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A16 Valmod Pack


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Can you clarify what you mean about harvesting with the stone axe? What is it not doing that it should be doing, exactly?



So when I hit a harvestable plant with the stone axe it removes the plant (leaves a baby plant) but does not put it in my inventory. If you hit it with your fists then it removes the plant and (leaves a baby plant) and puts the plant in your inventory.


I believe it is by design but it is a chore to switch to first when I'm out and about to keep switch from weapon to first just to harvest.

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I tried the experimental overhaul and while I really enjoy the idea of the many different UMA zombie with my computer, it became unplayable when I reached a town, extreme slowdown, after a short freeze from the frame rate, the uma zombie were mostly invisible and the item icon became black square texture.


I normally can play the normal overhaul at low graphic,1/2 size texture and max view distance without too much trouble, but also have to restart the game after maybe 2 hours because the game gradually slowdown with time, but when I tried the experimental version with all the uma zombie, even at 1/8 size texture, lower resolution and lower view distance, it was still unplayable.


I really hope you manage to make it better, but if it become the only version I will be dissapointed and will have to give up on the mod.


-I was on default zombie spawn.

thank you for reading.

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Just opened a brand new dedicated valmod server (A15) with extra tweaks for a more realistic zombie playstyle Valmar here is the info Thank You!


Server Name: -Realistik- A Valmod Server

Server Address: IP- Port-25810


Valmod Overhaul with these included changes below..


Compo Pack minus the crazy looking pre fabs.


Zombies walk very slow all the time bosses are still fast.

Zombies have massive body health

Headshots kill zombies very fast.

No hornets, stuns, dogs or bears

Spawn increased to make up for no animal zombies

Cops puke on themselves and explode now doing heavy damage to blocks but not players.

Integrated compo pack for an extra 400+ prefabs

Huge city increased 3x the normal size.


Server offline?

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I tried the experimental overhaul and while I really enjoy the idea of the many different UMA zombie with my computer, it became unplayable when I reached a town, extreme slowdown, after a short freeze from the frame rate, the uma zombie were mostly invisible and the item icon became black square texture.


I normally can play the normal overhaul at low graphic,1/2 size texture and max view distance without too much trouble, but also have to restart the game after maybe 2 hours because the game gradually slowdown with time, but when I tried the experimental version with all the uma zombie, even at 1/8 size texture, lower resolution and lower view distance, it was still unplayable.


I really hope you manage to make it better, but if it become the only version I will be dissapointed and will have to give up on the mod.


-I was on default zombie spawn.

thank you for reading.


Trust me I am sympathetic to these woes. Not everyone has 12gb of memory to throw at this game. I've already accepted that the requirements for my mod are going to be higher than vanilla but I don't want it to be so high that its ridiculous. This is another great example of why its still classed as "Experimental" and not already in the official branch, however. I'm very wary about these types of things and want to try to keep things smooth. As smooth as can be, anyway. I will do by best to curb some of the performance loss down as much as I can.


Also note: UMA Textures have their own quality setting in the video settings. However from what I understand it only works when it initially load. SO if it was high and you loaded the game the UMA textures will be high and stay high even if you set it low because it wont erase the high ones it already made. At least that is what I gathered from reading the posts about it.


Open the game and ensure UMA textures are set as a low as they can. Then close the game. Open the 7DTD directory. Open the Data folder. There is a folder there called UMATextures. Open it and delete all the images inside. Now load up the game. It will take longer than usual since it has to regenerate those images but now it should make them all the lowest setting. That might help you out some for now. But don't worry I am still going to cranking back these UMA zombies to try to reduce the strain.

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I'm a bit confused about the versions of the overhaul. To get the latest Overhaul I go to the page 1 an dl it. For the experimental go to page 224. Do you think you could link both on page 1 with the latest versions and name the zip-folder with a version number. Or write the date of the latest update to the dl-links? I never know if I have the latest version for playing.


The zip file is kinda hardcoded. Github is what names it. As such I cannot attach the version to it. However if you open your cheat menu and find the item "Valmod Version" it will tell you what version you're on. Now it is true I dont ALWAYS change this number. If all I did was make one subtle little change like tweaked a recipe I wont give it a new number. I usually wait until I've made a large number of changes or fixed something that was critical before I change the version number.


