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TERMS OF USE modification(mod) "CLASSIC Style HARDCORE" based on the game "7 Days to Die"



DOWNLOAD for A21.2 (b30) CSH v21.2.12 


Pay attention: if you install a new version on top of the previous one, then first erase the "Prefabs_CSH" folder, so that files from the previous version do not connect!


日本語訳作成: ちびにゃ, ひろけーえぬえぬ, はぴろう


Check out the website https://7daystodiemods.com for more mods!

Check out the website https://hapirouinfo.jp to more Japanese translations for other mods! 







These Great Tools used to create this mod:

"Prefab Editor" (Thanks Pillle)

"UABE" (Thanks DerPopo)

"Hal's Prefab Editor" (Thanks HAL9000)



I also decided to open access to the old version of the mod so that anyone could compare the potential of A16 vs. A21:
A16.4  CSH v16.4.25с  



my first Original thread (credits and old additional info)

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------------- TERMS OF USE modification(mod) "CLASSIC Style HARDCORE" based on the game "7 Days to Die":   --------------------------------------------------
1. Content created by the author of the mod or third parties, which NOT based on the developments of "The Fun Pimps" - belongs to the creators of this content.
2. The terms below do not apply to the owners of the game "The Fun Pimps", as they already have the right to use their own content or code, including those that were created on the basis of their development.

    The author of this mod does not mind that "The Fun Pimps" use any ideas or materials from this mod to improve the quality of the Game "7 Days to Die".
3. You can use the mod, change or take any of the content for personal use outside of the public - without permission.
4. You can use the mod without changes (as is) on public servers for non-commercial purposes or show the gameplay - without permission.
5. To use the mod in public, or create a public server with changes in the configuration files xml, txt, dll or other resources - you must ask the author of the mod for permission.
6. If you want to publicly use any materials or content from this mod outside of this mod, you must ask the author of the mod for permission.




---------------- УСЛОВИЯ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ модификации(мода) "CLASSIC Style HARDCORE" на основе игры "7 Days to Die": -----------------------------------------------------
1. Контент созданный автором мода или третьими лицами,  НЕ на основе разработок "The Fun Pimps" - принадлежит создателям этого контента.
2. Условия ниже - не касаются владельцев игры "The Fun Pimps", т.к. они и так имеют право пользоваться принадлежащими им контентом или кодом, в т.ч теми, что были созданы на основе их разработок. Автор этого мода не против чтобы "The Fun Pimps" использовали любые идеи или материалы из этого мода для улучшения качества игры "7 Days to Die".
3. Вы можете использовать мод, изменять или брать любой контент для личного пользования вне публики - без разрешения. 
4. Вы можете использовать мод без изменений (как есть) на публичных серверах в некоммерческих целях или показывать игровой процесс - без разрешения.
5. Для пользования модом на публике или создания публичного сервера с изменениями в конфигурационных файлах хмл, txt, dll или других ресурсах  - вы должны спросить разрешение у автора мода.
6. Если вы хотите публично использовать какие либо материалы или контент из этого мода вне этого мода - вы должны спросить разрешение у автора мода.

Edited by n2n1
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Yes...day 4 so far. I feel like I’m in real zombie apocalypse. 😎 mostly have to sit quiet and still at night..


Storage and organization is very important in your mod. Makes sense and awesome 


Still trying to figure out building system but I like the complexity. I drank too much coffee on day 2 😂


Thank you for work... 🙏 



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Headed into first horde. Can you explain "hedgehog" shape for spike placement? I can't really tell if theyre working I take no damage when stepping on them. Using log spikes for now... 


This best mod I have played and I played all of them since A14. Thank you...


One thing i miss is level 1-600 tools...good excitment finding one or crafting one 😀


Here is my small shack so far...love using storage that makes sense like water barrel...toolbox..etc. Ive been running around and breaking down logs at night...trying to get buff 💪




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The difference between the "hedgehog" and the other two - is that it can be installed on any surface, unlike the others.... but apparently by your question, You may have just put preform on the ground. They must to be Upgraded.

Also pay attention to other types spikes installation - they work more efficiently, but they are installed only on the terrain.


The 1-600 quality isn't crossed out of my tasks, but i don't have enough experience in C# coding to get it back....


(if You have a wrench, You can just disassemble and obtain the "wood burning stove" to put it at home :)).

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  • 3 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Cass said:

I cannot tell you how excited I am to try this mod.    I've been so discouraged with the over simplification of recent releases.  Thank you for wanting to revitalize the "old ways"   :D

Thanks! :)


 I've been working on a big update in this time.  I want to release it, but i'm waiting for A 19.3 in stable ;)

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I didn't play in the early days.  Can anyone give me some idea what I'll be getting into playing this mod?  It looks really interesting.  From reading the thread above, I like the idea of only learning skills from finding books.  I was thinking about making a mod removing the skills trees myself.  My friends were asking if there is a feature list for this mod somewhere?

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Some description can be read in my old topic:

but this is already a bit outdated...

The mod significantly changes the gameplay, so, creating a list of features or differences - can be a fundamentally wrong thing.

Basically, the essence of the mod will be clear to those people who played in A12 or earlier, and who were disappointed by modern changes.

The usual style of playing modern vanilla will not work here for sure. The mod is very complex for the initial understanding and therefore will immediately alienate those who do not like to understand.

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