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increase zombie detection range for quests


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but then players can prepare for the danger! And then they don't get these awesome moments where they are surprised!
And that is the most important thing. Streamers screaming because screamers scream to summon spitters.

I just wait for A21... because A20 was the streamer update.
I loved it at first... until I understood what was going on... then I hated every second of it :D

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4 hours ago, Ghostlight said:

Losing that last zombie in a huge POI makes tier 5 Clears very very problematic. Always has. Unless you are prepared to use the console command to kill everything in the area, I would avoid such quests.

In our rwg world, the only place for tier Vs is 5.5-6KM north, and the amount of times we've had to fall down dishong tower and waste time taking a pickaxe to the bulletproof glass is astounding. There's too many little rooms that have 2-3 zombies of which never trigger, and since it's so far away and takes forever, you don't remember anything about the layout.


We've had to waste 2 in game days in order to get tier Vs finished and it's just not worth it to do them when we have over 10 tier IV POIs within 200m-1.2km. We get to run 3 of those a day and don't have the hassle of missing zombies.


The worst part about it? The developers want you to follow a specified path, so why don't they create a specified path that has all the zombies unmissable? It's mind baffling. In the dev stream they said "we have plans for people who take the main stash" followed by "we're also designing POIs in a way that the player can go where they want". I cannot tell you the amount of times where I've found the main stash without even knowing it where it was.


Thankfully they haven't implemented whatever feature they had planned for loot grabbers because i would've been effed by it over 30 times now, especially in the skyscrapers.

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20 minutes ago, Darklegend222 said:

I cannot tell you the amount of times where I've found the main stash without even knowing it where it was.


I was doing one of the new downtown tier 4 POI's yesterday and I had a whole lot of zombies agro in a room I wasn't in. After a couple minutes about 15 zombies show up. I'm playing with feral sense always on so as I'm wandering around tons of things are constantly flooding the building (wasteland big city area) and there was at least one uncleared area between me and wherever the red dots were coming from that I had to clear of sleepers. Zombies on the streets were breaking walls and doors and I have no idea what my route is supposed to be. I eventually dispatch the lot of red dots and get to a point where the path loops back around to a previous room. At that point I realized that the quest was done. I spent 10 minutes looking for the loot room before I said screw it and left and I still have no idea where they came from. Since it took them a bit to get to me I simply didn't have a clue and I never actually found the lootroom. I just laugh at this point when things like that happen though. 

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