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Zombie not hit animation


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Yeh, it seems pretty buggy atm; whenever you hit a zed the zeds do one of several possible reaction animations (pains and staggers and whatnot) .. a lot of those will override the swinging animation, but the swings will still happen and hit.

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Its been a issue since a19 or a20, before they changed it a zombie had to stop moving before it could take a swing, in a19 or 20+ they can swing while moving and sadly this often allows them to hit you with 0 animation during their stagger or when falling down and other such things. I've had zombies hit me in the middle of their getting knocked down animation due to this. Most of the times I am hit in 7dtd vanilla is due to these cheap 0 animation hits that are basically unavoidable as you can't even see them coming.

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17 hours ago, Scyris said:

Its been a issue since a19 or a20, before they changed it a zombie had to stop moving before it could take a swing, in a19 or 20+ they can swing while moving and sadly this often allows them to hit you with 0 animation during their stagger or when falling down and other such things. I've had zombies hit me in the middle of their getting knocked down animation due to this. Most of the times I am hit in 7dtd vanilla is due to these cheap 0 animation hits that are basically unavoidable as you can't even see them coming.

Most of the time, its due to their pain resistance maxing out and they can no longer be interrupted. For example: If you're firing an automatic into their chest at melee range, they **WILL** hit you!

I've never been hit by a zombie while they are getting knocked down (half their health taken out) in a SP game.


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I had a zombie laying on the ground giving me a concussion without moving yesterday. Very nice and logical.  Breaking my leg? Yeah sure, why not. Moving arms or not, i should be aware that the Z isn´t dead yet jjust because he is lying on the ground. But a concussion?

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1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

I had a zombie laying on the ground giving me a concussion without moving yesterday. Very nice and logical.  Breaking my leg? Yeah sure, why not. Moving arms or not, i should be aware that the Z isn´t dead yet jjust because he is lying on the ground. But a concussion?


I've gotten a concussion from a crawler before, that really made me scratch my head as I was standing dude couldn't even reach past my knee how the hell did I end up with a concussion? Mind you I feel the critical hit rate is just far to high in A21. Something also needs to be done about the multicrit crap to. Get hit by a thing, oh look: abrasion, concussion, bleeding, infection, sprained arm/leg all in ONE hit. Should be a limit of 1 debuff PER hit max. Vultures terrify me in a21, cuz almost everytime they hit you even once, they usually land 3-4 debuffs on you instantly, it feels like its damn near 100% chance with how often it happens.

3 hours ago, FranticDan said:

Most of the time, its due to their pain resistance maxing out and they can no longer be interrupted. For example: If you're firing an automatic into their chest at melee range, they **WILL** hit you!

I've never been hit by a zombie while they are getting knocked down (half their health taken out) in a SP game.



I know about the pain resist, I understand that but the issue is the fact they are attacking with no animation whatsoever thats the problem here. I melee mostly so I really notice these cheap-shots with 0 animation. As I said most of the times I get hit is due to these attacks that have no animation at all, I've had zombies hit me while they were falling again with no animation at all. They need to lock their animations so they cannot attack during knockdown/get up animations, pain animations. I've gotten by zombies while they were doing the reelback from taking damage animation the most, again it has no animation you just suddendly take damage for no reason. If this was multiplayer I could possibly blame it on latency, but I only play single player, so lag is not an issue or factor here.


A21 did kinda fix the gogogadget hands zombies had, I noticed they don't magically randomly hit me at twice their normal attack range anymore so thats nice.

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6 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@Scyris Yeah vultures are flying death threats now. There is a bunch of rooftop end fights so you have not much room and time to recover if one of them gets you.


Also the bleeding seems to drain your health much faster now.


There is also (sometimes) a delay when using a bandage before it heals the bleed, so you often can take 5-10 health damage just during the bandage animation before it actually cures the bleed, gotta watch out for that too. Unsure if its a bug or not, but I never seen it do this till a21 so who knows. Never was like that till a21. Oh yeah a21 has some vulture sleepers in some really jerk move spots as well, as you usually have basically no where to dodge so its either land the hit and kill it, or most likely end up with 3-4 debuffs if it hits you once. Some of them even spawn as close as 2-3 blocks away, so you have basically no time to switch weapons as you'll get hit during the switch.

Edited by Scyris (see edit history)
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Anyone noticed that when you hit them and cause a stagger, that if they aren't knocked down, they stagger TOWARDS you?


Yes, the multi-debuff off one hit is a bit much.

(concussion, bleeding, sprain/break, contusion, infection)


Vultures in horde night are really bad now.  (as in really really annoying)

s'ok, I have a few anti-air ideas.  (I was ADA at one point, so...  :D  )


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Yeah the staggering towards you is sooo annoying. Not because it makes it harder, it´s just so utterly wrong. It bothers me every single time. I gave him a good smash with a steel club or whatever i use. The chances of that actually happening when you hit someone are very near to zero.


Sadly i think it´s intentional. And a really cheap way of creating more difficulty.

Edited by pApA^LeGBa (see edit history)
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