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Everything posted by Armoredsaint

  1. I'm pretty sure those Knife stats are the same in vanilla. I thought the same thing when I found one but it certainly doesn't one shot like the numbers imply.
  2. I really enjoy the learn by doing mechanic that used to be standard and you can still get from certain overhauls and modlets. What I would like to do however is make it to where instead of gaining levels in just clubs, or mining, or scavenging, etc. is have the base attribute level up instead. So points would no longer be invested trying to get to level 10 of that attribute. Instead any action you perform that is within that tree incrementally gets you to level 10, and that's the "gate" holding you back from maxing out the individual perks. This would free up up many skill points that could be invested into other trees I'd normally feel I had to sacrifice this playthrough in order to pick the "Must haves". To my knowledge there isn't a mod or overhaul that does this. So my questions are, is this even possible to do? And could someone with more knowledge in this area direct me to the XML's I'd need to look at to make this happen? Maybe I could cross reference with another LBD mod and try to figure out how to make that happen, I'm willing to put in the work to learn, just need to be shown the way. I'm not a complete rookie. I did manage to get the Rings of Potential mod to work with Undead Legacy through XML editing trial and error. Any responses are appreciated.
  3. UPDATE: I looked into Navezgane since I've never actually played there before and it turns out that the traders are indeed set up this way, I had no idea! Looks like Navezgane is going to be my map. Unfortunate that I'll be missing out on the new RWG though. If anyone knows how to make it that way with RWG by tinkering with XML or knows of a seed that does this I'd love to know about it.
  4. I knew this was going to be a new feature to A20, and I thought it would be nice. The problem I've run into is that on my current game the first 4 traders were all in the forest and the last trader (Tier 5 quests) is in the wasteland which is 6-8 km away from the first trader I'm repped up with. I've never even found the desert or the snow biome. My original plan was to have a small camp per biome and per trader stage, since loot stage increases per biome and by the time I got to the tier 5's I would make a permanent final base in the wasteland, endgame so to speak. Since you start in the forest, I'd like to see it happen where the first trader sends you to another trader in the forest. Get repped up with them and work through and when you get ready to start tier 3, it sends you to the desert. Then after you work up and do those it would send you to the snow and you could start there and work up to tier 4. Finally making your way to the wasteland to meet your final trader and get yourself up to tier 5's. Is there a way to limit traders per biome and force the game to direct you in such a way? It would feel a lot more progressive and I wouldn't mind starting over from tier 1 as long as I'm in a new biome. Since this seems to be the route they want you go it makes more sense to me to be implemented that way. Ideally, I'd like to see it to where Jen is the first trader since she is friendly and welcoming. A good way to start. Bob would be the second forest trader since he too is nice. Joel would be the desert trader since he is dressed for that anyway (cowboy hat and trench coat). Hugh would be for the snow since again, he's dressed for that and finally Rekt for the wasteland seeing how he lives in the unforgiving wasteland, hence why he's such a prick.
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