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The console version is quite a few years behind the PC version. It was made by a different company that went bankrupt shortly before they could publish a patch with some advancements and lots of bug fixes. So, if you are thinking of buying the console version, don't expect a well polished version, don't expect that version to ever change and don't expect to see the same things you might see in videos of the PC version.



Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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18 minutes ago, Thadmagic said:

turthfully funpimps is just robbing console users to pad their pockets now. on console the game is worth about 5 cents if even that. 

If you go to the home page  and click on console news at the bottom, the the giant red banner on top.


It heavily implies (if not states) that any and all funds from the console version will go to PC. Then when they make the game go gold (released entirely) then they're most likely going to port it to console.


If you really believe they're padding they're pockets, they had to pay a hefty fund to get the licensing back from a company they gave it to because it went bankrupt.


I honestly don't believe ANYONE on console would buy 7 days to die without doing the slightest bit of research. Especially one that isn't really streamed on console, unless your watching a console stream that's an outdated video from 2013.


And when they look up the game online, they'll be greeted by an EA tag. And anyone who has ever bought EA, understands the risks. I'm not saying it should remain the way it is. I'm saying that it is that way right now, and at this point, you can only wait.


Paying a company from 2 to however many MORE alphas they create, costs a hefty price per alpha. It's cheaper to pay for one large port at gold, than many, many small ports. Especially if they're unsure of how far to go.

Edited by Darklegend222
clarification on what platform is streamed (see edit history)
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then they should take it off console market or at least try to fix the glaring problems. i bought it the day it came out on colsole so its not just been a year or two for me. yet i still play it until it crashes and i get @%$#ed at losing eveything i built. cant get us caught up with pc fine but try to fix the major issues if not take it off the market. 

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2 hours ago, Thadmagic said:

then they should take it off console market or at least try to fix the glaring problems. i bought it the day it came out on colsole so its not just been a year or two for me. yet i still play it until it crashes and i get @%$#ed at losing eveything i built. cant get us caught up with pc fine but try to fix the major issues if not take it off the market. 

They don't have any control over the Sony or Microsoft store because they aren't a console publisher. More specifically, they aren't the publisher of the title in those location.


Telltale is who you have your beef with, and they don't exist anymore.

Console hardware can't support much more in the way of game updates anyway unless it only updated to the new consoles. And even then, since a new update would make all existing save games un-playable, Sony and Microsoft will not allow it. Which again, is a fault of how Telltale Games marketed the console release.

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ok that's not true. telltale no longer has the rights so they are not the ones who decide if it can be sold neither are sony or microsoft. you really need to learn what you are talking about. i am an author and i sell on multiple platforms. if i sold my rights the new owner would have the call to continue selling there or consolidate. second many games have updates where previous saves no longer work so that argument is no longer valid. lastly fixing the glaring issue of freezing and deleting all save data shouldn't be a large problem. if i was in charge i would try and contact the people who made day z and see about a cooperation. 

Edited by Thadmagic (see edit history)
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These two posts may explain some parts. Could they ask Sony and Microsoft to take off the game? That partly depends on the contract drawn between Telltale and Sony/Microsoft, but as copyright owner there surely would be a way. Though it might entail even more expenses, for example the contract could have penalty clauses if one of the party tries to end it without reason.


But anyway, should they? It won't help you as you already bought it and have played it for hours. Even with the resets, was it worth it to you? It won't help new players if they really want to play this game and only have a console. If you were trying to take down a game on steam I might want to play just because you think it isn't polished enough I can tell you I would not be on your side. I like to be informed of problems, I don't want to be lied to, sure, but I don't want you to take away MY decision to buy a game or not.


There are and there will be players who overlook the difference between PC and console version, the shop texts are really where I see the problem. But TFP says to use the official channels and if you look at it dispassionately that is how commerce is set up: Your contact as customer is always the trader who sold you something, you have a contract with him and nobody else.


