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When opening the game or trying to load a map/player characters the game freezes, console opens and spams an error message. This has been the case since the start of A20 and still persists to this day.


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2023-06-19T17:35:00 37.138 ERR [XUi] Error while updating window group 'optionsProfiles':
2023-06-19T17:35:00 37.139 EXC Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  at Archetypes.BuildUMA (Archetype _archetype, UMA.UMAData _umaData, SlotLibrary _slotLib, OverlayLibrary _overlayLib, Entity _entity, System.String _profileName, System.Boolean _showPreviewSlots, System.Boolean _useCustomColors, UnityEngine.Color hair, UnityEngine.Color eye, UnityEngine.Color skin, PlayerProfile _playerProfile) [0x00398] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at ArchetypePreviewUtility.buildUMAPreview () [0x001aa] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at ArchetypePreviewUtility.GeneratePreview (System.String _profileName) [0x0005d] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at XUiC_ArchetypePreviewWindow.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0001b] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at XUiC_OptionsProfiles.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x00000] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at XUiController.Update (System.Single _dt) [0x0004f] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0
  at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (System.Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00131] in <b9bc0d5ab478449782320d065c54704e>:0

This just repeats without stopping, it's maddening because I can´t play the game, I'm locked out and no matter how many manual clean installs or with the launcher I do it's the same problem. Please help.

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1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

Looks like a mod issue, but I'm just guessing because there is no log.



Right, sorry, I'm, kinda new to this stuff.

https://pastebin.com/5NMFD5fL This is the "output_log_client__2023-06-19__17-33-51" info created.

Just to point out, the error message spams multiple times, like... A really, really lot of times. I had to cut it because pastebin didn't let me put it all.

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1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

OK, a21, and it looks like you have a corrupt profile.


Back up your save data, then follow the instructions in the blue banner at the top to wipe everything. Then start a new save, and the issue should be resolved.

Already tried it, still stuck with the problem. the console shows the exact same error.

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1 hour ago, Praedyth said:

Already tried it, still stuck with the problem. the console shows the exact same error.

Like @SylenThunder said, your log shows the issue is in your player profile. If you bring up the game launcher, select Tools tab and check all of the boxes then click Clean. Exit out of that then verify the integrity of the games files and run it at least twice so Steam can find any corrupted files and downloads intact files. There are a couple of other warnings in your log that I do not know if they are important: Device name for Standalonewindows is unknown and another one is [Steam] Tick took too exceptionally long:38ms which showed up twice.

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1 hour ago, Star69 said:

Like @SylenThunder said, your log shows the issue is in your player profile. If you bring up the game launcher, select Tools tab and check all of the boxes then click Clean. Exit out of that then verify the integrity of the games files and run it at least twice so Steam can find any corrupted files and downloads intact files. There are a couple of other warnings in your log that I do not know if they are important: Device name for Standalonewindows is unknown and another one is [Steam] Tick took too exceptionally long:38ms which showed up twice.

What can you tell me about the last two warnings? I'm sorry but I'm pretty bad with these kinds of things. Should I be worried about them?

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I honestly don’t know. I typed them in my response so that someone more knowledgeable than me could comment on them because I’ve never seen them after reading countless log files. I’m hoping for your sake they are meaningless entries that are new to A21 log files.

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1 hour ago, Star69 said:

I honestly don’t know. I typed them in my response so that someone more knowledgeable than me could comment on them because I’ve never seen them after reading countless log files. I’m hoping for your sake they are meaningless entries that are new to A21 log files.

It's alright, thanks for your time!

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All your warnings are tied to your player profile.




Select game launcher




Select Tools tab, click on Clean game data, and Select all options, then hit Clean.


Make sure you get all the files and you are not leaving any old files elsewhere.  Ultimately, you need to get rid of any of these files tied to 7D2D





1 hour ago, Star69 said:

I honestly don’t know. I typed them in my response so that someone more knowledgeable than me could comment on them because I’ve never seen them after reading countless log files. I’m hoping for your sake they are meaningless entries that are new to A21 log files.


Don't think they matter because I have both of those warning messages in my logfile and I just recently got done playing.  Also warnings are probably not too much to worry about as a lot of them are in there as part of the development process.

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1 hour ago, BFT2020 said:

All your warnings are tied to your player profile.




Select game launcher




Select Tools tab, click on Clean game data, and Select all options, then hit Clean.


Make sure you get all the files and you are not leaving any old files elsewhere.  Ultimately, you need to get rid of any of these files tied to 7D2D






Don't think they matter because I have both of those warning messages in my logfile and I just recently got done playing.  Also warnings are probably not too much to worry about as a lot of them are in there as part of the development process.

I just recently made the purge on everything, again, followed the guides and stuff. Even uninstalled steam and installed it again. The game ran! I completed the tutorial, closed the game and logged back again. In the loading screen at the "creating character" bit the console popped up again and showed me this text on RED: EXC NullReferenceException. Object reference not set to an instance of an object

https://pastebin.com/DDP7av3M here is the new crashlog.

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