Technically one could, if they're savvy enough and have 15 minutes to burn, set up the github program to sync up my mod with their config folder. In theory you could make it so that github will automatically keep your game up to date this way. Though I never tried that myself and is probably too difficult for the avferage user. Still, interesting option.


As for experimental actually the reason I dont include a link for it in the main page is to avoid confusion. A lot of people do not actually read half of what I put up there. They just skim through it. Experimental is kinda a big deal and really needs you to read to understand what it is and how its different. If I added a link in the front page I worry people would get confused as to what it is and might download it by mistake.


Thats my excuse, anyway.


So to switch back and forth do I only have to move 1 folder? The 7 Days to die folder in my steamapps folder?


Yes and no. You could switch back and forth by just moving one folder, yes. The config folder, specifically. Which is in the Data folder within the 7DTD folder.


What I was saying though is that you could go to the 7 Days to Die folder that is in the steamapps folder and just... copy the entire game folder. The one in steamApps, copy the entire thing. Then install the mod into that one and leave the main one vanilla. Then open the copied folder and run the 7DaysToDie exe to launch the game from that folder. Could even set a shortcut to this on your desktop an call it 7 Days to Die modded.


You'll basically have two versions of the game installed. One is modded, one is vanilla. Then you can just launch whatever one you want to play whenever you want to play it.


Next confusion: I just loaded the latest experimental and there are missing all UMA-Textures. Got many red alert via console. How to get them?


Those are supposed to generate themselves when you first start up the game. If they do not I suspect its because you didn't have enough memory to go through it all initially. Though Im just speculating on that one. I could possibly include the folder to spare those from having to generate it themselves, though that could increase the mod size by quite a lot. I'll think on it.


So when I hit a harvestable plant with the stone axe it removes the plant (leaves a baby plant) but does not put it in my inventory. If you hit it with your fists then it removes the plant and (leaves a baby plant) and puts the plant in your inventory.


I believe it is by design but it is a chore to switch to first when I'm out and about to keep switch from weapon to first just to harvest.


Oh, I see. You have two options. You can either edit the items.xml to add Pluck to the stoneAxe. Or you can remove Pluck from the blocks.xml.


<item id="105" name="stoneAxe">

<property class="Action0"> <!-- AttackAction -->


<property name="ToolCategory.Pluck" value="1" /><!--Valmod-->




or open blocks.xml and remove all instances of this:


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Next confusion: I just loaded the latest experimental and there are missing all UMA-Textures. Got many red alert via console. How to get them?

Those are supposed to generate themselves when you first start up the game. If they do not I suspect its because you didn't have enough memory to go through it all initially. Though Im just speculating on that one. I could possibly include the folder to spare those from having to generate it themselves, though that could increase the mod size by quite a lot. I'll think on it.


It would be great for me to have the chance to dl the textures. I'm sure its not my computer, maybe more that I'm playing with OSX. But I didn't know that, so I will test it again.

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It would be great for me to have the chance to dl the textures. I'm sure its not my computer, maybe more that I'm playing with OSX. But I didn't know that, so I will test it again.


Correction: That is what is supposed to happen, apparently. Though it seems not to. The game will currently always load up the highest quality textures initially. 4K images are big, man. Real big. So I've taken the liberty to make some changes and include a custom UMATextures folder that has all the images reduced to a more modest 512 resolution ratio. This will mean the download size of the mod is a bit bigger but it should help lower end users since they no longer have to load in all these 4k textures all at once. It was hitting around 10gb memory when I tried. Which is... pretty amazing. Haha. So yeah, should help.



Ahem. Overhaul Experimental Update!


This update adjusts various perks and progression trees. Some perks have been removed and moved to skills. For example forged armor and improvised armor perks are now gone. Instead its all tied into the Armor Smithing skill. I removed some of the gun skills and have combined a few. Pistols will now cover pistols and magnums, rifles will cover hunting rifle and sniper, assault rifles will cover SMG and AK47.


I also removed Gun Smithing. Now what determines the amount of quality you lose from repairing a gun is determined by your skill in that gun. So a master in pistols will lose less for repairing it than someone who has never used a pistol before.