A non-programmer(?) with no access to the code of a program telling me with confidence it would be no problem to fix a save game bug when it is known that large amounts of data have to be swapped in a game that has performance problems on a platform. And refering to a tollay different game that isn't even a voxel game. Yeah well, I don't tell authors how best to write their stuff, for obvious reasons. I really hope you are author of books on programming at least and prove me partially wrong




Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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43 minutes ago, meganoth said:



These two posts may explain some parts. Could they ask Sony and Microsoft to take off the game? That partly depends on the contract drawn between Telltale and Sony/Microsoft, but as copyright owner there surely would be a way. Though it might entail even more expenses, for example the contract could have penalty clauses if one of the party tries to end it without reason.


But anyway, should they? It won't help you as you already bought it and have played it for hours. Even with the resets, was it worth it to you? It won't help new players if they really want to play this game and only have a console. If you were trying to take down a game on steam I might want to play just because you think it isn't polished enough I can tell you I would not be on your side. I like to be informed of problems, I don't want to be lied to, sure, but I don't want you to take away MY decision to buy a game or not.


There are and there will be players who overlook the difference between PC and console version, the shop texts are really where I see the problem. But TFP says to use the official channels and if you look at it dispassionately that is how commerce is set up: Your contact as customer is always the trader who sold you something, you have a contract with him and nobody else.


A non-programmer(?) with no access to the code of a program telling me with confidence it would be no problem to fix a save game bug when it is known that large amounts of data have to be swapped in a game that has performance problems on a platform. And refering to a tollay different game that isn't even a voxel game. Yeah well, I don't tell authors how best to write their stuff, for obvious reasons. I really hope you are author of books on programming at least and prove me partially wrong




honestly i know nothing of programing but there are a number of companies with similar concept games that had the same problems and they were fixed within three months. grounded had some of the same problems but they were fixed within six months. i dont believe i am asking for the moon here simply for a game that doesn't erase all my work randomly. i have been patiently waiting for five years playing the game every six months or so until it erases everything and i put it in the back again. i have held off putting a rating because i enjoyed the game but with that one large glitch i cant give it over one star. if my grammar stinks in a book i get tons of hate mail. i cant say that the proofreader i hired didn't do a good enough job and since im a creative writer and not an English major that its not my fault and just forget about it. lets face it console owners have to pay more for a far inferior product. 30 bucks for something you will be lucky to play for more than twenty hours before having to restart. even if they added a save screen so we could make backups so if it crashes we can go back before the crash would work. then we add into the fact that funpimps fights to get the rights back so that they could get the money from the sales then just pockets the money and when we complain they just look at us and say not our problem shows that as customers they care about us as much as a butchers cares about the cow.    

Edited by Thadmagic (see edit history)
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Rules like no save game breaking, yes, I'm not sure those rules are still held up in console space, both console companies weakened a lot of the rules they operate under. But TFP is a small shop with no console knowledge and no contact to the console companies. Making a small patch for the console game would entail:


1) Buying console development equipment, i.e. a few console developer kits. Also a few consoles the testers can use.


2) Getting aquainted with that dev kit


3) Getting aquainted with console generally, with its limitations and different hardware and software setup.


4) Getting aquainted with very old code they already forgot about. Programmers will tell you they usually don't know how some code works they wrote a few weeks before and need to reread it carefully to understand it again. Also, everything written specifically for the console version will be totally unknown territory for them.


5) Doing a lot of research and programming and testing to find out exactly how the problem can be fixed with the limited hardware base of the old consoles. If it even can be fixed at all. On older PCs even the PC version can trash savegames, showing it may be a result of hardware limitations. That isn't quite that easy to fix and could take months and months of small improvements all over the code base.


6) Doing further test that they didn't introduce bugs into other parts of the program through the fixes


7) Doing the legal and organisational legwork to deal with Microsoft and Sony to publish that patch, something they have never done before.


