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After 20.2 (not exp) TRUCK / motorbice disaeppear, player DIES when DRIVES car / motobike


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After 20.2 (not exp) TRUCK / motorbice disaeppear, player dies when drives car / motobike


we lost 2 4x trucks today, 2 motobikes (3xdied, all gone) when player is getting killed = re-enter = vehicle gone

we die when we drive (player life is on dead and no new map part loading) - when re-enter server we are alive, but vehicle = gone


we are frustreted


we play on the server since 4 years and every version.,..but this update is katastrophic

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You have several problems/errors that I see in your log. I cannot say for sure which may be causing your issue. These are what I found:


1) You have several mods installed. Be sure to check with the mod authors to see if they have been updated to work with A20. Many times, mods can cause funny problems.


2)  2022-02-08T21:10:54 445.082 EXC Unable to write data to the transport connection: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen.
2022-02-08T21:10:54 445.110 ERR Exception in thread TelnetClient_167.94.138.61:51714:
2022-02-08T21:10:54 445.111 EXC The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets.
at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream () [0x00036] in <6fcfdd162b5d4836bef3c96f53194db6>:0
at TelnetConnection.Close (System.Boolean kickedForLogins) [0x00021] in <d95321f623684130b4d3950a7292e611>:0
at TelnetConnection.ThreadEnd (ThreadManager+ThreadInfo _threadInfo, System.Boolean _exitForException) [0x00000] in <d95321f623684130b4d3950a7292e611>:0
at ThreadManager.myThreadInvoke (System.Object _threadInfo) [0x000ab] in <d95321f623684130b4d3950a7292e611>:0

2022-02-08T21:10:54 445.111 INF Exited thread TelnetClient_167.94.138.61:51714


I am not familiar with issues with Telnet, most people don't use it as far as I know so we will need to wait for someone else with more understanding to address this. It might be that the port is not forwarded for Telnet to work properly.


3) 2022-02-08T21:24:29 1259.926 ERR [EAC] Log: [EAC Server] [Error] [21:24:29:735][Windows][EAC Server] [Err!][Cerberus] [Backend] Receive operation failed, disconnecting.

I am not familiar with this error either but I only saw this error once in your log, but right after that error, "Freddy" was disconnected.


4) 2022-02-08T21:37:35 2046.048 WRN No chunk for position 3467, 8, 2511, can not add childs to pos 3467, 8, 2512! Block cntMetalDesk02Closed
2022-02-08T21:37:38 2048.406 WRN No chunk for position 3471, 9, 2495, can not add childs to pos 3472, 9, 2495! Block cntMetalDesk02Open


This error makes me think that there are still A19 files still on your A20 server but again, we can wait for someone else to comment.


I see the point when players died but not why and I see that some vehicles are correctly saved in Vehicle Manager and I also see where the Vehicle Manager removed vehicles but it does not explain why.


My overall opinion, disable Telnet or be sure to forward the proper port which I believe is 8241. Also, if this is a private server for friends then disable EAC. EAC is anticheat software so hopefully you trust your friends plus with it disabled you will get a little better server performance. If I am correct and you do still have A19 files, this would require a server wipe and reinstall A20 only. However I would like to hear from someone else on my opinions to see if others agree or have better suggestions.

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11 hours ago, Star69 said:

You have several problems/errors that I see in your log. I cannot say for sure which may be causing your issue. These are what I found:


1) You have several mods installed. Be sure to check with the mod authors to see if they have been updated to work with A20. Many times, mods can cause funny problems.


2)  2022-02-08T21:10:54 445.082 EXC Unable to write data to the transport connection: Eine vorhandene Verbindung wurde vom Remotehost geschlossen.
2022-02-08T21:10:54 445.110 ERR Exception in thread TelnetClient_167.94.138.61:51714:
2022-02-08T21:10:54 445.111 EXC The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets.
at System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream () [0x00036] in <6fcfdd162b5d4836bef3c96f53194db6>:0
at TelnetConnection.Close (System.Boolean kickedForLogins) [0x00021] in <d95321f623684130b4d3950a7292e611>:0
at TelnetConnection.ThreadEnd (ThreadManager+ThreadInfo _threadInfo, System.Boolean _exitForException) [0x00000] in <d95321f623684130b4d3950a7292e611>:0
at ThreadManager.myThreadInvoke (System.Object _threadInfo) [0x000ab] in <d95321f623684130b4d3950a7292e611>:0

2022-02-08T21:10:54 445.111 INF Exited thread TelnetClient_167.94.138.61:51714


I am not familiar with issues with Telnet, most people don't use it as far as I know so we will need to wait for someone else with more understanding to address this. It might be that the port is not forwarded for Telnet to work properly.


3) 2022-02-08T21:24:29 1259.926 ERR [EAC] Log: [EAC Server] [Error] [21:24:29:735][Windows][EAC Server] [Err!][Cerberus] [Backend] Receive operation failed, disconnecting.

