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TOS (Terms of service) for Alpha 20?


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Correct me if I'm wrong but that is for this website, right?!

"This web page represents a legal document that serves as our Terms of Service and it governs the legal terms of our website, http://www.7daystodie.com, sub-domains, and any associated web-based and mobile applications (collectively, “Website”), as owned and operated by The Fun Pimps LLC."

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Server Administration and Multiplayer

To future-proof our game, including allowing us to use the latest anti-cheat and expanding to other platforms later on for future crossplay capabilities, we added Epic Online Services (EOS) to the game. For regular players this should not have any noticeable effect, you do NOT need an account on Epics platforms. EOS only knows your SteamID which is public anyway and matches that to an ID for EOS that is only valid for 7 Days to Die."


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"...can be justified if it necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest ..."

Crossplay, break the monopoly of multiplayer, is public interest.


I would love to see Epic Store and its "exclusivity" burn in the nine hells, but i dont mind they known my id (that is public btw)  if it is needed to me to play to fellow players that bought the game on epic. 


Hate the store, not the players.

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I frankly do not care about Epic store and it's customers, they all do what they want and my opinon would not be of worth to anyone, if I had one that is.

I am asking about the choice to know that my steam id would be shared with a third party and to be asked the question if I agreed to that.


Yes the steam id is public, but so is an email address among many other things. What I wonder if it is legal to share a steam id or any other id like an email address with a third party without asking the user if the user agree to it.


It could be stated in the steam store page or even better when the game is started or when it is supposed to be generated.

Maybe "The Fun Pimps" gave Epic (EOS) all the the millions of steam id's in a big batch.


I guess that it is legal. I did link to the release notes, so I know it is in there. I just don't think that it is an agreement.


A question goes pretty far, giving users a choice.



So "The Fun Pimps" can you remove my steam id from Epic, remove my Epic id and the link between, if I want to, understanding I will not play the game anymore after that?!
What happens if I remove the game from my steam library, will the Epic id be deleted too?
Do I have to file an "Right to erasure request form" for any of this to be done?

I want to hear your policy on this!

Thanks in advance.

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The problem is that is not yours..

Your "games", your "account", your "id", belongs to Valve, see the Steam TOS.


Don't be shocked to discover that the games on "your" steam account don't belong to you and that the Valve can close and any moment and vanish with "your" games and they don't need to compensate you.


Sad reality, but is the way it is.

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eOS is not the Epic store and has nothing to do with Epic store. It was created by Epic in order to facilitate cross platform gamimg….xbox, ps5 & pc players all playing with each other. Right now, the game is only developed for pc past A15. I’m sure you’re aware of the console debacle a few years ago. After this game goes gold the fun pimps have said they’ll address the console version. This is the first step towards that. Oh and if you try to disable EOS, the game will not run.

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Your Steam ID is not PI. Your IP address is not PI. Your unique Epic ID is not PI.

Curious if you knew this already... Epic owns EAC. Has for years.


4 hours ago, Star69 said:

Oh and if you try to disable EOS, the game will not run.

Actually it will run just fine. You can totally disable EOS. 

Just be aware that your existing a20 saves before you disabled it saved your player data under your EOS ID. So if you disable it after the fact, you'll need to go edit that data to be your Steam ID.

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  • 3 weeks later...

10 seconds of googling?


Also, since I am here, when I worked as a CTO, I got some briefing on what makes information "personal" for the purposes of GDPR. It's a nightmare due to a vague clause that says "can be reasonably attributed to a natural person".


So IP address - personal?


Case (1) - IP is from a company that does not log user access. Does not resolve to a natural person. No.


Case (2) - IP is from a home address with a single person and country allows private citizens/corporations to subpoena ISP records. Yes.


Case (3) - IP is to a share house with open WiFI. Who knows?


So - a company logs IP addresses, is this PII? Shut up and sign off on your compliance....


So SteamIDs? Also grey areas. Will Steam give Epic enough information to identify it to a natural person? Maybe if sued - in your jurisdiction? In the US? In Europe? I doubt anyone could say, and even if you were a judge, subject to appeal to a higher court and then eventually a parliament.


Maybe stop worrying about it unless you have millions for an international court case to test.


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