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Logging out


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One thing that breaks my immersion is the ability to log out and remove threats.


I could, of course just not do it, but I'd like it to better than that.  It's like enjoying SSF more on PoE now that its an 'actual' game mode, instead of being self-enforced.  It feels better that way.


On a recent random server I joined, I plowed through the game for the first time in A20. 


Here are some examples of the ways I used logout to avoid certain death, these are but a few of many:


Second horde I decided to skip rooftopping it and opted instead to base build.  My base failed fairly quickly and as the horde broke through my wall I exited the game.  I then logged back in after a short delay and as soon as I spawned in I placed a block down in spot where the broken wall had been and improved it.


This became such a common occurrence.  I do not look up any base efficiency guides or want it to be impossible for zeds to get in; they should have their fair chance too.  Eventually after ironing the kinks out of a base I've built, it becomes nigh impenetrable, but getting there isn't quick.  I had my base get breached multiple times, only to be able to log out, back in, and plug the hole.  


I was in an unfamiliar t3 or t4 POI, already wounded and a bunch of stuff dropped into an enclosed area I was in, that I was going to be unable to get out of in time. 


This situation was much less common.  All of my deaths actually came from trying to slug it out because I didn't want to have to redo the POI, but there were a few that were 100% certain death, and if I felt that way I just logged and reset the room.  The zombies that weren't killed revert to their original spawn points laying down and it gives you a chance to move.  Sometimes it requires a bit of running/maneuvering and then another log out/back in (because you may wake them again as you spawn in).   


A POI ran longer than expected on a Blood Moon day and I thought I might be able to make it back to my base in time.  I was wrong and ended up logging in/out as I rode my bike home.  It went something like : ride, jump off, dispatch what vultures I could, bandage and then either 1. ride again or 2. log out/back in and repeat ad naseum.  Once I made it home I then delt with the horde accordingly.


This situation only happened once.


I consider myself a slightly above average player, but my in-game stats did not reflect this.  On the multiplayer board, this ended up making me look like I rarely died, when in-fact I would have had many more deaths.


I never felt in real danger because of the ability to log.  I would like to see some mechanism implemented to prevent this.  


Here are two suggestions, and I know there are more:


1. Log out timer (ala several MMORPGs) - you click log out and wait a specified amount of time before your character is logged out

2. Unable to log out while being sensed/hunted


If the character manually disconnects another way the character persists in the game world for a specified amount of time (~30 seconds)


Obviously this does not fix single player issues that would arise from closing the game and one way to fix that might be to have zeds awake and where they were when you log back in.




Edited by Jor (see edit history)
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Maybe you can pop your Esc key off of your keyboard and only put it back when you're going to log out for real?


Pop off Alt while you're at it so you can't alt+F4 or any similar shenanigans.


If it makes you feel any better, this cuts both ways: I once killed all the zombies in a Blood Moon horde by 1am and decided to log off for the night without doing any repairs or anything. Logged back in the next day and there was a fresh horde sprinting towards me.


Granted this can be exploited for more exp so it can be good or bad.

Edited by ElDudorino (see edit history)
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So since you basically got scared a lot and kept logging out so you want the devs to implement a way for you not to be able to as easily?  That's an easy fix, just don't do it.  That's like saying you always play in God Mode and are upset because the game is too easy and want the devs to develop mechanics to make it more challenging for you.  The best option is just to stop logging out and take your deaths like every other player.  Trust me.  After a little while you'll get used to dying and it won't even bother you anymore.

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I'm gonna hard disagree with you on that, but i won't dislike your post as I do THINK the game should have the zombie data stored on world exit so it's not constantly deleting and adding data to a storage device.


You need to learn self control and to do better than you currently are. There's no shame in exiting the game if zombies show up or your dying, play how you wish. But if bandaging yourself and logging out to escape creatures is something you personally do, you have two options.


Stop doing it, or learn how to not get yourself into these situations. Don't go to biomes with vultures if you don't think you can handle it, and learn your own limitations. If your finding its too hard, lower that difficulty setting!

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I'm reminded of that computer program that was programmed to learn and play tetris very well. It got stuck into a bad situation and instead of just letting the game fail and start over, it paused the game endlessly. It's ok to die and fail. Failing lets you learn and do better next time. That's why games aren't uninstalled on your first death...

