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A20 Beaker !!

Death Wish

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The first two RWG worlds I started in Alpha 20,  beakers were like a Spider-Man saying;  "Everybody gets ONE",  and finding a second beaker was nigh impossible.   In My current RWG World, started after 20.1 went stable, I now have (collected by both Myself and two other players in My Game world)  a total of 4 beakers( using one in Main base campfire, and another to make a chemistry station),  and currently 14 acid.  Wheels are still rare but we have been able to make enough using the acid to construct 2 mini-bikes, a motorcycle, and a 4x4.   So the beaker and acid items have moved from "hens teeth"  to just rare for us.

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For A20.1 they goosed acid in chemistry piles ("low" to "medHigh") and sinks ("veryLow" to "med", but there's a "veryLow" gate to even get to a chance for acid). They also added a new "loot chest bonus items" lootgroup which shows up in reinforced chests and the like.


For beakers, in A20.1 they now have a chance to drop in Pop-N-Pills crates and also in the "loot chest bonus items".



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