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[A19] khzmusik's modlets


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1 hour ago, Doomblade3890 said:

Hey I have an issue when trying to load a saved world. I had to change the boot folder for 7DTD on STEAM (to an SSD from an HDD) and now I'm getting these error messages when trying to load up the world. I'm running the NPC mods and their respective POI mods too.spacer.png


It looks like something major messed up when you moved the boot folder. I don't know what process you used to do this. If you did it through Steam then I'm guessing that's the root cause of the problems - it probably removed (or failed to move) a bunch of stuff that the modlets require to function.


The yellow warning messages mean that it can't find the required modlet dependencies. The red error means that something was trying to be added with the same name/ID as something that already exists.  (It could be anything, since that's a standard C# error.)


Since the console warnings refer to NPCPack, not CreaturePack, I'm assuming you're using the modlets that require custom C# code. If you're doing that, I strongly recommend you use the Mod Launcher for this. You should be able to set the directory where it copies the game files, so you should be able to use your SSD.


If you're not doing that, then you used some other method to compile the modlets, and I'm not sure what it was. I always use the Mod Launcher myself so I'm not sure how much I can help you.


If you haven't done so already, make a backup of your saved game world. Then, use the Mod Launcher to create an entirely new game copy, with whichever modlets you already were using. Then try loading up the save game again. If that doesn't work, you might be out of luck.


EDIT: Also, in situations like these, it's a good idea to provide the entire log output. It's usually in [game folder]/7DaysToDie_Data/output_log.txt, but there may also be a log with a specific date. You can upload it to something like pastebin and add a link, since I think the forum software doesn't allow text file attachments. (If you're using the Mod Launcher it can do this for you.)

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Hi Khzmusik, I use your edit modlet for the creature pack and also your new zombie pack. Like both very much.


One thing noticed ingame which is probably related to the creature pack (not your edits) is that the zombies do not catch fire. When hit vanilla Z with lit torch for example, it will catch fire usually within 4 hits. For the zombies from creature pack they do not. 


I appreciate probably their issue to fix not yours but as you know what to do with edits and your own zombie models, would you be able to fix this in any future update?

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4 hours ago, nickuk01 said:

Hi Khzmusik, I use your edit modlet for the creature pack and also your new zombie pack. Like both very much.


One thing noticed ingame which is probably related to the creature pack (not your edits) is that the zombies do not catch fire. When hit vanilla Z with lit torch for example, it will catch fire usually within 4 hits. For the zombies from creature pack they do not. 


I appreciate probably their issue to fix not yours but as you know what to do with edits and your own zombie models, would you be able to fix this in any future update?


That's a new one for me. I recently played a horde night with my own zombies, which were made following Xyth's instructions, and they at least looked like they were set on fire (by molotovs). I did not try with a torch however.


I am asking in the Discord forums. If there is a solution that involves XML, I will make it. If it needs Unity to fix, I can't, since I don't have access to the raw assets.


EDIT: Just to make sure I understand, and that you checked... These are zombies from the Creature Pack, correct? Not the zombies that are versions of the game's UMA archetypes, nor the new zombies I made in Unity.

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So, I had a conversation about this in the CreaturePack Discord channel.


Short version: it's not something I can get to work with TFP flames, but you can use the 2-CharacterEffectsPack and it will add its own flames.


Long version:


Somewhere in an A19 patch update, flames on entities requires the model to be read/write. Unfortunately, in Unity, I can't find any way to set this except when first importing an FBX. In the "usual" zombie creation workflow, this is very early in the process - before you add ragdoll colliders, gore objects, tags, textures, and so forth.


This step is not in any of the tutorials, so I didn't even know I had to do it. So, in order to fix this, I would have to start all over with each zombie. That's a pretty time-consuming process, and to be frank, I'm not willing to do it at this point. I'll probably have to mostly start over anyway once A20 drops, so if it still needs to be done, I'll do it then.


But, this did affect nearly all of the existing entities in the creature packs, so Xyth made a workaround and put it into the Character Effects Pack. Basically he uses a new flame particle, and attaches that to any entity with a "cp" tag, which includes my zombies.


It's not as good as TFP though, IMHO. There's a flame centered around the hips, and some smoke that floats maybe a foot above the entities' heads. Also, the effects pack has some other stuff, like a revamped sound system and an infection/cure system for NPCs, which I don't use, and you might or might not want. So, I'll leave it to you to see if you want to use it.


That's about the best I can do.

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6 hours ago, khzmusik said:

But, this did affect nearly all of the existing entities in the creature packs, so Xyth made a workaround and put it into the Character Effects Pack. Basically he uses a new flame particle, and attaches that to any entity with a "cp" tag, which includes my zombies.


With the kind help of @bdubyah in the Discord channel, I found a way to do the same thing with the vanilla "burning barrel" particle. So, no new Unity assets are needed; it doesn't interfere with the flame effect on vanilla zombies; and it actually looks pretty decent IMHO.


I'm going to add the code to my own Unity zombies modlet, but it should also put flame effects on the CP entities as well. (EDIT- or maybe my zombie "adjustments modlet, it might make more sense there.)


