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What players want vs what TFP wants


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14 hours ago, Skaarphy said:

What the players want, on the other hand, can be summed up with: expanding on what is already there.

That's a bit of a side-effect, or selection/survivorship bias if you will.


The players that are playing now, and possibly have played for a long time by now, obviously like what we have now. So, they'd obviously want "more of that".


The pimps are building to some vision, that might look quite different from what we have. The oft-complained traders are kernels of a faction system. Once those factions are properly in, it might make sense why everything relies on the "damn trader loop"; they're an intermediary step to a system that will take over the game. Or not. We don't really know.


We can only either extrapolate on what we have, or, essentially dream about what could be. Utopias are fun, but quite unlikely to land even near whatever the pimps are going for.. :)

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It's definitely been a wild ride.  It's heart warming to see so many gamers enjoy a game despite their many differences in opinions.  


I understand how tough it is to wait for more content instead of updated systems and visual upgrades.  The team has to finish all of the promised kickstarter content first before considering adding other content.  For example, our art team would love to add more zombies and/or variants and has some ideas but their main focus is on finishing up the bandits and player character system.


Also, Imagine the wait our console bretheran has had to endure as well.

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Maybe I was wrong. The original intent of my post was to comment on what I'm seeing everywhere: that there is a disparity between what the players want and what TFP is doing. I did not mean for the specific changes I mentioned to be taken literally, I just thought they were good examples for pointing out this disparity, like: if they had gone in this direction instead of that direction no one had a reason to complain. That might have been BS. And probably phrased poorly, by the looks of it.


I still truly believe that they would be good for the game. Not out of personal preference - e.g. NPCs, bandits, a main story, I can do without - but in that they enrich it and make it more attractive, for both new and old players. And that, despite all the good things that came with it, with the two big game mechanics overhauls A21 felt a bit like treading water. But I still love the game and will keep playing it, so there is that.  



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18 hours ago, Skaarphy said:

I often read in the forums though so I think I have a good impression of what the players want. I also believe that most of the things we want would be good for the game.


18 hours ago, Skaarphy said:

What the players want, on the other hand, can be summed up with: expanding on what is already there. That is, e.g.: 

- More zombie variants

- Bandits

- NPCs other than traders, with quests and small trading opportunities

- More POIs

- Upgrades that go beyond steel

- Maybe some kind of main story


I have been playing since a15 and have several thousand hours in the game. I think we can agree that I am part of "the players" that you are speaking for. However, everything that you claim "the players" (which includes me) want is either unimportant or unwanted by me, except for the story which they have already said is coming.


More zombie variants are fine, but not important to me. Bandits are fine, but i don't even know if i'll enjoy them so they are currently not important to me. NPC's that offer quests and trading opportunities are not something i want. Upgrades beyond steel are not something i want.


More pois are also fine, but i vastly prefer upgrading the pois we already have. The art update for this alpha is amazing. I will clear the zombies from a room in a poi i have been in hundreds of times, and just walk around admiring how much better it looks now. We have a LOT of pois already. Making the ones we have better and more impactful IS important to me.


Refining the behavior of the zombies we already have is important to me. When they added ragdolling, to me that was better than one new zombie type. The addition of the zombies eating dead animals and prioritizing them above trying to kill me... THAT is so cool. I would rather they add to the things zombies do and how they react other than adding a couple new zombie types because things like that affect me more. I would rather they add a biting animation than a new zombie type. I would rather they add the fat zombies also stopping to eat zombie corpses, or make arlene stop to stare at herself in mirrors, or make the construction worker stop and try to interact with the cement mixer.... more interesting behaviors and actions for what we already have.


I would also love some qol things... lockable slots is already in the code and is loved enough that i really wish they would make the time to do whatever bug testing or refinement needs to be done to get it in vanilla. Being able to craft with items in nearby storage containers is also so nice. I wish they would add that. I would also love a lawn mower or something like that, to quickly clear away grass. More qol stuff is always welcome. and more (or better) paint textures. I would take 10 new, clean paint textures over 10 new zombie models and added npcs to trade with.


MY wants don't invalidate yours. Everyone has their own set of wants. But speak for yourself and what you want, because you have no idea what "the players" want.

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2 hours ago, katarynna said:


Not sure why so many people have such problems with me talking about "the player." I think I made it clear enough that I'm talking about my impressions and that I might be wrong.

It also goes without saying - yes, really, it does - that there are always exceptions, and always people who are less interested in this and more interested in that, or not interested at all in that other thing.


But to be fair, I think I did bring my point across rather poorly. I already said so in an above post, and I just now edited it into my original post to clarify things a bit.    

Edited by Skaarphy (see edit history)
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13 hours ago, onovbuton said:

It is always interesting reading about what different people want and expect from this game.... i have 4000 hrs in this game and enjoy it thoroughly.... it is impossible to please all and TFP no this and have to deal with it all the time... i am finding that too much hand holding and babysitting is not to my liking so for the first time i am looking into Modding 7d2d  we are very lucky that this is a option ...  so my 2 cents...  NPC's  dont interest me in the slightest...thee on screen SPRITE system and digging circle totally irk me...as well as the new POI difficulty warning system... the names part is ok... new water system is ok.. but the jars didnt really be needed to removed totally...just nerfed somewhat... WE are all never going to agree on how the game should be as we are all different in our gameplay which is what makes this game so wonderful and very popular...  So Modding it is for me..... and on a ending note... where is the best place for mods.... i have had a look at the Nexus....

Most players go to the MODs section of these forums to find a mod.

13 hours ago, onovbuton said:

It is always interesting reading about what different people want and expect from this game.... i have 4000 hrs in this game and enjoy it thoroughly.... it is impossible to please all and TFP no this and have to deal with it all the time... i am finding that too much hand holding and babysitting is not to my liking so for the first time i am looking into Modding 7d2d  we are very lucky that this is a option ...  so my 2 cents...  NPC's  dont interest me in the slightest...thee on screen SPRITE system and digging circle totally irk me...as well as the new POI difficulty warning system... the names part is ok... new water system is ok.. but the jars didnt really be needed to removed totally...just nerfed somewhat... WE are all never going to agree on how the game should be as we are all different in our gameplay which is what makes this game so wonderful and very popular...  So Modding it is for me..... and on a ending note... where is the best place for mods.... i have had a look at the Nexus....

Most players go to the MODs section of these forums to find a mod.

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11 hours ago, Skaarphy said:

Not sure why so many people have such problems with me talking about "the player." I think I made it clear enough that I'm talking about my impressions and that I might be wrong.

It also goes without saying - yes, really, it does - that there are always exceptions, and always people who are less interested in this and more interested in that, or not interested at all in that other thing.


But to be fair, I think I did bring my point across rather poorly. I already said so in an above post, and I just now edited it into my original post to clarify things a bit.    

To be fair, their post happened just after your clarification post and they probably didn't see it.  :)

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