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3 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


You need to create a patch modlet to get all the mods to work together correctly (from what you described).  Removing the XUI folder from the mod broke the mod, which is why you can't hire friendly NPCs anymore.

I understand. I know how to edit .xml files of the mods to tweak settings etc. But i dont have any experience with modding or codding. Probly i will try to fix the issue by removing some codes or just accept and enjoy as it is.

Edited by Paixetamour (see edit history)
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I'm unsure if I'm doing something wrong or not.

I am running a War of the Walkers server with the full suite of SCore and NPCCore mods.  We're about 60 days into the server, and while I have seen all the expected "bad" NPC models (GansSpecialZombies, FantasticBeasts, Spiderz, Whisperers, Harley, etc...), I'm having much less luck with the friendly NPCs.

In the entire time, all I've seen are Nurses and Bakers.  I've spent a few in-game days driving around various biomes, but haven't found a single Soldier.  I don't know if the spawn rate is just that bad, or if I've messed something up.  I've searched this thread for other issues with soldiers, and I've seen references to changing the spawn rate by tweaking the entitygroups.xml file for the expansion pack, but none of my expansion packs have that.  They have entityclasses.xml, but from what I can see/understand that defines various properties, but not spawn.  The only entitygroups.xml I've found is in the NPCCore folder, and I can see where probabilities are defined there, but it only contains the same "vanilla" NPCs; Nurse, Baker, and Harley.

Am I supposed to manually add "<entity name=" fields to the NPCCore entitygroups.xml file and then set probabilities?  That doesn't feel right, because none of those hostile models (like the White Clown Zombie from Gans) required that, and I'm seeing them ALL THE TIME on my server.

Is something wrong, or are my expectations just off and I just need to keep looking/trying to find what I want?

Edited by DLoSer
Fixing grammar (see edit history)
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18 minutes ago, DLoSer said:

I'm unsure if I'm doing something wrong or not.

I am running a War of the Walkers server with the full suite of SCore and NPCCore mods.  We're about 60 days into the server, and while I have seen all the expected "bad" NPC models (GansSpecialZombies, FantasticBeasts, Spiderz, Whisperers, Harley, etc...), I'm having much less luck with the friendly NPCs.

In the entire time, all I've seen are Nurses and Bakers.  I've spent a few in-game days driving around various biomes, but haven't found a single Soldier.  I don't know if the spawn rate is just that bad, or if I've messed something up.  I've searched this thread for other issues with soldiers, and I've seen references to changing the spawn rate by tweaking the entitygroups.xml file for the expansion pack, but none of my expansion packs have that.  They have entityclasses.xml, but from what I can see/understand that defines various properties, but not spawn.  The only entitygroups.xml I've found is in the NPCCore folder, and I can see where probabilities are defined there, but it only contains the same "vanilla" NPCs; Nurse, Baker, and Harley.

Am I supposed to manually add "<entity name=" fields to the NPCCore entitygroups.xml file and then set probabilities?  That doesn't feel right, because none of those hostile models (like the White Clown Zombie from Gans) required that, and I'm seeing them ALL THE TIME on my server.

Is something wrong, or are my expectations just off and I just need to keep looking/trying to find what I want?

There is a fan made tweaks remove all unecessary npcs and leaves only soldiers, bandits. Check here. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mb7TBbNkxRRNCWUlUorVbsmcSWZE6y3B/view


(GNS WARMOD: ►Adds Khzmusik's Rogues, Physchos, and Whisperers ►Removes all NPCs besides Soldiers ►Creates Bandit-Only wandering hordes)


I find it here. 


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I actually watch all of GNS' stuff, and it is based on his videos that I was questioning my spawn rates, as (even factoring in editing) he seems to run into NPC Soldiers all the time.

I started with his "Mod Downloads" links on his vid as my baseline, then added some more on top of that.  I COMPLETELY missed the GNS WARMOD section below that.  I'll snag it now and check it out.  On top of just "fixing" my concern, I would still like a better understanding of how NPCCore determines when to spawn stuff from the expansion packs.  Maybe reviewing this GNS add-on will clear things up for me.

Thanks for so quickly pointing out my dumbness.  ;)

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2 hours ago, DLoSer said:

Am I supposed to manually add "<entity name=" fields to the NPCCore entitygroups.xml file and then set probabilities?  That doesn't feel right, because none of those hostile models (like the White Clown Zombie from Gans) required that, and I'm seeing them ALL THE TIME on my server.

I see...  This was actually correct.  I just didn't understand yet that it wasn't the NPCCore mode entitygroups.xml file.  There is an entitygroups.xml in the War of the Walkers mod that either overrules or extends the NPCCore file, and that is where the spawn probabilities for all the new models - friendly and hostile alike - are set.

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6 hours ago, DLoSer said:

I see...  This was actually correct.  I just didn't understand yet that it wasn't the NPCCore mode entitygroups.xml file.  There is an entitygroups.xml in the War of the Walkers mod that either overrules or extends the NPCCore file, and that is where the spawn probabilities for all the new models - friendly and hostile alike - are set.


That will generally be true of all overhaul mods (Darkness Falls, War of the Walkers, Undead Legacy...) and also some non-overhaul mods as well (ErrorNull's zombies).


These mod authors often create their own entity groups for spawning. When they do, they sometimes get rid of the vanilla spawn groups altogether. This is what WotW does.


So if you want to spawn NPCs that aren't in the mod already, it's not enough to simply add the NPC pack. You have to also make a "patch" that adds those NPCs into the spawn groups used by the specific mod. And, each mod/overhaul is different.


