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Weirdness with spawning static traders?


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Hi all,


I host a 72D2 server and part of my admin role is to spawn in traders into player bases when they become strong enough.

I've noticed 3 weird things:

  1. Spawning in Trader Hugh.. he only has buried treasure quests. Even on day 3 refresh, or using the admin menu to refresh it.
  2. Spawning in Trader Joel... he only has buried treasure quests.
  3. You cannot delete static spawned traders with any of the admin weapons/tools, or using admin commands (which is needed if a player base gets over run by the horde).

Any ideas appreciated.

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6 hours ago, JasonX said:


  1. Spawning in Trader Hugh.. he only has buried treasure quests. Even on day 3 refresh, or using the admin menu to refresh it.
  2. Spawning in Trader Joel... he only has buried treasure quests.

I had the same issue on our server, when spawning in traders. My guess would be, all quest POIs are too far away, so the trader only offers buried supplies quests.


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2 hours ago, Thunderbolt-GER said:

I had the same issue on our server, when spawning in traders. My guess would be, all quest POIs are too far away, so the trader only offers buried supplies quests.


Wow. I've had traders send me over 5km away, so for there to be no quest POIs within that range would be odd.

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13 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Are you spawning them outside of a protected POI? Then that's the issue. It uses the protected area to get positions for the other quests.


The location I am spawning them is a player built base, which has an active land claim.


There is a standard trader about 150m away that spawns a full range of quests.
I also spawned a trader in the above location... and it has a full range of quests.


So it appears that it's not a distance thing (plenty of potential quest POIs around).
It might be that the traders being spawned in an active land claim area could be the issue.

I will try to spawn the trader outside the active land claim area and see if that is the cause.


I should also mention that eventually after doing a bunch of buried treasure quests, I got the special mission to unlock the next tier. Guess what... having done that special mission (it chose the trader 150m away)... I am still only seeing L1 buried treasure on the spawned trader. (correction: I am getting tier 2 missions)

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3 hours ago, JasonX said:


There is a standard trader about 150m away that spawns a full range of quests.
I also spawned a trader in the above location... and it has a full range of quests.


By standard do you mean a normal trader POI? If so, that's what I mean. If they are spawned in a POI with trader protection they should work fine. Otherwise you'll likely have the issue you are facing now.

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I always mod out trader protection and my quest lists are working as normal. However, my traders are still in their default locations.


So what exactly is this connection between trader protection and quests? Why is it not affecting my game?


Is it possible that it is more related to the OP's non-standard positioning than to the actual protection zone?



On 5/21/2022 at 6:12 AM, bdubyah said:

Are you spawning them outside of a protected POI? Then that's the issue. It uses the protected area to get positions for the other quests.


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I spawned the same 2 traders (Joel, Hugh) outside the land claim zone and trader protection zone... they are full of buried treasure missions.
I also spawned Joel in the nearby trader outpost and he had normal quests.


Therefore traders spawned outside of trader protection zone... only generated Buried Treasure missions.


This is definitely new behavior in A20... and not really desirable. I will try to figure out how to make a "mini trader protection" zone around them to see if this "fixes" it inside the player base... and let you know how it goes.


Still no lucky on deleting static spawned traders... no command line entries work either.

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I also editted the trader xml files, turned off trader protection, restarted the game, did a chunk reset.. and nothing works to either fix the Buried Treasure missions.... nor can you destroy the trader even with protection turned off.


Seems this is all hard coded and not respecting the XML.

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