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A16 Valmod Pack


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Can I install the update over the old version of the mod? The one several versions back where survivor notes were spent at the desk.


I lost internet so I will be unable to reinstall the game fresh, however the mod is small enough to download onto my phone... Then it Tranafer to my PC OVERHAUL version.


Also do I have to start a new world or character?

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I numbered this to make it easier.


1. Yeah. Its a small game, though. If that isn't an option you could open the Data folder and make a copy of the config folder. Keep the modded config folder and vanilla config folder and just jump back and forth according to which one you want to play. Its what I do.


2. I'd imagine the server would mention the name of the mod its using in its name. I know searching for Valmod in the server list turns out a lot Valmodded servers.


Sometimes it might be tricky to tell if they are using the expansion or overhaul though because they don't always specify that. Personally I just join the game and see if I can craft an armory. If I can then its Overhaul since Expansion Pack doesn't have an Armory.


You might be misunderstanding how modding on a servers works. Playing on a modded server does not erase your files or replace your files with theirs. You still need the mod installed to get the full effect but the server's modded files do not replace yours in that way.


3. Okay? Then play vanilla. I dont know what to tell you. Certainly don't play the Overhaul version. Expansion Pack is just an an expansion pack for the vanilla base game so it wouldn't be any radically different (except for maybe the cooking using bowls of water). If you're confused or uncomfortable with it though because you don't know vanilla anymore then don't waste your time with it, just go play vanilla.


4. You need a cooking pot added to the tools of the campfire. Then you can turn murky water into clean water. This is a vanilla mechanic.


5. You need the cooking pot to boil water. You put the cooking pot in the slot. Boiling foods requires a bowl of water as a tool

(this is a Valmod feature). Tools are items you place in the slots. They are not ingredients used in recipes.


6. Yes. You place them in the tools square, just having them in the inventory is not a enough. This is a vanilla mechanic.

Drag and drop the item into the toolslot in the campfire.


7. Not sure. Works fine for me. Spam click F maybe.




I might add recipes for them. Not sure. As for steel, yes, thats part of the Decor Steel system (check it out in the artisan decor station). Basically you can use a paint can on a steel block to change its texture. This means you can build a house that looks like wood but has the durability and stability of steel. Bit sad that so few people seem to realize this is possible lol.


Okay so I get it now.. you need clean water before you can make more clean water. Im testing in the creative mode and figured it out. THe question now is... how do you get clean in the first place? you are just forced to search around until u find a bottle of fresh water somewhere, then put it in the bowl and you can start cooking?

Does the bowl of fresh clean water that u use in "tools" in the campfire ever run out or can you use it as long as u want?


I guess the point of adding this in the mod was to force people to explore areas? (so u are forced to explore buildings to find a fresh bottle of water)


Also can u craft cooking pot or cooking grill or are u also forced to find them out somewhere?


Also what about the tools in the forge? I think you should add something to show the names of the stuff that you need in tools instead of just a black and white square that doesn't tell you anything, this is too frustrating for new people, just tell us what we need at least (the name of the thing) so we can look it up and see if if's something crafteable. For someone that doesn't speak native english I didn't know that thing was named "anvil" so after I found out i searched for "anvil" in the crafting thing and I see that it's a crafteable item. But the other two I think they are not and you have to find them? (the crane and the tool kit thing)


About the mods thing... I think it's a mess how this game manages mods. The server browser should specify you if there is a mod running and not just hope that the admins put it on the name of the server.

Also what happens if a server requires that you install a different mod but you are also playing in a server that is using Valmod overhaul? (since it overwrites some stuff)

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Miner's TNT is breaking Structural Integrity on our dedicated server, which requires a reboot to fix. Vanilla TNT works fine. The following videos show tests I've performed to demonstrate. I use wood frames, 2 vertical and 1 horizontal, to show normal and "broken" SI.


1st video is Miner's TNT only with demonstration of SI behavior with wood frames



2nd video is vanilla TNT, followed by Miner's TNT with wood frame demonstrations




This following screenie might be a clue why this is happening. These tests were done in a huge cave at bedrock, and maybe Miner's TNT is affecting too many blocks, which is corrupting SI.



