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Starting New Game - Show Date/Time of Map Generation


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This is a little thing, and perhaps a sign of my own incompetence or failing memory.


I generate so many worlds for testing, that when I go to start a new test game I forget the name of the map that I have just generated and it doesn't stand out from the list of 30 or so worlds.


There are several things I can, of course, do to overcome this, including hopping out to the OS and looking at the date/time of the world folders. I can write down the name of the world when I start to generate it. I can... well... beg you to consider maybe showing the date/time of world generation on the screen where you pick a world to go with your new game. Heh.

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24 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Another option: Include date/time in the name of your world


But you don't pick the name of the world. It is randomized based on your choices in RWG. Either you're thinking of the game, or the world's name is editable and I've been overlooking it for... forever. Hmm, now I'm doubting myself and will have to try.

Just now, meganoth said:


I meant the "Game Name", this is what you can freely choose.


Right. But the trouble is once I generate a world in RWG in the advanced screen, I'll back out to where I can make a new game, with a game name, but will have forgotten the name of the world that I just generated. So yeh, I can name the game anything I want, but I don't remember which world to put with it unless I switch out to the OS, dive into my worlds folder, and look to the world folder dates.


I freely admit this is a _me_ problem... carelessness to click "back" without looking to the name of the new world.

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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4 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Ah sorry, I forgot you can create worlds without starting a game. How does that work when you create many worlds, I thought the randomized names were picked from a limited pool?



It (the name) is randomized. You can only make one at a time.


I'll make a new POI, test it's placement in the world along with running through it 2-3 times before it is finished. Make a pack of 5 POIs and you've made probably 20 worlds. I regularly have to go clear out my generated worlds for my own sanity and have to be careful not to delete any solo games I have going.

Edited by zztong (see edit history)
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10 minutes ago, zztong said:


It (the name) is randomized. You can only make one at a time.


Randomized but from a limited list. What happens when that list is exhausted?


10 minutes ago, zztong said:


I'll make a new POI, test it's placement in the world along with running through it 2-3 times before it is finished. Make a pack of 5 POIs and you've made probably 20 worlds. I regularly have to go clear out my generated worlds for my own sanity and have to be careful not to delete any solo games I have going.


Ok, I see the problem. One can select the "Game Name" freely but when deleting a game the generated world is probably not deleted with it (or is it?) and so you have to delete worlds by hand.


If you can script you could make a simple tool that deletes games together WITH their worlds.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

I will look into making these things more clear and possibly having a list of generated worlds so you can manage them in-game. I just added a New Game button to the generator so when you do find the one you like you can simply go right to the new game window with it selected. Should help a lot but I will still look into adding a manager.

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21 hours ago, Kinyajuu said:

I just added a New Game button to the generator so when you do find the one you like you can simply go right to the new game window with it selected.


Awesome. That should cover my suggestion. Thanks.

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  • 4 months later...



I am curious if there are any known plans to add more customization to the RWGmixer options.

It would be nice to be able to go back to generations of things like # of unique "forest/desert/snow/wasteland biomes", as well as specify major connecting highways are wider etc. And currently there seems to be a hard limit on # of Wilderness POI's you can spawn, especially if you choose to have larger cities. Lastly on this area, sometimes T5 POI's are not even on the map ( such as the Big Shotgun Messiah ).


Am hoping you guys will expand the rwgmixer.xml file to include these kind of options.



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