Generally this "small patch" would involve a substantial part of TFP's manpower for at least a few months, just the startup before they even could write the first line of code would already take a few weeks. And if they only fix that one bug the whole console community would complain that they didn't make a full patch and fix all the other deficiencies. And they would ask where are all the features of the PC version? Why not bring it up to the PC version? They won't please most players when they just do a small patch that fixes this one bug


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2 minutes ago, meganoth said:

Rules like no save game breaking, yes, I'm not sure those rules are still held up in console space, both console companies weakened a lot of the rules they operate under. But TFP is a small shop with no console knowledge and no contact to the console companies. Making a small patch for the console game would entail:


1) Buying console development equipment, i.e. a few console developer kits. Also a few consoles the testers can use.


2) Getting aquainted with that dev kit


3) Getting aquainted with console generally, with its limitations and different hardware and software setup.


4) Getting aquainted with very old code they already forgot about. Programmers will tell you they usually don't know how some code works they wrote a few weeks before and need to reread it carefully to understand it again. Also, everything written specifically for the console version will be totally unknown territory for them.


5) Doing a lot of research and programming and testing to find out exactly how the problem can be fixed with the limited hardware base of the old consoles. If it even can be fixed at all. On older PCs even the PC version can trash savegames, showing it may be a result of hardware limitations. That isn't quite that easy to fix and could take months and months of small improvements all over the code base.


6) Doing further test that they didn't introduce bugs into other parts of the program through the fixes


7) Doing the legal and organisational legwork to deal with Microsoft and Sony to publish that patch, something they have never done before.


Generally this "small patch" would involve a substantial part of TFP's manpower for at least a few months, just the startup before they even could write the first line of code would already take a few weeks. And if they only fix that one bug the whole console community would complain that they didn't make a full patch and fix all the other deficiencies. And they would ask where are all the features of the PC version? Why not bring it up to the PC version? They won't please most players when they just do a small patch that fixes this one bug


so because it would be hard they are exempt from doing it even though a large portion of their funds come from console players. i mean i guess all those games that have patches every few months must pay a lot...... yea nope. and old consoles were talking xbox one not the 360. if they really want to put if off their shoulders they could farm it out but then they wouldn't get the same amount from console sales. everyone knows they are just using the console to pad their account for funds while giving nothing back to their players. they are more than happy to open new projects but still refuse to spend a dime on console players. all i know is that if funpips every has another console game i wont buy it because they have shown they they just dont care about their own products. 

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5 minutes ago, Thadmagic said:

honestly i know nothing of programing but there are a number of companies with similar concept games that had the same problems and they were fixed within three months. grounded had some of the same problems but they were fixed within six months. i dont believe i am asking for the moon here simply for a game that doesn't erase all my work randomly. i have been patiently waiting for five years playing the game every six months or so until it erases everything and i put it in the back again. i have held off putting a rating because i enjoyed the game but with that one large glitch i cant give it over one star. if my grammar stinks in a book i get tons of hate mail. i cant say that the proofreader i hired didn't do a good enough job and since im a creative writer and not an English major that its not my fault and just forget about it. lets face it console owners have to pay more for a far inferior product. 30 bucks for something you will be lucky to play for more than twenty hours before having to restart. even if they added a save screen so we could make backups so if it crashes we can go back before the crash would work. then we add into the fact that funpimps fights to get the rights back so that they could get the money from the sales then just pockets the money and when we complain they just look at us and say not our problem shows that as customers they care about us as much as a butchers cares about the cow.    


Please post the similar games, I'm quite sure they are not. But that isn't here nor there, TFP did have almost nothing to do with that version and would have to invest large resources for minimal gain to do anything about it. I have read a lot of posts here, many console players expect a new version on console to have the same features as the PC version and anything less will not work. TFP chose the only practicable way, wait for their PC game to be finished and let someone else do the porting to consoles that are really able to run a very demanding voxel game, and that will likely be only the new consoles.


They didn't hire a proofreader, they licenced the book to a different writer who rewrote the story in large parts. TFP was NOT the boss of Telltale.


Sales likely are a trickle by now, all the big sales usually are directly when a game is published first. Is it different with your books? If you published a book, half your income will probably be made the first few months, then it is a loong long spell of single sales. As Roland said in one of the cited articles, they didn't get the rights to make mounts of cash, expected sales are usually already priced into the minimum bid the auction wants. They bought the rights back for control, to be able to relicence it to a new publisher that will make a version for the new consoles. 