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Okay so I get it now.. you need clean water before you can make more clean water. Im testing in the creative mode and figured it out. THe question now is... how do you get clean in the first place? you are just forced to search around until u find a bottle of fresh water somewhere, then put it in the bowl and you can start cooking?

Does the bowl of fresh clean water that u use in "tools" in the campfire ever run out or can you use it as long as u want?



Clean water to make clean water? No. What are you talking about? You use a cooking pot to boil murky water into clean water. I honestly don't know what you're getting at. The BOWLS of water are just intended for FOOD recipes. Not drinks. And no tools do not expire, they stay in the slot indefinitely. Its only if the item is used as ingredient that it will be used. Again these are vanilla mechanics.



I guess the point of adding this in the mod was to force people to explore areas? (so u are forced to explore buildings to find a fresh bottle of water)


I think you have a misunderstanding of how things work. Or I just dont understand what you're talking about here. You fill up jars or bowls of water at water sources and then boil them in a campfire with a cooking pot tool. Again this is basic vanilla mechanics here.



Also can u craft cooking pot or cooking grill or are u also forced to find them out somewhere?


Yes like in vanilla you can craft a grill or cooking pot in the forge.



Also what about the tools in the forge? I think you should add something to show the names of the stuff that you need in tools instead of just a black and white square that doesn't tell you anything, this is too frustrating for new people, just tell us what we need at least (the name of the thing) so we can look it up and see if if's something crafteable. For someone that doesn't speak native english I didn't know that thing was named "anvil" so after I found out i searched for "anvil" in the crafting thing and I see that it's a crafteable item. But the other two I think they are not and you have to find them? (the crane and the tool kit thing)


There are names for the stuff you need in tools and the black and white squares actually have icons of the tool you need. When you select a recipe that requires a tool the game will give you red text that says something like "ANVIL REQUIRED" if you need the anvil tool. Also the forge, for the record, is also completely vanilla. There are icons that show you what the item looks like and therei IS text that tells you what you need.


The anvil and calipers are both items you can craft if you have the Metal Smithing perk or Steel Smithing perk depending on what version you are playing (Overhaul or Expansion Pack).



About the mods thing... I think it's a mess how this game manages mods. The server browser should specify you if there is a mod running and not just hope that the admins put it on the name of the server.

Also what happens if a server requires that you install a different mod but you are also playing in a server that is using Valmod overhaul? (since it overwrites some stuff)


Well it kinda does in a way. Any server that is modified from vanilla in anyway is put in the MODDED tabs. As for it being more specific and intelligently knowing what mod is installed I doubt that will happen anytime soon. Maybe when steamworks is added.


If you want to play two different modded servers you will need to have either two versions of the game installed or just keep switching back and forth between one mod install to another. There are some mod switching programs for 7DTD such as one made by user Spherell but there is no official support for this. Nothing I can do about that, the devs are the ones responsible for that stuff. If its too complicated or tedious for you then don't play mods, honestly. Because there are no other solutions for this and nothing we can really do about it ourselves as players.



Miner's TNT is breaking Structural Integrity on our dedicated server, which requires a reboot to fix. Vanilla TNT works fine. The following videos show tests I've performed to demonstrate. I use wood frames, 2 vertical and 1 horizontal, to show normal and "broken" SI.


Interesting. Thanks for showing me this. I will make a note to spend some time investigating the tnt to see if it needs to be dialed back a bit.


Ok I think i see that in valmod anvil requires a recipe and in vanilla it doesnt... how to find anvil recipe'?


Thats because The Valmod Overhaul as the description states locksdowns many vanilla recipes. If you do not want to have the recipes locked down and want it to be more like vanilla then you should play the Expansion Pack.


The Anvil recipe is behind the Metal Smithing perk.

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Day 49, horde, I got a crapton of the null ref baggs all around my base now. Upgraded from old version with research desk to new leveling system.... Which is amazing!


That being said my full steel base is currently ruined as I can't clear the bags out and can't repair due to them being in the way


I'll try to upload my latest log. But I'm on mobile so I'll have to transfer from PC to phone and try. Look for line 335 in notepad++ with word wrap on and XML language on.

