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Mac users can play!

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So basically wanted to share my joy from moving on from Intel based MBP 15" to an M2 Max MBP 15" 32Gb Ram.

I could barely scratch 45-70 fps with my "ol Mc" on lowest possible settings with resolution like 1366x768 and adding some mods and tweaks to ease performance for the poor thing. A week ago I've being issued a new Mc M2. And it is an absolutely different beast! Wanna play 2560x1440 75Hz ? No problem! Filters/Distance/Quality except shadows and reflections to the Max? No problem! And yet no ramping coolers! This thing freaking rocks and stays chill!

So for all the Mac users - Yes! There is sense to upgrade to M2! And yes gaming on Mac is possible!

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On 7/6/2023 at 8:09 PM, warmer said:

is it natively compatible. Or are you running paralells?

it is natively compatible. on steam 3 versions are available Win/Linux/MacOs

On 7/6/2023 at 7:54 PM, Jugginator said:

Woo! Glad you've got a machine that enables you to enjoy 7 Days to a fuller extent. I know you were struggling with the old one you had. Also good to know the game runs okay on M2s, thanks for sharing.

BTW I've noticed that running game on "Metal" caps fps to 60 and for whatever reason it cripples, machine starts to suffer more load. And running GLCore- no issues whatsoever. It is kind of strange as Metal is actually a thing closer to UNIX than GLCore

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On 7/10/2023 at 7:02 AM, Vampirenostra said:

BTW I've noticed that running game on "Metal" caps fps to 60 and for whatever reason it cripples, machine starts to suffer more load...


A frame rate cap may not matter much. Last I knew, no Mac has a refresh rate higher than 60 Hz anyway. They focus on other factors like resolution.

Edited by Crater Creator (see edit history)
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On 10/21/2023 at 6:18 AM, Crater Creator said:


A frame rate cap may not matter much. Last I knew, no Mac has a refresh rate higher than 60 Hz anyway. They focus on other factors like resolution.

that probably can be the case, but why would it start suffering using its native `Metal` with same settings and resolution?

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On 10/25/2023 at 12:26 PM, Vampirenostra said:

that probably can be the case, but why would it start suffering using its native `Metal` with same settings and resolution?


I’m not familiar enough with the game’s graphics to be able to answer that. I do know that the Metal renderer was unsupported until recently... possibly as recently as A20. And OpenGL has been around longer, on more platforms, in general. So it may have more optimizations.

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