Blunderbuss and Junk Scrapping perks are now merged into the Scavenging skill. There are also now scrap iron tools/weapons, which are part of Scavenging.


Also removed a few UMA zombies to further improve performance for lesser-end systems. Hopefully this in combination with the "optimized" UMATextures folder will help out. Please let me know.




..:: Skills ::..



Scrap Iron/Brass/Lead - level 5

scrapIronAxe - level 5

scrapIronPickaxe - level 5

scrapIronShovel - level 5

scrapIronShiv - level 5

blunderbuss - level 10


Blunt Weapons:

clubIron - level 20

clubBarbed - level 30

clubSpiked - level 40


Blade Weapons:

huntingKnife - level 20

machete - level 30

scythe - level 50

combatAxe - level 80


Mining Tools:

pickaxeIron - level 20

pickaxeSteel - level 40


Construction Tools:

clawHammer - level 20

sledgehammer - level 30

wrench - 40



fireaxeIron - level 10

fireaxeSteel -level 20



gunPistol - level 20

gunPistolSilenced - level 30

gun44Magnum - level 40

gun44MagnumSilenced - level 50



gunSawedOffPumpShotgun - level 15

gunPumpShotgun - level 20

gunPumpShotgunChoked - level 30



gunHuntingRifle - level 20

gunBoltRifle - level 20

gunHuntingRifleSilenced - level 30

gunBoltRifleSilenced - level 30

gunSniperRifle - level 40

gunSniperSilenced - level 50

gunSniperRifleHPScope - level 50

gunSniperRifleHPScopeSilenced - level 50


Assault Rifles:

gunMP5 - level 20

gunMP5Silenced - level 30

gunAK47 - level 40

gunAK47Silenced - level 50



ironArrow - level 20

ironCrossbowBolt - level 20

steelArrow - level 30

steelCrossbowBolt - level 30

flamingArrow - level 50

explodingCrossbowBolt - level 50



healingAgent - level 5

drinkHealth - level 5

firstAidBandage - level 10

maniacPowder - level 15

disinfectantBandage - level 20

medicalSplint - level 25

firstAidKit - level 30

antibiotics - level 35

herbalAntibiotics - level 40



chemistryStation - level 15

beer - level 15

mead - level 15

meadBlueberry - level 15

appleCider - level 15

fuelLog - level 15

glue - level 20

grainAlcohol - level 20

oil - level 20

bioFuel - level 20

chemicalAgent - level 20

gasCan - level 20



sewingKit - level 5


Armor Smithing

animal hide armor - level 10

leather armor - level 20

scrap iron armor - level 30

iron armor - level 40

steel armor - level 50



leather - level 15

tanningRack - level 15



This is a new crafting skill that you level up by crafting various mechanical bits and bobs.



This is a new crafting skill that you level up by crafting various items and blocks in the forge.

forge - level 10

bellows - level 10

forgedIron - level 10

ironArrowHead - level 10

emptyJar - level 15

Glass Blocks - level 15

beaker - level 15

weldingTorch - level 20

ironRingsRivets - level 20

Syringe - level 25

beaker - level 25

ironBars - level 30

anvil - level 30

calipers - level 50

spring - level 50

forgedSteel - level 80

steelArrowHead - level 80

mechanicalParts - level 80

steelRingsRivets - level 80



This is a new crafting skill that you level up by crafting various wood items such as woodframes or carpenter kits.

Wood Blocks - level 10

handsaw - level 10

carpenterKit - level 10



This is a new crafting skill that you level up by crafting carious stone or brick blocks.

cementMixer - level 20

chisel - level 20

Cobblestone Blocks - level 20

Brick Blocks - level 30

Cement - level 50

concreteMix - level 50

Rebar Blocks - level 50



..:: Perks ::..


Boom Stick:

Increases shotgun damage.

gunBoomstick - level 3


Better Lead Than Dead:

Increases hunting rifle and sniper damage.


G.I. Joe:

Increases assault rifle (ak47/smg) damage.


