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Is the hype for a new alpha dead?

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22 hours ago, Scyris said:


Your forgetting the stamina bug thats been there since a17, where second u hit 74% water your hit with a hidden 20% stam regen penalty, this was normal in a16.4 and had a tooltip and status icon, but the tooltip was changed to say its at 50%, and the tooltip/status icon does not show at 74% water anymore. Its essentally a hidden debuff, its also not in the xml's at all either i've looked thru them to try to find it. Its a debuff in the code, that they need to change to take effect at 49% water to match the tooltip/status icons in the game, but in A21.. its still bugged and has not been fixed. Try it, watch how much stam u regen per tick (its 5 per tick base, 2 ticks a second it seems for 10 stam/second), below 74% water this changes to 4/tick (8 stam total per sec) with no indicator that this is happening at all other than noticing your char suddendly runs out of stamina far faster than usual. Its very noticable when sprinting around or mining when you hit that 74% or below water. I'd not be surprized to see this bug still existing in a22.


Thankfully, its been reported multiple times, by not only me but others, and the devs I believe have finally acknoledged its a bug so thats some progress finally, whether it actually gets fixed or not who knows? The game has bugs that been here since alpha 10.2 and are still here. I specifically say a10.2 as thats when I personally purchaised the game, and I still run across a few bugs from back then that still exist today.


I do wonder when the ambient occlusion will get edited though, if you shut it off, all the poi's seem super bright inside, almost like most of the lighting effects depend on that being on to function properly. Usually I shut AO off in games to save performance, but in 7dtd it makes such a massive diff compared to most games that it looks extremly different having it off.

I remember reading about that bug a few times but forgot about it as it's not something I often encounter in-game since I rarely let my water reach that low, or at least I didn't back when I played. A21 being as bad as it is, I haven't had any interest in playing anymore.


I could have also mentioned some bugs that likely still exist today, one of which goes all the way back to Alpha 1, but I haven't been bothered to test to see if they still exist as it takes way too long to properly test some of them. Biggest one I can remember off-hand is the Vertices glitch which was what Alloc called it and I was the first to discover it and report it back in Alpha 3. How I understood the issue, with the skybox being as high as it is, if you filled a chunk area with way too many entities, the chunk disappeared leaving an empty void corrupting the save file. One dev claimed they couldn't find a way to fix it but would make an attempt to work around the issue and look into it again some time in the future, but I never did see an update note claiming it was ever fixed, ever, so I have a sneaky suspicion that it still exists today. But I could be wrong about it. It does happen on occasion.

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5 hours ago, Scyris said:

True can't argue with that, I got good use out of this game. But it still sounds like a cop out as most games usually add new things to them over time. Rehashing the same game systems does not count as new. The new armor system feels more like a dumbing down of the game than a improvement to many older players, as why didn't they just add these armors with the current system? Before you try to say new character models, I am sure they could have gotten it to work with it, they just took the easy route of dumbing it down.


They said a major reason for the new armors was that they couldn't get the old armors and clothes to look good in motion. For Madmole that seemed to have been a no go since for him graphics seem to be very important. And programmers can fail at making something work, especially if they have to base their work on some big library made by other programmers (Unity in this case).  Which for example can make some theoretically viable solutions impossible, but you might only find out after trying it out.


7 days is special as it has been in EA development longer than any other game. It means they have experimented with game systems much longer than the typical EA games. Nothing says they have to do stuff like other games, otherwise I could name hundreds of games that came out and never changed at all, after all that was the usual thing before the era of buggy releases and EA or beta release games.


5 hours ago, Scyris said:

Know what i'd like to see? armor drops that have stats on them, like +1 or 2 str etc, to make the skill system more viable for solo play, not a big fan of each weapon type being locked to a stat, i'd rather it be a learn by doing system for weapons and mining tools, and that controls what perks you can get for the weapons/tools instead of being locked to a stat, which is basically how 16.4 did it.


What you are asking for would currently be exactly what you critizise them doing, a redesign of an existing system 😉. The devs must have been feeling just like you now years ago when they had been playing A16 and just were not happy with the system as it was.


I really like your idea with the armor with varied stat bonuses on them, this is (in general) the system they wanted with legendary weapons and there is no reason it couldn't work with armors too. Legendary stuff is the feature I am waiting for the most since it was hinted at. But even if we get that it probably won't remove the attribute/stat "gates".


For you there would be an easy solution as a solo player: Ask BFT2020 to make you a mod so that all the glasses (lucky googles, etc.) give +2, +3 or even +5 attribute bonus instead of +1. Practically you would get 2 classes at the price of one.




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1 hour ago, meganoth said:

What you are asking for would currently be exactly what you critizise them doing, a redesign of an existing system 😉. The devs must have been feeling just like you now years ago when they had been playing A16 and just were not happy with the system as it was.

To be clear, the perk system that started to be introuced in Alpha 15/16 was something that the devs openly discussed in the Diveloper Diary threads since at least Alpha 8. Those who paid attention always knew that the LBD system was just a temporary placeholder. Just like a large number of other "redone" systems that people love to complain about being changed. And then there are systems like zed corpses which were changed in order to improve performance, and make your gameplay better overall. 


People like Scysis opft into a game still being developed, and then complain about the game being developed. And hey, unlike most other EA titles, TFP forks out a good bit of money to Steam to have all the previous versions available to you.   So go back and play the half-baked version you liked so much. The rest of us are looking forward to the finish line, and are not dwelling in the past.

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9 hours ago, Scyris said:

True can't argue with that, I got good use out of this game. But it still sounds like a cop out as most games usually add new things to them over time.

I think this is pure fiction, to be honest.  First, you need to cut out all the games that are service games (games like MMOs) as those don't count in this context.  Then, you can't count DLCs because those are paid content as well and so don't count (TFP might even do DLCs after gold).  Even if the DLCs are free, they are still made after gold and so don't count when we are talking about a game that is not yet even at gold.  Now, you look at the remaining games and most updates you see to most games after gold are just bug fixes, QOL, etc.  Yes, there are some games/developers who do put out additional content in patches over time that are unrelated to DLCs but the number of those is low in comparison to those that do not.  And in many of the cases of those who do add more content in patches, it's usually not very significant content as they aren't really making money off the new content.  They might get a few more sales by announcing that there's new content but the sales aren't going to be very significant and likely not cover the cost of creating the new content if it's anything significant.

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