this.

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The workbench is a free recipe. That is to say it is not locked behind any book, perk or schematic. If the player cannot craft it then it means they have no installed the mod locally on their computer. They need it installed locally or else they will get issues such as this.


ok thanks for the info i just released a server modpack update must not have installed it

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I was wondering when you open the mini bike storage id like to move the whole menu to the left more so i can add more storage to the minibike. Is this hard to do?

Also how do u make wall safes i cant find which skill allows u to make it.

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did you remove the nailgun crafting it was there before the update now its gone ?


In Overhaul Experimental the nailgun is behind the Mechanical skill. Level 15 to be specific. Does that answer your question or am I misunderstanding?


I was wondering when you open the mini bike storage id like to move the whole menu to the left more so i can add more storage to the minibike. Is this hard to do?


Is it hard to do? To me, yes. To someone else? Maybe not. Modding the UI, in general, is always a bit of a nightmare to me.


I assume what you're after is in the windows.xml


Window windowVehicleStorage. The inventory grid. Currently has 6 rows, 3 columns. You might be able to fit more here if you increased the size, I dont know. Though there is no telling if the extra slots will actually work. I know if you increase the players backpack size the items in the new slots will vanish when you relog the game. The minibike might be the same.


Assuming you can change the inventory size changing the window size to fit the new grids is a whole other matter. Positioning and resizing of various windows might be needed. Or maybe just lowering the cell width and height of the inventory will be enough. Lowering to 50 x 50 should make it all fit though graphically the grid will be less than pretty and will require a lot of fine tuning to make things beautiful. I do not know if you'd also have to increase the minibike loot container in loot.xml but I would increase its size to match what you assign in the windows.xml just to be safe.

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The mini bike is actually a lot easier to do and works properly without using a modded .dll file as it is technically just a standard storage container. Increased player inventory does work properly with the use of a modded .dll


Check out the following posts:


Player Inventory: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?34533-Backpack-Expansion


Minibike Storage: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?35922-Mini-Bike-Storage-x2-amp-x3

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And please tell me how to make wall safes i cant figure it out lol


Wall safes are tied behind the Security perk.


nope the recepie to make the nailgun isnt there in the list when i type nailgun nothing shows up i can put it toghter but can make the parts for it


The nailgun is like a gun. You assemble it from the parts. Have the nailgun parts in your inventory, click one and hit the Assemble button.

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