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Grinding quests?


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I do quests in town A up to tier 2 or 3 i'm now fairly leveled and decide to go to town B, i meet the trader of this town and asks him for quests, he only gives me tier 1 quests, but i'm overleveled for those which makes them quite boring but i HAVE to grind them to get to tier 2, i now go to town C and same thing happens, grinding quests...


Having the tier quests reward after finishing a certain ammount of quests of one tier is nice and should definitly not be removed but going in a new town and having to restart quests from tier 1 is uninteresting since at this point you are overleveled for those.


How about you have a counter for each tier and finishing let's say 5 or so quests of that tier gives you the tier reward and you can repeat it indefinitly, a way for the trader to reward you for doing a certain number of quest of a specific tier, but at the same time when you unlock a new tier it's unlocked for every trader, so you dont have to grind them from the bottom over again. But you can choose to do them if you want to.


This way the tier rewards are still available and at the same time the unnecessary grinding of lower tier quests is removed.

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17 minutes ago, warmer said:

It would be cool to have a sort of reputation system the dictated the quest types available to you as you progress through the game. 


And perhaps reputation with Trader1 actually works against you for Trader2 (because Trader2 is a jerk).  Hehehe...

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This was a change in Alpha 20 from Alpha 19 where it didn't matter what trader you went to your rep was at whatever your level was at your first trader. Now they all start you at level one except if you find a second or 3rd trader the same as your starter trader you stay at whatever rep you had at them.

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I knew this was going to be a new feature to A20, and I thought it would be nice. The problem I've run into is that on my current game the first 4 traders were all in the forest and the last trader (Tier 5 quests) is in the wasteland which is 6-8 km away from the first trader I'm repped up with. I've never even found the desert or the snow biome.


 My original plan was to have a small camp per biome and per trader stage, since loot stage increases per biome and by the time I got to the tier 5's I would make a permanent final base in the wasteland, endgame so to speak. Since you start in the forest, I'd like to see it happen where the first trader sends you to another trader in the forest. Get repped up with them and work through and when you get ready to start tier 3, it sends you to the desert. Then after you work up and do those it would send you to the snow and you could start there and work up to tier 4. Finally making your way to the wasteland to meet your final trader and get yourself up to tier 5's.


 Is there a way to limit traders per biome and force the game to direct you in such a way? It would feel a lot more progressive and I wouldn't mind starting over from tier 1 as long as I'm in a new biome. Since this seems to be the route they want you go it makes more sense to me to be implemented that way.


 Ideally, I'd like to see it to where Jen is the first trader since she is friendly and welcoming. A good way to start. Bob would be the second forest trader since he too is nice. Joel would be the desert trader since he is dressed for that anyway (cowboy hat and trench coat). Hugh would be for the snow since again, he's dressed for that and finally Rekt for the wasteland seeing how he lives in the unforgiving wasteland, hence why he's such a prick.

Edited by Armoredsaint
Extra thought (see edit history)
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UPDATE: I looked into Navezgane since I've never actually played there before and it turns out that the traders are indeed set up this way, I had no idea! Looks like Navezgane is going to be my map. Unfortunate that I'll be missing out on the new RWG though. If anyone knows how to make it that way with RWG by tinkering with XML or knows of a seed that does this I'd love to know about it.

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I like @Armoredsaints idea, as I assumed once you are 1st sent to you next trader "to open trade routes" it would up your quest level once there  Sorta like how most MMO have leveled areas and you graduate to harder "zones". Zones being biomes. My ideal setting would be 1 trader in the biggest city per biome and each trader was different. The quests would level based on the biome you are + game stage vs. tier.


Tier is what is attached to the POI if I am not mistaken and how they associate POI and quest tiers.


When you think about it the majority of large infrastructure/factories/sky scrapers would be located in the wasteland biome, as any nukes would have targeted the largest cities. That would make sense in regards to tier/poi/biome relationships.

Edited by warmer (see edit history)
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You don't have to move to each new trader to get higher tier quests. The trader you've been reping up with will offer better quests as you rep up with them. PoI's already scale up in difficulty. Making the higher tier poi's spawn predominantly in harder and harder biomes is a bad idea for balance reasons because you'd be compounding difficulty scaling factors. If they wanted to do that for RWG they'd probably have to reduce the difficulty of each of those factors individually. It'd be a lot easier to manage in a prebuilt map like navezgame, but I think most of the user base prefers RWG.

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1 hour ago, Whorhay said:

You don't have to move to each new trader to get higher tier quests. The trader you've been reping up with will offer better quests as you rep up with them. PoI's already scale up in difficulty. Making the higher tier poi's spawn predominantly in harder and harder biomes is a bad idea for balance reasons because you'd be compounding difficulty scaling factors. If they wanted to do that for RWG they'd probably have to reduce the difficulty of each of those factors individually. It'd be a lot easier to manage in a prebuilt map like navezgame, but I think most of the user base prefers RWG.

Yeah, in my mind the tier should strictly be related to the POI.

The more zombies in the POI the more loot there will be, since an empty place would get looted or probably has been looted while one full of zeds likely is untouched.

I do wish some of them weren't so big though, it takes 2+ ingame days to clear and loot Dishong Tower. Talk about cat-assing, but at least SP I can pause and take a break.


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On 12/26/2021 at 11:43 PM, Dodge said:

but at the same time when you unlock a new tier it's unlocked for every trader

I agree, but you're essentially saying they should go back to how it worked before. Yes, it worked like that in the past, but it was changed to this system and I don't think they would want to revert it, because the trend seems to be to do everything in their power to artificially prolong the game progression even if it means making it boring. :)

1 hour ago, Whorhay said:

You don't have to move to each new trader to get higher tier quests. The trader you've been reping up with will offer better quests as you rep up with them.

It's true that it doesn't really matter that much at the moment, but when they introduce long time announced update to the traders which will make them all sell different things, THEN you will look at this differently.

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1 hour ago, mr.devolver said:

It's true that it doesn't really matter that much at the moment, but when they introduce long time announced update to the traders which will make them all sell different things, THEN you will look at this differently.

I thought that had already been done, it just wasn't very extreme.

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4 minutes ago, Whorhay said:

I thought that had already been done, it just wasn't very extreme.

I believe it will be taken to extremes, otherwise it wouldn't make sense for them to put you through the quest grind in the first place. Rewards will most likely be tied to actual specialization of the trader.

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