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A16 Valmod Pack


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well 1 good thing is i have EAC disabled on the server as its useless crap spyware, that im all too familiar with.... i always run without it.

I'm guessing by your statement that it requires a modded .dll .


Hopefully in the future we will be allowed to mod that easier. While im comfortable with non EAC compatible files for me and a few friends, i know most users wont be.


Far as I know yes you need to mod the .dll file currently to get larger storage that is persistent.


Thanks for the feedback. Maybe the value should be changed to 60,130? That way someone that has invested in the perk, tool, and skill can 1-shot stone blocks at near-max values.


Another question, why do silencers fit in the stock slots instead of barrel slots?


Well the whole reason I changed it in the first place is because I didn't want people breaking it with one swing. Kinda nullifies the point of the auger even existing at that point. Or at least that was my mentality behind it.


Silencers fit into the stock because a silencer is a "one size fits all" type of item. Its a single item that is meant to work with any gun. There is not a pistol silencer and rifle silencer. Just silencer. Guns (other than shotguns) derive their damage and accuracy from the parts you use to build them. The barrel, if I remember off the top of my head, is what has the damage attributes. Which is different for each weapon. The stock however has a far more "generic" attribute for all the guns. In each gun, based off my memory, the stock only has durability. Which is the same for each stock in the game.


The reason my silencer uses the stock slot is because it is the one slot that is the least likely to have any negative side-effect on gun. For example if pistol barrel does 10 damage and sniper barrel does 30 damage and my silencer was a barrel slot that only did 15 damage than my silencer would make a pistol stronger and a sniper weaker. Does that make sense? By using the stock I ensure that the attributes of the silencer do not drastically change the weapons scaling.


Of course there is another, smarter option. Chud mentioned to me a while back that I could have just added the damage to the silenced gun directly rather than rely on the part. That would let me move the silencer to the barrel and still keep normal stats. I didn't think of that when I originally wrote the code. In the end of the day though, for me personally, I don't really care about guns and it doesn't bother me that the slot that uses the silencer is not the barrel. For me its a non-issue and as long as it works. As such I am not likely to rewrite the code anytime soon just to fix the placement of the silencer.


That doesn't mean I won't. Just that its not likely anytime soon.


Love the mod. Great work. Makes solo play a ton more fun.



I got huge hordes on nights 10 and 11, is this supposed to happen?

I'm using the expansion for this playthrough.


The vanilla hordes are not changed. Once you get around day 50+ then you might start seeing Valmod-specific changes.




Is it intentional but I noticed that the recipes to be cooked in the workingoven are gone. Why have an workingoven if you can't cook in it?


The workstation block is set to use the recipes of the campfire. As such we no longer need to have a list of seperate recipes in the recipes.xml specifically for the workingOven. If you look at it in-game you'll notice you can still cook with it. All I did was remove a redunancy.


Also they have actually been gone for a long time now. I just left the code commented out in the recipes.xml until now. If you didnt look at it in notepad++ you likely didn't notice it was commented out.

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Far as I know yes you need to mod the .dll file currently to get larger storage that is persistent.




Well the whole reason I changed it in the first place is because I didn't want people breaking it with one swing. Kinda nullifies the point of the auger even existing at that point. Or at least that was my mentality behind it.


Silencers fit into the stock because a silencer is a "one size fits all" type of item. Its a single item that is meant to work with any gun. There is not a pistol silencer and rifle silencer. Just silencer. Guns (other than shotguns) derive their damage and accuracy from the parts you use to build them. The barrel, if I remember off the top of my head, is what has the damage attributes. Which is different for each weapon. The stock however has a far more "generic" attribute for all the guns. In each gun, based off my memory, the stock only has durability. Which is the same for each stock in the game.


The reason my silencer uses the stock slot is because it is the one slot that is the least likely to have any negative side-effect on gun. For example if pistol barrel does 10 damage and sniper barrel does 30 damage and my silencer was a barrel slot that only did 15 damage than my silencer would make a pistol stronger and a sniper weaker. Does that make sense? By using the stock I ensure that the attributes of the silencer do not drastically change the weapons scaling.