Gun: Rocket Launcher:

gunRocketLauncher - level 30


Wooden Bow:

woodenBow - level 5

ironBow - level 15 (requires level 20 Archery)



crossbow - level 10

ironCrossbow - level 20 (requires level 20 Archery)

crossbowRepeater - level 30 (requires level 30 Archery)


Quicker Crafting:

woodBlock - level 1

cobblestoneBlock - level 2 (requires player level 20)

AutoWall_Wood - level 3 (requires player level 30)

AutoWall_Concrete - level 4 (requires player level 40)

AutoWall_Reinforced_Concrete - level 5 (requires player level 50)


Miner 69er:

minersTNT - level 5 (requires Mining Tools level 80)



Increases block damage with axes and reduces the stamina drain.


Electric Lights:

This perk gives you the required items to craft working electric lights.

electricalToolKit - level 12 (requires Mechanical level 10)

flashlight02 - level 12 (requires Mechanical level 10)



This perk teaches you how to craft kits to fix sinks or craft your own working sinks for infinite clean water.

plumbingKit - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)

workingCabinetSink - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)

workingGranitSink - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)


Oven Repair:

This perk teaches you to craft oven repair kits or working ovens to cook without fuel.

ovenKit - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)

workstationOven - level 15 (requires Mechanical level 15)



Lockpick - level 15 (requires Scavenging level 15)


Animal Traps:

animalSnare - level 10 (requires The Survivor level 1)

chickenCoop - level 10 (requires The Survivor level 1)



bowl - level 3

dinnerPlate - level 3

clayBucket - level 3



chainsaw - level 8



nailgun - level 15



auger - level 15

partsAuger_Blade level 15



minibikeChassis - level 30 (requires Mechanical level 30)

minibikeWheels - level 30 (requires Mechanical level 30)

minibikeSeat - level 30 (requires Mechanical level 30)

minibikeHandlebars - level 30 (requires Mechanical level 30)



trapSpikesNew - level 10

woodLogSpike1 - level 10

trapFall - level 10

trussingSpike - level 20

trussingWallSpike - 20

tnt - level 20

dynamite - level 20

mineAirFilter - level 20

mineCandyTin - level 20

mineHubcap - level 20

mineCookingPot - level 20

pipebomb - level 20

rScrapIronPlateMine - level 20

trapNailMine - level 20

trapFire - level 30


Garden Tools:

shovelIron - level 5 (requires Tool Smithing level 10)

shovelSteel - level 5 (requires Tool Smithing level 10)

hoeIron - level 5 (requires Tool Smithing level 10)

weedCleaver - level 5 (requires Tool Smithing level 10)



Secure Wooden Door - level 5

Secure Wooded Crates - level 10 (requires Carpentry level 10)

Secure Safes - level 20 (requires Mechanical level 10)

Iron and Vault Doors - level 20 (requires Mechanical level 10)

Drawbridges - level 20 (requires Mechanical level 10)


Valmod Overhaul Experimental Edition

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Ok, it's a OSX bug. I tested it on my Win-PC and the UMA-Textures are parsed.

To copy the Textures into the folder under OSX doesn't help. (with your new UL-Link)

I also have to put the Mod-Folder outside of the App-Folder. The paths under OSX are a bit different. So I tested several paths, but with no success.


I didn't find anything about this OSX-bug via google. So I have to wait till I know how to install it correctly.




sorry, the attachment it much to small. Seems to be a forum-feature :)


May the DB-Link works:


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Also tested all of the Experimental builds so far. On the previous build MP, with 2 users, it would last approximately 1 day in game (120 minute days, High Spawns) then turn into a slide show. The latest build turns into a slide show in about 15 - 30 minutes (real time). The SlideShow problems have only started since the inclusion of the UMA Zeds as the version of the experimental build without them worked fine.


Anything more info you need?


UMA Texture Size: Low


System: AMD FX-9370


Video: Radeon 7950 3GB

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Unfortunately there is nothing I can do. I have never even seen a Mac computer before. I wouldn't know where to begin. To clarify though you know the UMATextures folder is meant to go in the same folder that has the Config folder, not the Mods folder. At least on PC. How much memory does your Mac have? 4gb?




Interesting. Do these lag spikes occur randomly while exploring or is it inventory-related? Did the last version you were testing feature the UMA zombies also?




Thank you very much for the report. This is all very good information to know. I am taking all this feedback quite seriously, I assure you. Hopefully these things can be further ironed out in the coming days. I want to give this current experimental a little more testing time in the wild before making more changes.