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I like the server im playing at because i have ideal ping and people talk my native language and the community is solid but they are playing this mod so i will try to adapt and play for some days.


Something i dont like visually is how zombies turn into backpacks.. it looks too goofy and i cant get into it, it kills immersion tbh.

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Day 49, horde, I got a crapton of the null ref baggs all around my base now. Upgraded from old version with research desk to new leveling system.... Which is amazing!


That being said my full steel base is currently ruined as I can't clear the bags out and can't repair due to them being in the way


I'll try to upload my latest log. But I'm on mobile so I'll have to transfer from PC to phone and try. Look for line 335 in notepad++ with word wrap on and XML language on.


I've seen this too with horde Z's dying on spikes - I think what happens is that the bags are destroyed but not removed from the game like when a bags falls on a rock or plant.

Yes ii is bad bug since you cant remove them and you can put spikes on top of them.



I like the server im playing at because i have ideal ping and people talk my native language and the community is solid but they are playing this mod so i will try to adapt and play for some days.


Something i dont like visually is how zombies turn into backpacks.. it looks too goofy and i cant get into it, it kills immersion tbh.


There is a file in \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config called "entityclasses - NO BAGS.xml" and "entityclasses.xml".

Rename the entityclasses.xml to entityclasses.bak and "entityclasses - NO BAGS.xml to entityclasses.xml and the zombies will stay zombies when dead.



EDIT - meant entityclasses not entitygroups - fixed

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Day 49, horde, I got a crapton of the null ref baggs all around my base now. Upgraded from old version with research desk to new leveling system.... Which is amazing!


That being said my full steel base is currently ruined as I can't clear the bags out and can't repair due to them being in the way


I'll try to upload my latest log. But I'm on mobile so I'll have to transfer from PC to phone and try. Look for line 335 in notepad++ with word wrap on and XML language on.


Thanks for the log. And glad you enjoy the perk system. Next time I get the time/energy investigating the bag issue will first on my agenda so thank you for providing some more data on the matter.


I like the server im playing at because i have ideal ping and people talk my native language and the community is solid but they are playing this mod so i will try to adapt and play for some days.


Something i dont like visually is how zombies turn into backpacks.. it looks too goofy and i cant get into it, it kills immersion tbh.


The zombie bags are optional and you or the server owner can opt out of it. Erik explains how (though he meant to say entityclasses not entitygroups). Also its only on by default in Overhaul so that is another reason why Expansion Pack might be more up your alley. Though I dont know man, honestly, it doesn't sound like Valmod is the right mod for you.


I've seen this too with horde Z's dying on spikes - I think what happens is that the bags are destroyed but not removed from the game like when a bags falls on a rock or plant.

Yes ii is bad bug since you cant remove them and you can put spikes on top of them.


If possible could you try using the No Bags version for a while to see if the problem still happens? I'm suspecting that there is a loot issue in one the zombie bag as in my experience that is usually the cause for these kind of errors with containers. I will put my all into finding and ironing out this problem in the next update though. Just need to get the energy for it. Been kinda recharging the ol batteries. :)

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I turned off bags too after this incident. Once I get the mental energy to repair my base by somehow clearing out the bags I should be good to go. Explosives don't work things falling on them don't work either. I'll keep at it, but I suspect I'll have to basically destroy the base and the ground to get them to clear.


Which isnt fun As its several layers of steel and reinforced concrete. I ploped it right down in the largest city I've seen in the compo pack.... God its non stop action. I barely have time to loot the city, but man it is helpful to be in the dead center of the city, makes loot runs and dropoffs fast... Though I've only looted less than 5% of the city as its so large and there is so much action.... After 100 RL hours...

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I turned off bags too after this incident. Once I get the mental energy to repair my base by somehow clearing out the bags I should be good to go. Explosives don't work things falling on them don't work either. I'll keep at it, but I suspect I'll have to basically destroy the base and the ground to get them to clear.


Which isnt fun As its several layers of steel and reinforced concrete. I ploped it right down in the largest city I've seen in the compo pack.... God its non stop action. I barely have time to loot the city, but man it is helpful to be in the dead center of the city, makes loot runs and dropoffs fast... Though I've only looted less than 5% of the city as its so large and there is so much action.... After 100 RL hours...