Of course there is another, smarter option. Chud mentioned to me a while back that I could have just added the damage to the silenced gun directly rather than rely on the part. That would let me move the silencer to the barrel and still keep normal stats. I didn't think of that when I originally wrote the code. In the end of the day though, for me personally, I don't really care about guns and it doesn't bother me that the slot that uses the silencer is not the barrel. For me its a non-issue and as long as it works. As such I am not likely to rewrite the code anytime soon just to fix the placement of the silencer.


That doesn't mean I won't. Just that its not likely anytime soon.




The vanilla hordes are not changed. Once you get around day 50+ then you might start seeing Valmod-specific changes.




The workstation block is set to use the recipes of the campfire. As such we no longer need to have a list of seperate recipes in the recipes.xml specifically for the workingOven. If you look at it in-game you'll notice you can still cook with it. All I did was remove a redunancy.


Also they have actually been gone for a long time now. I just left the code commented out in the recipes.xml until now. If you didnt look at it in notepad++ you likely didn't notice it was commented out.




Oh, Ok. Thanks. Would that apply to MY mod recipes, as long as they are campfire used? Also I ALWAYS use notepad.

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Just a quick little update.





--- Modified ---

(Overhaul) Wooden Bow

(Overhaul) Crossbow

(Overhaul) Masonry


What about those 3 items were modified?



Also, would you ever consider adding the handsaw, chisel, tumbler, sewing kit and the other items that augment the stations to the mailbox ordering list?

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What about those 3 items were modified?



Also, would you ever consider adding the handsaw, chisel, tumbler, sewing kit and the other items that augment the stations to the mailbox ordering list?


The next level of the bow and crossbow perk (such as iron bow and crossbow) now have an archery/fletching level requirement to unlock.


Masonry was supposed to have three levels to unlock but was only allowing one level to be purchased.



As for the merchant selling the tools... probably not but I'll keep in mind.

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Well the whole reason I changed it in the first place is because I didn't want people breaking it with one swing. Kinda nullifies the point of the auger even existing at that point. Or at least that was my mentality behind it.


We changed the value on the steel pickaxe back to vanilla, and we still use the auger extensively because it's still much faster for gathering large amounts, with the minor tradeoff of gas and major tradeoff of repair kits. The steel pickaxe is used for detail work or surface work to not attract screamers. On the other hand, with the Valmod values, it was pretty much pointless to invest in Tool Smithing, the perks or the skills once you could 2-shot a block, since we knew it would never get better.


So I have to disagree here :)


Silencers fit into the stock because a silencer is a "one size fits all" type of item. Its a single item that is meant to work with any gun. There is not a pistol silencer and rifle silencer. Just silencer. Guns (other than shotguns) derive their damage and accuracy from the parts you use to build them. The barrel, if I remember off the top of my head, is what has the damage attributes. Which is different for each weapon. The stock however has a far more "generic" attribute for all the guns. In each gun, based off my memory, the stock only has durability. Which is the same for each stock in the game.


The reason my silencer uses the stock slot is because it is the one slot that is the least likely to have any negative side-effect on gun. For example if pistol barrel does 10 damage and sniper barrel does 30 damage and my silencer was a barrel slot that only did 15 damage than my silencer would make a pistol stronger and a sniper weaker. Does that make sense? By using the stock I ensure that the attributes of the silencer do not drastically change the weapons scaling.


Of course there is another, smarter option. Chud mentioned to me a while back that I could have just added the damage to the silenced gun directly rather than rely on the part. That would let me move the silencer to the barrel and still keep normal stats. I didn't think of that when I originally wrote the code. In the end of the day though, for me personally, I don't really care about guns and it doesn't bother me that the slot that uses the silencer is not the barrel. For me its a non-issue and as long as it works. As such I am not likely to rewrite the code anytime soon just to fix the placement of the silencer.