I am not familiar with this error either but I only saw this error once in your log, but right after that error, "Freddy" was disconnected.


4) 2022-02-08T21:37:35 2046.048 WRN No chunk for position 3467, 8, 2511, can not add childs to pos 3467, 8, 2512! Block cntMetalDesk02Closed
2022-02-08T21:37:38 2048.406 WRN No chunk for position 3471, 9, 2495, can not add childs to pos 3472, 9, 2495! Block cntMetalDesk02Open


This error makes me think that there are still A19 files still on your A20 server but again, we can wait for someone else to comment.


I see the point when players died but not why and I see that some vehicles are correctly saved in Vehicle Manager and I also see where the Vehicle Manager removed vehicles but it does not explain why.


My overall opinion, disable Telnet or be sure to forward the proper port which I believe is 8241. Also, if this is a private server for friends then disable EAC. EAC is anticheat software so hopefully you trust your friends plus with it disabled you will get a little better server performance. If I am correct and you do still have A19 files, this would require a server wipe and reinstall A20 only. However I would like to hear from someone else on my opinions to see if others agree or have better suggestions.


cntMetalDesk02Open and cntMetalDesk02Closed are valid A20 block names found in blocks.xml. That error pops up quite often but I don't know what it means. Height 8 of the position means 5 blocks above bedrock. @7daysOfFun Did you build some base down there? If not, the game wants to place blocks down there in already filled blocks. Corrupted region file maybe?


I can see another unusual message "Failed to save a temporary cursor file to 'C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\1\' because this directory does not exist.". @7daysOfFun You are not starting the server in the Administrator account, are you? Or use the admin account for something related to operating the server?


"Telnet connection from:". Are you using some server management software for the game? The telnet connection directly at start of the server might come from that. Or are you yourself immediately login in per telnet to the server?


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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we were exploring the destroyed area..

we have the bases in the green area


with admin i dont know...im the only only who gets the ftp server and so on


all vehicles are "plopped" back ^^


i have another problem..player nr.3 gets kicked because timeout (elisa)

can u help with this?


here the logs

Edited by 7daysOfFun (see edit history)
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Ok, that explains at least the "cursor" message.


Someone else might be loggin in via telnet and hacking your game. So unless it is g-portal using telnet for operating the server you really should disable telnet. Do you have access to the serverconfig.xml ? 



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we use gportal server since long time..telnet i dont know...(see posting above iv edited)



<property name="TelnetEnabled" value="true"/>
  <property name="TelnetPort" value="8241"/>
  <property name="TelnetFailedLoginLimit" value="10"/>
  <property name="TelnetFailedLoginsBlocktime" value="10"/>

i must check all..the mods are from gportal...all are ON..shoud i make it off?

iv only 2 mods in it..the egg mod (tree cut = eggs) and the barrel beer mod i think...but the 2 seems not working

the telnet is that above what u need?

for the a20 version we have cleaned ALL the server...FULL RESET and all data erase and new createted with map (double city size mod)

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this are the mods that are PRE INSTALLED on gportal

Installierte Mods


Allocs Server fix & Admin Map (newest version)


ServerTools (newest version)


Ravenhearst (newest version)


Darkness Falls Server (A19.x)


Darkness Falls (A20.x)


UndeadLegacyStable (A19.0)


UndeadLegacyExperimental (A20.1)


Apocalypse-Now (newest version)

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5 minutes ago, 7daysOfFun said:

this are the mods that are PRE INSTALLED on gportal

Installierte Mods


Allocs Server fix & Admin Map (newest version)


ServerTools (newest version)


Ravenhearst (newest version)


Darkness Falls Server (A19.x)


Darkness Falls (A20.x)


UndeadLegacyStable (A19.0)


UndeadLegacyExperimental (A20.1)


Apocalypse-Now (newest version)



Those mods are not active in your game, they are just available it seems. You have the mods "beer", "BoidsInfiniteHorde", "egg" and "ImprovedRWG". I assume all of them are specifically for A20? If not, remove them.


Better yet, as long as you have problems, remove all mods.


The telnet commands you listed, there should have been a "TelnetPassword" line? Don't post it, but tell me if there is a password set or whether it is empty or whether the line does not exist.


Did you and your friends clean your local configuration settings when you changed to A20? I.e. did you start the game launcher, changed to the tools tab, selected the last option in that list, checked all boxes and started it. If anyone, either you or one of your friends didn't do that, please do it now. This will delete all settings, all generated worlds on the local PC, all save games. If you want to keep a local world and savegame, make a backup before doing this. Furthermore you might have to start from lvl 1 on the server unless persistentprofiles is on or you select exactly the same toon you had before.


Check if the situation improves when you have done this. If not, start a new game on the server.


Also make sure everyone has Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022 installed.



