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Bringing survival elements back into 7D2D ("tips" wanted)


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1 hour ago, TWORDY said:

Painkillers should bring relief to a pain (faster movement after serious injury, no blurry vision effect with concussion as someone mentioned above) instead of refilling the health bar.

I am at work right now so I can't check, but is it easy to XML edit out the HP gain from using painkillers?  If you could do that, then @MechanicalLensdoesn't have to use the honor system of not using them for a HP recovery get out of jail item.  Then all they could be used for is to treat concussions.

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17 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

I am at work right now so I can't check, but is it easy to XML edit out the HP gain from using painkillers?  If you could do that, then @MechanicalLensdoesn't have to use the honor system of not using them for a HP recovery get out of jail item.  Then all they could be used for is to treat concussions.

Perhaps not to heal but temporarily suppress it at some point, same as the immobility after breaking a bone. The player then would lose less on speed and have a temporal solution in case of not having a splint.

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6 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


I didn't intend to go into modded territory here, but does anyone know if there is a modlet out there that disables the time shown on the hud at the top of the screen, like in DF?


That's the UI-Hide-TheDayAndTime modlet that I mentioned (also by Dough). You're forgiven for not reading my wall of text. :) 


EDIT: to be clear, it hides the time AND the day. I personally prefer that, but maybe you just want to hide the time. You could probably figure out how to do that by looking at the code in that modlet, it's surprisingly simple.

Edited by khzmusik (see edit history)
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On 8/16/2021 at 3:50 PM, Roland said:

Immediately cancel the starting quest. It feels so much better choosing how you get started and you'll get those four skill points pretty quickly anyway.

I did this in my new playthrough that I started tonight.


I didn't think it would affect me, but I didn't count on one thing.  I am fine not having the first 4 perk points as it means I have tougher choices now on what to spend them on - combat vs survivability perks vs building.


No, the thing that got me was not having the locate trader quest.  I didn't realize how much of a "crutch" that quest was.  But I got to say I am loving it so far.  I picked a direction and continuing walking until I find a major road to follow.  I ended up having to clear out a POI I found to bunker down in the night.  In the morning, I got to figure out what I want to take with me and what I am going to leave behind.

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What about not spending any points? Now that would be hardcore survival. No bacon/eggs until/unless you find the recipe in loot. Only using existing workstations, only using tools that you find except for level 1 stone tools. This might be too severe but I might just try it one day.

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On 8/18/2021 at 7:24 PM, Star69 said:

What about not spending any points? Now that would be hardcore survival. No bacon/eggs until/unless you find the recipe in loot. Only using existing workstations, only using tools that you find except for level 1 stone tools. This might be too severe but I might just try it one day.


My first thousand hours playing this game had zero perks or skills to buy or progress. If you were serious about doing this you would probably need to change block damage to 200% or something as I think we could mine better back then since our ability was static throughout the game. But I can attest to the viability of the game without xp or perks or skills or quests or traders.


Makes you kind of wonder what we did day in and day out back then...lol

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