I'll make the changes and push to the repo, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. It's late where I am and I need sleep. :)

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This fix is now live. I put the "new" flame effect into the 0-CreaturePackZombies_khzmusik_Adjustments modlet. It should apply flames to any CreaturePack entities, and my own zombies created in Unity.


The new version is 1.0.1 and is on the master branch now. If you're using the Mod Launcher, the new version should show up soon.

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OMG Khzmusik thank you so much for such fast work and trouble you went to. Amazing.


I have installed update. FYI in the mod launcher the modlet screen is out of sync as it says for both your new zombies modlet and adjustments to creature pack modlet that updates are available. However,  it says I have v1.0.1 installed for both and 1.0.0 is available which is, of course, the older version. May need to make SphereII aware.

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34 minutes ago, nickuk01 said:

OMG Khzmusik thank you so much for such fast work and trouble you went to. Amazing.


I have installed update. FYI in the mod launcher the modlet screen is out of sync as it says for both your new zombies modlet and adjustments to creature pack modlet that updates are available. However,  it says I have v1.0.1 installed for both and 1.0.0 is available which is, of course, the older version. May need to make SphereII aware.

I noticed that too, but didn't know if it was due to my dev environment. I'll let him know. There is a new version written in Unity, and he's probably spending all his time on that.

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below are two things i discovered while creating UMA zombies for my enZombies mod. it's listed in my "known issues" section of my enZombies mod page, and I believe this would apply to your UMA archetype zombies:


- UMA zombies don't catch fire from torch attacks. However, they do burn and suffer damage from molotov cocktails, flaming arrows/bolts. The flame effects just don't visually show on their bodies.


- UMA zombies don't get shocked when walking into electric fence traps. However, they occasionally get shocked while knocked down on the fence. Stun batons shock the zombies just fine though.

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On 10/22/2021 at 2:37 PM, ErrorNull said:

below are two things i discovered while creating UMA zombies for my enZombies mod. it's listed in my "known issues" section of my enZombies mod page, and I believe this would apply to your UMA archetype zombies:


- UMA zombies don't catch fire from torch attacks. However, they do burn and suffer damage from molotov cocktails, flaming arrows/bolts. The flame effects just don't visually show on their bodies.


- UMA zombies don't get shocked when walking into electric fence traps. However, they occasionally get shocked while knocked down on the fence. Stun batons shock the zombies just fine though.


This flame issue sounds like exactly the same problem with the fire particle that plagued the non-UMA characters.


I made a fix for this in my "zombie adjustments" modlet, which was adapted from something Xyth did in his character effects modlet. It appends a new effect to the "on fire" buff, that puts a vanilla flame particle on the model's "Hips" bone. It only targets entities with a specific tag - Xyth's NPCs have the "cp" tag for this purpose.


I haven't yet tested it, but since UMA zombies use the vanilla controller, which requires the same bone structure as the non-UMA models, I assume they also have a "Hips" bone so it should work.


Here's the XML that I added in buffs.xml. You could try adapting it:

<insertAfter xpath="//buff[@name='buffIsOnFire']/effect_group[@name='run particles, cleanup']">
    <effect_group name="run particles for customs, cleanup">
        <!-- This uses a tag named "cp" but you can use whatever tag you like -->
        <requirement name="EntityTagCompare" tags="cp" />
        <!-- The burning barrel particle seems to work best, visually -->
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffStart" action="AttachParticleEffectToEntity" particle="p_burning_barrel" local_offset="0,-1,0" parent_transform="Hips" />
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfEnteredGame" action="AttachParticleEffectToEntity" particle="p_burning_barrel" local_offset="0,-1,0" parent_transform="Hips" />
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffRemove" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_burning_barrel" />
        <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="RemoveParticleEffectFromEntity" particle="p_burning_barrel" />


You'll need to add whatever tag to all the zombies in your mod (Xyth uses "cp" and you could reuse that, but it could be anything).


The electricity issue is new to me though. Electricity still uses the same particle code as it always has, AFAIK, so I don't know how to fix that.

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6 hours ago, khzmusik said:

The electricity issue is new to me though. Electricity still uses the same particle code as it always has, AFAIK, so I don't know how to fix that.


I just tested this. It's not what I thought it was.


I thought you meant that the UMA zombies were still shocked, but the shock effect didn't show on them. That's not it. From my tests, it seems like UMA zombies just walk right on through electric fences as if they don't exist.


That seems like some kind of collision issue. I don't know what the UMA assets use for colliders, but it looks like they're not what the electric fence wires are looking for.


If this can be fixed at all, I don't think it can be fixed without either custom code or custom assets. Either of these would make the UMA zombies non-server-side-only, which I think is a lot of their appeal. So, I'm not sure what to tell you, unfortunately.

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@khzmusik awesome i try that flame fix on my enzombies when i get the chance. but yea, the electric shock one is strange. they pass right through the electric wires... BUT occasionally the will get shocked if they are knocked down while touching the wires. i don't expect the issue can easily be fixed. it's not a super bid deal for me though. cheers.

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On 10/25/2021 at 6:54 PM, ate0ate said:

Is this the same collision issue that causes some zombies to be invulnerable to being driven over with vehicles?