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Interesting. Do these lag spikes occur randomly while exploring or is it inventory-related?


Randomly while exploring


Did the last version you were testing feature the UMA zombies also?


Well it was the last experimental version before this new one so I believe so.


I running both tests (last vesion vs. this version) with the same settings: everything maxed out.

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Hmmm, tried setting UMA Textures to Lowest, exiting game, deleting the files in UMATextures folder and when the game recreated them, even though it was set to lowest, they were all 4096 x 4096 or 4096 x 2048 or 2048 x 4096.


Ignore that past advice.


Replace your UMATextures folder with the one I included in the download. It should have images that are all roughly 512. See if that helps at all.


Randomly while exploring


Well it was the last experimental version before this new one so I believe so.


I running both tests (last vesion vs. this version) with the same settings: everything maxed out.


Interesting. Thanks. I have a "last resort" idea to try out later that might help, but we'll see.


Valmar could use change the port plz they gave me a new one so i could list my server on 7 days server list. Thanks boss....

-Realistik- A Valmod Server


Port: 26810 <----------


Also link to the server now :)




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Valmar, firstly thanks for all the work you are doing on your mod, we appreciate it!


In the name of testing, I set all the Zed in archetypes to type Zombie to see if they would generate their textures, which they did. This had the effect of improving performance significantly (after the first load and after I reduced their sizes down to 1024 res). According to Kinyajuu, if I am reading it right, if the archetype is set to 'Player' the Texture is generated on the fly causing excessive memory use. Testing involved running into a city with spawns set on Very High.


However, I then ran into trouble reloading the game so I will have to start testing again...Got to take a break and get some work done.


Edit: Hmmm, just read what StompyNZ was playing with and apparently he found that although the game Bakes the textures into the UMA folder it doesn't end up using them. I think I'll stop here and not muddy the waters for you folk.

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Unfortunately there is nothing I can do. I have never even seen a Mac computer before. I wouldn't know where to begin. To clarify though you know the UMATextures folder is meant to go in the same folder that has the Config folder, not the Mods folder. At least on PC. How much memory does your Mac have? 4gb?


No it's a highend MacPro with 16GB Ram and much more powerfull than my Win-PC-Laptop. I just wrote a Bugreport in the Forum. May the Pimps can help.

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My archetypes should already be set to zombie. I also included a UMATextures folder that has all the textures already added that have been resized to 512 res ratios. Assuming you're using the latest experimental build, that is.


Stompy and myself have both observed that same strange behavior with the textures not seemingly working the way they should. That is to say, the ones in the folder do not appear to be used. It does, at least, make the initial startup not take eons if you have the folder. Quite odd. Might hold off on some of this UMA stuff until things settle down more.

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Valmar i'm having a weird screamer spawn issue as in groups of 3-4 screamers spawning and then calling about 40 zeds LOL were getting our asses handed to us even had the building fall beneath us ( Laughing Fun) but insane... I looked in the spawn xml and the classes to see if you had added the new zombies using the same skin but that was not the case.. Just wondering if its buggin out on me or not. This is with one fireplace not turned on that its happening even. It reminds of us the walking dead on the farm. If you look closely all the way back to our now destroyed base you can make out more and more zeds lol nonstop..eJwNyMsNwyAMANBdGAAwtvlkmQoRRFIlBYF7qrp7-47vo97zUps6RMbajNnPVfrc9ZI-c6u69d6umse5dOm3ySK5HHd9yTIOgRJyjIwO0VIK__LBUQJgyy74hNE4Cx4skENmogfo52jq-wMj4SMl.SzX3P5-boKKHxQP51vYUv1DchcQ

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The zip file is kinda hardcoded. Github is what names it. As such I cannot attach the version to it. However if you open your cheat menu and find the item "Valmod Version" it will tell you what version you're on. Now it is true I dont ALWAYS change this number. If all I did was make one subtle little change like tweaked a recipe I wont give it a new number. I usually wait until I've made a large number of changes or fixed something that was critical before I change the version number.


Check out releases


Short story, from https://github.com/7days2mod/Valmod-Overhaul go to the releases, click create new release, tag it with the version number, then the links for the zip should include the release tag on the end of it :)

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