In general, overhauls are not meant to be modded. Part of this is because it would conflict with the overhaul author's vision, the work they did balancing things, etc. But a practical reason is stuff like this. If either overhaul authors or modlet authors tried to support everyone who said "hey, I just tried dropping random modlet X into overhaul Y and it didn't work", they'd do nothing else, forever.


So you have to either do it yourself, or find some other third party (like GNS) that has already done the work for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heyho :) i try to install this mod to replace all zombiemodels, cause a friend have mental problems with the vanilla models.
so i download orcs, peasantz and goblins and they will spawn, but the vanilla zombies to...
how can i replace all zombies? i only need to replaces the models. all other can be the same. 😛

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18 hours ago, Bugfinder said:

Heyho :) i try to install this mod to replace all zombiemodels, cause a friend have mental problems with the vanilla models.
so i download orcs, peasantz and goblins and they will spawn, but the vanilla zombies to...
how can i replace all zombies? i only need to replaces the models. all other can be the same. 😛

It can be a long and arduous process because the vanilla zombie entities are so embedded into everything...


Since you are already using the Orcs, Peasants, and Goblins, consider playing the Not Medieval Mod as it will not use the vanilla models.
It is possible your friend may not like some things like the skeletons but they are more cartoony than realistic.

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On 3/30/2023 at 9:59 PM, khzmusik said:


That will generally be true of all overhaul mods (Darkness Falls, War of the Walkers, Undead Legacy...) and also some non-overhaul mods as well (ErrorNull's zombies).


These mod authors often create their own entity groups for spawning. When they do, they sometimes get rid of the vanilla spawn groups altogether. This is what WotW does.


So if you want to spawn NPCs that aren't in the mod already, it's not enough to simply add the NPC pack. You have to also make a "patch" that adds those NPCs into the spawn groups used by the specific mod. And, each mod/overhaul is different.


In general, overhauls are not meant to be modded. Part of this is because it would conflict with the overhaul author's vision, the work they did balancing things, etc. But a practical reason is stuff like this. If either overhaul authors or modlet authors tried to support everyone who said "hey, I just tried dropping random modlet X into overhaul Y and it didn't work", they'd do nothing else, forever.


So you have to either do it yourself, or find some other third party (like GNS) that has already done the work for you.

K, if you want a team hoodie, let me know your size before next week im getting em made for the gang.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A small addition to the collection.




Direct Zip - https://github.com/arramus/A20-NPCMod/raw/main/1-SummonFriendZ.zip

FriendZ are TFP zombies that can be found in the Trader or in the Biomes.

They can act as companion 'NPCs'. With the zombie crawling capability, they get through gaps and low blocks quite well during a POI quest. They cost 100 meat in the Biomes or 2400 Coin from a trader (meat included in the price).


Their weapons are buffed as attachments to their hand(s) but they fire as well as an NPC.









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Hi everyone


Is it possible to add xml code to the Hired NPC so that they give you the experience when they kill zombies?
Or do you need to add C# code to make it possible or is there any code in SCore or XNPCCore to make it work?
Any response is appreciated.
Regards Gouki

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, benlefou said:
hello, I have a problem I can play solo but not join my friends with the same list of mods because of this bug: see photo

requested value 'onSelfrangedBurstShot  ' 


Link your player log file so we can see the actual error.  Thanks.

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13 hours ago, benlefou said:


From that log file, it looks like your modlet versions are up-to-date, but your friend's server modlet versions are not.


As Arramus said, the "onSelfRangedBurstShot" event was removed from the vanilla game. This happened in the Alpha 20.6 version, which was released as a stable version in August of 2022.


If your friend's server is still running a version of the game that uses "onSelfRangedBurstShot", then you will have to downgrade your version of 7D2D and all modlets in order to join that server. (You can use SphereII's Mod Launcher to install a separate version of the game, if you want.)


If that's a new server, then I would instead tell your friend to update their game and all their modlets.

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52 minutes ago, potatoman78 said:

Hello, I like this mod! I would like to know how to kill the njs because it spawns everywhere I have the raider pack the soldier pack and the survivor pax apart from the raiders I cannot kill anyone

Some NPCs are hostile, such as the raiders/bandits, and can be killed. Other NPCs are non hostile and are survivors or even hireable NPCs. These ones cannot be killed unless they have been set specifically to take damage from players.

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1 hour ago, arramus said:

Certains PNJ sont hostiles, comme les pillards/bandits, et peuvent être tués. Les autres PNJ ne sont pas hostiles et sont des survivants ou même des PNJ embauchables. Ceux-ci ne peuvent pas être tués à moins qu'ils n'aient été spécifiquement configurés pour subir des dégâts de la part des joueurs.

how i can do this? because it's a bit boring of the npc which spawn everywhere and the soldier with rpg which machine guns the map.


I must modify which file to be able to kill any npc? or prevent auto spawn on the map?

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2 minutes ago, potatoman78 said:

how i can do this? because it's a bit boring of the npc which spawn everywhere and the soldier with rpg which machine guns the map.


I must modify which file to be able to kill any npc? or prevent auto spawn on the map?

entitygroups.xml for the Add On modpack to reduce/prevent spawning in the biomes for the entities you chose.


As for killing any NPC, that is a core feature and best answered by a primary developer.

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2 hours ago, arramus said:

entitygroups.xml for the Add On modpack to reduce/prevent spawning in the biomes for the entities you chose.


As for killing any NPC, that is a core feature and best answered by a primary developer.

I changed the values in the file entitygroups_Addon_Templates.xml.

ppend xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[@name='ZombiesAll']">
        <entity name="AddYourEntityHere" prob="0" />
    </append> but it didn't work, there are still spawns in the world

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