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On 2/3/2022 at 12:51 AM, Sjustus548 said:

So since you basically got scared a lot and kept logging out so you want the devs to implement a way for you not to be able to as easily?  That's an easy fix, just don't do it.  That's like saying you always play in God Mode and are upset because the game is too easy and want the devs to develop mechanics to make it more challenging for you.  The best option is just to stop logging out and take your deaths like every other player.  Trust me.  After a little while you'll get used to dying and it won't even bother you anymore.


Didn't get scared.


I see no reason to die and lose my horde and wealth of xp because my wall got breached and I can easily fix. 


Log out > log in > bandaid


Now any other player who didn't punch out good numbers during horde night is going to get further and further behind me.


We can keep the rule/settings just as is, it simply makes a player like me, much better because I take advantage of it.   I haven't played 7d2d in a year flat and on my first run through a new multiplayer server I had 12k kills and 2 deaths and my pvp advantage was insane.  The other 20-40 people on the server that play were nowhere near that.  I should have been further behind in XP and levels, but the more XP you get the faster it goes.


Why would I EVER stop taking advantage of this situation when the world is filled with sh1tty people like you?  I will use my advantages.    I offered solutions to fix this, and improve the game and my immersion, nothing more.

Edited by Jor (see edit history)
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22 minutes ago, Jor said:

Why would I EVER stop taking advantage of this situation when the world is filled with @%$#ters like you?


So you come in to the forum, tell everyone you have no self-control, get told to buck your ideas up - then you attack a forum member and blame them for your in-game behaviour.


You're a jam roll. Don't let the door hit you in the Khyber Pass on your way out.

Edited by BarryTGash (see edit history)
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22 minutes ago, Jor said:

Why would I EVER stop taking advantage of this situation when the world is filled with @%$#ters like you?  I will use my advantages.    I offered solutions to fix this, and improve the game and my immersion, nothing more.

Well, if that's how you put it; your "fixes" don't actually fix a thing, if you're still alive, you can always delay your death by your 30 seconds. Or just log log out 30 secs earlier.


Just get good at the game so you won't die in the middle of a POI, and learn to take a loss once in your life.

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Just now, BarryTGash said:

So you come in to the forum, tell everyone you have no self-control, get told to buck your ideas up - then you attack a forum member and blame them for your in-game behaviour.


You're a jam roll. Don't let the door hit you in the Khyber Pass on your way out.


I proposed some solutions to a situation that I see as a problem.


I got call scared and had no positive or useful feedback.


And I responded, yep.  Keep to your boys club, the bias in here stinks too high. 


Improving the game is what we should be striving for, not belittling someone who has ideas.


You ought to be ashamed.


I'll see myself out.

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5 hours ago, Jor said:


Didn't get scared.


I see no reason to die and lose my horde and wealth of xp because my wall got breached and I can easily fix. 


Log out > log in > bandaid


Now any other player who didn't punch out good numbers during horde night is going to get further and further behind me.


We can keep the rule/settings just as is, it simply makes a player like me, much better because I take advantage of it.   I haven't played 7d2d in a year flat and on my first run through a new multiplayer server I had 12k kills and 2 deaths and my pvp advantage was insane.  The other 20-40 people on the server that play were nowhere near that.  I should have been further behind in XP and levels, but the more XP you get the faster it goes.


Why would I EVER stop taking advantage of this situation when the world is filled with sh1tty people like you?  I will use my advantages.    I offered solutions to fix this, and improve the game and my immersion, nothing more.

Lmao, this explains so much. Using the logout "make you better"? That's such a typical PvP toxic @%$# comment and very fitting. If you consider that a good thing instead of a cheat I feel for you. Why should you die etc because your wall got breached? Because you failed! That's why. Yet it's other that are the "sh1tty people"? Wow dude, you're really hopeless.

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6 hours ago, Jor said:

I got call scared and had no positive or useful feedback.

You logout to cheat death because you are afraid to lose you items and your xp so I would say you are scared of dying.  Also I did give you positive and useful feedback.  If you have a big problem with being able to log out to escape a dire situation just stop doing it or take the death you rightfully deserved.  You ask for help with a solution to your problem and we give you our advice to solve it that doesn't put any extra work on the devs and you then get upset with us and refuse to stop using the exploit that you were just complaining about being able to use.  It's like an alcoholic saying they have a problem and demands a solution that doesn't require them to quit drinking.  You are a very confusing individual.  

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