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When you have 1000+ hrs and you just now realize you can do this...

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Ya why the hell didn't I try this sooner!

I was building a huge set of stairs and thought, "can I split the block shapes into what you need instead of switching shapes in the menu?"

So ya, I am probably 1000 ish hours late to this party, but wow, what a QOL life thing lol

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15 minutes ago, warmer said:

Ya why the hell didn't I try this sooner!

I was building a huge set of stairs and thought, "can I split the block shapes into what you need instead of switching shapes in the menu?"

So ya, I am probably 1000 ish hours late to this party, but wow, what a QOL life thing lol

I've been playing since Alpha 7 and I still learn things from the beginners I on YouTube. 

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5 hours ago, warmer said:

Ya why the hell didn't I try this sooner!

I was building a huge set of stairs and thought, "can I split the block shapes into what you need instead of switching shapes in the menu?"

So ya, I am probably 1000 ish hours late to this party, but wow, what a QOL life thing lol

Yeah, that can be really useful.  In one game, I wanted to build a tunnel through a hill but I wasn't very good at making it straight and ended up with it at about a 60 degree angle instead of straight.  That meant using a combination of angle blocks and squares to do the walls, floor and ceiling.  Having these in separate stacks really saved time.

Edited by Riamus (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, warmer said:

Ya why the hell didn't I try this sooner!

I was building a huge set of stairs and thought, "can I split the block shapes into what you need instead of switching shapes in the menu?"

So ya, I am probably 1000 ish hours late to this party, but wow, what a QOL life thing lol

Lol, dude that's a solid idea! I've never thought about doing that. 

Definitely a time saver!

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What they need to do is allow a keyboard mapping to scroll through our shape SAVED FAVORITES.

Maybe shift + R (when the shape is in your hot bar and highlighted) you can scroll through them instead of holding down R, clicking on shapes, clicking on Favorites, clicking on the shape, hitting ESC ....... UGH, too many steps to switch shapes !

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6 hours ago, Hattrix22 said:

Maybe shift + R

Shift + R at the moment (or at least in A21) saves you two steps already, it straight up opens the shape menu. I don't use favorites, so I'd prefer to keep it that way. Copy shape / rotation is awesome, once you have one of the things you want in your build, you can just duplicate it from there .. :)

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