Since you think the old game is such a cash cow: Why didn't a different company just bid over TFP to get the loads of cash TFP is getting now? This is usually why auctions are done: The pressure of multiple bidders makes sure that almost the price is paid for something that it really is worth and not much less.


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2 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Please post the similar games, I'm quite sure they are not. But that isn't here nor there, TFP did have almost nothing to do with that version and would have to invest large resources for minimal gain to do anything about it. I have read a lot of posts here, many console players expect a new version on console to have the same features as the PC version and anything less will not work. TFP chose the only practicable way, wait for their PC game to be finished and let someone else do the porting to consoles that are really able to run a very demanding voxel game, and that will likely be only the new consoles.


They didn't hire a proofreader, they licenced the book to a different writer who rewrote the story in large parts. TFP was NOT the boss of Telltale.


Sales likely are a trickle by now, all the big sales usually are directly when a game is published first. Is it different with your books? If you published a book, half your income will probably be made the first few months, then it is a loong long spell of single sales. As Roland said in one of the cited articles, they didn't get the rights to make mounts of cash, expected sales are usually already priced into the minimum bid the auction wants. They bought the rights back for control, to be able to relicence it to a new publisher that will make a version for the new consoles. 


Since you think the old game is such a cash cow: Why didn't a different company just bid over TFP to get the loads of cash TFP is getting now? This is usually why auctions are done: The pressure of multiple bidders makes sure that almost the price is paid for something that it really is worth and not much less.


day z and grounded are two open world survival/sandbox games that had similar problems. i have played them since beta. 

and as a writer i know most sells come in the first year but that trickle isn't small. we even have a petition with tens of thousands of signatures requesting the updates and that started last year. the game is not dead on console it is still a large seller. if it isnt making them any money why dont the reduce the cost to show the value of the game maybe .99 cents. still i wont buy a console game from them again. its not that they haven't made any patches they haven't even made an effort at all. i wont spend my money on a company that has no pride in their own products. 

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7 minutes ago, Thadmagic said:

so because it would be hard they are exempt from doing it even though a large portion of their funds come from console players. i mean i guess all those games that have patches every few months must pay a lot...... yea nope. and old consoles were talking xbox one not the 360. if they really want to put if off their shoulders they could farm it out but then they wouldn't get the same amount from console sales. everyone knows they are just using the console to pad their account for funds while giving nothing back to their players. they are more than happy to open new projects but still refuse to spend a dime on console players. all i know is that if funpips every has another console game i wont buy it because they have shown they they just dont care about their own products. 


Yeah, yeah loads of cash. If you sell a licence you only get a small part of the money, especially when the licencee has to do a lot of work for porting and was doing all the publishing and also draws up the contract. So I would say they got at least 10 times the money from a PC player than from a console player when telltale was still alive and the game was sold to about 80-90% of its market share


And as I explained above much of the further sales will already be included in the price they had to auction for. I don't know if TFP are in the negatives or positives with console money, but I'm pretty sure it can't be very much. And there is no way to do anything to the old console version that doesn't cost them much more money that they never will recoup and that won't make console players happy anyway. A small patch won't work because console players will want ALL features of the PC version, And a full port of the current PC version on the old consoles will not work because the hardware is just not able to deal with the amount of data this voxel game is shoveling around. I see players here on the PC side complain about performance problems with 4 year old PCs.


If they do a patch for xbox one, what will the 360 players say? Or the playstation players. Is the xbox one good enough? Nobody knows, not even TFP: They would need to do a lot of work just to find out.




