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Suddenly, a wild Nomad Playthrough appears


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It seems Jenny-girl has gotten me thrown out of my shack of a house. I can understand, the neighborhood needs to maintain some standards.


She gave me a quest nearby, well, it was the next house from mine. Easy as they come. Clicked on the quest marker and .. a warning showed up, "You bedroll has been removed."
You what..? Did I make the game public or something? No. Well, it's not like I'm going to die here, carry on.


Getting back I find not just my bed, but all my stuff gone. The forge I can't make, the stacks of wolf meat, the coins.. I know most of the useful stuff came from you Jen-jen, but that's still a pretty harsh repo.


Well, I was considering a nomad-game for this one anyway, might as well now. It's only night of day 5 so not even a big loss, I just felt like venting a little.

Thanks for the ear, traveller.


Darn it Jen!


(as far reporting goes, I assume it's already known as "Rally marker resets POI’s and removes nearby water")

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28 minutes ago, theFlu said:

How?! :) I mean, I'm about as paranoid as the next tinfoilhatter, but it didn't even cross my mind that the next POI might reset mine .. 

I was using part of the POI the mission was in as the entrance to my base. I forget exactly what I did but it involved climbing up a ladder and then jumping to my base. I had to do some construction, I think I built a ramp. I'm not sure. But I had added some stuff.


I realized that if I accepted the mission, everything I built would be undone. I did not consider that my base might have been reset.


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2 minutes ago, Boidster said:

Game ought not to pick a quest POI with borders intersecting a bedroll.

Indeed, I think that's the goal, but (I guess) something with the city-layout "POIs" mixed up the system. This time the quest reset basically two POIs, so, check is done for the actual quest POI and the reset is done for the whole city "block".. or something :)

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1 hour ago, seagas said:

They are quite a few POIs that are more than one building, you may have selected one of those as your base.

That's a good suggestion, but these were two separate POIs, I know them from before. A burnt down house and a Tier 1* quester. And if it was a multi-house-POI, the bedroll check should've worked to prevent it.


EDIT: *might be a Tier 2, but is there a difference...? :)

Edited by theFlu (see edit history)
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45 minutes ago, Kam R. said:

I always thought it was a land claim that kept an overtaken POI out of the quest pool, not a bed roll.

Darn it, you made me look. :)

At least in A20 release notes* the following issue is marked as Fixed:

"Bedroll range only partially protect from quest resets"


Based on that, the bedroll seems intended to protect.


EDIT: *this thing here: https://7daystodie.com/a20-official-release-notes/

Edited by theFlu (see edit history)
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