How do you turn off the bags?


Also how do you guys even make it past the first seven day horde? I play singleplayer and they always kill me.

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Just out of curiosity what is the reason behind the bags mod?


Server performance, mainly.


I turned off bags too after this incident. Once I get the mental energy to repair my base by somehow clearing out the bags I should be good to go. Explosives don't work things falling on them don't work either. I'll keep at it, but I suspect I'll have to basically destroy the base and the ground to get them to clear.


Which isnt fun As its several layers of steel and reinforced concrete. I ploped it right down in the largest city I've seen in the compo pack.... God its non stop action. I barely have time to loot the city, but man it is helpful to be in the dead center of the city, makes loot runs and dropoffs fast... Though I've only looted less than 5% of the city as its so large and there is so much action.... After 100 RL hours...


I know your pain, its never fun to lose all that progress. Hopefully it wont come to that, though. If possible you could zip up your gamesave and give me the map coords to your glitched home. THen I could directly see the problem bags. I have had no luck in getting this problem to replicate itself on my end. I've had hundreds of zombies march through spikes to die and no problems.


- - - Updated - - -


How do you turn off the bags?


There is a file in \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config called "entityclasses- NO BAGS.xml" and "entityclasses.xml".

Rename the entityclasses.xml to entityclasses.bak and "entityclasses- NO BAGS.xml to entityclasses.xml and the zombies will stay zombies when dead.

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Sorry for not answer before, i believe that at the time i downloaded from this site https://envul.com/valmod-expansion-pack-74-7-days-to-die-mod/ was not yet updated to v3.1. So i downloaded again from here http://7days2mod.com/ and the survival note collection worked. ;D


Given I download it from the envul site and upload to 7days2mod that shouldnt have been possible ;)


Most like Val had updated between you downloading from envul and me uploding to my site ;)

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So I've been playing on a server with what was the latest valmod. (they reset the server just a couple weeks ago). I was gone for a few days and came back and they updated with the newest update you added just a couple days ago. So, I updated my 7days withe it and logged in.


When at my base now the pc gets slower and slower. My ping times are still excellent, but i check and it seems to be eating up my ram. I have 8 gigs and the game slows down to eventually not move at all after a minute or two. I at first thought it was one of my lockers maybe had too much stuff in it or something new in the game that wasn't meshing with what i had collected before the mod. But from what I can tell the game is just eating up more and more of the ram till the game becomes unplayable. (by slowly I mean more than about 1 minute real time). I have jumped away from my base and it doesnt seem to be happening. What it seems to be "like" is when you have blood moon night in a big city with tons of zombies running around. The frame rate just goes way way down, but even then not to the extent it does get to for me.


My base is above ground with a frew rows of spike traps around it and i read where there was a problem with too many bags? I'm guessing here as allot of the other players either dont have spike traps or they built their base underground, but they aren't experiencing the problems I am.


I've uninstalled completely and reinstalled the mod several times to no avail. Also, I've played on another server that just reset with the new mod and starting from the beginning, I was able to play for a good amount of time and no problems. I really like the server I had been playing on with friends so if anyone can offer suggestions I am not sure there is anything else I can think of trying. I have 8 gigs of ram and even turned my game settings down to the bottom but it doesnt help either. Everyinging worked fine before the latest change.


Any suggestions, please??


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I have a question, do the metal trussing blocks allow in light? I was thinking of making an indoor far and was wondering if I could use it as a roof?


They should work, I've seen them used before in such a way.


Sorry for not answer before, i believe that at the time i downloaded from this site https://envul.com/valmod-expansion-pack-74-7-days-to-die-mod/ was not yet updated to v3.1. So i downloaded again from here http://7days2mod.com/ and the survival note collection worked. ;D


When you download from Envul are you doing so by the blue "Download Game Mod" button under the logo? It seems a lot of people grab the OLD archived versions for them the "Version history" tab.




So I've been playing on a server with what was the latest valmod. (they reset the server just a couple weeks ago). I was gone for a few days and came back and they updated with the newest update you added just a couple days ago. So, I updated my 7days withe it and logged in.