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2 minutes ago, meganoth said:


Yeah, yeah loads of cash. If you sell a licence you only get a small part of the money, especially when the licencee has to do a lot of work for porting and was doing all the publishing and also draws up the contract. So I would say they got at least 10 times the money from a PC player than from a console player when telltale was still alive and the game was sold to about 80-90% of its market share


And as I explained above much of the further sales will already be included in the price they had to auction for. I don't know if TFP are in the negatives or positives with console money, but I'm pretty sure it can't be very much. And there is no way to do anything to the old console version that doesn't cost them much more money that they never will recoup and that won't make console players happy anyway. A small patch won't work because console players will want ALL features of the PC version, And a full port of the current PC version on the old consoles will not work because the hardware is just not able to deal with the amount of data this voxel game is shoveling around. I see players here on the PC side complain about performance problems with 4 year old PCs.


If they do a patch for xbox one, what will the 360 players say? Or the playstation players. Is the xbox one good enough? Nobody knows, not even TFP: They would need to do a lot of work just to find out.




the game was never on 360. still im done arguing on here. i have checked on hopefully updates for years now and i just done with funpimps now as are a lot of other players i know. there were ten of thousands of us who would have payed a kickstarter to fund the updates for console but most of us have just reached the end of caring. just like computer games console gamers are religious about out games just look at the xbox/ps war. even ten years from now if funpimps wants to break into the console market again it will be harder because we will always remember how they treated us this time.  

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21 hours ago, Thadmagic said:

day z and grounded are two open world survival/sandbox games that had similar problems. i have played them since beta. 

and as a writer i know most sells come in the first year but that trickle isn't small. we even have a petition with tens of thousands of signatures requesting the updates and that started last year. the game is not dead on console it is still a large seller. if it isnt making them any money why dont the reduce the cost to show the value of the game maybe .99 cents. still i wont buy a console game from them again. its not that they haven't made any patches they haven't even made an effort at all. i wont spend my money on a company that has no pride in their own products. 


Day Z and Grounded are NOT voxel games, they have limitations in other areas. Most games are limited by the GPU, the graphic card. 7d2d is limited by CPU and data transfer speed, and until Fataal did many many small optimizations in the last two years the rpoblem areas that could at any time incur a performance spike were distributed all over the code base.


Did you read Rolands posts at all? Pricing seems to be decided by the console shops, TFP has nothing to do with it. This may be different than with for example ebay, amazon or steam because those shops have different deals with their traders (they licence shop infrastructure instead of offering the wares themselves). Console shops probably work like the rest of the traditional market where you sell the product to the shop owner and the shop owner then decides where to place it in his shop and what price to set up. According to Roland TFP was never contacted by any of the console companies, which would indicate those companies don't work like steam/amazon/ebay


21 hours ago, Thadmagic said:

the game was never on 360. still im done arguing on here. i have checked on hopefully updates for years now and i just done with funpimps now as are a lot of other players i know. there were ten of thousands of us who would have payed a kickstarter to fund the updates for console but most of us have just reached the end of caring. just like computer games console gamers are religious about out games just look at the xbox/ps war. even ten years from now if funpimps wants to break into the console market again it will be harder because we will always remember how they treated us this time.  

Ah, I thought you were talking about xbox one and its small upgrade, xbox one X. So why did you bring up xbox 360? And yes, xbox one aka the old console series is old by now. Its CPU is so old you can not really play the current PC game on a PC with a similar CPU, even with everything turned down. I myself bought a new PC specifically for this game because I could not play the game anymore with a much better CPU (similar age but double the base clock) than the xbox one has.


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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On 7/3/2021 at 7:46 AM, Thadmagic said:

day z and grounded are two open world survival/sandbox games that had similar problems. i have played them since beta. 

and as a writer i know most sells come in the first year but that trickle isn't small. we even have a petition with tens of thousands of signatures requesting the updates and that started last year. the game is not dead on console it is still a large seller. if it isnt making them any money why dont the reduce the cost to show the value of the game maybe .99 cents. still i wont buy a console game from them again. its not that they haven't made any patches they haven't even made an effort at all. i wont spend my money on a company that has no pride in their own products. 



To be exact, you didn't buy a console game from TFP in the first place, so you are correct - you definitely won't buy a console game from them again.  Unless they release two more, in which case you might do.

Edited by Crater Creator
D6 Unsolicited critique on writing quality (see edit history)
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