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ok thx a lot.. we will try this

the infinity horde mod is THE BEST MOD EVER XD..i think its for a19, but last zombienight it worked we had not180zombies, now we had 760 :D on day 21 with 2 player

the <property name="TelnetPassword" value=   has a passwort, but  its the same passwort as > <property name="ControlPanelPassword" value= (iv noticed this during scrolling in the log)

ok we clean all

to the mods in the list above..there are all ON..i can choose OFF...shoud i choose off? why are they on?

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37 minutes ago, 7daysOfFun said:

ok thx a lot.. we will try this

the infinity horde mod is THE BEST MOD EVER XD..i think its for a19, but last zombienight it worked we had not180zombies, now we had 760 :D on day 21 with 2 player

the <property name="TelnetPassword" value=   has a passwort, but  its the same passwort as > <property name="ControlPanelPassword" value= (iv noticed this during scrolling in the log)

ok we clean all

to the mods in the list above..there are all ON..i can choose OFF...shoud i choose off? why are they on?


If you really had all those mods active your game wouldn't even run for a second. Some of the mods are total conversion mods, no two of them can run together without completely crashing the game. Some of them are the same mod from two different alphas.

Possibly you have to klick on "activ" to turn them active. I wouldn't try it though, some of the mods also replace some libraries.


Your logfile has a list of mods the game really started and I listed all of them. As I said, it is not advisable using mods from previous alpha, maybe wait until it is adapted to A20. Boidster seems to be the author of this mod and he is very active in this forum, you could simply ask him how far along he is.


I would recommend to turn both telnet and ControlPanel off or set your own very complicated passwords. There are two possibilites: Either you have been hacked and someone set these passwords, or the server provider uses telnet or ControlPanel to do something.

So if you turn both off, you either will see some feature not working anymore or your provider will intervene or maybe your game will run better because that hacker has lost his entry point (if he doesn't have another). You could also ask your provider directly if and what he does with the telnet access.




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20 hours ago, meganoth said:


If you really had all those mods active your game wouldn't even run for a second. Some of the mods are total conversion mods, no two of them can run together without completely crashing the game. Some of them are the same mod from two different alphas.

Possibly you have to klick on "activ" to turn them active. I wouldn't try it though, some of the mods also replace some libraries.

>>> i buy this server with this settings, iv changed nothing..ok it let it on theirs ON status..(not to destroy my save game monw )


Your logfile has a list of mods the game really started and I listed all of them. As I said, it is not advisable using mods from previous alpha, maybe wait until it is adapted to A20. Boidster seems to be the author of this mod and he is very active in this forum, you could simply ask him how far along he is.

>>> the egg mod (cut trees get eggs) and the beer mod(beer from blue barrels) are for A20..but they dont work, they do nothing

the boisdster unlimited we have from a19..that u are right, i woud be download the new version (i work great unlimited zombies >4o clock :D)


I would recommend to turn both telnet and ControlPanel off or set your own very complicated passwords. There are two possibilites: Either you have been hacked and someone set these passwords, or the server provider uses telnet or ControlPanel to do something.

So if you turn both off, you either will see some feature not working anymore or your provider will intervene or maybe your game will run better because that hacker has lost his entry point (if he doesn't have another). You could also ask your provider directly if and what he does with the telnet access.

>> ok i try

i say a big thanks for this quality answers..u help me a lot  :)

ive now 4000hours on the game iv seen^^

when u want to watch how we play (these are only a18 a19 vids but we have creative zombie house ideas and lot of sucking fps XDDDDD

> https://www.youtube.com/user/ActionFoto24/videos


20 hours ago, meganoth said:




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All this happen to me i lost 4 games of around 10 hours because i log out near a vehicule and when i return i float in the air and die when i try again to quit and load the world it say corrupt file and i have never ever open a single file from the game brand new install no mod nothing .I try recreate it with creative but not happening it seem only happen after a certain time playing.

I have over 500 hours since the 20 release and never happen a single time before this week..all i got was the turrets glitch and since they fix it that bug start to happen

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The more reports that I hear like this the more I think there may be an actual bug that needs looked at by the QA team. Logging out standing next to your vehicle, logging back in and dying….I have read about 4 or 5 times now. Could one of you experiencing this please submit an actual bug report? Instructions are found by clicking the red banner above.

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1 hour ago, Star69 said:

The more reports that I hear like this the more I think there may be an actual bug that needs looked at by the QA team. Logging out standing next to your vehicle, logging back in and dying….I have read about 4 or 5 times now. Could one of you experiencing this please submit an actual bug report? Instructions are found by clicking the red banner above.

I have already reported this and a QA member was able to verify and confirm this issue. I believe it's now in the A20 KI list google doc labelled "Players are sometimes flung outside the map by a vehicle on log in."

EDIT: To clarify, this is regarding people logging in, having their characters floating, and then suddenly die. I do not know if this is the same issue OP is having.

Edited by NekoPawtato (see edit history)
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