When at my base now the pc gets slower and slower. My ping times are still excellent, but i check and it seems to be eating up my ram. I have 8 gigs and the game slows down to eventually not move at all after a minute or two. I at first thought it was one of my lockers maybe had too much stuff in it or something new in the game that wasn't meshing with what i had collected before the mod. But from what I can tell the game is just eating up more and more of the ram till the game becomes unplayable. (by slowly I mean more than about 1 minute real time). I have jumped away from my base and it doesnt seem to be happening. What it seems to be "like" is when you have blood moon night in a big city with tons of zombies running around. The frame rate just goes way way down, but even then not to the extent it does get to for me.


My base is above ground with a frew rows of spike traps around it and i read where there was a problem with too many bags? I'm guessing here as allot of the other players either dont have spike traps or they built their base underground, but they aren't experiencing the problems I am.


I've uninstalled completely and reinstalled the mod several times to no avail. Also, I've played on another server that just reset with the new mod and starting from the beginning, I was able to play for a good amount of time and no problems. I really like the server I had been playing on with friends so if anyone can offer suggestions I am not sure there is anything else I can think of trying. I have 8 gigs of ram and even turned my game settings down to the bottom but it doesnt help either. Everyinging worked fine before the latest change.


Any suggestions, please??



I have experienced that before with quests that never end. Though such quests, obviously, don't exist in my mod specifically because of that. Has the server operator made any changes? You say it works fine on other maps just not that one? Did you start your character there before or after the introduction of Valmod V3 which turned the recipes into perks? Also is it expansion pack or overhaul? Do you know what version of the mod the server has installed, perhaps its behind on the updates.

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[ Items ]

--- Modified ---



coldbottledWater - can be left clicked on a campfire to revert it to non-cold water



[ Progression ]

--- Modified ---

(Overhaul) Fletching

(Overhaul) Masonry

(Overhaul) Level 2 in ammo perks more expensive

(Overhaul) Concrete Mixing

(Overhaul) Metal Smithing

(Expansion) Steel Smithing




[ Blocks ]

--- Modified ---



cntCar03Damage2 - no longer explodes

minersTNT - slightly nerfed the explosion range.



[ Recipes ]

--- Added ---




--- Removed ---

(Overhaul) cntGarbageDisposal



[ Biomes ]

--- Modified ---

Adjusted potato spawn



[ Loot ]

--- Added ---





lootcontainer 71 (coffin)


--- Modified ---

(Expansion) skillBooks





[ Localization ]

--- Modified ---




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I have experienced that before with quests that never end. Though such quests, obviously, don't exist in my mod specifically because of that. Has the server operator made any changes? You say it works fine on other maps just not that one? Did you start your character there before or after the introduction of Valmod V3 which turned the recipes into perks? Also is it expansion pack or overhaul? Do you know what version of the mod the server has installed, perhaps its behind on the updates.


Yes, I started my character there, and have probebly 7 uncompleted quests so far.

I started my character just a couple weeks ago when it was a valmod server but they hadn't installed the latest 3.2 yet.

When i returned from them updating the server to 3.2 is when the problem started happening.

It is overhaul.

They are current on the updates as he was current before the last update and when you released the last one he immediately installed that one (3.2). I think the one he was running before that was the 2.9(?) Whenever you release a new update he pretty much updates the server with it from what I can tell.


I will look into deleting any quests I have not completed and see if that makes a difference. I was also considering if it was caused by me having a "plot" as well as a claim block in the area and was going to see if me going outside my claim block but inside my "plot" would keep it happening or it would stop there as I have confirmed it definately only affects me at or around my base by using their "zgates" to another area of the map after it started slowing down and it stopped immediately when I left the area.


Thanks for your quick responce, it is GREATLY appreciated!!!!


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Those quests aren't quite what I emant. Lol. I meant if you had a quest that restarted itself after finishing it will cause an endless list of "chain quests" which will keep looping in the memory until the crash. That shouldn't possible since no quest does this, specifically because of that very reason.


That being said I dont really know what could be causing the problem. Could just be one of those odd vanilla issues. I don't like blaming the game as it feels cheap to say it isn't my fault. But it does have a lot of bugs, especially when it comes to servers.

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