That doesn't mean I won't. Just that its not likely anytime soon.


Thanks for the detailed response. This is no biggie, it was just strange that the silencer was not the barrel piece.

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Perhaps the Collection of survival notes are not working. I made one and tried to read, but after that nothing happens.

The item still in inventory and my skills points are the same.


Just to know.

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We changed the value on the steel pickaxe back to vanilla, and we still use the auger extensively because it's still much faster for gathering large amounts, with the minor tradeoff of gas and major tradeoff of repair kits. The steel pickaxe is used for detail work or surface work to not attract screamers. On the other hand, with the Valmod values, it was pretty much pointless to invest in Tool Smithing, the perks or the skills once you could 2-shot a block, since we knew it would never get better.


So I have to disagree here :)



You make a good argument.


Perhaps the Collection of survival notes are not working. I made one and tried to read, but after that nothing happens.

The item still in inventory and my skills points are the same.


Just to know.



Make sure you're using the latest. That should had been resolved in the last hotfix for expansion pack.

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valmar!! did you nerf the cost of Barbed wire? I know it was pretty expensive, and I unfortinately wasn't able to keep track of the forum posts, but after snagging the latest config, and looking for it I saw 1 forged iron makes 4 barbedwiresheets! *happyface!*


*ponders what else was considering fixing, and can't really remember,* I suppose making those burning ember piles as a recipe is too cheep, and besides there's the fire traps."

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So, yep, my playerfile dun borked it's self on reentry to the world. though it was rather strange about the inventory.


cloths are gone, sniper rifle is gone, but the ammo for it is there. some of the bits and bobs are gone, though some are still there. the steel pick is still there, as well as hammer. it's...kinda haphazard.


I think I'm gonna see if I can't get my INVENTORY refurbished, cheat in a bunch of notes, to approximate what I had before, and call it good. but I've never modified my inventory outside of the game before. and as such not sure what I HAD exactly.


*edited because dumb*

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You make a good argument.


I'd agree with the pickaxe needing to be able to one shot stone :)


The auger is still way faster on the weaker resource blocks


- - - Updated - - -


So, I guess it's true, then, that the latest updates breaks my save file, then. *ponders* I'm not ok with loosing my current world I'm playing on, but I can survive a character wipe. in fact, I imagine I could tinker with my playerfile to adjust skills, perks, and inventory. but I'm not super familiar with all that. is that something I can get some help with?


You just need to gift yourself a bunch of the survivor notes to get the skill points.


It will be a little different as your character level will still be one so you will level up a bit faster early on.


For looting it turns out character level has no meaning, its entirely based on scavenging skill level :)

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Notepad is not the same as notepad++. And yes, any recipes you add to your campfire would automatically be added to the working oven.




Great, thanks!!

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♥♥♥♥e. I didn't think to keep a backup of my playerfiles. so now I dunno what I HAD. *grumble*

that and the player .ttp file is pretty much gobledygook full of NUL symbols, and SOH stuffs, at least that's what notepad++ shows me. *i'll do some poking around online to see if any of that is doable...but i can still cheat back in most of it. I'm sorta bummed I didn't think to backup my player file, or anything.


- - - Updated - - -


yeah, it looks like that's what I'll be doing. still a bummer, ideally I'd be able to view my original character info, and do my best to replicate it. but prolly not gonna happen, methinks. fuggit.

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valmar!! did you nerf the cost of Barbed wire? I know it was pretty expensive, and I unfortinately wasn't able to keep track of the forum posts, but after snagging the latest config, and looking for it I saw 1 forged iron makes 4 barbedwiresheets! *happyface!*


*ponders what else was considering fixing, and can't really remember,* I suppose making those burning ember piles as a recipe is too cheep, and besides there's the fire traps."


Honestly the barbed wire sheet recipe change goes back so far I don't remember when it was added. The burning ember piles, even if I let you craft them, wouldn't be fire traps. They dont actually set you on fire in my mod.


