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are divots appearing in the road over time?


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Places on the road that seemed to be smooth when I had my bicycle and mini bike now have cup shaped troughs in them. They are a real pain on my motorcycle. Perhaps they were there all the time and I just didn't notice him because I had slower transportation.

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7 hours ago, Maharin said:

If the road is on very flat ground you can use wood frames to  help flatten it back out.  Don't try it on sloping roads, though.  :p


For what it’s worth, that’s what’s causing the divots in the first place.  Destroying a car ‘block’ is leveling off the underlying terrain, the same as if you’d laid down wooden frames in that spot.  Even a very flat road may be raised uniformly a half meter above the cutoff between voxels, so you can go down a rabbit hole of placing more and more frames and still having a bump.


We could sure use a good terrain smoothing tool.  Even in the prefab editor, slopes are a messy proposition.

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2 hours ago, Crater Creator said:


For what it’s worth, that’s what’s causing the divots in the first place.  Destroying a car ‘block’ is leveling off the underlying terrain, the same as if you’d laid down wooden frames in that spot.  Even a very flat road may be raised uniformly a half meter above the cutoff between voxels, so you can go down a rabbit hole of placing more and more frames and still having a bump.


We could sure use a good terrain smoothing tool.  Even in the prefab editor, slopes are a messy proposition.


Something like the hoe in Valheim would be great.

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