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Little drone, where are you?


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I have one mission, to get my hands on a drone or drone schematic. Ive been finding schematics for the mods, in loot and at the trader. But the drone itself is nowhere to be seen. How does one obtain that beautiful little thing? I dont really want to wait much longer anymore. Is it locked behind a certain gamestage? of only obtainable in certain lootcrates? I cant find that thing. Seems a bit too difficult to get my hands on one. Anybody know? 

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I think I must have been playing on the night they "fixed" that issue.  I quite honestly had visited the Trader on I believe it was Day 11, SAW the drone schematic for sale,  rushed out to get the coins to pay for it,  came back in less than 5 hours in-game time and the schematic was heart-wrenchingly NOT there for sale anymore.  Same Day that I saw it, around 11:00 am in-game time, and back to claim that drone schematic before 17:00 pm in-game time,  and it simply ...was gone.   Since then I have searched and searching in My local areas.  I have purchased two schematics for the Morale Booster drone Mod,  and another for the Medic Mod for the drone,  but no drone to be found and so far,   Day 36,  no schematic has shown up again yet.  So don't feel alone.   In the back of My mind I suspect the drone schematic is probably locked in a safe in some POI in the Wasteland and I won't see it until I am Level 70 or 80.     Certainly shattering My "Man taking on the undead hordes accompanied by his trusty sidekick, his sanity preserver, just a Boy and His robot, taking on all the odds".  Which is sort of sad,  because if I have to wait until I am literally a HIGH Level Survivor, then the special nature of the drone,  turns it into more of a trophy or a trinket,  to find it very late into the game.

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54 minutes ago, Ghostlight said:

I'm confused. You said you had a mission that gives the schematic.

I dont have a mission from the trader to get that schematic. If only. That would make things easier.

Im on a real life mission to get the drone in the game. I guess the ' mission' work is confusing. Sorry for that.

2 minutes ago, PoppaSmirk said:

I think I must have been playing on the night they "fixed" that issue.  I quite honestly had visited the Trader on I believe it was Day 11, SAW the drone schematic for sale,  rushed out to get the coins to pay for it,  came back in less than 5 hours in-game time and the schematic was heart-wrenchingly NOT there for sale anymore.  Same Day that I saw it, around 11:00 am in-game time, and back to claim that drone schematic before 17:00 pm in-game time,  and it simply ...was gone.   Since then I have searched and searching in My local areas.  I have purchased two schematics for the Morale Booster drone Mod,  and another for the Medic Mod for the drone,  but no drone to be found and so far,   Day 36,  no schematic has shown up again yet.  So don't feel alone.   In the back of My mind I suspect the drone schematic is probably locked in a safe in some POI in the Wasteland and I won't see it until I am Level 70 or 80.     Certainly shattering My "Man taking on the undead hordes accompanied by his trusty sidekick, his sanity preserver, just a Boy and His robot, taking on all the odds".  Which is sort of sad,  because if I have to wait until I am literally a HIGH Level Survivor, then the special nature of the drone,  turns it into more of a trophy or a trinket,  to find it very late into the game.


Im starting to feel the same way. I understand they dont want you to get the drone on the first day. But by the time my  weapons are level 6 and im driving around in a car I really dont need the drone anymore. At that point its just a trophy that will likely end up in a chest instead of being very usefull. It feels like they might have made it a bit too difficult to find it now. 

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21 minutes ago, aleida said:

I dont have a mission from the trader to get that schematic. If only. That would make things easier.

Im on a real life mission to get the drone in the game. I guess the ' mission' work is confusing. Sorry for that.


Im starting to feel the same way. I understand they dont want you to get the drone on the first day. But by the time my  weapons are level 6 and im driving around in a car I really dont need the drone anymore. At that point its just a trophy that will likely end up in a chest instead of being very usefull. It feels like they might have made it a bit too difficult to find it now. 

I suspect that they had done some coding thing,  to make it much easier to find when they had the "Reviewer Weekend Pre-Release",  so that the Reviewers would find the drone easily and get to showcase it in their Videos and podcasts;  then once the general release of the game 10 days ago,  they realised it was still being found early on,  and dropped the chance of finding it early.   But yes,  I am worried that its going to be so hidden or so rare on loot lists now that it will be Day 50 before I have a shot at finding it.   I just finally located a robot turret on day 35 in-game, so if the drone is much more rare,  it might be another week or two before I see it in the game;  which is a bit frustrating and sad in many ways.  I didn't think that the new drone really had a lot of effect for combat,  and other than the medic mod,  really seems more of a "survivor quality of life"  enhancement.   Something to make a player feel not so alone,  by having something pleasant gliding around with you, instead of having something following you that wants to eat your brains.

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1 hour ago, PoppaSmirk said:

Same Day that I saw it, around 11:00 am in-game time, and back to claim that drone schematic before 17:00 pm in-game time,  and it simply ...was gone.

You didn't happen to want to save a few bucks and put points into better barter? Ranks 3-5 will change the content of the secret stash.

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57 minutes ago, theFlu said:

You didn't happen to want to save a few bucks and put points into better barter? Ranks 3-5 will change the content of the secret stash.

*smiles8  My situation with the drone schematic happened,  around Day 11 (possibly Day 12), and at that early stage of the game, I had My focus on adding combat and engineering and mining skills.   I'm not usually one that drops points into barter,  over survival.  Even now,  I am at Day 38 in the current world,  and only have level 2 in better barter, and on the day I saw the drone schematic in the Traders Store,  I was only occupied with raiding two houses to get enough to trade and buy the schematic.

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16 minutes ago, PoppaSmirk said:

Even now,  I am at Day 38 in the current world,  and only have level 2 in better barter,

All righty, it's just an error I've seen a couple streamers do, I would of course never do such myself... again... I hope? :)

Sounds a little odd, I've never seen the wares change during a day - even through a patch. Not that I would pay that much attention during the rare patches that happen. But it's completely plausible if they've gone and changed things, like the item IDs or whatnot.

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44 minutes ago, theFlu said:

All righty, it's just an error I've seen a couple streamers do, I would of course never do such myself... again... I hope? :)

Sounds a little odd, I've never seen the wares change during a day - even through a patch. Not that I would pay that much attention during the rare patches that happen. But it's completely plausible if they've gone and changed things, like the item IDs or whatnot.

  I'm actually aware of the "trick"  to view a different set of "merchandise offered" in the Trading Post on any given day after reaching Better Barter 3-5 and manipulating things by wearing,  or removing the nerdy glasses;  but I've never used it often  ( We tried it out in one Alpha 19 game world,  just to see if the story about it was true )  However with Alpha 20 being so fresh and new,  Myself and My usual gameplay companion haven't used any trick to my knowledge.  Normally We play a fairly vanilla game (with some added mods in Alpha 19 to get some vehicle variety, some better lights;  and a chicken coop )  LOL

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  • 4 weeks later...

Seems to be a desert trader thing as well as i have only seen drones or drone schematics for sale at desert traders

In my world i have 2 trader Jens about 300 metres apart one in the desert and one in the forest never seen a drone for sale at the forest trader Jen and she is giving tier 5 quests.

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