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Unpopular opinion - I don't want new stuff


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Don't get me wrong, i love seing new things that improve world and immersion (tho traders and raiders destroys this immersion, i hope for checkbox in world creator to disable those), but i would be MUCH MUCH happier if all bugs and performance issues will dissapear instead of adding new content.

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4 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

FYI, they are working on all things all the time - new content, balances, and fixing issues / bugs.  TFP are capable of doing multiple things at once.


Exactly.  I'm sure they have at least one programmer locked in a basement doing a lot of the work but that isn't the whole dev team.

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Interesting that we get both polar requests frequently:


"These updates are boring and the game is boring so add more content to keep my attention!!!!"

"The game is great as it is so stop adding stuff and just get all the bugs fixed and improve performance!!!!"


The pimps seem to be threading the needle the best that it can be threaded. They need to get all features in before serious and dedicated bug fixing and optimizations can occur but at the same time they have to make sure everything runs at a "good enough" level for public testing. Soon they will have put in all the features to make the game complete and can focus 100% on optimizing and bug fixing and final polish. 


At least it is refreshing to read a thread title that shows the author isn't claiming to represent the entire community...

Edited by Roland (see edit history)
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I mean, it is still technically in Alpha so that's when the systems are added in and everything. Normally not all the stuff, but since I don't really see TFP doing a Beta, I'd say that's basically where we are now. Which means the point when all the content and balancing gets done. From their list, I don't really think they have all that much more they want to do as far as completely new content, but I'm sure some stuff may get reworked along the way.

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58 minutes ago, Roland said:

Interesting that we get both polar requests frequently:


"These updates are boring and the game is boring so add more content to keep my attention!!!!"

"The game is great as it is so stop adding stuff and just get all the bugs fixed and improve performance!!!!"


The pimps seem to be threading the needle the best that it can be threaded. They need to get all features in before serious and dedicated bug fixing and optimizations can occur but at the same time they have to make sure everything runs at a "good enough" level for public testing. Soon they will have put in all the features to make the game complete and can focus 100% on optimizing and bug fixing and final polish. 


At least it is refreshing to read a thread title that shows the author isn't claiming to represent the entire community...

If You put this that way... People who say game is boring are not people who wants to play the game, also, demanding constant adding new stuff to keep attention is the thing evs are aiming for? What if game will be officially release? Devs will still be adding new stuff for eternity or they already see this kind of players will stop playing?
I understand what You wanted to say - people are always complaining.
But puting this that way shows that balance and game fixing should be priority over new stuff since only non-dedicated players wants new stuff, and fans feels game should be polished right now...

Dedicated players already have this attention, they will play the game and ivite their friends for playing a long time.

Edited by Archael (see edit history)
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2 minutes ago, Archael said:

I understand what You wanted to say - people are always complaining.


Not quite what I was going for. My point was that since we have people who complain about opposite extremes, then the developers are probably doing things right. If they listened to just one group it would completely alienate the other. So they walk the balance beam adding content and keeping things playable enough for the game to be tested.

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2 hours ago, Archael said:

But puting this that way shows that balance and game fixing should be priority over new stuff since only non-dedicated players wants new stuff, and fans feels game should be polished right now...

Dedicated players already have this attention, they will play the game and ivite their friends for playing a long time.


Optimization and fixing happens all the time, even more so right before a new alpha is released to the public.


The good news is the devs are at the tail end of adding major features with only a few  left (e.g. bandits, story etc.)


More and more fixes and optimizations will be coming soonish, especially since their is a company helping with getting the game ready to be ported for console players.


Hang tight. 👍

Edited by Laz Man (see edit history)
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