EDIT: Xyth has confirmed that the electric fences do use the "Collider" object, just as the vehicles do. So, you are right, it is the same issue.


The issue is caused by the lack of a "Collider" object on the model (that's actually what the object is called, not just what it does). That object is present on my Unity zombies, and should be on the CreaturePack zombies as well. I don't know if it's on the model that is used for UMA.


Xyth talks about it here (about seven minutes in): 


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10 minutes ago, GarglingGlass said:

How do I completely remove the behemoth? 


I assume that you are using my 0-CreaturePackZombies_khzmusik_Adjustments modlet?


If so - look at the bottom of entitygroups.xml. Comment out, or remove, these lines:

    <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[starts-with(@name, 'feralHordeStage')]/entity[@name='zombieDemolition']">
        <entity name="zombieBehemoth" prob=".25" />


I also just noticed that they are set to spawn in blood moon nights with feral cops and wights. To remove those, go to the entitygroups.xml file in the 0-CreaturePackZombies modlet, and remove or comment out these lines:


	<insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'feralHordeStageGS')]/entity[@name='zombieFatCopFeral']">
		<entity name="zombieBehemoth" prob=".25" />
	<insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup[ starts-with(@name, 'feralHordeStageGS')]/entity[@name='zombieWightFeral']">
		<entity name="zombieBehemoth" prob=".25" />


You could also do this through XPath if you make your own modlet - that way you won't have to keep doing this every time you update the CreaturePack modlets. If so, simply put this code into a file called entitygroups.xml in your own modlet:


  <remove xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name='zombieBehemoth']" />


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6 hours ago, Souhank said:

i have this big red error and the yellow ones, when i remove trader lore, the error is gone. note: i download trader lore 3 times cuz my internet is poop but that is not the problem apparently



The red error is because the loot group added in the Trader Lore modlet is placed later in the XML file than the loot container used for air drops. Since the XML file is parsed top to bottom, if there is a reference to something later in the file, it breaks.


This shouldn't happen with the vanilla loot.xml file. Do you have any other modlets installed, which add a loot group, and are loaded before the Trader Lore modlet? If so, it's probably just appending its loot group to the end of the file, and that is causing the Trader Lore modlet to append its loot group afterwards.


I will push a patch to Trader Lore that will change how it appends its own loot group, so that it doesn't blindly append it after the last loot group in the file. In the meantime, if you do have another modlet installed that appends a loot group, try uninstalling that modlet to see if the issue goes away.


The yellow warnings are a different issue. My guess is that you have the khzmusik_Human_Factions_Prefabs_NPCPackHumans modlet installed, but you didn't install the khzmusik_Human_Factions_Prefabs modlet. The former is dependent upon the latter, and doesn't do anything without it. Either that, or you also have the khzmusik_Human_Factions_Prefabs_CreaturePackHumans modlet installed, and you can't have both (and don't need both).

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I'm testing the trader lore patch and it seems to work fine, sorry but I have 84 mod folders and I'm very lazy and I hardly have time to look at which of those mods the incompatibility is.


About the Yellow Warnigs, you were right about and don't need both.


I send you the capture of the mods activated in DMT.


and i have a new yellow warnigs.

dmt compo.png


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12 hours ago, Souhank said:

I'm testing the trader lore patch and it seems to work fine, sorry but I have 84 mod folders and I'm very lazy and I hardly have time to look at which of those mods the incompatibility is.


About the Yellow Warnigs, you were right about and don't need both.


I send you the capture of the mods activated in DMT.


and i have a new yellow warnigs.

dmt compo.png



The first warning is from another modlet, Smitty's Armor, so I can't help with that.


The next three are expected and can be ignored. I remove any existing factions with the same names as the ones I'm adding, just in case other modlets also add them (and Xyth's modlet does add the "whisperers" and "vault" factions). If nobody else added those factions, then there is nothing to remove, hence the warnings.


EDIT: Supposedly A20 will handle warnings like these better, so hopefully they'll be gone when the A20 versions come out.

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These days I have been playing the mod npc version, and it seems that it works very well, I have already completed several missions of whiteriver, incredible work, thank you very much for your effort. I only ask for one thing, list of prefabs for nitrogen. 



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On 11/11/2021 at 9:44 PM, Souhank said:

These days I have been playing the mod npc version, and it seems that it works very well, I have already completed several missions of whiteriver, incredible work, thank you very much for your effort. I only ask for one thing, list of prefabs for nitrogen. 




Done. I didn't add one before, because I didn't think anyone was still using NitroGen, I thought everyone had moved to KingGen.


It's now pushed to the master branch, so it should show up in the Mod Launcher soon. Or, here's a direct link to the file:


You'll need to append it to the end of an existing NitroGen prefablist.txt file (since I don't know what other prefabs you're using). 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @khzmusik,


I wanted to use the automechanic trader and was also happy that it could work. However, it does not work so well for me with placing him.


I wanted to place the trader via the debug menu / spawn menu inside the game, but he does not appear there.

Do I have to pay attention to something special?


I have used the current version from the gitlab cloned.

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