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Weird Invisible Things Vehicles Bounce Off Of

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So, I'm going to preface this with, I am currently running several mods. I have noticed vehicle based bugs during the vanilla playthroughs I've played though. At random points of the map you will drive your vehicle into an invisible wall or something. On the minibike, it barely does anything. On the motorcycle, you will bounce off of whatever it is and as long as you steer to the side you'll be fine to get past it. I never ride the bicycle or drive the 4x4 so I can't say how they react to it, but the gyrocopter may have only had it happen a single time. Might have been a tree in the fog, can't be sure.


What happened in my recent paythrough was something.....else. Similar but different. The gyrocopter is simple, climb to a height above the trees, fly either flat or climbing on a slight angle and just fly. My game froze and crashed to desktop. The gyrocopter does tend to put more on the system so I kind of get it. Whatever, load back up. I spawn on the ground, gyrocopter with all my loot is gone. Ok, I kind of get it as well, game had no idea what to do with it so it got lost. I'm not happy about it but I get the why behind it. I'm set up so it's only a bummer in that I lost my loot. Again, whatever, I can still play on.


The game wigged out again though. My entire gyrocopter blinked out of existence, popped back in, I had to release the W and Shift keys and press them again to get it back in flying order. The worst part was when I landed it. I got to where I was going, but the moment I pressed E to get out of the thing, I teleported instantly back to where the thing disappeared in the first place, my character was NOT sitting in the seat, the camera was up in the rotors looking sideways (no damage taken), it was constantly visually lagging or wigging out so I was practically seeing 3 gyrocopters, I had only mild control of the thing, and I could do nothing at all to get out of it. The gyrocopter would not stop. No hands on the keyboard did nothing. It just kept trying to fly. I tried to go into God Mode, wouldn't let me. Entered debug mode and manually hit the No Collision and everything trying to separate myself from it and I just couldn't. In a desperate attempt to just get myself out of it, I closed game and reloaded. This fixed the issue with the out of control gyro. I was able to land it and assess things. Unfortunately, this time it cleared my toolbelt. Everything just disappeared again.


My mods are simple ones. A mod for a couple of quests that are kind of end game loot, based on The Count of Monte Cristo and The Adams Family. They would not cause this. I have a weapons mod, again wouldn't cause it. I have a vehicle mod, but it only applied to the scrapable loot boxes you find in the world (It bugs me that everyone in Navezgane all had the same taste in cars, though this is also a generated world, 10k map). It wouldn't cause this. A headshot only mod, again not gonna cause this. A modslots mod, doubtful. Just changes the number of slots for mods based on an item's 1-6 level. An extended loot time so loot bags don't disappear so quick, still do but I lose less. And a larger horde's mod.


The invisible nothings were a mild annoyance I am still absolutely willing to tolerate. They're rare enough. This might still be rare, but it's frustrating. None of the other vehicles have ever had an issue like this for me. I know other people have posted videos of their vehicle randomly teleporting or complained about one bug or another. I've just never seen the thing disappear and then reappear before. No screen freeze or lag, just poof.


Not complaining here, just wondering if anybody has noticed weird things with the gyrocopter.

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The gyro is not optimized, I'll grant you that. I often play on a peer2peer game, and we have had a few instances of the gyro vanishing upon landing hard, like on top of a zombie or smashing into a cactus. Next time we log in the gyro is in the last place the game's vehicle_manager remembered.  Mind you, this session is heavily modded, and I run Windows and the host runs Linux. Who knows what effects what, even if we assume 'Nah, this particular mod ain't gonna mess with how the gyro behaves.'  


But I have yet to run into any invisible barriers or experienced the loss of control you have described. I suspect somewheres that one or more of your mods may be the culprit. Now, which mod(s)? Good luck mate :plane:

Edited by Melange (see edit history)
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23 hours ago, Stranded_Napkin said:

My game froze and crashed to desktop.


Whatever, load back up. I spawn on the ground, gyrocopter with all my loot is gone.

I suspect its not Gyro related.  Look around the forums as there were many reports of exiting the game on a vehicle causing save corruptions and other issues when logging back in.

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