So, yep, my playerfile dun borked it's self on reentry to the world. though it was rather strange about the inventory.


cloths are gone, sniper rifle is gone, but the ammo for it is there. some of the bits and bobs are gone, though some are still there. the steel pick is still there, as well as hammer. it's...kinda haphazard.


I think I'm gonna see if I can't get my INVENTORY refurbished, cheat in a bunch of notes, to approximate what I had before, and call it good. but I've never modified my inventory outside of the game before. and as such not sure what I HAD exactly.


*edited because dumb*


Strange to hear you're missing items. Though if you only recently updated its worth mentioning V3 did require a player restart due to the new perk system and such. None of the items n such should had been effected though. So not sure what happened there, other than bad luck. Also cheat in "Collection of Survivor Notes" to speed up the process! They give 5 skill points instead of just one. The "skill gain" items are also handy if you want to get some quick levels in a specific skill and have it count towards your player level.

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...As for the merchant selling the tools... probably not but I'll keep in mind.


No biggie - I have no need for carpentry and didn't want to spend the perk points for just the handsaw.


Since you can buy the beaker and forge item i thought that maybe the other items could be added too.

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A few typos and mis-speelins in localisation :)(sorry, my ocd wouldn't accept the classMinerDesc and so I had to find the rest :p )


stewChunkyMeatDesc,items,Item Food,,This stew is full of chunky meats making it very [color="#B22222"]fullfilling[/color] if not very healthy.,,

weedCleaverDesc,items,Item Tool,,"This tool [color="#B22222"]excells[/color] at clearing up grass - but not much else. JaxTeller Brand",,

chemicalAgentDesc,items,Item Gun,,Mix this in a syringe to make a [color="#B22222"]chemcial[/color] dart.,,

healingAgentDesc,items,Item Gun,,Mix this in a syringe to make a healing dart or use it to heal [color="#B22222"]yoruself[/color].,,

recipebookJunkDesc,items,Item Book,,This book teaches you how to scrap iron brass and lead. [color="#B22222"]Writen[/color] by Mr. Sanford.,,

BreweryDesc,blocks,Block Building,,This workstation is used to make [color="#B22222"]acholic[/color] brews.,,

trapFireDesc,blocks,Traps,,This trap sets whatever walks over it on fire. When it goes out you can refill it using [color="#B22222"]gasoine[/color].,,

fuelLogDesc,items,Item,,This log is coated with special [color="#B22222"]chemcials[/color] to prolong its burn time.,,

classBuilderDesc,blocks,Block Building,,"Builder's start off with a supply of wood, woodframes and a pistol.  They start with [color="#B22222"]skiills[/color] in carpentry, tool smithing and construction.",,

classMinerDesc,blocks,Block Building,,"The Miner starts off with an pickaxe and pistol. Skilled in [color="#B22222"]masionry[/color], mining tools, forge and explosives.",,

legendaryMacheteDesc,items,Item Melee,,This blood-stained machete was once [color="#B22222"]weilded[/color] by a true maniac. Most of the blood stains on it were there before the outbreak even began.,,

legendaryHuntingKnifeDesc,items,Item Melee,,"This blade has had a long and dark [color="#B22222"]histroy[/color] of finding its way into many individuals even before the outbreak.",,

recipebookLokiDesc,items,Item Book,,"[color="#B22222"]Writen[/color] by an author who was surviving off the grid long before the outbreak even began, it should provide some useful tricks and insight to get by in todays harsh world.",,

recipebookLokiWeaponsDesc,items,Item Book,,"[color="#B22222"]Writen[/color] by an author who was surviving off the grid long before the outbreak even began, it should provide some useful tricks and insight to get by in todays harsh world.",,

ovenKitDesc,items,Item,,This kit can used to [color="#B22222"]upgade[/color] broken ovens into new working variants with a wrench. Requires electric wires which are taught by Tesla Electronics.,,

