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Kind of chuckled to myself to see the old vehicle bugs are still present and correct


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Vehicle sounds disappear for passengers: check

Parked vehicles move around on their own at random: check

Parked vehicles start appearing either buried in the ground where they were parked, or waaaay up in the air above where they were parked, floating majestically: check


These bugs I remember for many alphas, and are still very present and happening very very often. At least once per (real time) hour, and much more frequently once you start using Gyrocopters. Though ironically it is not the Gyros that exhibit the problem but the vehicles you left on the ground when using your Gyro.


Come on TFP, fix this. We are having to lift our vehicles all the time and keep them on us when not using them, rendering their storage useless.

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Someone suggested that when arriving at a destination to wait a few seconds before leaving the vehicle.  i have done this and have not had any problems.  but the bugs are still there. 


I realize this is hard when being chased by a bird, or bear , or whatever. if you can dispatch threat quickly enough without moving too much, the vehicle seems to stay put.  unlike sometimes before i literally turned and the vehicle was off screen and turned back and it has teleported a long ways away.  



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13 hours ago, Hiroler225 said:

Someone suggested that when arriving at a destination to wait a few seconds before leaving the vehicle.  i have done this and have not had any problems.  but the bugs are still there. 


I realize this is hard when being chased by a bird, or bear , or whatever. if you can dispatch threat quickly enough without moving too much, the vehicle seems to stay put.  unlike sometimes before i literally turned and the vehicle was off screen and turned back and it has teleported a long ways away.  



it was me that suggested it, it does "improve" on the vehicle warping problem, but it doesnt fix the random, get off and woosh...its back to where you last got on it, that rarely happens to me, but in a19 it happened 3 times in a row, i had to exit, restart server, it helped but it still can happen


as far as vehicles rotating i havent seen that since a17/18

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16 hours ago, bdubyah said:

People not putting in any effort to follow the game's progress but still coming and complaining about things: check.


Looks like his post was exactly about what he found when he was making an effort to follow the game's progress.  Wtf are you talking about fanboy?  This game is so glitchy and buggy that the criticisms are warranted, but that doesn't mean someone can't still play it and have fun.

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Because simply reading the last page or two of the Dev Diary shows that faatal is currently trying to fix the bug. It's partially fixed in the 20.1 EXP build but more work is being done. And keeping up with that would have informed him they struggled to reliably repro the bug before, but now in A20 the origin shifts, which are the culprit, happen more often so it made it more obvious.


And not a fanboy at all, you can easily find me criticizing TFP on multiple decisions. But judging by you jumping to calling me one, you don't strike me as the type to pay enough attention to things to realize that I'm not. Whatever floats your boat. 👍

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8 hours ago, bdubyah said:

Because simply reading the last page or two of the Dev Diary shows that faatal is currently trying to fix the bug. It's partially fixed in the 20.1 EXP build but more work is being done. And keeping up with that would have informed him they struggled to reliably repro the bug before, but now in A20 the origin shifts, which are the culprit, happen more often so it made it more obvious.


And not a fanboy at all, you can easily find me criticizing TFP on multiple decisions. But judging by you jumping to calling me one, you don't strike me as the type to pay enough attention to things to realize that I'm not. Whatever floats your boat. 👍

Some people can't stand having their criticism of this game factually corrected by people who inform themselves properly. It's very strange. It's just the most normal thing to do to...just read. It's even easier when you're the official discussion board of the very developers of the game. But I observe that anything longer than the Twitter format of 140 characters is way too much for some people.


I'm pretty active on the 7DTD PC group and I'm being called a "fanboy" more times that I can count, just because I adjust the inaccuracies that some morons spout about the game and the devs. It became a hobby to counter trolls with documented info and watch them lose their @%$# afterward 😄

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3 hours ago, Kyonshi said:

Some people can't stand having their criticism of this game factually corrected by people who inform themselves properly. It's very strange. It's just the most normal thing to do to...just read. It's even easier when you're the official discussion board of the very developers of the game. But I observe that anything longer than the Twitter format of 140 characters is way too much for some people.


I'm pretty active on the 7DTD PC group and I'm being called a "fanboy" more times that I can count, just because I adjust the inaccuracies that some morons spout about the game and the devs. It became a hobby to counter trolls with documented info and watch them lose their @%$# afterward 😄

I will say this, when I first joined the forum it was a mess and a half to figure out. We had like 8 different tabs for bug reporting. Had to manually go through reported bugs, the bug pool, the incomplete reports, the reproduced issues, it was a nightmare so I just didn't check anymore. I didn't have the patience to scroll through 70+ pages just to see if the issue there (before the Known Issues was blatantly there).


And the dev diary is absolutely filled with comments, anyone wanting a quick answer will definitely need to spend 5+ minutes just navigating the website to the right area, then another 10+ to find the relevant information. It's much easier to make a post, then let us flood into it. That's why I'm very active here in my free time, I want to be in the know and not go back through everything.

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It doesn’t read like Ghostlight wanted an answer, so much as they want a fix.  To that end, it’s not clear what more this thread could accomplish that creating or adding to a bug report couldn’t.


On 1/26/2022 at 8:07 PM, RyanX said:

Looks like his post was exactly about what he found when he was making an effort to follow the game's progress.  Wtf are you talking about fanboy?  This game is so glitchy and buggy that the criticisms are warranted, but that doesn't mean someone can't still play it and have fun.

Let’s skip the name calling please, even if you think “fanboy” is mild.

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