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A20 Junk/Sledge Turrets


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I've seen other folks mention issues with turrets falling into the floor or to the bottom of poi's, and when I've seen it mentioned the discussion always says turrets and then talks about an issue with a sledge. Before I invest a bunch of resources and find them useless, should I just avoid junk/sledge turrets altogether? Is it mostly the sledge turrets having the issue and junk turrets are okay? I'm ~50 days into my current game and every time I've used a sledge it's sunk to the ground level even in my base. I haven't found a junk turret worth using yet but the group I'm with funneled cash to me to respec into robotics to make drones and then spec back. If junk turrets are rarely having the issue I might stay, but I'm very hesitant to go out of my way looking for a good one or spending robotic parts on one to make a 5 only to have it be useless. Moreso because we are still searching for parts for drones. Is there any information about a pending update to fix the issue?

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I tend to leave sledges unattended for long times, since they don't need reloading.. that makes it look like I'm having issues mostly with them, as sometimes coming back to the base one has dug itself to terrain layer or some such. If I left the shooters out as much, I'd likely see just as much issues with them.


No point in avoiding them all together, but don't leave them out in the open. They get scared alone.. :)

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Twice in A20 I've used a sledge, once at my base during a bloodmoon and once in the revised crack a books hq. Both times they sank into the floor with me standing right beside them after just a short time. I had to break a block out of my base to get the sledge back out and break into the elevator shaft to retrieve the sledge in the poi. If junk turrets are only dropping when going out of render range that's a big difference and one I can work with. Thanks for the feedback.


Edit: Just a note, each time it happened they were actively engaged with zombies. I also had a friend pushed under the floor by a pack of zombies in a way I never saw the last time I played (early A19). That might be the difference since junk turrets sit back from the action a ways. Will have to test it out later tonight.

Edited by Niil945 (see edit history)
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If you're playing SP, nothing wrong in going fly/no-clip to retrieve one either. F1, dm, esc-menu > couple tickboxes will give you the ability to fly thru things. Using god mode is "easier" but it will also fix you up to full health, hunger and such, so only use that if you're ok with a little cheated-in help.

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In SP sure, absolutely. When things bug out I don't hesitate to use the console to fix the issue. With a dedicated server though that's not as easy. I could set it up so I can admin but this isn't a huge deal and I'd only be fixing the symptom of the problem by getting the turret back. It's still not there when I need it and I'm unable to immediately fix the issue while fighting. But testing it so far I've had great luck with the junk turrets not glitching out. Found a couple low level ones and used them to see. So far in about a dozen times they haven't fallen through the floor whereas I'm 2 for 2 with the sledge glitching on me. 

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I was thinking of making a topic on this Myself,  since My group played on My server yesterday,  (3 players) and I have junk turrets stationed at both the front entrance and back entrance of Our Main base,   the junk turret at the front door sank  down one block,  and about an hour later the sledge turret at the back entrance sank down a block too.   I noticed that the one at the rear entrance "dipped its head"  and looked as if I might be able to snag it if I could keep a different turret "active"  so I dropped My junk turret at My side then moved forward, hoping to collect the sledge at the back door without having to destroy a block to get it.   I still had to destroy that block but when I turned around to reclaim My junk turret.  It had sank into the ground also? 


Whats up with this?  I'm now on Day 52 in My RGW and this is the first time running into this in A20.

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Last night I had to use console commands to bust thru a building to get my Junk Turret back.  We were in the basement of a skyscraper and I put it down to help with this massive horde that came out of nowhere.  When I went back to get it I noticed it was in the floor.  For me it was in the floor but for my wife it was still on the floor where I put it.  It was very strange.

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Yeah tonight we had a bloodmoon and I put down junk turrets 2 floors above me to assist the crew there with vultures while I repaired. By the end of the bloodmoon they were both under the base. I'm just going to respec out of that skill and not use them until they are fixed.

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