kickzBootsDesc,items,Item Clothes,,"These Kickz brand shoes were tailored to let you stay cool and were designed for [color="#B22222"]activies[/color] that [color="#B22222"]revovle[/color] around kicking of spheres.",,

decorSteelRWoodMetal,blocks,Block,,Decor Steel - Metal [color="#B22222"]Refinforced[/color] Wood,,

challengeKickz,items,Zombie Challenge Note,,Kickz Shoe [color="#B22222"]Sponsership[/color],,

woodFrameVMODesc,blocks,Block,,"Used for bases. Upgrade with carpenter [color="#B22222"]kitis[/color] & repaired with wood with a construction tool. Upgrade more with scrap iron, concrete mix & forged steel.",,

cntGarbageDisposalDesc,blocks,Block,,"The garbage [color="#B22222"]disposl[/color] can can be used to get rid of trash items. Fill it with the trash you want to dispose of and right click it with a Trash Bag. You will then have to wait to use it again. Warning: This will delete all the items inside.",,

skillbookTailorDesc,items,Item Book,,"A mildly interesting [color="#B22222"]horry[/color] story that tries too hard to rip off Sweeney Todd.",,

simpleForgeDesc,blocks,Station,,"Used to smelt metals into tools and weapons. Unlock more recipes by adding an anvil, calipers or tool and die set. The Simple forge has a limited number of recipes compared to the normal forge [color="#B22222"]inorder[/color] to help improve performance.",,

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dunno, it'd been a week at least since I've played on my gamefile last, but ALL of my armor is gone, and a lot of my gear, what all exactly hard to say. but at this point, all I can really do is just cheat in skill points and equipment for gear. the important part is my world, and IT'S inventories seem in tact.

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Om something truly bizarre happened.


The 7 day horde had come and died against the the spiked defenses I had placed around the shotgun assassin building (I was living on the roof).


After it was daylight (4pm) I logged out, change the 24 hour cycle setting to 120 minutes then logged back in.


on one side of the building, 1/2 had reverted back to the way it was when I fist found it. The car I had dismantled, the grass I had cleared out and the random stuff on the ground had all returned and the spikes along the side and railing on top of the building were gone.

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A few typos and mis-speelins in localisation :)(sorry, my ocd wouldn't accept the classMinerDesc and so I had to find the rest :p )



I'll ahve these misspeelins taken care n the next updat.



Strange, i downloaded from here. https://envul.com/valmod-expansion-pack-74-7-days-to-die-mod/. This is the last one?

Still not working.



- - - Updated - - -


Nvm. Got the right link reading the posts.


Out of curiosity what were you doing wrong?



Om something truly bizarre happened.


The 7 day horde had come and died against the the spiked defenses I had placed around the shotgun assassin building (I was living on the roof).


After it was daylight (4pm) I logged out, change the 24 hour cycle setting to 120 minutes then logged back in.


on one side of the building, 1/2 had reverted back to the way it was when I fist found it. The car I had dismantled, the grass I had cleared out and the random stuff on the ground had all returned and the spikes along the side and railing on top of the building were gone.


Now that is interesting. Lol.

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Hey Val, my friends and I just started this mod yesterday and we love all the additions and such that you've put into it! Wanted to say thanks first and foremost for all the hard work you put into it! We found a couple problems that we weren't exactly sure if this was intended or if something was wrong. I didn't have time to scan through all 100 pages on this thread so I apologize if this has already been covered.


2 types of cotton. The cotton you can pick off the ground (old type) seem somewhat useless, there's a different (updated) type that is used in it's place, and I've only found it in a random tree stump so far. Is this intended, or a discrepancy between the mod and the vanilla item?


Scrap Cable. Holy smokes is this stuff hard to come by. I found a small amount in a crate at the hardware store, but we've disassembled tons of cars and have yet to see any drop from those. Are they specific to control panels and such or are we just extremely unlucky?




**Edit - Apparently we've tried scrapping panels as well for the scrap cable and have yet to get any from there either.

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